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农业投资行为分析——一个理论分析框架   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
葛永波 《东岳论丛》2003,24(2):37-39
农业发展相对滞后已影响到经济的协调、快速发展 ,而农业投资不足是造成这种现象的关键因素之一。因此 ,通过政府政策引导及扶持 ,改善农业投资环境 ,提高农业投资收益预期 ,引导各个投资者独立决策的投资行为 ,具有深远的经济与社会意义。  相似文献   

《Social science research》1986,15(2):153-173
The purpose of this study is to empirically evaluate the ability of various models of work satisfaction to predict overall work satisfaction. Five models of work satisfaction are considered. They are the interactive, discrepancy, weighted discrepancy, additive independent, and perceived reward models. Data from 1385 workers suggest that the perceived reward model is the most appropriate procedure for predicting overall work satisfaction. Moreover, the data indicate that the relative effects of the various work dimensions on overall work satisfaction differ depending on which model is employed. These inconsistent results would appear to be due to specification error. Finally, it is suggested that the present findings should be viewed with caution. Additional research is necessary to conclusively establish their validity.  相似文献   

Data of L. M. Wiggins from three-wave panels, each with a single dichotomous response, illustrate the use of models with response probabilities that vary over occasions or over individuals, or neither, or both, with a “no interaction” combination of the two being specified for the last case, which can also be derived from the Rasch measurement model. Models more complicated than these, allowing for changes in individual parameters (interaction of occasions and persons) or serial dependence of responses are considered when the Rasch-type model does not adequately describe the data.  相似文献   

Mobility analysis has traditionally concentrated on the task of charting flows in the two-way contingency table which relates occupational origin to occupational destination. It has not yet undertaken a unified analysis of intergenerational and intragenerational aspects of mobility. And only rarely does it incorporate terms which represent ordered concepts such as inequality or vertical movement. In contrast, path analysis has typically imposed strong orderings on the data, and it has been employed to tease out the relations among several occupational variables. Its main defect is that it entirely abstracts from shifts in mean occupational position, and also from change in the shape of the occupational distribution. Yet both of these are important sources of mobility. The present paper shows how two innovations in mobility analysis may be generalized to constitute a technique which unites the strengths of path analysis with those of log-linear analysis. The two innovations are (a) the conceptual disaggregation of perfect and exchange mobility, and (b) the imposition of an ordered component within each (K. Hope, 1981, Sociology 15, 19–55). The outcome of this generalization is a simple yet powerful account of mobility in Britain.  相似文献   

地方政府行为在很大程度上与财政困难的形成有很大关系。理性的政府官员在晋升的政治博弈中会通过各种方式突破预算约束使公共经济行为个人化。虽然财政困难与公共融资机制的缺失、公共支出的集中以及单中心的公共决策紧密相连,但这三方面的制度缺失从根本上还是根源于政府官员公共行为的私人化。因此,从根本上解决财政困难,要从规范政府行为出发,建立以权力制衡的规范的公共选择作为决策机制的公共财政。  相似文献   

This paper reports an analysis of employer-specific sex differences in the processes governing the salary attainment of personnel of a large company. The two dominant theories of inequality both view discrimination as the operative cause of pay differences, but locate the structural source of discrimination at different points in the employer-employee exchange space. The wage discrimination hypothesis asserts that the economic disadvantage of women issues directly from the pay practices of employers, with women receiving “unequal pay for equal work.” The crowding, or employment segregation, hypothesis asserts that inequality issues from the employment practices of employers; disparities in the allocation of jobs and promotions results in segregation along sexual lines, with women relegated to lower-paying positions. The findings show that both wage discrimination and sexual segregation of the company's job and rank structures contribute to inequality, but that the latter is more important. The implications for the issue of discrimination are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

关注个体伦理意义的个人视角和主张四海之内皆兄弟的人类自然法理性是西塞罗政治观产生的文化条件,它使西塞罗的政治观具有承上启下的地位。在西塞罗政治观的叙事形式中,哲学和历史的叙事形式之间具有紧张关系,这种紧张关系表明哲学理性的叙事形式正在遭受挑战,这种挑战的深层表现是哲学与政治之间的距离越来越大,哲学越来越成为获得私人幸福的重要生活形式,它不再如希腊古典政治哲学那样是政治的终极监护者。政治生活是人在世俗生活中应承担的义务,权力和荣誉是世俗中的人们对政治家的奖赏,但这种奖赏必然是短暂易逝的,终究是没有意义的。西塞罗通过小斯基皮奥之梦暗示政治生活的意义最终要落实到神的奖赏之中,这何尝不是一种中世纪政治神学的萌芽?  相似文献   

科学技术对经济和社会发展的卓越贡献是毋庸置疑的,但是,对科学技术的研究常被忽略,这尤其见诸社会学领域。另一方面,科学技术的负面影响更易被低估或误释。从社会学论科学技术的负面影响,遂有不容忽视的理论价值和实践意义。本文回顾半个世纪国内外有关历程后指出:1 、在性质上,对科学技术的负面影响的审视,实属科技革命的重要组成部分;2 、在机制上,科学技术的负面影响主要来自不当的社会运用;3 、在成因上,科学技术的负面影响归根结蒂是社会价值的缺失和偏颇所致  相似文献   

