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2020年后相对贫困治理成为解决中国“三农问题”的重要任务,缩小农村收入差距、促进社会代际流动是重要施策点。而教育公平作为起点公平,是打破社会阶层固化、促进底层向上流动的重要工具,农村教育的机会平等更是后扶贫时代缓解相对贫困的基本方略。本研究基于中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)2010-2018年数据,运用反事实视角检验教育机会不平等对农村子女收入差距的影响及变化。实证结果显示农村家庭子女存在教育机会的性别不平等,即教育代际传递过程中儿子与女儿的教育机会存在差距,女性子女教育机会受到父母教育程度的约束性影响;农村子女教育代际流动与其收入水平存在相关性,且教育代际向上流动对收入具有正向影响,而性别间也存在教育代际流动方向上的差异;教育因素对农村子女收入性别差距的贡献表现为特征效应而非系数效应,教育分布扩大了收入性别差距,而教育回报率缩小了收入性别差距;在反事实视角下,当消除女性子女教育代际传递的劣势后,子女收入性别差距减小约10%且教育禀赋不再对收入性别差距产生正向影响。相关教育政策一方面应该加强劣势群体的社会保障,改善相对贫困家庭的教育投资现状,从根本上解决农村子女上学问题;另一方面应该改善优质教育资源配置及教育机会分配。同时继续加强农村地区男女平等基本国策的宣传教育,改善女性地位,发挥女性优势。  相似文献   

基于CHARLS2018年数据,本文构建健康相关生命质量指标,系统地衡量老年人健康,实证考察儿子和女儿教育分别带来的影响;同时,通过代际支持这一中介路径探究儿子和女儿教育影响存在差异的原因;此外,进一步讨论农村社会保障政策及亲子关系在儿子和女儿教育影响中的干预效应。研究结果发现:(1)儿子和女儿教育均对农村老年人健康总得分具有积极影响,但影响的维度及力度存在差异。(2)儿子教育主要通过经济支持发挥作用;而女儿教育主要通过情感支持、同住模式发挥作用。(3)农村社会保障、亲子关系对子女教育的影响过程具有一定程度的干预作用。建议提高农村家庭对子女教育的重视程度,并进一步完善农村社会保障制度,同时弘扬传统孝道文化,以期切实提高农村老年人的健康水平。  相似文献   

文章利用2000~2006年辽宁省农调队固定农户连续跟踪调查数据,就农村妇女非农就业转移对自身受教育程度的影响,以及影响下一代子女教育投入的因素做了实证分析.结果表明,农村妇女非农就业转移不仅在一定程度上可以促进农村妇女自身受教育程度的提高,而且可以促进农村家庭加大对子女教育的投入.随着劳动力市场的不断完善,农村妇女的非农就业转移在家庭对子女教育投入的影响中正起着越来越重要的作用.农村妇女非农就业转移与农村教育发展二者之间能够相互促进,形成良性循环.  相似文献   

王德福 《南方人口》2012,27(2):37-43
农村近年来重新出现早婚高潮,早婚率甚至已经逼近上世纪80年代的水平。本文基于豫东西村的实地调查,认为当前农村的早婚现象是代际关系变动的结果,即养老倒逼婚姻:父母希望早日完成人生任务以便趁年轻力壮为自己积攒养老资源,子女在接受早婚要求的同时也通过婚姻向父母索取了大量家庭财富,代际之间的理性博弈助推了早婚的出现。在未来相当长的时期内,由代际关系变动推动的早婚仍将存在并可能有所发展。  相似文献   

农村劳动力流动和转移是农村反贫困的重要路径之一,对缓解农村贫困有重要的作用。本文以甘肃省1 749个农户的调研数据为研究样本,在描述性统计分析的基础之上提出关于劳动力流动和贫困之间关系的四个假设。针对提出的假设,本文采用Double-log模型对农户收入进行弹性分析,发现农户家庭外出务工劳动力对农户家庭人均收入有显著的正向作用,进一步应用Probit模型对影响农户家庭劳动力流动的因素进行回归分析,发现外出劳动力的年龄、性别、职业、受教育程度、健康状况及工作地点和主要技能等对劳动力流动有重要的直接影响且间接地影响家庭的贫困状况,进而直接或间接地对所提出的假设进行了证明。劳动力流动与贫困之间存在双向关系,务工收入是农户家庭的主要收入来源。因此,劳动力流动对于减少农村贫困发生率,促进农业生产要素的合理配置和缓解农村生态贫困等都有积极作用。  相似文献   

