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王胜永  骆潇 《职业》2010,(4):74-75
王彬彬是一个典型的东北女孩,个性爽朗、说话直快、做事利落。记者一到,她就兴致勃勃带着记者参观了她的公司,如数家珍地介绍起她的八音盒:“这些是木制系列的,那些是蛋雕系列、转马系列的,各种类型可以专门定做刻字,配置各种音乐……”谈起八音盒,王彬彬永远有说不完的话题,言谈举止问透露出自信、自强与自豪。  相似文献   

姚利在美容事业上的蒸蒸日上超过了身边的人当初对她的评估。她创造了属于自己的“姚利技法”,成立了集产品、美容、美体、“姚利技法”专利美容培训为一体的“姚利疗肤美容机构”。“姚利疗肤美容”先后被中华全国工商业联合会美容化妆品商会特别推荐为中国美容名品、名师、名店;被中国消费者协会评定为首批“放心美容院”、“最佳美容院”;2001年——2004年被省消费者协会评选为美容化妆品业惟一一家“诚信单位”。她开发的美容功效性产品“瑞美迪”系列推向市场,无论是从产品的质量、效果、性价比,都得到了业界的一致好评,并获得“科技创…  相似文献   

2007年10月24日,“嫦娥一号”在西昌卫星发射中心成功发射,这是继神舟系列飞船成功后,中国又一次太空之旅。在古城南京,一双浑浊的双眼在时刻注视着电视,她就是“嫦娥一号”总设计师兼发射总指挥叶培建的母亲周忠秀。泪眼婆娑中,她讲述了和六旬儿子的别样亲情。  相似文献   

张临军 《职业》2013,(28):4-6
她曾是一家电力国企的白领,因痴迷美丽的文字而选择“流浪”。她6年写出13部畅销书,成为80后女作家青春文学的新领军人物,并独创了“暖伤青春”系列女性情感小说。2013年上半年,她的小说《致青春》被改编成电影搬上银幕,超过《泰圃》创下7亿票房奇迹。2013年7月上旬,她的新作《蚀心者》的影视改编权刚刚卖出,价钱达到惊人的7位数!  相似文献   

新加坡华裔张秀群女士作为“女性世界”创始人,极力策划和推动“女性世界”从新加坡走到中国,并且首次以“华人精英女性大奖”的形式来鼓励和表彰华人精英女性。她致力于将“女性世界”作成女性的“奥斯卡”,包罗女性社会生活的方方面面。在张秀群女士多年的努力和多方的支持下,“女性世界”主题活动成为第一个专门以展示女性风采、弘扬女性力量为宗旨的系列活动。而她,也无疑是一位具有创新精神、自信而又优雅的女性典范。  相似文献   

84岁高龄、全球最老的职业模特——卡门·戴尔·奥利菲斯日前拍摄的一组健身系列大片曝光,这位“冰山女王”以无人可敌的气场再次惊艳了我们.银发是她特有的标签,优雅是她独有的特质,这个连时间都拿她无可奈何的女人告诉我们:年龄不是美丽的敌人!  相似文献   

她曾是一家电力国企的白领,因痴迷美丽的文字而选择“流浪”。她6年写出13部畅销书,成为80后女作家青春文学的新领军人物,并独创了“暖伤青春”系列女性情感小说。2013年上半年,她的小说《致青春》被改编成电影搬上银幕,超过《泰囧》创下7亿票房奇迹。2013年7月上旬,她的新作《蚀心者》的影视改编权刚刚卖出,价钱达到惊人的7位数!  相似文献   

我的奶奶戴洵是一位离休老干部。她在参加革命前只读过初中,后来凭着顽强的自学,又借担任大学系党总支书记的便利进课堂旁听,提高了文化水平和文学素养。她喜欢钻研中国古典名著,对《红楼梦》情有独钟,发表过一系列“红学”论文,圆了“半个红学家”之梦。离休后,有了充裕的时间,她迷上了创作,先是写点短文章,后便踌躇满志地向“大部头”进军。在短短的几年里,她写出了34万字的长篇小说《西来桥》和题为《军营之恋》的系列回忆小说第一部《沂蒙之恋》。后者是在爷爷逝世以后,奶奶强忍悲痛,以超人的毅力完成的,显得尤为可贵。…  相似文献   

