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Within the context of the British labor market, 11 investigations into the mental health impact of unemployment are described. These reveal significant decrements for people of all ages as a result of moving into unemployment, and for middle-aged men additional effects of continuing joblessness. Research into factors mediating the harmful impact of unemployment has covered time since job loss, employment commitment, social relationships, gender, ethnic group membership, social class, local unemployment rate, and personal vulnerability. Findings with respect to each are summarized, and a model of influential environmental characteristics is introduced. Additional British investigations are cited throughout the paper.  相似文献   

The unemployment rate for a country seems to reflect unemployment policies rather than economic conditions. Variations in employment rates for selected Western countries are presented as a background for a discussion of unemployment and its individual and societal consequences in Sweden. Unemployment is both a private trouble—where individuals see the possibility of controlling their own lives diminishing, which leads to increased risk for psychological and physiological stress—and a public issue, for increased unemployment is associated with societal vulnerability, social polarization, and the breakdown of community ties, which lead to increased societal stress and increased mortality on the national and the community levels. However, for the large majority of workers, the Swedish welfare system buffers first against unemployment, and second against its negative economic effects. Less than 2% of the workforce are exposed to unemployment, and a minority of the unemployed seem negatively affected by the unemployment experience. An empirical longitudinal study of unemployed blue-collar workers and two employed control groups indicated that a coping orientation involving an attitude of mastery or perceived control buffered against psychological and physiological stress reactions.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Ulla Rantakeisu, Centre for Public Health Research, University of Karlstad, S-651 88 Karlstad, Sweden. E-mail: ulla_rantakeisu{at}kau.se Summary Young unemployed people in six local communities in Sweden wereinterviewed to test the assumption that variations in the socialand health effects of unemployment could be seen as a functionof financial hardship and of experiences of shame. The resultsindicate that there seems to be a link between the health andsocial effects of unemployment, on the one hand, and the degreeof financial hardship and the number of shaming experienceson the other. The group of unemployed people who suffered agreater degree of financial hardship and also experienced agreater number of shaming experiences seemed to exhibit thepoorest health, reported deteriorated health to a greater degreethan other groups, experienced negative changes in their lifestyle,did less in their free time, and had lower self-confidence thanother unemployed persons. The opposite applied for those whoexperienced less financial hardship and less pressure in termsof experiences of shaming. Against this background, we haveformulated a theoretical model based on financial circumstancesand social bonds; a model that could have a wider value in explainingsocial and health problems.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes health policy development in Europe in response to economic instability, and describes agreements and declarations at a European level as well as commitments in some selected countries. One significant example is the European Health for All Strategy, which encompasses 38 operational targets agreed upon by all 32 member states of the European region. The Council of Europe and the Commission of the European Communities have instituted study groups on psychosocial and health effects of long-term unemployment, and on intervention measures taken or contemplated. This paper discusses interventions such as psychological and socio-pedagogic training schemes, measures for long-term unemployed, and a "social guarantee" of employment or training, as well as prevention of unemployment and empowerment of the unemployed. A local approach in a region of the Federal Republic of Germany illustrates the need for political involvement and strategies.  相似文献   

Special geriatrics services are now a reality in many community mental health clinics, thus making it timely for clinicians and administrators to look at the problems faced by geriatric workers in that setting. This article addresses the problems in the worker's role by first comparing it to those of other special population mental health workers. Systemic difficulties and structural problems of the job are examined with emphasis on the worker's experiences and feelings. The author contends that the worker's issues parallel those of elderly clients. Solutions for changing negative aspects of the separate service role are discussed and their impact on service delivery described.  相似文献   

This paper reviews findings from a panel study of Boston area unemployed men and their families. Psychological effects of unemployment on workers and their wives are summarized, particularly for the first half year of joblessness. Family responses to job loss are also examined, including the role of the marital relationship in buffering workers' stress. Finally, policy and service implications of this research are discussed. Consideration is given not only to the mental health needs of workers, but to frequently overlooked qualities of efficacy and resilience among the unemployed.  相似文献   

