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一本书从作家酝酿到青灯孤伴的写作,再辗转邮寄到各出版社编辑案头,几经审看周折,待到终于送给印刷车间排版师和技工师手中,书的模样才会大抵胚胎成形。当纸页们列队集合最终以集团军的方式涌出厂门,它们会经过长途跋涉奔赴到全国各地的新华书店图书市场,虽说那儿并非书的最后栖息之地——庄重典雅的幽静书房,却是一本书一生中最重要的一个驿站,一次奇遇的最紧要关口。  相似文献   

The Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games(BOCOG)unveiled an ethereal,yet dynamic,torch design on February 4,to mark the one-year countdown to the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.  相似文献   

The traditional Tibetan residence boasts a unique style--in terms of structure,layout and decor ,There are several kinds of dwellings in the Tibet Autonomous Region,Such as diaofang houses ,in the valley area of southern Tibet,  相似文献   

范用 《中外书摘》2011,(12):76-77
十多年前,我还在出版社上班,丁聪每星期必来,老远的从西到东,坐公共汽车,路上要换车。丁聪老诉箭,不知说的真话还是假话,说“家长”(夫人沈峻则谦称是“高级保姆”)太怜爱他,不忍心看他横向发展,影响健康.早餐定量供应,一片面包,外加一个西红柿,或半根黄瓜。  相似文献   

"人类经济的新渡口。""二十一世纪的朝阳产业。""资本时代已经过去,创意时代已经到来。"这些气势恢宏的语句,似乎都指向了文化创意产业。此前并没有大肆渲染,重磅造势,仿佛悄悄然开幕的"首届中国北京国际文化创意产业博览会"。虽然只有短短的四天时间,但却是风生水起。势如火山爆发,恍若一夜之间。将国人的意识层,刷上了一遍鲜亮的色彩。"文化创意产业"虽然提法格外新颖,但很快就成了一个最为令人兴奋的,使用频率很高的,也成为临近年终时,2006年中国新闻界的一个热门关键词。  相似文献   

2021年9月17日,北京冬奥会和冬残奥会主题口号“一起向未来”正式发布。  相似文献   

你有没有试过像别人那样生活?或者说,像上百万人那样生活?现在北京约有两千万人口。北京市统计局的数据显示,工薪阶层的月平均工资是4200元。而2011年8月新华社的报道称,北京的月平均房租是3250元。如果没人分担房租,北京人的人均可支配收入恐怕会所剩无几。在大城市里—个人生活不仅需要预算,也需要一点创造力。《中国妇女》英文月刊的记者亲身实践了每天花10元过一周的生活。  相似文献   

最近看了一个电视节目,创意不错,叫《一个人和一座城市》。节目中的“一个人”选的都是作家。第一个作家与第一个城市是刘心武与北京城,小题目叫《抚摸北京》。刘心武生于四川,8岁到北京,生活至今。  相似文献   

意大利足球有着上百年的历史,全国有上万个足球俱乐部,几十万名球员,上世纪有800多名外国球星加盟,三次获得世界杯。意大利也有众多的球迷,每逢星期日,人们像赶集上庙一样涌向球场,像出席盛大庆典一样汇集在看台上,与此同时足球赌赛也有很久的历史,尤其是二战以后形成一种广泛的押注游戏,类似后来的足球彩票。1949年的罗马发生过一次戏剧性的赌赛事件,而且是一出悲剧。  相似文献   

THE Newspaper of Chinese Junior High SchoolStudents recently organized a discussion--Childrenfrom single-parent families speak out.Hundreds of letterscame to the newspaper from across the country,notcomplaining or disdaining the unfairness of fate,butexpressing sentiments that touched the editors.  相似文献   

This study used the Attachment Story Completion Task-Revised (ASCT-R) (Bretherton, Ridgeway, & Cassidy, 1990), a representational measure of attachment security, to examine characteristics of preschool-aged girls' narratives associated with portrayals of attachment to the father. The children's (n = 27) parents had been divorced or legally separated for at least 2 years, and they lived in the primary custody of their mothers. We had previously discovered that girls' responses to the ASCT-R differed from those of boys in unexpected ways. Whereas boys' representations of child-father attachment varied positively with teacher ratings of social behavior in child-care settings, the opposite was the case for girls. Girls who portrayed children's attachment to the father more frequently were rated lower in social competence, contrary to expectations. A more detailed analysis of responses to the ASCT-R suggests that girls' representational attachment behavior toward the father was associated with narrative representations of both parents as unavailable, family instability, and concerns for the father's well-being.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of a multiservice intervention designed to move substance-abusing women on welfare to sobriety and self-sufficiency by addressing their substance abuse, domestic violence, employment, and basic needs. DESIGN: A field evaluation with repeated measures at 6 and 12 months on an intent-to-treat sample of 529 women conducted in 11 selected sites across the country. There were significant improvements shown in substance use and family and social functioning by the 6-month point, and additional improvements in employment by the 12-month point. By 12 months, more than 46% were abstinent from alcohol and other drugs, and 30% were employed at least part-time. There were only modest improvements shown in the medical and psychiatric status of these women. These preliminary findings suggest that site-level interagency coordination and program-level case management were associated with improvements in the targeted areas as predicted by the model. Future work will require a more closely specified, manual-guided form of the intervention plus the inclusion of control groups and cost measures to fully evaluate the cost benefits from the final form of the intervention.  相似文献   

This is a study of 309 Palestinian families comparing their current trauma with the trauma experienced by Israeli families during the Gulf War during the SCUD missile attacks. Both populations have experienced adaptations of trauma but the Palestinian fathers have generally been more effected than their counterpart Israeli fathers. There are less reported symptoms of trauma when the victims have an active role to resist trauma.  相似文献   

The largest national youth organizations have targeted, comprehensive professional development systems. For one of them, Girls Incorporated, its mission "to inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold" drives sophisticated, evaluated professional development for affiliate staff and trustees.  相似文献   


This paper briefly outlines the context and role of grandparents as an intergenerational resource for families in the UK. It is based upon a literature review and practical work being undertaken by the Beth Johnson Foundation with grandparents and partner organizations locally and nationally. The paper remarks upon the ‘rediscovery’ of grandparents in the research literature. The emergence of the beanpole family, the pivot generation, family breakdown and grandparents raising grandchildren, are highlighted as being significant demographic and social factors influencing the position of grandparents. The roles of grandparents are described in terms of practical, emotional and financial support given to families. Both positive and negative feelings of grandparents and their families towards these roles being undertaken are identified. Longstanding deficits in legislation, policy and provision to support grandparents are highlighted, along with some signs of progress being made, particularly in Wales. It concludes with four key messages on visibility, heterogeneity, strategy and the family.  相似文献   

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