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结识您,因为有缘。曾记得偶然与您相见,就一见钟情。图文并茂、内容丰富、文风朴实的您一下子吸引了我,结下了我对您痴迷爱恋的不解之缘。和您交谈,如春雨滋润,似春风拂面,带给我美好的回忆和力量的源泉。  相似文献   

Mulan is a story that has been told for ages, from the Ballad of Mulan to the most recent cinematic telling -- the 2009 feature film production ofHua Mulan, directed by Jingle Ma and co-directed by Wei Dong.  相似文献   

One Day, an anthology of nine short films about vulnerable children, was released in the Chinese mainland on September 10. Produced by Huayi Brothers, a leading film production company in China, the non-commercial film focuses on special groups of children: the blind, deaf-mute, kidnapped, dyslexic and obese children; and those from poverty-stricken families, left-behind children whose parents have gone to work in cities for higher wages, children with intellectual disabilities, and children of convicts.  相似文献   

The Continent, a nostalgia-filled, road- trip movie, hit the screens in Mainland China at the end of July. Han Hart, 31, best known as a blogger, novelist and professional racer, directed the film. The movie is about three young men, who set off on a trip from an island in eastern China for the remote west of the country. Along the way, they encounter love interests and, of course, trouble.  相似文献   

林溪  初旭 《现代交际》2003,(10):65-67
四个兜的营级干部嫁给了小战士 濮存昕祖籍南京,长于北京,当过红卫兵,到黑龙江服过兵役。退伍回京后,他又走进北大荒那片“神奇的土地”,在那块黑色的土地上生根发芽,抽穗扬花,和著名作家梁晓声等中青年文艺工作者一样,被人们誉为泥泞中长出的红高粱。24岁那年,濮存昕考上了空政话剧团,当上了文艺兵,每月拿6块钱津贴。他在空政呆了9年,几乎没有正式演过什么戏,角色最多的就是群众演员,演匪兵甲、乙,演游击队员,最初他的台词常常只有两个字“报告”,有时候干脆就没有。  相似文献   

For close to 200 years, the ideas of Shakespeare have inspired incredible work in the literature, fiction, theater and cinema of the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Tao Hong could be like any other award-winning Chinese actress who enjoys fame, picking up good roles and living a decent life of a celebrity. However, after winning acclaim for her performance in the 2002 film Life Show, which won awards for best film, best actress and best cinematography at the 2002 Shanghai International Film Festival, the 38-year-old actress sat down in the producer's chair.  相似文献   

中国著名音东剧制作人李盾的艺术创作生涯中,有一位“女神”一直深深地打动着他,那就是邓丽君。在他眼中,邓丽君的歌声曾经“改变了一个时代,引领了一个时代,感动了一个时代,也温暖了一个时代。”邓丽君生前有一大遗撼,未曾在大陆举办演唱会,为热爱她的人们现场演绎她音乐的美。今年6月至8月,李盾携手美国百老汇创作班底,将原创音乐剧《爱上邓丽君》(2014修排版)搬上北京东方剧院的舞台,用一种特殊的方式让邓丽君“魂归故里”,也让年轻一代重新认识邓丽君,爱上邓丽君。  相似文献   

张鸣 《现代交际》2007,(12):26-26
《色戒》的成功,有风波,大陆上的风波,来自影迷。显然出于对只能看删节版,心有不甘,中国大陆影迷们,再一次集体发出感慨:要是电影分级就好了。类似的讨论,好像陆陆续续已经抽风式有过好几回,最后都是只见楼梯响,人就是下不来。其实,依我这个外行之  相似文献   

MORE and more newlyweds, pregnant women and mothers of newborn babies have learnt that there is a special group showing care and love for them. Set up in 1994, the group "Love for New Life", is supported by the Children's Department of the All-China Women's Federation, the Publicity and  相似文献   

At 3:40 p.m., June 26, Wang Xin,a 14-year-old girl, was wheeledout of the operating theater atJinan Central Hospital. A kidneyfrom her mother, Gong Yinghua,who had given her life 14 yearspreviously, had been trapeplantedinto her body.  相似文献   