海峡两岸“社会福利与社区建设”研讨班在上海举行 由中国社会工作者协会主办、上海社会工作者协会协办的海峡两岸“社会福利与社区建设”研讨班于1998年5月11日至17日在上海举行。来自全国13个省(区)市社会工作者协会、大专院校社会工作专业、民政部门及共青团的60余位代表,参加了研讨班的讲座及参观活动。由中国社会工作者协会邀请的“海峡两岸社会福利学术交流访问团”的7位台湾教授及大陆著名社会学学者华东师范大学桂世勋教授、吴铎教授、复旦大学谢遐龄教授,围绕着“社会福利与社区建设”主题发表了演讲。 研讨班采取演讲与参观相结合的方式,使两岸学者和代表在较短的时间里,对两岸共同文化传统下的社会福利制度有了比较深入的了解,同时也探讨了国际社会福利与社区建设的发展趋势、社会工作理念与价值观、社会救助与福利服务的运行以及福利法规的建设等问题。(孙莹)  相似文献   

雕塑艺术家李秀勤有过一段近乎失明的经历,这场危机令她认识到盲人这个群体一直以来被视觉艺术彻底排斥在外。此后,她将盲文中的“点”作为自己的艺术符号,通过创作盲文系列雕塑作品,让盲人触摸艺术,让普通人走进盲人的世界。  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》2005,19(2):241-256
In 1960, Del Webb launched a grand social experiment: the nation's first large-scale ‘active adult’ community, Sun City, Arizona. Forty-four years hence, it is instructive to take stock of Sun City and its progeny. This paper excavates the social and cultural significance of age-restricted retirement communities, drawing on the voices of Sun City residents. Three tropes are revealed in interviews with Sun Citians about community and community life: birds of a feather, idyllic havens, and fortress mentality. Retirement communities display a striking dialectic, as they are places rich in meaning and collective identity in aging and, simultaneously, places of separation that speak to the potency of age, social class, and ethnicity as social borders. Retirement enclaves served as forerunners in the proliferation of master-planned, lifestyle communities that engender both resident well-being and social fragmentation in metropolitan America.  相似文献   

自1996年在西安建起第—个太阳村开始,张淑琴通过十九年的不懈努力,在北京、河南、江西、辽宁等地又建起八个太阳村,超过6000名服刑人员子女在太阳村找到了依靠和应属于他们的爱。  相似文献   

This study examines the online expression of Chinese social networking site (SNS) users in a human brand crisis. Using the case of Sun Yang’s doping allegations controversy, the research employed content analysis to examine how Chinese users rendered social support and acted as surrogate crisis responders for Sun in a collectivist Chinese culture. The results indicate that (1) Sun’s supporters were most likely to display emotional support, and this pattern continued over time, (2) Chinese SNS users were inclined to implement the reputational defense strategies of attacking the accuser, denial, and reminding in response to their hero’s case, and (3) the prevalence of the three defense strategies varied over time. Theoretical and managerial implications are provided regarding how parasocial relationship with the accused human brand and in-group/out-group differentiation affect SNS users’ online expressions of social support and reputational defense in the Chinese culture.  相似文献   

Studies on ethnic minorities for the Republican period (1912–1949) highlight the political agency these groups displayed in their negotiations with the modern Chinese state. Most of this work has focused on those non-Han groups officially recognized as part of the Five-Race Republic (wuzu gonghe). Little is known, however, about those excluded from the early Republic’s flag such as the Yi inhabiting southwest China. This article discusses the role played by a group of Yi leaders who engaged with Sun Yat-sen’s ideology of nationalism, racial equality, and anti-imperialism in their attempts to obtain both recognition and aid from the Chinese nation–state. Rather than rejecting the commonly used term to identify China’s non-Han population of ‘weak and small races’ present in Sun Yat-sen’s ideology, Yi elites appropriated this term to their advantage seeking aid from the Guomindang but at the same time placing boundaries to what they perceived to be a Han-centered state.  相似文献   