城乡居民家庭代际收入流动的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周兴  王芳 《人口学刊》2014,(2):64-73
基于CGSS2006的数据,本文对我国城乡家庭的代际收入流动性进行了比较分析,研究发现:我国城乡家庭的代际收入流动性偏弱,城镇家庭代际收入向上的流动性总体而言要高于农村家庭,代际收入流动性的差异客观上加剧城乡之间的收入差距;新生代城镇家庭子女收入向上流动的能力相对他们的前辈有所减弱,而新生代农村家庭子女收入向上流动的能力要超过他们的前辈,在与城镇同龄人的比较中也处于优势;人力资本是影响代际收入流动的主要因素,虽然在职业生涯的初期,教育并没有显著地提高代际收入向上流动的概率,但随着子女职业生涯的发展,教育对代际收入流动的影响逐渐增强。此外,家庭的经济地位和社会关系等家庭背景因素对代际收入流动也有显著的影响。  相似文献   

基于CGSS2006的数据,本文对我国城乡家庭的代际收入流动性进行了比较分析,研究发现:我国城乡家庭的代际收入流动性偏弱,城镇家庭代际收入向上的流动性总体而言要高于农村家庭,代际收入流动性的差异客观上加剧城乡之间的收入差距;新生代城镇家庭子女收入向上流动的能力相对他们的前辈有所减弱,而新生代农村家庭子女收入向上流动的能力要超过他们的前辈,在与城镇同龄人的比较中也处于优势;人力资本是影响代际收入流动的主要因素,虽然在职业生涯的初期,教育并没有显著地提高代际收入向上流动的概率,但随着子女职业生涯的发展,教育对代际收入流动的影响逐渐增强。此外,家庭的经济地位和社会关系等家庭背景因素对代际收入流动也有显著的影响。  相似文献   

贫困问题尤其是农村地区的贫困问题一直是我国政府和社会关注的焦点。随着社会经济发展水平的提高和城镇化的快速发展,农村贫困地区人们受教育程度显著提高,大量劳动人口外出务工经商,以期实现个人发展和家庭脱贫致富。本文利用对河北省境内燕山-太行山、黑龙港流域两个连片贫困地区的抽样调查数据,对家庭经济发展中家庭成员受教育程度、外出务工的作用进行定量分析和研究。实证证明家庭成员受教育程度对家庭经济状况有显著影响,但是存在内生性问题;外出务工状况对家庭经济状况有重要影响,然而外出打工只是家庭增加收入的一种方式,而非家庭彻底改变贫困状态从而脱贫致富的根本有效途径。  相似文献   

农村居民最低生活保障制度作为一项专门针对农村贫困人口的政府无条件转移支付项目。基于家庭人力资本投资模型,利用2012年和2014年的中国家庭动态跟踪调查(CFPS)数据,运用面板倾向得分—固定效应模型,实证分析了农村低保对贫困儿童认知能力的影响,并从家庭教育物质投入和时间投入两个角度检验了其影响路径。研究结果表明:无论是深度贫困还是轻度贫困儿童,农村低保均能够显著提高其认知能力,尤其是对深度贫困儿童的促进作用更加显著;异质性分析显示,相对于父母受教育程度较低的儿童,农村低保对父母受教育程度较高的贫困儿童认知能力的提升作用更加明显。同时,相较于东、中部地区,农村低保对西部地区贫困儿童认知能力的提升效果更为明显;进一步路径分析显示,农村低保主要通过影响家庭教育物质投入,间接提升农村贫困儿童的认知能力,但并未改变贫困家庭父母的时间配置偏好。因此,政府应该适当提高农村低保的补助标准和瞄准效率,并从儿童的教育、健康等方面设置合理的受益条件,使得农村贫困家庭优先将一定比例的补助金用于儿童人力资本投资,从而充分发挥出农村低保的教育溢出效应。  相似文献   

通过多变量Prob it模型考察我国农村贫困居民的收入流动性。分析两期之间农村贫困的状态依赖性,探讨决定我国农村居民当期免于贫困的因素,研究发现:人力资本投资中的教育投资和健康投资的反贫困效果最好;从贫困的状态依赖性来看,我国农村低收入者没有陷入明显的持续贫困,收入流动性较强;农村女性收入状况逐年改善,婚姻状况有利于缓解贫困,国家公务员或者企业经理,政府机关、国有企事业单位性质的员工陷入贫困的概率更低,东部地区居民容易免于贫困;改革开放的制度变迁给农村居民带来收入变动的机遇,同时也增加了他们收入的不稳定性;回归结果对低收入门槛的定义比较敏感,有必要在收入分布的"绝对贫困"区域上方再划定一个"基本贫困"区域。  相似文献   

钟玲  左停 《西北人口》2011,(6):115-119
本文在实地考察的基础上,以河北滦平县某村农户为研究对象,通过典型案例分析讨论了当前我国农村家庭在现行教育体制下的脆弱性及其生计风险。教育导致农户脆弱性的机理在于农户在国家免费教育政策之外所付出的额外成本与大学教育的高成本和高消费以及由我国长期二元经济形成的城乡教育的不平等。  相似文献   


