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收益管理,是20世纪80年代在欧美发达国家开始应用的一种先进而成功的管理方法,而我国的研究和应用起步较晚,且大多从饭店角度出发,仅考虑如何使饭店收益最大化,没有考虑顾客的感受和长远利益。本文以顾客的视角,在阐述收益管理的概念和使用条件的基础上,论述了收益管理的系统模型和管理方法,希望通过实施收益管理,促进饭店短期与长期收益均达到最大化。  相似文献   

一个成功的企业,应形成或正在形成一种“三乐”的文化氛围:员工快乐、顾客快乐、股东快乐。酒店行业也是如此,只有快乐的员工才能用心为顾客服务,用心的服务才能使顾客满意,满意的顾客才能为酒店带来良好的效益。创建快乐工作文化,营造和谐工作环境,让员工在快乐的氛围和环境中工作,是酒店员工管理的重心。  相似文献   

基于Priceline的买方/卖方定价收益管理问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以著名逆向拍卖网站 Priceline 为背景,研究买方定价和卖方定价下的收益管理问题.假定顾客到达是一任意的更新过程,决策时刻为顾客到达时刻,所以决策是离散时间的.建立了两种定价方式下的马氏决策过程模型,获得了最优策略的表达式.在传统收益管理问题中,通常是卖方定价、连续时间决策、同时需要假定顾客到达是一 Poisson 过程.对于买方定价,文中证明了,卖方是否知道到达顾客的报价信息不影响他的收益;同时,随着剩余物品数的增加,卖方的期望收益递增,而边际收益递减,最优价格(或报价)递减.文中讨论两种定价方式下卖方的期望收益之间的关系.考虑了顾客需求是多重的情形.最后,数值分析表明文中所得的结论是成立的.  相似文献   

本文通过综合的文献回顾与梳理,剖析了顾客关系管理能力的内涵及其主要维度,并在访谈基础上开发了顾客关系管理能力与关系收益和顾客资产的概念模型.然后,通过来自中国组织市场客户服务的调查数据,构建了结构方程模型,检验了各项顾客关系管理能力与经济收益、社会收益以及顾客资产的价值增值之间的关系.  相似文献   

服务消费顾客满意与顾客忠诚关系调节因素的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马钦海  李艺 《管理科学》2007,20(5):48-59
顾客满意与顾客忠诚关系的复杂性一直是学者努力研究的问题,调节因素的存在可以改变顾客满意对顾客忠诚的作用方式和作用程度,尽管一些因素对顾客满意与顾客忠诚关系的调节作用得到学者的关注和探讨,但研究结论并不一致,而且忽视了服务性质差异的影响.以超市百货服务、饭店酒店服务和美容美发服务的顾客调查为依据,考察服务性质、转换成本、顾客-企业社会关系和竞争者吸引力对顾客满意与顾客忠诚关系的调节作用;运用结构方程多组分析显示,这些因素对顾客满意与顾客忠诚关系具有显著的调节作用,服务性质及其他因素的复合调节作用显著,表现出不同特点.对研究结果及其管理启示进行讨论.  相似文献   

易逝性高科技产品收益管理定价策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高科技产品作为一种典型的易逝性商品,其定价对于零售商的利润有着举足轻重的影响.基于收益管理思想,以获得最大期望利润为目标,考虑缺货时消费者的替代行为,建立了随机需求环境下基于多项logit顾客选择模型和服务水平的易逝性高科技产品收益管理定价策略模型.对建立的模型用单阶段算例进行了模拟分析,并讨论了不同顾客到达率、不同初始库存、产品对于消费者的不同影响度下的最优策略,得出了一系列比较有意义的性质和管理原则.  相似文献   

顾客有最大、最小保留价的连续时间收益管理   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
研究了具有如下特征的连续时间收益管理问题:顾客的到达为时依强度的泊松过程,每 个顾客具有最大、最小保留价格,其分布依赖于到达时间. 结果表明,在一定条件下,普通连续 时间收益管理问题的所有结论依然成立.  相似文献   