她是一位非常普通的女性.她的生活也并无特殊之处,但她是一位非常伟大的母亲。看完她的故事之后.相信你会动容……  相似文献   


The multifaceted Russian author, singer, and actress Nataliia Medvedeva’s (1958–2003) creative output was synonymous with performance. Her image became iconic in worldwide popular culture as the carefree, smiling young woman on the cover of the New Wave rock group “The Cars”’s eponymous 1978 album. Then Medvedeva was twenty years old and had been living in the United States for about three years; she returned to Russia in 1994 after nineteen years abroad, mainly in the US and France, and died at the age of forty-four, possibly of a fatal mixture of alcohol and tranquilizers. By the time of her death, Medvedeva—author, poet, journalist, singer, musician, model, and designer—was, and remains, an enigmatic yet colourful figure of the Russian émigré and post-Soviet literary, music, and cultural scenes.

From an early age in Leningrad, she showed an aptitude for constructing performance and (re)presenting herself. This article suggests that Medvedeva used her early autobiographical writing as a method of thinking through her ideas and beliefs about the nature of performance, especially as it related to perceptions of the sexual, sexuality, and shocking-ness, as well as to the relationship between the audience and herself, indeed, between society and the self. To support my thesis, I focus, in particular, on her autobiographical novel Liubov’ s alkogolem [Drunk Love, 1987?, 1995, 2001], as well as foundational ideas from the field of performance studies.  相似文献   

晶星点评(127)最近,我在武汉交了一个外国朋友、新西兰人——大卫。他在武汉一所专门辅导英语的专科学校教英文;我呢,恰恰在同城的一个工程学院教《成功学》。我们偶然相遇,一见如故,交流甚欢。他告诉我,他非常爱中国。为了深入地了解中国,很想熟练地掌握中文,请我做他的中文老师;而我,也想把我的半吊子英语搞得正规一点,至少出国不要带翻译,便请  相似文献   

British film Love Actually Follows the lives of eight very different couples in dealing with their love lives in various loosely and interrelated tales all set during a frantic month before Christmas in London,England.Bearing in mind that media studies is a major part of British studies,I intend to set the discussion of Love Actually in the frame of media studies.Drawing on British cultural theorists Stuart Hall’s theory ofEncoding/decodingand analyzing film critiques and audience comments on Rotten Tomatoes,this paper argues that the production and reception of Love Actually shows the workings of encoding and decoding of meanings regarding this particular movie.  相似文献   

In Japan, marriage rates have declined since 1980, and interest in romantic relationships has declined in the 21st century. This article shows, mainly based on the official statistics and surveys, that (i) people in contemporary Japanese society have become less willing to get married or even date; (ii) various forms of virtual love have emerged; and (iii) they have spread in East Asian countries in general. Marriage stems from romantic relationships. Simultaneously, it brings with it new economic life. In Japan and other East Asian countries there is an unwritten norm that marriage should be part of economic life. Therefore, satisfying romantic emotions outside real love and marriage is accepted.  相似文献   

Love and sex are fundamental needs of most people, yet little research has examined such aspects of life in relation to personality pathologies. We examined the associations between pathological personality traits (i.e., negative affectivity, disinhibition, antagonism, psychoticism, and detachment) and sociosexuality (i.e., short-term mating orientation, long-term mating orientation, and sexual behavior) among 702 university students. In addition, we examined the mediating role of life history speed and tested whether sex moderated the associations that these pathological personality traits had with sociosexuality. Detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, and psychoticism had positive associations with short-term mating interests and negative associations with long-term mating interests. Life history speed mediated the associations that detachment and disinhibition had with short-term mating orientation and long-term mating orientation. Although sex did moderate the association that negative affectivity had with previous sexual behavior, we found no evidence that these mediational processes differed between men and women. Results are discussed in terms of the way personality traits shape the sociosexuality of men and women using a life history paradigm.  相似文献   

Love Stories     
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