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心理学研究表明,在人们的日常交往中,听占45%,说占30%,读占16%,写占9%。可见,听说是人们交流思想的主要形式,而中学语文教学也历来强调口语教学。 相似文献
"Qian-Yuan, as the original power, is vast. It is the source of energy needed tbr all living things, and it dominates the universe."- I Ching: The Book of Changes China International Fashion Week opened amid much fanfare on October 25, 2013. During the opening ceremony, many celebrities and prominent people, who were wearing fashionable and luxurious clothes, gathered in the Banquet Hall of Beijing Hotel. For the 13th consecutive year, NEoTIGER, a high-end fashion brand, hosted the opening ceremony of China Fashion Week. 相似文献
Two grand shows, one each to celebrate the opening of NE-TIGER's two shops, were held in Beijing on November 9, 2013. With both shows, NE·TIGER again impressed the city. On October 25, during China Fashion Week, the company caused a sensation when it hosted the 2014 "Great Yuan" Haute Couture Fashion Show. 相似文献
本文以中职模具制造技术专业为例,在传统教学模式的基础上,根据专业特点,提出了“企业课堂·岗位学制”人才培养模式,阐述并分析了该模式在实践应用中的要点,并总结了应用该模式所取得的成果。 相似文献
李梦霞 《青春岁月:学术版》2022,(2):64-66
<正>2020年伊始,新冠疫情突袭全球,线下演出停滞,但疫情下的河南戏曲人"以艺抗疫",依托互联网开展"云练功"、"云排练"、"直播互动"等线上文艺活动,继续传播戏曲文化。戏曲"线上见"不单单是疫情的传播策略,更是时代发展的必然趋势。疫情防控常态化,后疫情时代戏曲人如何在新阶段实现线上、线下的联动,实现高品质的"云直播",应当成为戏曲工作者重视的新课题。 相似文献
金秋合肥,丹桂飘香。在全国上下深入贯彻全国职教工作会议精神之际,安徽省职业与成人教育学会2014年年会暨“中国·安徽职教论坛”在合肥拉开帷幕。中共安徽省委教育工委委员、安徽省教育厅副厅长解平,省职成教学会会长金辉,副会长李兴旺、徐建平、计宝忠等领导出席了会议。学会常务理事、理事,各分支机构负责人以及获奖论文代表共260多人参加会议。会议由省教育厅职成处处长、省职成教学会秘书长朱彤主持。 相似文献