This paper empirically examines the disparities over time across six dimensions of poverty (monetary, education, health, housing, basic services, and durable assets) between ethnic minority and majority households in rural Vietnam. Using the five-wave panel data of the Vietnam Access to Resources Household Survey (VARHS) 2008–2016, we observe improvements in most non-monetary dimensions of poverty for both ethnic groups, while the monetary dimension shows the highest degrees of deprivation and the lowest rate of decrease during the studied period. Health is the only dimension in which ethnic minority households are not only better off than those of majority households during the studied period, but also report improvement. We further explore the role of social capital in ethnic minorities and non-minorities at household and community levels in multiple dimensions of poverty by employing multilevel models. Our study reports the significant effects social capital have at the community level on reducing poverty in the monetary, education, housing, and basic services dimensions for ethnic minorities, while social capital at the household level shows significant effects on monetary, basic services, and durable assets. These findings indicate that policy makers ought to consider the role of social capital when designing poverty alleviation strategies for the country.



Ethiopia has one of the highest poverty rates in the world where 24% of the population lives in extreme poverty. While urban poverty reduced from 26% in 2011 to 15% in 2016, rural poverty reduced only from 30 to 26% in the same periods. Improper identification of the rural poor and ill-understanding of the extent of rural poverty is among the challenges in designing appropriate poverty reduction interventions in rural areas. Thus, this study analyzes the extent of rural poverty employing a consumption-based approach and identifies the determinants of rural poverty at a household level. A household survey was conducted and data were randomly collected from 194 households from four representative villages in the west Belesa district of Ethiopia. The food and non-food consumption measurement calculated by the cost of basic need approach were 2949.40 ETB (ETB is Ethiopian Birr, which is the Ethiopian currency. 1 ETB is equivalent to 0.025 US$) and 1485.78 ETB per year per Adult Equivalent (AE), respectively. The rural poverty indices (i.e. headcount index, poverty gap, and squared poverty gap) calculated based on the consumption-based poverty line were 38.1, 8.84, and 3.1%, respectively. The binary logit analysis shows that having a bigger family had a significant and positive relationship with rural poverty. Conversely, larger landholding, plowing oxen, and livestock ownership as well as a higher amount of non/off-farm income have a significant and negative relationship with the poverty status of households. The study found that rural poverty is deep and complex in the study area calling for the design of location-specific and holistic poverty reduction strategies.


This paper uses the Dual Cut-offs Approach to measure multidimensional poverty in China at the national, rural-urban, regional and provincial levels using the China Family Panel Studies data from 2010. Five dimensions and thirteen indicators are considered for the enumeration of poverty. It is observed that irrespective of cut-offs and weights, rural poverty in China is three to nine times of urban poverty. Social insurance, toilet and cooking fuel are the major indicators contributing to both rural and urban poverty. More urban households in the Western region are deprived, but urban poor households are deprived in more indicators in the Central region, and some Eastern provinces are poorer than some of the Central provinces. Furthermore, the paper identifies the provinces that contribute most to national poverty levels and finds the sources of poverty in those provinces.  相似文献   

Using data collected by the Agincourt Health and Population Programme in a rural sub-district of South Africa's Northern Province, this paper describes the residential arrangements of a population in rural South Africa, and analyses the impact of these arrangements on children's educational attainment. Children with co-resident parents generally have higher levels of schooling than those who have one or no co-resident parents. However, having a father who is away from home as a migrant appears to benefit older children whereas, for girls aged 11 to 15, having a mother who is a migrant lowers educational attainment. Children who live in households headed by Mozambican refugees have lower levels of schooling than those who live in non-refugee households. Living in a household headed by a woman is not associated with lower levels of education and, for some age-sex groups, appears to be an advantage.  相似文献   

Multidimensional Poverty in Mountainous Regions: Shan and Chin in Myanmar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Poverty is complex and multidimensional. People living in mountainous regions are vulnerable and more likely to experience multiple deprivation. However, few studies have addressed multidimensional poverty in mountainous regions. Using data from 4290 households of poverty and vulnerability assessment survey and the Alkire–Foster methodology, this paper estimate and decompose multidimensional poverty in the states of Shan and Chin in Myanmar. The multidimensional poverty is measured in five dimensions and a set of twelve indicators. Nearly half of the population in Shan and three-quarters in Chin were multidimensionally poor. The average intensity of poverty was 44% in Chin and 38% in Shan. The multidimensional poverty index was 0.33 in Chin and 0.19 in Shan. The level of multidimensional poverty in Chin was similar to that in of Sub-Saharan Africa. In Chin, 60% of the population was both multidimensionally poor and consumption poor, but in Shan, it was 20%. About 28% of the population in Shan and 15% in Chin were multidimensionally poor but not consumption poor. Deprivation in education accounts for one-third of the multidimensional poverty in Shan; while deprivation in health accounts for one-third of the multidimensional poverty in Chin. A higher proportion of multidimensionally poor had experienced shocks such as the death of a household member, agricultural loss, or death of livestock compared to the multidimensional non-poor. Multidimensional poverty was significantly higher for rural household, households with lower educational attainment, consumption poor and among those who lived in Chin. Poverty reduction programs require a holistic understanding of poverty and its different dimensions as well as the main contributing factors for effective planning and program implementation. Geographical targeting of poverty reduction program and larger investment in food, health, water, energy and education can reduce the extent of multidimensional poverty in Shan and Chin.  相似文献   

