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他的礼物为什么打动不了你的心?为什么你想要的礼物总是美梦成空?也许他并非缺少诚意,而是性格本就如此,那些不会说话的礼物其实会泄露出他性格中不为人知的一面。  相似文献   

梁晓声 《中外书摘》2008,(10):43-44
温馨是纯粹的汉语词。近年常读到它,常听到它;自己也常写到它,常说到它。于是静默独处之时就想:温馨,它究竟意味着什么呢?是某种情调吗?是某种氛围吗?是客观之境,抑或仅仅是主观的印象?它往往在我们内心里唤起怎样的感觉?我们为什么不能长期地缺少了它?  相似文献   

玉生 《现代交际》2005,(9):65-65
某天,女孩鼓起勇气对男孩说:“我们分手吧。”男孩问:“为什么?”女孩说:“倦了,就不需要理由了。”一个晚上,男孩只抽烟不说话,女孩的心也越来越凉。连挽留都不会表达的情人,能给我什么样的快乐?过了许久,男孩忍不住说:“怎么做你才能留下来?”女孩慢慢地说“回答一个问题,如果你能答出我心里  相似文献   

花甲 爷爷年满花甲要做60大寿,孙子好奇地问:“为什么把60岁叫做花甲呢?”  相似文献   

一、一位心脏病人临终前会对医生说什么? 二、西班牙和葡萄牙之间隔着一个什么国家? 三、鱼为什么不能在陆地上生活? 四、肚皮飘在水上的是一种什么鱼?  相似文献   

剪发型 儿子:爸爸,请你猜一个问题,有一个人只有三根头发,突然有一天他用剪刀剪掉一根,这是为什么?  相似文献   

李健 《现代妇女》2009,(11):33-33
情侣变了心、老板叫咱们卷铺盖、老友见利忘义、生意伙伴厚此薄彼……合则来,不合则去,千万不可傻里傻气地追问:为什么,为什么,为什么?  相似文献   

亦舒 《金色年华》2009,(8):15-15
情侣变了心、老板叫咱们卷铺盖、老友见利忘义、生意伙伴厚此薄彼……合则来,不合则去,千万不可傻里傻气地追问:为什么,为什么,为什么?  相似文献   

为什么读经典?这个问题往往会被不知不觉地转换成另外的问题:读经典有什么用途?有什么好处?转换了,我们还以为是同一个问题。既然我们这么关心用途和好处,那么也就不必回避,直接的回答是:没有什么用途,没有什么好处。伊塔洛·卡尔维诺说:  相似文献   

正文 《当代老年》2009,(2):31-31
一天,上小学的孙子问我,是尺长还是寸长?我应声答道:“这还用问吗?当然是尺长了。”他又问:“那为什么电视里说‘尺短寸长’呢?”我连忙解释:“尺虽比寸长,但用在不同的地方,一尺也有显得短的时候;一寸也有显得长的时候。它用来比喻人或事物都各有各的长处和短处。”孙子听罢若有所思。  相似文献   

山区公路长大纵坡路段是交通事故多发段,目前多集中于长大下坡的研究,却忽略了纵坡上坡路段行车安全研究。对于长大纵坡上坡路段,设置爬坡车道是降低事故率的有效途径之一,通过对上坡路段车辆运行现状分析,并参考国内外有关爬坡车道的研究成果,提出山区公路爬坡车道的设置条件和方法。  相似文献   


The study measured the feelings about their parents' divorce reported by early adolescent children at the time of the divorce, three and ten years later, and retrospectively, at the ten-year mark. Sadness, shock and disbelief were the most common feelings at the time of the divorce, but relief, anger at one parent, gladness and a desire for parental reunion were also quite usual. Three years later, sadness, shock, disbelief and desire for parental re-union had declined sharply, and relief and gladness had increased. Ten years on, most feelings except gladness and relief were at a low level; but anger at one parent continued to be reported by more than one-fifth of the sample. Principal components analysis suggested the presence of two rather different groupings of feelings. The first described shock and upset, and had a relatively limited life span; the second centred on anger at one parent and relief and gladness at their departure, and these feelings continued into adulthood. At all three times, this latter group of feelings was associated with poorer relations with fathers. Stronger feelings about the divorce were not generally associated with poorer psychological adjustment, although at Time 3 bad feelings about the divorce were reflected in bad feelings about the self. The retrospective reports made at Time 3 substantially over-estimated the intensity of the negative emotions reported at the time of the divorce.  相似文献   

With the continuing spread of urban areas, gaining a greater understanding of the effect of human presence on wildlife species is essential for wildlife managers. We determined the influence of anthropogenic resources on home range size and habitat selection of raccoons (Procyon lotor) during summer (June–August) 1996–2000 for 120 raccoons at three sites exposed to varying levels of urbanization and anthropogenic resources, specifically food. Home range estimates were larger (P < 0.05) at the rural site than the suburban and urban sites for both genders. We used compositional analysis to examine raccoon habitat selection at the second-order home range, second-order core area, and third-order home range scales. Woodland was consistently a highly-selected habitat type for both sexes at every spatial scale. Relative to other habitat types, habitat associated with human-related food (human use areas) was selected most often at the urban site, intermediately at the suburban site, and not selected at the rural site. Spatial scale also affected habitat selection. Human use areas were preferentially selected at the second- and third-order level at the urban site, third-order level only at the suburban site, and at neither level at the rural site. Additionally, intersexual differences in habitat selection were reduced at the urban site, with both sexes preferentially selecting for human use areas as well as woodland habitat. Smaller home ranges in urbanized environments are often attributed to the abundant and concentrated anthropogenic resources associated with human activity, but with little empirical support. Our habitat selection analyses followed our predictions that raccoon foraging is strongly influenced by the artificial distribution and abundance of human-related food. Male and female raccoons in urban areas reduce their foraging patterns and focus their foraging activity on anthropogenic foods.  相似文献   

