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Objective . In this study we examine race differences in the effect of childhood in an urban inner–city community on educational attainment in adulthood. Methods . We examine a cohort of African American and white individuals born in the late 1950s and early 1960s in the same hospital. Our analysis examines a set of individual, family, and community characteristics for the respondents at three time points in their life course, birth, childhood, and adulthood. Results . We find that black men and women are substantially more likely than their white counterparts to graduate from high school, and that black women are more likely than white men, black men, and white women to graduate from high school and college. Conclusions . We conclude that social policy to eradicate urban disadvantage must not shift its focus to the plight of poor whites to the neglect of African Americans. Rather, we urge that inner–city white children be "drawn out of the shadows" of social research and that the uniqueness of race, class, and gender intersections realized in the inner city be brought to bear.  相似文献   

我国教育捐赠政策存在的问题、成因及完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育捐赠政策是教育捐赠事业有效运行的行动准则,是促进教育捐赠事业科学发展的根本保障.透视我国捐赠政策实践,虽然取得了一定成绩,但也存在着不容忽视的问题,主要表现为:政策内容过于空泛,配套政策不健全,缺乏可操作性,且宣传、监管不到位.其成因在于政策制定主体官方化、管理水平低,尚未形成落实政策的人文环境与氛围.基于此,完善我国教育捐赠政策,应尽快出台<教育捐赠法>,加大政策宣传力度;发展并规范非政府公益机构,建立健全监督评估机制;营造良好的社会环境.同时,促进政策制定主体多元化.  相似文献   

Studying attitudes toward capital punishment has been a topic of interest for decades. Indeed, it is often the subject of Gallup polls, political commentary, and social science research. Research indicates that attitudes vary by demographic factors, educational influences, and neighborhood crime rates. Building on prior research, the current study examined death penalty attitudes among 599 college students and 213 residents from high crime and low crime neighborhoods. In particular, the research investigated differences between how students and residents view the death penalty as no research to date has analyzed this issue. The authors also analyzed how different populations perceived the impact of race on the administration of the death penalty. Results suggested that demographics, especially race, have the strongest impact on death penalty attitudes, but that there are few differences between students and residents and those living in high and low crime neighborhoods.  相似文献   

This article describes local, state, and federal policies related to collecting, aggregating, and reporting data on student race and ethnicity in U.S. K-12 and postsecondary education. It traces data policy from the 1997 decision by the Office of Management and Budget to change from single-race reporting to a format that permits respondents to choose more than one race, to the October 2007 issuance of final guidance from the Department of Education. Taking a K-20 perspective, I consider how policies for data collection and reporting may affect educational and developmental outcomes for students, as well as local, state, and national education policy environments.  相似文献   

1990-2000年中国的经济转型、学校扩招和教育不平等   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴晓刚 《社会》2009,29(5):88-113
本文考察了20世纪90年代中国经济改革过程中教育分层的趋势。基于1990年和2000年人口普查的样本数据,本研究将学龄子女和其父母的背景信息作匹配,对家庭背景如何影响他们入学和继续受教育的机会进行研究,结果表明,尽管在1990年至2000年的十年中教育机会有了极大的扩展,但家庭背景仍然在决定入学和升学方面发挥着重要作用。在这一时期,农村户口子女的状况相比于城镇户口同龄人来说变得愈加不利,父亲的社会经济地位对于入学状况的影响作用增大了。尽管作为九年义务教育全国普及的结果,农村(户口)孩子获得的初中教育的机会相对增加了,高中教育升学机会的城乡差距却在扩大;即使在控制了地区经济发展水平的差异后,父亲的社会经济地位对于高中升学率的影响仍然呈增加趋势。  相似文献   