This paper analyses poverty and inequality in South Africa based on data from a comprehensive multi-purpose household survey undertaken in 1993 to provide baseline statistics on poverty and its determinants to the new government. The paper shows that South Africa has among the highest levels of income inequality in the world and compares poorly in most social indicators to countries with similar income levels. Much of the poverty in the country is a direct result of apartheid policies that denied equal access to education, employment, services, and resources to the black population of the country. As a result, poverty has a very strong racial dimension with poverty concentrated among the African population. In addition, poverty is much higher in rural areas, and particularly high in the former homelands. Poverty among female-headed households and among children is also higher than average. Moreover, poverty is closely related to poor education and lack of employment. The poor suffer from lack of access to education, quality health care, basic infrastructure, transport, are heavily indebted, have little access to productive resources, and are heavily dependent on remittances and social transfers, particularly social pensions and disability grants. The paper uses an income-based definition of poverty for most of the analysis. In addition, it develops a broad-based index of deprivation including income, employment, wealth, access to services, health, education, and perceptions of satisfaction as its components. While on average the two indicators correspond fairly closely, the income poverty measure misses a considerable number of people who are severely deprived in many of the non-income measures of well-being. This group of severely deprived not identified by the income poverty measure consists predominantly of Africans living in rural areas, concentrated particularly in the province of KwaZulu/Natal.  相似文献   

李翠锦 《西北人口》2014,(1):34-38,44
本文基于新疆30个贫困县、3000个农户、2008-2010年的微观面板数据,在控制了家庭规模、劳动力数量等家庭特征变量和粮食播种面积等村庄特征变量的前提下.运用固定效应法与工具变量法分别考察了劳动力迁移规模、迁移方式与迁移区位对家庭收入的影响.并进一步分析了劳动力迁移对贫困的缓解效应。回归结果表明:劳动力迁移规模虽然对农户农业收入有负向影响.但显著提高了农户人均收入与利他性收入:自发性迁移与政府组织性迁移方式均能显著提高农户收入,且自发性迁移的作用更强;省内县外迁移对农户收入的提高最为显著,其次为县内乡外迁移.省外迁移不影响农户收入:劳动力迁移规模提高了中等收入农户的收入水平。但对贫困户的贫困无缓解效应.也不影响富裕户的收入水平。  相似文献   

The paper explores the dynamics of child and household poverty in rural Ethiopia using three rounds of household survey and qualitative data collected by Young Lives, a longitudinal study of child poverty. It uses a mixed-method taxonomy of poverty to classify children and their households into four groups, analyse their movements in and out of poverty, and explore the underlying factors. The final section of the paper uses qualitative case studies to explore child welfare dynamics in more detail, looking at the interplay between the progress or decline of households and that of children within those households. It concludes that while the percentage of poor households within this sample reduced from 50 to 20 % between rounds 1 and 3 (2002–2009), these changes were not always beneficial to children and did not reach nearly 1 in 10 households classified as ultra-poor. A deepened understanding of those changes, employing both quantitative and qualitative methods, is deemed crucial in post-2015 millennium development goal discussions.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that the gender gap in income poverty has widened in post-apartheid South Africa even though overall poverty levels have declined. One of the main criticisms of money-metric studies of gendered poverty differences is that income is only one dimension of poverty and that other measures of welfare may better reflect the relative well-being of women and female-headed households. This article presents a multidimensional approach to measuring the gender poverty gap in post-apartheid South Africa. Using data from the 2008 wave of the South African National Income Dynamic Study, the internationally comparable multidimensional poverty index (the MPI) is used to estimate gender differences in a number of different achievements. The findings suggest that the multidimensional gender poverty gap is similar to the poverty gap measured by the conventional money-metric approach at several national poverty lines. However, the MPI poverty differential between female- and male-headed households is slightly narrower than the income poverty gap between these two household types. In order to explore these findings further, the paper decomposes the components of multidimensional poverty by gender and for both female- and male-headed households. The paper concludes by considering how greater investments in health care delivery and in basic services, particularly in rural areas, may yield progress towards gender equality.  相似文献   

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