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In order to provide benefits to society, human medical trials must place subjects at risk of harm. This activity is thought to be justified in part by the consent of the subjects involved. But, studies have shown that most such consents are based on a therapeutic misconception (TM); the false belief of subjects that their researchers will act as their personal physicians (seeking their benefit and protecting them from harm), rather than placing them at risk of harm for the good of others. Toleration by researchers of the TM in their subjects is a form of "informational manipulation" that renders consent procedures disrespectful to subject autonomy. Consent obtained from subjects who labor under a TM is neither voluntary nor informed; as long as they have not been disabused of the TM, the action they take in enrolling in a trial is not the one they intend nor is it autonomously chosen. Changes in consent procedures should be adopted to ensure that all subjects are aware inter alia that (a) the health interests of future patients (as well as the researchers' and their sponsors' financial interests) may be more important to researchers than the interest of a subject in his or her health, and (b) normal subjects neither understand nor believe this when told. Close attention to the response of prospective subjects to this information should allow for the exclusion of all but the truly altruistic. However, the result of conscientious implementation of such policies would likely be that human medical research could no longer be conducted on more than a minimal level.  相似文献   

Summary Some people seek social work help with problems that have arisenin their relationships with others to whom they are very closeand by whom they feel betrayed, attacked or maltreated. Often,so great are the distress and force with which the problem isbrought, the social worker may find himself drawn to acceptas substantially accurate the client's view of the situationand to act accordingly. This article argues that such a lineof action may be misguided or even harmful, and that help canonly be effective in the situations described if it has as oneof its basic assumptions the notion that the picture conveyedof 'the absent third person' has more connection with the client'sown inner needs than with anyone else  相似文献   


In order to provide benefits to society, human medical trials must place subjects at risk of harm. This activity is thought to be justified in part by the consent of the subjects involved. But, studies have shown that most such consents are based on a therapeutic misconception (TM); the false belief of subjects that their researchers will act as their personal physicians (seeking their benefit and protecting them from harm), rather than placing them at risk of harm for the good of others. Toleration by researchers of the TM in their subjects is a form of “informational manipulation”; that renders consent procedures disrespectful to subject autonomy. Consent obtained from subjects who labor under a TM is neither voluntary nor informed; as long as they have not been disabused of the TM, the action they take in enrolling in a trial is not the one they intend nor is it autonomously chosen. Changes in consent procedures should be adopted to ensure that all subjects are aware inter alia that (a) the health interests of future patients (as well as the researchers’ and their sponsors’ financial interests) may be more important to researchers than the interest of a subject in his or her health, and (b) normal subjects neither understand nor believe this when told. Close attention to the response of prospective subjects to this information should allow for the exclusion of all but the truly altruistic. However, the result of conscientious implementation of such policies would likely be that human medical research could no longer be conducted on more than a minimal level.  相似文献   

Theory and Decision - We seek an evolutionary explanation for why in some situations humans maintain either optimistic or pessimistic attitudes toward uncertainty and are ignorant to relevant...  相似文献   

对于股票市场政府监管的必要性,可以利用市场失灵论、交易成本论、信息不完全论、利益冲突论、法律不完备论来解释。尽管在股票市场政府监管是不可缺少的,但是它并非万能的。政府监管的局限性主要是,政府监管存在过度倾向以及被俘获的可能。政府监管的局限性还表现在,政府监管可能带来寻租活动,监管效应具有滞后性,监管部门存在利己倾向,政府监管不能解决外在性。此外,微观主体的理性行为抵消了政府的监管意图,致使政府监管无效。为了发挥政府监管的积极作用、抑制其消极作用,政府监管应被控制在适度和必需的范围之内。把握政府监管的适度性应当遵守三项原则:将政府监管严格限制在市场失灵的领域;将政府监管限定在对市场缺陷干预能起积极作用的领域;将政府监管限定在能产生效益的范围内。  相似文献   

从《武林外传》里的郭芙蓉,《潜伏》里的翠平再到《和空姐同居的日子》里的冉静,不同的人物塑造使姚晨受到了热捧.粉丝数近1500万,微博发布近5000篇,在微博这个当下最IN最时尚的玩意儿上,姚晨人气高居第一,地位相当于博客界的徐静蕾.当她成功PK掉李开复,光荣地登上新浪微博"No.1"的宝座之际,有网友立即留言表示祝贺:"姚晨轻轻地超过了开复,开始了她一骑绝尘的微博新阶段."而姚晨在微博上"谦虚"回应:"淡定淡定,我们还是等白宫发来贺电再庆祝啊!"  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the role of perceived competition for resources in determining negative attitudes toward immigrants and immigration in North America. We first provide background information on immigration policies and levels of immigration to Canada and the United States. Following an overview of our theoretical perspective, we then describe the research we have conducted in Canada and the United States indicating that perceived zero-sum competition between groups, whether situationally induced or a function of chronic belief in zero-sum relations among groups, is strongly implicated in negative immigration attitudes. In addition, we describe our recent attempts to improve attitudes toward immigrants and immigration through the targeting of zero-sum beliefs and through manipulations of the inclusiveness of national identity.  相似文献   

我国区域发展的战略、态势及京津冀协调发展分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对中国区域发展的基本态势和区域协调发展内涵的分析,提出各地区之间经济发展水平和发展实力差距形成的主要原因,除区位、自然资源、历史基础外,近年来经济全球化、信息化发展以及大都市经济区的形成等因素是导致中国区域发展差距扩大的主要因素,而从区域不平衡到较为平衡是一个长期的发展过程。在此基础上,对京津冀地区在中国对外开放大格局中的地位进行了分析,指出以京津为核心的大都市经济区正在形成。同时,就如何正确看待天津滨海新区的地位、作用提出个人观点。  相似文献   

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