基于中国教育追踪调查2014-2015年数据,揭示了父母教育期望对个体非认知能力的作用机制,即不同婚配模式中父母通过提高教育期望,强化婚配效应对子女非认知能力的影响.研究发现:父母教育同质婚对子女非认知能力的发展有积极影响.母亲教育水平与子女自我效能感、 社会行为和交往能力呈现积极的相关性,并且作用高于父亲.高教育同质婚的"协同促进"对子女发展的边际效应最大.教育婚配对子女影响效应具有城乡与性别差异,农村受教育程度较高的母亲无法弥补城乡教育发展差异对子女非认知能力的负面影响,农村父亲的教育水平对子女非认知能的影响大于母亲.从子女性别来看,母亲教育水平越高对男孩社会行为能力和交往能力的积极影响越大.  相似文献   

赵庆年 《学术交流》2003,(10):126-131
社会转型是一种必然现象。社会转型要引发其他组织机构的变迁。作为社会重要组成部分的教育,在重大的社会转型过程中受到政治、经济、文化等诸多方面的影响,尤以经济的影响为甚。从经济的视野分析教育的变迁,教育从第一部门中分离出来是社会转型的必然结果,而从第一部门中分离出来转为第二部门,然后再转为第三部门是其发展的主流,并且第三部门是教育发展的最终归宿。  相似文献   

张晖  张恒 《创新》2021,15(4):60-71
语言景观研究主要探究公共空间内的语言选择所表征的社会意义.随着其研究边界的扩大,近年来国外学者对语言景观的考察逐渐从社会语言学视角拓展至教育教学视角.相较之下,国内学者对语言景观的研究多集中在社会语言学领域,极少有学者将其纳入教育教学的视域下进行考察.国外理论研究表明,语言景观不仅可以作为第二语言习得过程中额外的输入资源,还在促进语言学习者语用能力和多语能力的发展、培养多模态技能、提高语言意识方面发挥着重要的作用.对文献的梳理发现,国外实证研究多围绕语言景观与英语语言教学、语言景观与社会语言意识、语言景观与职前教师培训等三个议题开展.受国外研究的启发,建议国内学者加强语言景观应用于我国外语教学的理论构建,探索语言景观在对外汉语教学中的应用,从实证层面探究语言景观与语言意识的关系,重视教育机构内部的语言景观研究,并在研究方法上有所创新.  相似文献   

教育财政充足的内涵是在保证教育服务均衡和学生学业成就基础上的财政投入量,这与北京市优质义务教育均衡的政策目标基本一致.教育财政充足度的投入指标和产出指标显示,目前北京市义务教育财政投入在国内已经处于领先地位,但与国际发达国家相比仍旧存在不充足的问题.利用Odden-Picus指数计算北京市义务教育财政投入的充足性水平和实现充足的资金缺口,结果表明:小学的财政充足性低于初中,学校层次的财政充足性低于区级层次;实现区层次的义务教育财政充足还需增加投入180.97亿元.以朝阳区为例,实现学校层次的义务教育财政充足还需增加投入28.43亿元.面对财政投入缺口,北京市政府应筹划总量,优化结构,保证财政投入的绝对增长;细化规则,透明管理,绩效问责,实现财政投入相对增长.  相似文献   

我国高教园区教育资源的整合与共享——以江苏省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高教园区是随着我国高等教育的快速发展而产生的新事物,建设高教园区的目的是拓展高等教育的发展空间,整合高校资源,降低办学成本,提高办学效益。然而,通过对江苏省12座地级市的11个高教园区及12所高校新校区的教学资源配置及利用状况的调查表明,高校虽然建在了一起,但教学资源的整合、利用与共享的目标尚未实现。基于此,应成立专门的组织协调机构,制定切实可行的规章制度,在体育场馆、图书文献资源和实验室设备上加大整合力度,为培养高素质、高质量人才全面实现资源共享。  相似文献   

教育思想的转变是实施素质教育的前提。教育思想观念要实现以下转变从单纯的专业教育向综合素质教育转变;从重理工轻人文向文理并重转变;在教学观上变“三中心”为“三注重”;在学生的素质培养上,变重智主义的片面发展为整体素质的和谐发展;在学校教育与就业的关系上,变一次性教育为终身教育;在对待集体与个人的关系上,确立集体主义与个性和谐发展相统一的观念。  相似文献   

