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The paper develops constrained Bayes and empirical Bayes estimators in the random effects ANOVA model under balanced loss functions. In the balanced normal–normal model, estimators of the Bayes risks of the constrained Bayes and constrained empirical Bayes estimators are provided which are correct asymptotically up to O(m-1)O(m-1), that is the remainder term is o(m-1)o(m-1), mm denoting the number of strata.  相似文献   

The one-way random effects model with unequal variances and unequal sample sizes is considered. Estimation of the variances, variance of a single observation (total variance), and the standard error of the unweighted mean are considered. Precision of the Analysis of Variance and Unweighted Sums of Squares type of estimators and the Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimators with a priori weights are examined.  相似文献   

We consider testing hypotheses about a single Poisson mean. When prior information is not available, use of objective priors is of interest. We provide intrinsic priors based on the arithmetic intrinsic and fractional Bayes factors, and evaluate their characteristics.  相似文献   

We distinguish between three types of outliers in a one-way random effects model. These are formally described in terms of their position relative to the main part of the observations. We propose simple rules for identifying such outliers and give an example which involves median-based statistics.  相似文献   

Recently, Ong and Mukerjee [Probability matching priors for two-sided tolerance intervals in balanced one-way and two-way nested random effects models. Statistics. 2011;45:403–411] developed two-sided Bayesian tolerance intervals, with approximate frequentist validity, for a future observation in balanced one-way and two-way nested random effects models. These were obtained using probability matching priors (PMP). On the other hand, Krishnamoorthy and Lian [Closed-form approximate tolerance intervals for some general linear models and comparison studies. J Stat Comput Simul. 2012;82:547–563] studied closed-form approximate tolerance intervals by the modified large-sample (MLS) approach. We compare the performances of these two approaches for normal as well as non-normal error distributions. Monte Carlo simulation methods are used to evaluate the resulting tolerance intervals with regard to achieved confidence levels and expected widths. It turns out that PMP tolerance intervals are less conservative for data with large number of classes and small number of observations per class and the MLS procedure is preferable for smaller sample sizes.  相似文献   

The paper deals with generalized confidence intervals for the between-group variance in one-way heteroscedastic (unbalanced) ANOVA with random effects. The approach used mimics the standard one applied in mixed linear models with two variance components, where interval estimators are based on a minimal sufficient statistic derived after an initial reduction by the principle of invariance. A minimal sufficient statistic under heteroscedasticity is found to resemble its homoscedastic counterpart and further analogies between heteroscedastic and homoscedastic cases lead us to two classes of fiducial generalized pivots for the between-group variance. The procedures suggested formerly by Wimmer and Witkovský [Between group variance component interval estimation for the unbalanced heteroscedastic one-way random effects model, J. Stat. Comput. Simul. 73 (2003), pp. 333–346] and Li [Comparison of confidence intervals on between group variance in unbalanced heteroscedastic one-way random models, Comm. Statist. Simulation Comput. 36 (2007), pp. 381–390] are found to belong to these two classes. We comment briefly on some of their properties that were not mentioned in the original papers. In addition, properties of another particular generalized pivot are considered.  相似文献   

For ranking and selection problems, the true probabiIity of a correct selection P(CS) is unknown even if a selection is made under the indifference-zone approach. Thus to estimate the true P(CS) some Bayes estimators and a bootstrap estimator are proposed for two normcal populations with common known variance. Also a bootstrap estimator and a bootstrap confidence interval are proposed for normal populations with common unknown variance. Some comparisons between proposed estimators and some other known estimators are made via Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

The Bayes factor is a key tool in hypothesis testing. Nevertheless, the important issue of which priors should be used to develop objective Bayes factors remains open. The authors consider this problem in the context of the one-way random effects model. They use concepts such as orthogonality, predictive matching and invariance to justify a specific form of the priors for common parameters and derive the intrinsic and divergence based prior for the new parameter. The authors show that both intrinsic priors or divergence-based priors produce consistent Bayes factors. They illustrate the methods and compare them with other proposals.  相似文献   

Bayes uniform model under the squared error loss function is shown to be completely identifiable by the form of the Bayes estimates of the scale parameter. This results in solving a specific functional equation. A complete characterization of differentiable Bayes estimators (BE) and generalized Bayes estimators (GBE) is given as well as relations between degrees of smoothness of the estimators and the priors. Characterizations of strong (generalized Bayes) Bayes sequence (SBS or SGBS) are also investigated. A SBS is a sequence of estimators (one for each sample size) where all its components are BE generated by the same prior measure. A complete solution is given for polynomial Bayesian estimation.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the Bayes estimators of parameters of inverse Weibull distribution for complete, type I and type II censored samples under general entropy and squared error loss functions. The proposed estimators have been compared on the basis of their simulated risks (average loss over sample space). A real-life data set is used to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

In recent years, numerous statisticians have focused their attention on the Bayesian analysis of different paired comparison models. While studying paired comparison techniques, the Davidson model is considered to be one of the famous paired comparison models in the available literature. In this article, we have introduced an amendment in the Davidson model which has been commenced to accommodate the option of not distinguishing the effects of two treatments when they are compared pairwise. Having made this amendment, the Bayesian analysis of the Amended Davidson model is performed using the noninformative (uniform and Jeffreys’) and informative (Dirichlet–gamma–gamma) priors. To study the model and to perform the Bayesian analysis with the help of an example, we have obtained the joint and marginal posterior distributions of the parameters, their posterior estimates, graphical presentations of the marginal densities, preference and predictive probabilities and the posterior probabilities to compare the treatment parameters.  相似文献   

