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统计继续教育,是对各级统计部门、企事业单位、各团体中从事统计工作的在职统计专业技术人员进行与统计工作相关的新理论、新技术、新知识、新方法的教育培训,旨在完善统计专业技术队伍的知识结构,提高队伍整体专业知识水平和创造能力,便之更好地适应社会主义市场经济发展的要求。笔者就统计继续教育的重要性、特点、组织管理谈点看法。一、统计人员继续教育的重要性1.继续教育是统计人员适应经济发展的客观要求。近年来,我国的经济保持高速增长,经济体制由计划经济向市场经济转变,市场经济就是竞争经济,尤其是在知识经济时代,适应形势,更新…  相似文献   

江美 《统计教育》2001,(4):43-44
随着新世纪的到来,以信息技术为代表的科技革命迅猛发展,经济全球化明显加快。统计面临着新的形势和任务。如何确保统计工作优质高效,真正做到朱总理提出的“快、精、准”要求,本文认为,人才是关键,教育是基础,继续教育是基本途径之一。  相似文献   

杨小平 《山西统计》1999,(3):27-27,44
社会主义市场经济的建立和发展,对统计工作提出了更新更高的要求,同时也加大了统计工作的难度,使统计工作任务日趋繁重。怎么办?一靠科技,二靠法制,归根结底离不开人。为此本文拟就强化队伍建设,发展统计事业谈点看法。一、市场经济迫切需要一支强有力的统计队伍1、市场经济的发展,对统计工作提出了更强在高的要来首先,从微观来看:市场经济的经济主体是多元的、分散的。多元的经济主体,在市场配乏资源的前提条件下,摆脱了政府的行政隶属关系,不再是指令性计划拨来投去的棋子,而是自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束的经…  相似文献   

论企业的战略型管理统计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪的管理是以信息为基础的管理,企业统计是一个重要的信息系统,这个信息系统如何适应未来的管理模式是决定企业统计未来前途的大事。本文首先分析了企业统计的困境,然后勾勒21世纪的战略型整合管理模式,在此基础上,分析这种管理模式对信息的需求,最后,对战略型管理统计作一描述。  相似文献   

随着经济体制改革的不断深入,市场竞争的加剧。企业为求生存和发展,必须开拓视野,适应信息时代以创新为代表的管理模式,企业除了要了解内部生产经营状况,更应随时把握,找准本企业在市场竞争中的最佳位置。在这种情况下,企业统计部门有必要设立统计信息库,以发挥统计的信息、咨询、监督职能。究竟哪些信息为企业所需,搜集信息从何着手?本文提供如下思路。  相似文献   

开展统计继续教育是加强统计队伍建设,提高统计队伍整体素质的重要举措,是对统计人员的知识结构和业务技能进行补充、更新、拓展、提高的教育。近年来,根据国家、省和杭州市统计局的统一部署和要求,我市开展了形式多样的统计继续教育工作,仅2005、2006两年,开展统计继续教育达1454人次,对提高我市统计队伍的整体综合素质,促进依法统计工作起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

一、企业统计与企业文化随着科技和文化的发展,企业的组织形式、经营理念都已经发生了天翻地覆的变化,企业已不再是单个加工车间的简单组合,已成为经济社会有机体内具有多种功能的组织或器官。企业统计的研究对象是企业生产经营管理活动的数量方面和数量关系。企业作为市场竞争主体在社会主义市场经济环境中运作,有其特定的规律,研究规律、揭示规律、遵循规律是企业统计研究的任务和目标。企业在这个经济社会亚群体中有其自身的运动规律,随着现代技术的推进和文化的进步,企业文化成为社会的亚文化。企业文化是现代市场经济发展的产物…  相似文献   

陈军英 《浙江统计》2011,(12):58-58,60
建立一支高素质的统计队伍,是做好统计工作的基本保证。当前,桐乡市屠甸镇统计队伍建设取得队伍快速发展、质与量同步提升,队伍建设更上台阶、管理与培训齐头并进等成效,但也存在队伍稳定性较差、兼职人员占比高、统计人员年龄及文化层次参差不齐等问题。建议加强统计基础建设工作、完善统计培训体系、合理运用统计稽查等。  相似文献   