深化教育行政审批制度改革是完善国家教育行政体制的关键举措,也是简政放权、转变职能,加快推动教育治理体系和治理能力现代化的基本途径.60年来,以教育行政审批权为中心的行政权力下放,经历了起步探索、逐步推进、全面推进和深入推进四个阶段,总体呈现出中央向地方教育行政权力转移进程不断加快,地方政府管理教育事业权责不断强化的特点,反映出权力下放历程同步经济社会发展、下放节奏反映教育发展规律、下放方式凸显自上而下模式和下放事项主动回应社会诉求的重要逻辑.办好人民满意的教育亟需以推动教育行政审批制度改革为突破口,在教育行政权力下放过程中,顺应经济社会发展趋势、更加注重上下协同推进、更加突出改革问题导向、加强"放管服"一体化推进,进一步激发地方政府和社会参与办学的活力.  相似文献   

Objective. This study gauged the impact of government‐led educational expansion on Hong Kong's social stratification over a 30‐year period. The historically close state control over school supply in Hong Kong allows us to test the effectiveness of public policy in changing the transmission of advantages across generations. Methods. I analyzed household‐level census data from 1971, 1981, 1991, and 2001. Interviews and documents were also used to illuminate reasons for trends during this period. Results. There was a diminishing role of family resources and gender on access to all levels of schooling until 1991. From 1991 through 2001, however, there was a reversal of this trend at the postsecondary level, as access to university education became more dependent on family resources. In addition, new immigrants from mainland China were at an increased disadvantage. Conclusions. Hong Kong's current plan to create a second tier of self‐supporting postsecondary institutions will exacerbate the tendency toward unequal university access, and is also likely to segregate new arrivals from mainland China.  相似文献   

面对"五育"并举、立德树人、专业教育教学改革的相关政策号召,立足美育、德育与专业教育的结合进行教育改革实践的相关研究.阐明美育、德育与专业教育结合的必要性;提出以课程体系调整推动学科发展、以教学模式创新推动专业进步、以教育环境改善实现人才培育的三大改革策略;立足三大策略提出特色化、在地化,全时间、全空间,提升式、引领式的三大改革实践.理论和实践表明,美育、德育与专业相结合的教育改革实践是高等教育发展的趋势,是一流人才培育的必然要求,在一流综合素质专业精英培育的同时,不断实现专业进步、学科发展.  相似文献   

A survey on credit issues of academic chemists in U.S. Ph.D.-granting institutions was conducted. The respondents rated 15 criteria for authorship of scientific publications; core intellectual contributions received the highest ratings although making a single suggestion that was essential to the successful completion of the project was rated very low. Acquisition of data was also rated highly. The respondents rated eight potential influences on their own “policy” toward giving credit; doing what “seems to be the right thing” was the highest rated influence followed by graduate educational experiences; professional society or other responsible conduct of research (RCR) institutional policies were rated, by far, the lowest.  相似文献   

We discuss the ideas presented by Renner and Moore. We agree that it is a mistake to justify affirmative action solely in terms of diversity, and we think it is vital to note the continuing disparities in the educational opportunities afforded to White students and to other students. We believe that the views expressed by Renner and Moore present an opportunity to think critically about a number of issues related to affirmative action.  相似文献   

Efforts to increase involvement of citizens in their communities are now widespread. We discuss key forms of community involvement, such as community service and volunteerism, broadly, and educational initiatives that promote involvement (e.g., service–learning courses) more specifically. There are benefits to be achieved by the promotion of involvement, but also potential drawbacks. As an example of one approach to investigating community involvement, we review research on the interactive influence of person–centered functional variables (e.g., motives) and situation–centered structural variables (e.g., program features) on prosocial action. Ultimately, we call for greater attention to be paid to all of the constituent groups in the community involvement spectrum and the necessarily respectful and equitable relationships that must be forged among them.  相似文献   

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