A random sample of more than 10,000 undergraduate students, selected from 119 4-year colleges, answered a mailed questionnaire about gun possession and gun threats. Approximately 4.3% of the students reported that they had a working firearm at college, and 1.6% of them have been threatened with a gun while at school. Students are more likely to have a firearm at college and to be threatened with a gun while at college if they are male, live off campus, binge drink, engage in risky and aggressive behavior after drinking, and attend institutions in regions of the United States where household firearm prevalence is high. Having a firearm for protection is also strongly associated with being threatened with a gun while at college. Students who reported having firearms at college disproportionately reported that they engaged in behaviors that put themselves and others at risk for injury.  相似文献   

A recent interest in juvenile delinquency is the effect of parental attachment on delinquency for males and females. This study contributes to this research by demonstrating that the effect of gender on the relationship between parental attachment and delinquency depends on age. The inverse effect of virtual supervision on delinquency is significantly greater for males at age 15 than at age 11, and significantly greater for males than for females at age 15. The inverse effect of intimacy of communication on delinquency is significantly greater for males at age 11 than at age 18, and significantly greater for females than for males at age 18. The implications of these results for Hirschi's theory and future research comparing male and female delinquency are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the degree of uniqueness of the contribution of youth to an anti-war rally of 1970. It contrasts that contribution to the part played by youth at a pro-war rally of the same year. Both rallies took place near the Washington Monument in Washington, D. C. Data collection consisted of on-the-spot interviews of a sample of participants at both rallies. The focus of the interview was on reasons expressed by participants for their attendance at the rally. The data support the following hypotheses: that youth at the anti-war rally were more highly oriented towards specific objectives and general objectives than were older participants at that rally or youthful ones at the pro-war rally; that youth at the anti-war rally were less highly oriented towards personal reasons than older participants at that rally or younger ones at the pro-war rally. Generally reasons for participating were found to be influenced by the interaction of age cohort and ideological thrust of the rally. The importance of belonging to the modal age group for a particular rally was discussed, along with other implications such as the role of generational conflict during the late 1960s and early 1970s.  相似文献   

Rudolf Moos, Professor of Psychiatry, Stanford University School of Medicine and Research Career Scientist at the Palo Alto Veterans Administration Medical Centre, is not well known to Australian and New Zealand therapy circles, yet his research into instruments applicable to research into the family and its dynamics is prolific, his personal energy, integrity and dedication are admirable and his persistence at researching the very difficult areas of social environments is unequalled. This interview was recorded at the Social Ecology Laboratory at Veteran's Administration Medical Centre at Palo Alto, where he is Director of the Laboratory.  相似文献   

Urban marine habitats are often utilized by wildlife for foraging and other activities despite surrounding anthropogenic impact or disturbance. However little is known of the ecological factors that determine habitat value of these and other remnant natural habitats. We examined the preferential use of urban marine habitats in a northeast US estuary to try to elucidate the factors driving enhanced foraging activity at these sites. Using a bioenergetic model, we compared energy intake to energy expenditure and examined differences in behavior and foraging success of great egrets Ardea alba at three urban and three rural salt marshes in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island USA. Mean per site available nekton energy averaged 4.44?±?0.97 GJ site?1 and was significantly higher at urban than at rural sites. While energy expenditure by birds was similar across all sites, mean strike and prey capture rate were significantly greater at urban sites, and 70.1?±?12.2 % of strikes by egrets at urban sites were successful. Egrets foraging at urban sites consumed significantly more energy (23.2?±?6.62 W bird?1) than those at rural sites. Model results indicated a net energy gain by egrets foraging at urban sites, versus a net energy loss at rural sites. Our results may help explain previously observed increases in the numbers of egrets foraging at urban marine habitats, and help provide input into decisions about the extent to which these areas should be considered for restoration or protection.  相似文献   

This study uses data from the National Child Development Study (NCDS) to track behaviourally disturbed children at 7 through to adolescence in order to assess the extent to which clusters of protective factors can offset the negative effects of clusters of risk factors. Behavioural measures at ages 7, 11 and 16 from NCDS were used to identify children with ‘externalising’ behaviour problems. Children whose scores fell into the top 20% of Rutter ‘A’ scores at 7 but not at age 11 and 16 were deemed to have ‘recovered’. Controlling for gender, social class, family structure, parental mental health, domestic tension at age 7 and a cluster of protective factors in childhood (high reading skills at 11, father's interest in child's education at 16, good relations with parents at 16, good school attendance at 16), a cluster of risk factors present as the child grew up (clumsiness, social services involvement, family involvement with police/probation, family mobility at 7) was significantly associated with lack of recovery from behavioural problems. Although individual protective factors were significantly associated with recovery in the bivariate analysis, their power was not strong enough in the multivariate model to overcome the strength of the risk factors.  相似文献   

This paper considers early educational interventions aimed at preventing school failure. It begins with a typology of prevention and intervention, then goes on to consider four specific examples of preventive interventions all aimed at avoiding or alleviating academic failure at school. (1) The High Scope pre-school programme for disadvantaged children aimed at providing a ‘better start at school'. (2) Reading Recovery, a targeted intervention aimed at getting children who show early reading difficulties ‘back on course'. (3) A Focused Literacy Programme for improving the reading of all children in disadvantaged neighbourhoods of the inner city. (4) ‘Parent involvement' programmes to improve the reading of all children in primary school through support for literacy at home. Each of the intervention strategies is described and criticised in terms of effectiveness, acceptability and generalisation. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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