This paper considers the Bayesian model selection problem in life-time models using type-II censored data. In particular, the intrinsic Bayes factors are calculated for log-normal, exponential, and Weibull lifetime models using noninformative priors under type-II censoring. Numerical examples are given to illustrate our results.  相似文献   

This paper considers Bayesian sampling plans for exponential distribution with random censoring. The efficient Bayesian sampling plan for a general loss function is derived. This sampling plan possesses the property that it may make decisions prior to the end of the life test experiment, and its decision function is the same as the Bayes decision function which makes decisions based on data collected at the end of the life test experiment. Compared with the optimal Bayesian sampling plan of Chen et al. (2004), the efficient Bayesian sampling plan has the smaller Bayes risk due to the less duration time of life test experiment. Computations of the efficient Bayes risks for the conjugate prior are given. Numerical comparisons between the proposed efficient Bayesian sampling plan and the optimal Bayesian sampling plan of Chen et al. (2004) under two special decision losses, including the quadratic decision loss, are provided. Numerical results also demonstrate that the performance of the proposed efficient sampling plan is superior to that of the optimal sampling plan by Chen et al. (2004).  相似文献   

We present a rank based method for obtaining point and interval estimates of a scale version of the intraclass correlation coefficient in a one-way random effects model. When compared to the method of Arvesen and Schmitz (1970), the new method is not only applicable to a broader class of situations, but also much easier to implement. Results of a simulation study indicate that the new procedure compares favorably with the Arvesen-Schmitz procedure and the classical normal theory procedure especially If the random components have heavy tailed distributions.  相似文献   

The problem of estimation of parameters of a lifetime distribution is considered under the proportional hazards model of random censorship. Asymptotic variances of several estimators of survival function are compared in the eponential case.  相似文献   

Two-stage procedures are introduced to control the width and coverage (validity) of confidence intervals for the estimation of the mean, the between groups variance component and certain ratios of the variance components in one-way random effects models. The procedures use the pilot sample data to estimate an “optimal” group size and then proceed to determine the number of groups by a stopping rule. Such sampling plans give rise to unbalanced data, which are consequently analyzed by the harmonic mean method. Several asymptotic results concerning the proposed procedures are given along with simulation results to assess their performance in moderate sample size situations. The proposed procedures were found to effectively control the width and probability of coverage of the resulting confidence intervals in all cases and were also found to be robust in the presence of missing observations. From a practical point of view, the procedures are illustrated using a real data set and it is shown that the resulting unbalanced designs tend to require smaller sample sizes than is needed in a corresponding balanced design where the group size is arbitrarily pre-specified.  相似文献   

Minimax squared error risk estimators of the mean of a multivariate normal distribution are characterized which have smallest Bayes risk with respect to a spherically symmetric prior distribution for (i) squared error loss, and (ii) zero-one loss depending on whether or not estimates are consistent with the hypothesis that the mean is null. In (i), the optimal estimators are the usual Bayes estimators for prior distributions with special structure. In (ii), preliminary test estimators are optimal. The results are obtained by applying the theory of minimax-Bayes-compromise decision problems.  相似文献   

In scenarios where the variance of a response variable can be attributed to two sources of variation, a confidence interval for a ratio of variance components gives information about the relative importance of the two sources. For example, if measurements taken from different laboratories are nine times more variable than the measurements taken from within the laboratories, then 90% of the variance in the responses is due to the variability amongst the laboratories and 10% of the variance in the responses is due to the variability within the laboratories. Assuming normally distributed sources of variation, confidence intervals for variance components are readily available. In this paper, however, simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the performance of confidence intervals under non-normal distribution assumptions. Confidence intervals based on the pivotal quantity method, fiducial inference, and the large-sample properties of the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimator are considered. Simulation results and an empirical example suggest that the REML-based confidence interval is favored over the other two procedures in unbalanced one-way random effects model.  相似文献   

The asymptotic null distribution of the locally best invariant (LBI) test criterion for testing the random effect in the one-way multivariable analysis of variance model is derived under normality and non-normality. The error of the approximation is characterized as O(1/n). The non-null asymptotic distribution is also discussed. In addition to providing a way of obtaining percentage points and p-values, the results of this paper are useful in assessing the robustness of the LBI criterion. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the accuracy of the approximation.  相似文献   


In this paper, the stress-strength reliability, R, is estimated in type II censored samples from Pareto distributions. The classical inference includes obtaining the maximum likelihood estimator, an exact confidence interval, and the confidence intervals based on Wald and signed log-likelihood ratio statistics. Bayesian inference includes obtaining Bayes estimator, equi-tailed credible interval, and highest posterior density (HPD) interval given both informative and non-informative prior distributions. Bayes estimator of R is obtained using four methods: Lindley's approximation, Tierney-Kadane method, Monte Carlo integration, and MCMC. Also, we compare the proposed methods by simulation study and provide a real example to illustrate them.  相似文献   

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