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孩子,你只追前一名 聪明的孩子大体相同,小朱成也一样.她自小聪慧伶俐很有自己的主张。5岁多的时候,小朱成上学了,那时她还不叫朱成这个名字。  相似文献   

吉安 《金色年华》2007,(11):32-33
她生下来的时候,我就蹙了眉。她几乎汇集了父母所有的缺点:极淡极细的眉毛,小而无神的眼睛,大大的蒜头鼻子,头发少而黄,O形腿,甚至一双有些粗糙的大脚。但毕竟是自己的孩子,还是宠她爱她,尽可能地用外在的衣饰,弥补她小小的自尊。  相似文献   

本书由香港、大陆、美国三方图书资深人士联手,历时一年半时间精心策划制作,一经推出,就在图书订货会上引起隆重关注,全国各地新华书店纷纷订货。  相似文献   

我今年34岁,老公比我大24岁。我顶着巨大的压力嫁给他,当时觉得自己真的很爱他。可随着孩子的长大,尤其每当他跟孩子在一起,别人都很自然的认为他是孩子爷爷时,我心里就很别扭。现在不但孩子不愿爸爸去接她,我内心也越来越不能接受他。我不敢想象,再过5年、10年、20年,我们会怎样。这些想法我不敢对别人说,藏在心里很痛苦,我该怎么办?“水听老人言吃亏在眼前”,是我真的选错了吗?九江:段红  相似文献   

杨燕 《职业》2009,(12):54-55
现在无论是城里的父母还是乡下的爸妈,大都因为忙于生计,很少顾及孩子到外面“看世界”的心灵渴求,乡下的孩子少有机会去看城市的样子,城里的孩子也不知道什么是真正的大自然。聪明的女孩曲静欣看准这一商机,专门做起进城下乡带孩子到外面“看世界”的独门生意。  相似文献   

本书由香港、大陆、美国三方图书资深人士联手,历时一年半时间精心策划制作,一经推出,就在图书订货会上引起隆重关注,全国各地新华书店纷纷订货。  相似文献   

一个小女孩4岁时,她的家从外地搬到芝加哥郊区的帕克里奇居住。来到这里后,热衷于交朋友的小女孩急于和周同的小朋友打成一片。但事与愿违,邻居的孩子们很排外。其中一个专爱欺负人的大女孩总是对她呼来唤去的。母亲知道后观察了很久。当小女孩又一次哭着回家时,母亲在门口挡住了她的去路,大声地对她说:“这个家里没有胆小鬼的位置。”  相似文献   

中国家长的身上藏着十把刀,家长往往在不知不觉中使用这十把刀,使孩子天生纯真的品性一步步受到伤害。  相似文献   

This paper examines the phenomenon of West African parents living in Europe and North America who send their older children back home: from places of high immigrant aspiration to those of hardship and privation. Drawing on a project on West African immigration to Europe and on previous field studies in Africa, we conclude that West African immigrants fearing the consequences of their children's indiscipline in the West, where racism and hostility can endanger the entire family, may send unruly children back to the home country. In doing so, we believe, they build on long‐standing African disciplinary efforts in hopes of toughening their children's resilience to the challenges in the new place and wait for the risk to dissipate.  相似文献   

It is rare that family members other than the identified patient are followed over time in studies of therapy effectiveness. Family therapy is believed to be effective because it targets processes within the system that maintain symptoms. If these processes are changed, then all family members can benefit. Using a sample of 183 mother–child dyads from a study comparing family therapy for adult substance use versus an attention control, change in child's substance use (tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana) was estimated. Children who participated in family therapy with their mothers showed greater decreases in alcohol and tobacco use and were less likely to begin using compared to children whose mothers participated in the attention control condition.  相似文献   