王继红 《职业时空》2012,(3):154-155,158
孙中山的人学思想产生于19世纪末20世纪初的近代中国,是在其"致力国民革命四十年,求中国之自由平等"的斗争实践中逐渐形成的。它内涵丰富、意蕴深远,涉及互助人性论、民生观、自由平等观、"生元"说以及人生观等方面的内容。探讨发掘孙中山的人学思想中蕴含的积极合理成分,在当代无疑具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

十年前,事业有成的孙生龙放弃工作,成为全职父亲。陪读十年,女儿孙同同终于在拉小提琴方面成绩突出,屡屡出国演出、比赛,获得不少荣誉放弃工作成为全职父亲,并且不惜欠下百万外债,孙生龙为女儿的小提琴之梦倾尽全力的同时,他所选择的道路也引来了一片争议之声。  相似文献   

"This article examines the growing concentration of the elderly Jewish population of the U.S. in one metropolitan region of the Sun Belt. The principal data sources used are U.S. Census counts of the population with a Yiddish mother tongue or speaking Yiddish at home, as well as 1980 data on the population of Russian ancestry. The limitations of these measures are discussed and data from local community surveys also are presented. The data show that relocation of the elderly from the North, especially to South Florida, has been occurring since the 1950s and accelerated during the 1970s. The need for further study, which may document the migration patterns of elderly members of diverse religions and ethnic groups, is pointed out."  相似文献   

This paper examines why the late 1980s youth subculture Acid House provoked a moral panic of the scale and intensity that it did. The subculture is conceived as presenting a disruptive presence to Thatcherism as an hegemonic project. The terms under which this occurred are examined through the themes of noise, the mob, and the disruption of bureaucratic authority. The presence of Acid House within the English countryside, and in particular the Home Counties, is situated as enhancing the problematic status of the subculture. The scale of measures taken against Acid House is related to Thatcherism's 'authoritarian populism'. Acid House is located in terms of a history of similar forms of popular cultural activity. The coverage of Acid House in The Sun and The Daily Mail, and the parliamentary debate around the second reading of the Entertainments (Increased Penalties) Act, are drawn upon throughout.  相似文献   

周晓虹 《社会学研究》2012,(3):1-22,242
作为20世纪上半叶居于主流地位的社会学综合学派的代表人物,孙本文在其从事研究的近30年间对中国社会学的早期建设做出了突出贡献。留学美国哥伦比亚大学和芝加哥大学的经历直接影响到他从文化和心理因素入手,建构社会学综合学派的学术努力,这使他的学说带有鲜明的文化决定论和心理还原主义的色彩。在社会动荡、战争频仍的年代,孙本文充当了中国社会学建设者和评论者的双重角色,最早尝试用社会学理论来推动苦难中国的社会建设,并致力于创建一种中国化的社会学理论体系。这些努力,既反映了知识分子面对危机时的天真与无奈,也反映了社会学家介入现实时的执拗与不甘。而1949年革命胜利之前由他个人写成的《当代中国社会学》,庶几也就成了即将黯然退场的旧中国社会学家们的集体谢幕词。  相似文献   

This article addresses issues that develop in the conduct of comparative participant observation research. The two groups in which the authors became involved as participant observers were the Unification Church of the Korean evangelist Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the emerging network of organizations involved in the practice of deprogramming. Each group was dedicated to the destruction of the other. Five major methodological problems, common to conducting investigation on single groups, are discussed in the context of researching these two antagonistic groups: 1) role definition and justification; 2) pressures to go native; 3) public pressure to take a stand; 4) evolving commitments; and 5) gaining comparable information and insights. The authors describe their efforts to resolve these problems and maintain a good rapport with both groups. This paper is the product of a joint effort. The order of authorship is random and does not imply any difference in the importance of contributions.  相似文献   

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