收益管理作为一种通过平衡服务型企业的需求和供给,有效管理企业相对固定的服务能力的工具,在服务型行业中得到了广泛的应用。收益管理作为一项在国外运用超过二十年的先进且成功的管理理念,近年来正被国内的酒店逐渐认识和引进。然而中国的酒店有自己的特色,如果不加修正地照搬国外的模式,反而有害无益。事实上,许多酒店实施收益管理后收益不增反降,这主要是因为没有掌握收益管理的精髓,没有将其灵活应用到中国的实际情况中去。本文试图利用收益管理的理论,寻求细分市场的利益诉求,结合我国酒店业自身的特点,探讨施行收益管理的原理和寻求实用性新方法,提出实施收益管理的建议,以期对新时代下的酒店管理有所贡献,为酒店业收益管理的发展尽一点自己的绵薄之力。  相似文献   

在现代企业营销管理工作过程中,"顾客忠诚"一直是营销界的精英们长期探索的论题。而"顾客忠诚"一般分为两个层面,即"顾客满意"和"顾客信任"。单纯的做到顾客满意并不一定能使顾客对企业产品和服务产生忠诚,只有顾客信任企业了,才能实现顾客对企业的忠诚。如果说顾客满意是一种价值判断的话,顾客信任则是顾客满意的行为化。如何实现从顾客满意到顾客信任,即顾客忠诚。本文从理论和实践讨论了顾客满意、顾客信任、顾客忠诚以及忠诚顾客对企业的作用。着重讨论了企业实现顾客忠诚的途径。  相似文献   

顾客忠诚管理研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
忠诚顾客是企业获取利润和持续增长的保证,但是并非忠诚顾客都是好顾客。本文运用顾客终身价值和顾客净资产的有关理论,对忠诚顾客与企业利润之间的关系进行了分析,提出了提高忠诚顾客管理的效益的有关建议。  相似文献   

A significant portion of the services industry is focused on providing services (medical, legal, financial, personal, and travel) to individuals. However, studies have shown that a less visible but rapidly growing segment of the service sector comprises firms that provide business functions to other businesses. The sector covers tasks such as payroll processing, procurement, and information systems management, as well as business consulting, technical support, call center operations, and software development. Firms may choose to purchase, rather than perform, these business functions to reduce costs, to mitigate risk, or simply to focus on their processes that provide marketplace differentiation. Transferring a business function from within a firm to an outside supplier is often called “outsourcing”; when the supplier provides the service from a lower‐cost country, it is called “offshoring.” The risks and benefits of outsourcing to the firm purchasing a business service have been studied in some detail by both academics and consultants. In this paper, we outline revenue management issues faced by business service providers and describe some new opportunities for the use of analytic methods in the service science sector.  相似文献   

We consider a revenue management problem involving a two compartment aircraft flying a single leg, with no cancellations or over‐booking. We apply the practice of transforming a choice revenue management model into an independent demand model. Within this assumed independent model, there are two sets of demands, business and economy, each with multiple fare class products. A business passenger can only be accepted into business. An economy passenger can be accepted into economy or upgraded into business. We define a two‐dimensional dynamic program (DP) and show that the value function is sub‐modular and concave in seat availability in the two compartments. Thus the bid prices are non‐decreasing with respect to these state variables. We use this result to propose an exact algorithm to solve the DP. Our numerical investigation suggests that in contrast to standard backward induction, our method could be included in production revenue management systems. Further, when the economy compartment is capacity constrained, we observe a substantial monetary benefit from optimal dynamic upgrading compared to the static upgrading procedures currently used in practice.  相似文献   

Research in revenue management is rapidly changing as the environment in which firms operate changes. The Internet, the adoption of new information technologies, and other market forces are driving a new wave of research in revenue management. At the same time, more and more industries are adapting the tools of revenue management to their needs. Promising research directions are more sophisticated models of consumer behavior, more general models and understanding of rivalry, and more general pricing mechanisms. These are important issues for today's revenue managers and promising areas for both theoretical and empirical research.  相似文献   

高速铁路客运专线的收益管理模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在分析铁路客运收益管理的研究进展的基础上,提出了一个适合铁路客运专线的收益管理优化模型。模型以列车运营总收益最大化为目标,优化列车的席位控制和发车间隔,将席位分配与运营能力优化统一在一个模型中。利用随机生成数据进行的模型试验表明,模型可以在较短的时间内求解较大规模的收益管理优化问题。  相似文献   