Economic turbulence in the early 1980s stimulated not only popular and governmental concern about the effects of unemployment, but also extensive research on the topic. This journal issue presents 10 representative reports of such recent research from the United States and Europe. Of the two principal methodologies used in this field, aggregate time-series analysis and individual-level surveys, this issue is limited to the individual-level literature. Two papers provide a social psychological and human developmental orientation to the topic. Then, six papers address the psychological costs of unemployment, four based on population surveys and two dealing with plant closings. Finally, two papers describe policy responses being considered or implemented in North America and Europe.  相似文献   

进入老龄化社会后,老年服务的巨大需求和我国老年服务相对滞后形成强烈的矛盾,是亟待解决的社会问题。本文选取青岛市一个典型社区为代表,采用问卷和访谈的方法,获得了详细的数据与一手资料,全方位考察了该社区在老年服务方面的具体做法,总结出该社区老年服务方面的成绩和经验,同时也指出存在的问题,诸如服务形式单一,无法满足老年人发展性需求,工作人员专业性不强等。针对以上问题,笔者提出了发展社区老年服务的对策建议,主要是从思想层面转变服务理念,转变社区功能定位,坚持制度创新,探索本土特色和本土优势的老年服务模式。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate some psychological effects of unemployment on young people. Questionnaires requesting attitudes, expectations and experience of employment and unemployment, and containing a variety of psychological measures were administered to 118 intending school leavers when they were still at school and seven months later. In general it was found that attitudes to work differed little between the unemployed and the employed, but that the unemployment experience did result in psychological consequences for the individual in terms of loss of happiness and self esteem.  相似文献   

A self-report questionnaire, tapping a variety of areas of health-related behaviours, was administered individually to a hundred young men and women aged between 15 and 24 years, solicited outside the Commonwealth Employment Service Office in Liverpool, New South Wales, in August 1980, all of whom described themselves as having been continuously unemployed for at least four weeks up to the time of interview. The group was divided at its approximate median of five months in terms of duration of current period of unemployment, and the short-term and long-term unemployed groups thus derived were contrasted on all variables. The resultant analysis showed the total long-term unemployed group to be characterized by heavier smoking, reduced participation in sport, and, though not statistically significant, increased drug usage, relative to the short-term group. Within the long-term group, females were drinking more, and visiting the doctor more, than their short-term peers; males were changing their drinking, friendship, eating and sleeping habits in directions indicative of loss of social contact.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Professor John Carpenter, Centre for Applied Social Studies, University of Durham, Elvet Riverside II, Durham DH1 3JT, UK. E-mail: J.S.W.Carpenter{at}dur.ac.uk Summary This study investigated the relationships between the organizationof community mental health services and professional and teamidentification, team functioning and the psychological well-beingand job satisfaction of staff working in multidisciplinary communitymental health teams (CMHTs). Staff in four districts in theNorth of England completed anonymous questionnaires on two occasions,twelve months apart. There were systematic differences in teamfunctioning, favouring teams in districts where mental healthand social care services were integrated. However, service organizationhad no evident impact on professional or team identificationor on outcomes for staff in terms of stress or job satisfaction.There were differences between social workers (n = 31) and healthservice professionals (n = 82) indicating that social workershad poorer perceptions of team functioning and experienced higherlevels of role conflict. Controlling for other factors includingthe study districts, role conflict was a significant predictorof stress and of job dissatisfaction, while role clarity promotedjob satisfaction. We conclude that support and supervision aimedat ensuring a social work contribution to multidisciplinaryworking should be provided in the course of establishing CMHTsand integrated health and social care services.  相似文献   

A programme was developed by the authors to provide community mental health services to an isolated rural region situated within the large catchment area of a state psychiatric hospital. The programme functioned without psychiatrist or medical officer in the team. The authors believe their programme to be effective and economical both of monetary cost and of the scarce services of psychiatrically trained professional workers. They hope it will serve as a model for other community mental health workers.  相似文献   

Research in industry has suggested that motivation and job satisfaction are influenced by various aspects of work activity and work environment. Family background and community characteristics have been thought to have some relevance. In the present research an attempt was made to find out: (1) the significance of relevant community variables, (2) the importance of family and home variables, and (3) their intra as well as interaction effects on job satisfaction in industry. Community, family and home variables were found to correlate highly with job satisfaction, particularly those latter factors dealing with the employees' personal life.  相似文献   