A list of consequential developments in the field of statistics for the past quarter-century must include the creation and implementation of the Advanced Placement (AP) program in Statistics. This program has introduced millions of high school students to our discipline over the past 18 years, contributing to the large increase in the number of undergraduate students pursuing statistics as their major in college. ASA members and leaders have played a substantial role in shaping this program and furthering its success.  相似文献   

目前我国正提倡“以法治国、以德治国”的发展战略,所以在各学科教学中渗透德育,具有非常重要的现实意义。本文仅就在统计教学中如何渗透德育问题,提出了渗透德育的可行性和必要性,着重介绍渗透德育的途径,以及当前急待解决的问题。  相似文献   

The American Statistical Association's primary founder, Lemuel Shattuck, was driven by a passion for collecting and disseminating accurate information on vital statistics, public health, and other statistically related concerns. The 175th anniversary provides an opportunity to reflect on the education-related reasons ASA was founded and what it has done in education since its founding, especially in the past 25 years since the 150th anniversary. An examination of early and more recent issues of the ASA's journals reveals some common themes that have recurred over the past 175 years. We discuss what those themes are and what the ASA is doing to address them currently, and then conclude by discussing what ASA members can do to help.  相似文献   

随着广大卫生技术人员对掌握卫生统计学知识的需求越来越大,针对成人教育的特点,本 文提出模块教学的概念,进行卫生统计学教学内容、方法、教学手段的改革。  相似文献   

University courses in elementary statistics are usually taught from a frequentist perspective. In this paper I suggest how such courses can be taught using a Bayesian approach, and I indicate why beginning students are well served by a Bayesian course. A principal focus of any good elementary course is the application of statistics to real and important scientific problems. The Bayesian approach fits neatly with a scientific focus. Bayesians take a larger view, and one not limited to data analysis. In particular, the Bayesian approach is subjective, and requires assessing prior probabilities. This requirement forces users to relate current experimental evidence to other available information–-including previous experiments of a related nature, where “related” is judged subjectively. I discuss difficulties faced by instructors and students in elementary Bayesian courses, and provide a sample syllabus for an elementary Bayesian course.  相似文献   

An effective method for improving the communication skills of graduate students in statistics and biostatistics is to provide consultations with non‐statistical researchers. Unfortunately, those experiences can be difficult to arrange or occur too infrequently to be reliable. The current study sought to help students develop both written and oral communication skills within an existing graduate biostatistics course by having students partake in role‐playing consultations. Though the class size was small, the students felt these activities helped improve their oral and written communication skills, and made them more aware of a biostatistician's role in consulting. There was also modest improvement in the students perceived function as a consulting biostatistician. Simulated consultations can be an effective educational tool for promoting the development of soft skills necessary for developing successful statisticians, can be implemented in existing courses, and do not require reliance upon external collaborators. Embedding these types of exercises within an existing curriculum can also be a cost‐effective alternative for programs that do not have formal consulting training.  相似文献   

文章从实施"在地统计"改革的动因、改革的本质以及各级统计部门职能、"在地统计"改革中关键问题、数据分割、基数确定以及改革弊端等几方面进行探讨,提出了城市开展"在地统计"改革的具体建议和方法.  相似文献   

Suppose that in the situation of a paired t test natural pairing, such as the use of twins, is not possible. Reduction in variability is then often achieved artificially, for example by pairing animals of similar birth weight. This article points out that, unless such pairing is ineffective, the usual assumptions underlying the paired t test are violated. Nevertheless, simulation indicates that, with randomization in the allocation of treatments, the standard procedure gives good results. Our bivariate normal model provides the factor by which the length of the confidence interval for the mean treatment difference is reduced as a result of the pairing. Another form of pairing sometimes used is shown to be incorrect. Nonparametric analogs are also briefly considered.  相似文献   

网络经济的发展使现行的统计信息生产方式和统计制度发生深刻变革,使统计人才的知识结构发生重大变化,从而对统计教育的着力点和培养目标、培养方式提出了新的要求。如何培养大量优秀的复合型统计人才,极大地提高统计人员的素质,是统计教育面临的艰巨任务。  相似文献   

企业统计能力是国家统计能力的重要组成部分,企业统计能力的提高直接影响到国家统计能力的建设。从统计能力建设问题入手,讨论中国企业统计能力的内涵及其与政府统计能力的区别,提出了企业统计能力评价的系统结构,并从个体评价和总体评价两个角度对企业统计能力的评价方法进行了研究。  相似文献   

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