Studies show that fathers report work–family conflict levels comparable to mothers. The authors examine gender differences in work‐related strategies used to ease such conflicts. The authors also test whether the presence of young children at home shapes parents' use of different strategies. They address these focal questions using panel data from the Canadian Work, Stress, and Health study (N = 306 fathers, 474 mothers). The authors find that mothers with young children are more likely to scale back on work demands when compared with fathers with young children, but mothers and fathers with older children are equally likely to pursue these strategies. Furthermore, women with young children and men with older children are more likely to seek increased schedule control as a result of work–family conflict when compared with their parent counterparts. The authors situate these findings in the vast literature on the consequences of work–family conflict.  相似文献   

Scholars have long examined the effects of family and community on ethnicity, but they have less to say on why some children may be more receptive to the positive influences of ethnic communities than siblings within the same family. As more immigrants struggle to adapt to the needs and demands of the new global economy, many families are turning to alternative caregiving arrangements that significantly impact the long-term ethnic identities of the second generation. The article considers how adult-age children of immigrants negotiate the emotional disconnects created by these varying contexts of care depending on their individual role within the family and how it shapes their views on ethnicity and culture in their own adult lives. The study focuses in-depth on fourteen semi-structured, in-person interviews with adult-age children of Asian immigrant families in the NY-NJ metropolitan area. Depending on their social status, children of immigrants are integrated into their families: as cultural brokers expected to mediate and care for their family members, as familial dependents who rely on their parents for traditional caregiving functions, or as autonomous caretakers who grow up detached from their parents. I argue that because of their intense engagement with family, cultural brokers describe their ethnic-centered experiences as evoking feelings of reciprocated empathy, whereas on the other end, autonomous caretakers associate their parents’ ancestral culture with ethnocentric exclusion. Depending on how they are able to negotiate the cultural divide, familial dependents generally view their parents’ culture and immigrant experiences through the hierarchical lens of emulation.  相似文献   

This study used the Attachment Story Completion Task-Revised (ASCT-R) (Bretherton, Ridgeway, & Cassidy, 1990), a representational measure of attachment security, to examine characteristics of preschool-aged girls' narratives associated with portrayals of attachment to the father. The children's (n = 27) parents had been divorced or legally separated for at least 2 years, and they lived in the primary custody of their mothers. We had previously discovered that girls' responses to the ASCT-R differed from those of boys in unexpected ways. Whereas boys' representations of child-father attachment varied positively with teacher ratings of social behavior in child-care settings, the opposite was the case for girls. Girls who portrayed children's attachment to the father more frequently were rated lower in social competence, contrary to expectations. A more detailed analysis of responses to the ASCT-R suggests that girls' representational attachment behavior toward the father was associated with narrative representations of both parents as unavailable, family instability, and concerns for the father's well-being.  相似文献   

We examine the importance of the coparental relationship for nonresident fathers’ ties to their children. Using data from Wave 2 of the National Survey of Families and Households, we focus on the link between two dimensions of coparenting, cooperative coparenting and conflict over childrearing, and three dimensions of nonresident father involvement, contact, relationship quality, and responsive fathering. Cooperative coparenting predicts more frequent father‐child contact, which in turn predicts higher relationship quality and more responsive fathering. Conflict over childrearing, however, is not significantly related to nonresident father involvement. Findings are consistent across different groups of children. Results suggest that cooperative coparenting between parents who live apart is associated with stronger ties between nonresident fathers and their children.  相似文献   

Sustainability standards are flooding global agricultural markets. Standards, however, are not new. This article analyses, from a historical perspective, the implications of the transition from traditional to sustainability standards in the commoditisation/de‐commoditisation process. It shows how early standards contributed to the construction of the category of primary commodities and how, after a short attempt at de‐commoditisation (with the early fair‐trade and organic standards), sustainability standards are tending towards re‐commoditisation.  相似文献   

Comorbid substance abuse and schizophrenia is a major cause for concern from clinical, economic and health care systems perspectives. Existing treatment strategies are frequently inadequate, partly due to a lack of research into the unique problems facing this dually diagnosed population. These individuals commonly place a disproportionate burden on the mental health delivery system. In addition, their families are left with the onerous task of caring for them. This paper reviews the literature on family interventions for both substance abuse and schizophrenia and postulates that a composite model of family therapy might be appropriate.  相似文献   

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