黄梅芳 《社会工作》2011,(12):79-81
社区就业服务有利于缓解社区居民就业压力,满足社区居民日益增长的多元化社区服务的需求,是社区和谐稳定的重要基础性服务工作。在对桂林市社区居民的就业服务与管理状况进行随机调查和分析基础上,提出了几点意见和建议。  相似文献   

Allocation of resources to community mental health care in Australia has escalated rapidly in recent years. The major conceptual advance has been the balancing of traditional therapeutic or remedial intervention with the goal of preventing psychological distress. The authors argue that the implementation of preventive programmes has fallen short of expectation. Two reasons are advanced: the differing status accorded the two activities, and the lack of goal definition in prevention programme development. Recommendations are made for the successful implementation of prevention programmes in community mental health care.  相似文献   

黄梅芳 《社会工作》2011,(24):79-81
社区就业服务有利于缓解社区居民就业压力,满足社区居民日益增长的多元化社区服务的需求,是社区和谐稳定的重要基础性服务工作。在对桂林市社区居民的就业服务与管理状况进行随机调查和分析基础上,提出了几点意见和建议。  相似文献   

In relation to mental health, it is clear that medicalized underpinnings,the provision of a clinically orientated evidence base for practiceand the need to contain ‘risk’ continue to be prioritized,particularly when compulsory intervention is considered. Thisis despite the increasing influence of a citizenship and socialjustice agenda which is being promoted by psychiatrists involvedin the development of ‘postpsychiatry’, as wellas by service users/survivors. These drivers are not mutuallyexclusive, but in the context of compulsory treatment, thereare clear tensions. In this article, the policy surroundingmental health and compulsory intervention in Australia and inEngland and Wales is explored. In the context of this discussion,three ways in which current government policy can be interpretedare examined and links made between these interpretations anddifferent ways of viewing the relationship between mental healthand community capacity building. With regard to social workpractice, it is argued that a response to mental ill healthwhich concentrates on an individualized ‘diagnose andtreat’ approach, which particularly comes to the foreat times of compulsory intervention, has limited capacity tofacilitate community engagement, foster social inclusion andgenerate reciprocal dynamics between positive mental healthand community capacity building.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This study tested the effectiveness of a therapeutic community (TC) intervention on imprisoned Korean substance abusers. Volunteer participants from 2 Korean prisons were randomly assigned to either the experimental group (n = 24) with the TC intervention or a control group (n = 24) with optional supportive sessions. Pretest and posttest data were collected on measures of abstinence self-efficacy and problem-solving skills. Participants in the TC intervention showed significant increases in abstinence self-efficacy and problem-solving skills, whereas those in the control group did not. The differences in abstinence self-efficacy for the TC were found for 2 of 3 subscales: Problem-Solving Confidence and Approach-Avoidance Style but not Self-Control. Further study is needed to replicate these findings with larger Korean prison populations and to establish the relationship between these skill dimensions and subsequent drug use and criminal recidivism for this population. Nevertheless, the findings suggest potential benefits of using a TC intervention with imprisoned Korean substance abusers.  相似文献   

Stigma associated with mental illness continues to be a pervasive barrier to mental health treatment, leading to negative attitudes about treatment and deterring appropriate care seeking. Empirical research suggests that the stigma of mental illness may exert an adverse influence on attitudes toward mental health treatment and service utilization patterns by individuals with a mental illness, particularly African Americans. However, little research has examined the impact of stigma on racial differences in attitudes toward seeking mental health treatment. This study examined the hypothesis that stigma partially mediates the relationship between race and attitudes towards mental health treatment in a community-based sample of 101 African American and White older adults. Multiple regression analyses and classic path analysis was utilized to test the partial mediation model. Controlling for socio-demographic factors, African American older adults were more likely to have negative attitudes toward mental health treatment, and they also reported more public and internalized stigma than their White counterparts. As hypothesized, the relationship between race and attitudes toward mental health treatment was partially mediated by internalized stigma, suggesting that internalized stigma may cause older adults to develop negative attitudes about mental health treatment. The partial mediation model was not significant for public stigma, however. Implications for social work research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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