This paper considers pricing and remanufacturing strategy of a firm that decides to offer both new and remanufactured versions of its product in the market and is concerned with demand cannibalization. We present a model of demand cannibalization and a behavioral study that estimates a key modeling parameter: a fraction of consumers who switch from new to remanufactured product. As we show, this fraction has an inverted‐U shape, and, thus, the underlying consumer behavior cannot be modeled using the standard methodologies that rely on consumers' willingness to pay (WTP). We find that by incorporating the inverted‐U‐shaped consumer behavior, the firm remanufactures under broader conditions, charges a much lower price, and typically remanufactures more units—leading to an increase of profits from remanufacturing by up to a factor of two as compared with making decisions based on the WTP only. Lastly, we find that the behavior of the low‐price market segment plays an important role because the firm reacts to it differently than the WTP‐based logic would suggest.  相似文献   

王静  刘德文  鲁若愚 《管理学报》2007,4(6):774-778
将收益管理技术引入网络空间租赁领域,通过对网络空间特点的分析,得出影响供应商定价的5种因素:软硬件配置及基础设施建设、服务、租赁空间的大小、租赁时间和技术进步,并通过相关数据说明这些因素对供应商定价产生的影响。将收益管理与网络租赁产品价格设计联系起来,简要阐述了网络产品价格设计的全过程,并针对当前价格设计中存在的问题,提出了几种有效的解决方法。  相似文献   

有多个销售渠道的连续时间收益管理问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了有多个销售渠道的连续时间收益管理问题.利用最优控制理论,建立了最大期望收益函数所满足的HJB最优方程,证明了最大期望收益是剩余商品数量的递增凹函数、是销售时间的递减凹函数,最优定价策略随剩余商品数量及销售时间递减;得到了不同销售渠道的最优定价之间所满足的一个关系式.最后,利用数值仿真的方法对不同销售渠道差别定价的效果进行了讨论.  相似文献   

We consider a revenue management problem wherein the seller is endowed with a single type resource with a finite capacity and the resource can be repeatedly used to serve customers. There are multiple classes of customers arriving according to a multi‐class Poisson process. Each customer, upon arrival, submits a service request that specifies his service start time and end time. Our model allows customer advanced reservation times and services times in each class to be arbitrarily distributed and correlated. Upon arrival of each customer, the seller must instantaneously decide whether to accept this customer's service request. A customer whose request is denied leaves the system. A customer whose request is accepted is allocated with a specific item of the resource at his service start time. The resource unit occupied by a customer becomes available to other customers after serving this customer. The seller aims to design an admission control policy that maximizes her expected long‐run average revenue. We propose a policy called the εperturbation class selection policy (ε‐CSP), based on the optimal solution in the fluid setting wherein customers are infinitesimal and customer arrival processes are deterministic, under the restriction that the seller can utilize at most (1 − ε) of her capacity for any ε ∈ (0, 1). We prove that the ε‐CSP is near‐optimal. More precisely, we develop an upper bound of the performance loss of the ε‐CSP relative to the seller's optimal revenue, and show that it converges to zero with a square‐root convergence rate in the asymptotic regime wherein the arrival rates and the capacity grow up proportionally and the capacity buffer level ε decays to zero.  相似文献   

引入乘客博弈的民航收益管理决策优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于航班收益最大化目的,研究机票浮动定价与座位存量分配控制相结合,给出两者实时动态调整的优化方法,提出一种改进的遗传算法.首次在收益管理系统中融人乘客与航空公司的博弈性,提出收益管理K线图研究思想,以直观反映价格波动和市场变化情况.提出虚拟舱位容量概念,以减少旅客市场的季节性影响.仿真运算结果显示,该方法通过直接获取潜在需求数据,能够提高航班座位利用率,并使航空公司不同航班在原有收益管理系统基础上分别提高2%至10%甚至更高的收益.  相似文献   

Revenue Management Systems (RMS) are commonly used in the hotel industry to maximize revenues in the short term. The forecasting‐allocation module is a key tactical component of a hotel RMS. Forecasting involves estimating demand for service packages across all stayover nights in a planning horizon. A service package is a unique combination of physical room, amenities, room price, and advance purchase restrictions. Allocation involves parsing the room inventory among these service packages to maximize revenues. Previous research and existing revenue management systems assume the demand for a service package to be independent of which service packages are available for sale. We develop a new forecasting‐allocation approach that explicitly accounts for this dependence. We compare the performance of the new approach against a baseline approach using a realistic hotel RMS simulation. The baseline approach reflects previous research and existing industry practice. The new approach produces an average revenue increase of at least 16% across scenarios that reflect existing industry conditions.  相似文献   

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