Crimes are social events that involve citizens and control agents interacting over time. Prior work neglects the dynamic and interactive qualities of these criminal events. Drawing from the work of Hawley and others, it is suggested that the processing of criminal events is a routine activity socially organized in time and space. Dynamic modeling techniques developed by N. Tuma are applied to longitudinal data collected on over 10,000 criminal events in California cities and used to model rates of transition from arrest to case disposition resulting from police release, prosecutor denial of complaint, or going to court. As the work of Hawley predicts, city size has much to do with the way criminal events are processed. For example, in larger cities it is demonstrated that crime specialists are processed more slowly than nonspecialists, and that each successive police processing of crime specialists results in slower rates of transition relative to nonspecialists; in smaller cities, it is demonstrated that black suspects are processed more quickly than whites, and that each successive police processing of black suspects results in faster rates of transition relative to whites. The former findings are explained in terms of rationalized intelligence gathering, the latter in terms of stereotyping and the harassment of minorities. The systematic form of the observed temporal changes, notwithstanding a large number of legal and extralegal variables taken into account, leads us to believe that we have identified important patterns of police activity. These and other findings convince us that the social organization of criminal justice processing deserves further study.  相似文献   

我国农村合作金融发展模式的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文尝试从发展历程、现实需求以及发展的约束环境几方面,总结分析改革开放30年来,我国农村合作金融发展的实践特征,参照国外的做法,根据农村合作金融的发展理论,进而提出我国农村微观经济主体融资渠道的主要选择.认为以农村为基础、以农民为主体、以农业为基本产业的农村合作金融组织,具有商业金融与政策金融所不具有的比较优势,体现了经济规律和制度安排,是我国农村经济发展的必然选择.合作金融在世界各国农村经济发展中发挥了重要作用,重视发展合作金融对中国农村经济发展意义重大.  相似文献   

本文从马克思主义生产与消费同一性的视角,分析了消费主义的资本主义性质,并在以下三个层面展开了对消费主义的生态批判:一是从消费主义对个体的异化及对人身自然的破坏的角度,从文化和哲学的层面对消费主义展开的批判;二是从作为消费主义体现的资本主义城市对自然界和人的破坏的角度,从文化和社会的层面展开的批判,提出了在资本主义条件下建设生态城市的不可能性;三是提出了在资本主义全球化的过程中,资本将实现对生命的总体统治,从而使以消费主义为表象的资本主义发展到极端,这应该引起全世界对资本统治的警惕。  相似文献   

矫枉过正:城市流浪乞讨人员救助管理制度的实证分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》取代原先的《城市流浪乞讨人员收容遣送办法》,其实现的进步是应当明确地加以肯定的.但由于它出台比较仓促,在一定意义上超越了现实,在实际运行中也出现了不少困难和问题.基于对北京市的实证研究,在充分肯定实施"救助管理制度"的合理性的前提下,客观地揭示该制度运行中存在的困难与问题,并就进一步改革完善这一制度提出了系统的看法.  相似文献   

Using data from the 2010 Census of Brazil, this article quantitatively examines the phenomenon of sibling differences in racial classification. In sum, the findings demonstrate that within-sibling racial heterogeneity occurs in 17–19% of families. The strongest predictor of racial discordance between siblings is racial discordance between parents. Furthermore, within-sibling regression models establish that race exhibits a modest but statistically significant association with some education and labor market outcomes. Most outcomes are not associated with race for siblings aged 15–19, although in families with both sexes, darker females have more favorable educational outcomes, while darker males have less favorable outcomes. In contrast, darker siblings aged 20–25 are less advantaged than their lighter brothers and sisters along a number of dimensions. They have significantly lower education, lower personal income, lower formal employment, and lower occupational status. It is argued that patterns for siblings aged 20–25 may be indicative of individual racial discrimination.  相似文献   

就业政策是国家和社会为解决就业问题所确定的行为规范和准则。陈云在这个问题上尤其是关于就业培训、就业安置、失业预防、失业保险等方面提出过一系列重要的思想及政策主张,这些思想及政策主张为解决当时历史条件下我国的就业问题起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

美国的可持续发展战略探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国作为冷战后世界上唯一的超级大国,面对生态环境问题全球化和严重化的趋势,制定了一系列可持续发展政策,如在生产、消费、人口、自然资源保护、农业、环境管理、能源与交通、社区发展等方面制定了其可持续发展战略,这些政策及其实施的行动将会对世界产生重大影响。  相似文献   

英语中存在着诸多性别歧视现象。文章以女性主义的立场,从词汇的角度,探讨存在于英语语言中的性别歧视现象,旨在引起人们对此问题的重视,并期盼随着社会的进步,男女平等能尽快实现,性别歧视在语言使用中能早日消失。  相似文献   

〕本文认为:在社会主义市场经济条件下,新闻工作者要正确运用新闻工具,实行舆论监督,首先要正确认识当前新闻批评的难点,其次要依法进行新闻舆论监督,再次要坚持正确的新闻舆论导向,最后要充分认识到新闻舆论监督工作是思想政治工作。只有站在这一高度上加以理解和认识,新闻报道才能更好地实行舆论监督,发挥舆论导向作用,自觉地为党的事业、社会主义事业服务  相似文献   

This article outlines a simple procedure for reducing the error and thus increasing the size of correlation coefficients through an analysis of residual variances resulting from the inadequacy of an assumed regression model to describe the data. Usually researchers are concerned with how well their model fits the data, but in regard to certain problems, an equally important issue is how well the data fit the model. Use of the Residual Analysis Technique provides a means whereby researchers may objectively remove extreme or deviant cases, i.e., those with large residuals, from their analysis and thereby increase the predictive accuracy of their operational models. Data from 682 urban places are examined in order to provide an example of the practical utility of this procedure.  相似文献   

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