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品牌和单品忠诚对在线消费者选择行为的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
不同消费者对于不同品牌特性有不同的偏好和忠诚度,如果不考虑不同类型的偏好,不在消费者品牌选择模型中引入消费者的品牌忠诚或单品忠诚行为,将不能很好地刻画消费者购买行为的异质性和动态性,难以提高模型的解释力度。文章通过构建动态多项Logit离散选择模型,研究和鉴别在线渠道每一个消费者品牌忠诚因子和单品忠诚因子。研究发现,在线环境下消费者在可乐产品的选择上,不同的忠诚特性对在线消费者品牌选择的影响强度是不同的,其中单品忠诚对在线消费者品牌选择的影响最为显著,这不仅刻画了消费者购买概率的异质性,而且提高了模型的解释力度;不同的属性虽然会对在线消费者的品牌选择行为产生影响,但这种影响并不是孤立存在的,而是会受到其他属性或忠诚变量的影响而产生相应变化。  相似文献   

  如今的中国市场,诸多行业本土品牌崛起甚至逆袭,消费者对全球品牌与本土品牌的偏好相应逆转。已有研究较为全面地揭示了全球品牌和本土品牌偏好的驱动因素,但本土品牌逆袭过程中全球品牌与本土品牌偏好的驱动因素是否相同、本土品牌逆袭与消费者偏好逆转的互动影响路径是怎样的,对这些问题缺乏探讨。         在梳理相关研究的基础上,以手机行业为研究对象,采用扎根理论的研究方法,通过对网络讨论数据的初始编码、聚焦编码和理论编码,首先研究全球品牌与本土品牌偏好的驱动因素的异同,然后结合对讨论数据的纵向统计结果,研究本土品牌逆袭过程中品牌逆袭与消费者偏好逆转的互动影响路径。         研究结果表明,本土品牌逆袭中,全球品牌与本土品牌偏好的驱动因素模型具有相似的结构,功能价值和社会价值的测量受个人因素调节而影响消费者偏好,但测量功能价值或社会价值的具体因素在全球品牌与本土品牌中存在差异。品牌逆袭有助于提升综合国力、促进消费者成熟,进而驱动消费者偏好逆转;消费者偏好逆转则通过反馈路径帮助品牌进一步逆袭。具体的,消费者对产品特质更加重视,全球品牌的原产国效应和符号价值表现力减弱,本土品牌的口碑效应和符号价值表现力增强,同时消费者的民族主义增强而爱国绑架感减弱,这些因素通过感知价值带来消费者偏好逆转。综合而言,本土品牌逆袭和消费者偏好逆转是互动提升的关系。         研究结果丰富了全球品牌和本土品牌的相关研究,为全球品牌和本土品牌的建设提供了实践启示。产品特质是影响消费者偏好的主要因素,并对其他驱动因素有支撑作用。所以全球品牌和本土品牌都要重视产品的创新和研发,还要根据各驱动因素的变化调整其营销策略。  相似文献   

随着在线社区的兴起,如何在社区中开展网络营销活动,不断提升消费者的品牌认同感,通过品牌的有效定位以占领更多的消费者心智份额日益受到越来越多品牌的关注和重视。本文将基于RAS信息接收-接纳(Receipt-Accept-Sample)模型,针对不同类型的消费者群体从社区平均心智份额与社区消费者心智份额两个角度探讨基于在线社区的消费者品牌认同提升效果,并根据品牌发布广告的信息复杂度与信息强度来揭示广告信息特征对消费者品牌认同提升效果的影响,进而提出在线社区消费者品牌认同提升的品牌定位实施策略建议。研究发现:(1)在线社区消费者的平均心智份额呈现曲折上升态势,品牌有必要适时调整支撑品牌定位的营销组合策略;(2)消费者的心智资源不会被某一品牌所独占,品牌无法获取所有消费者的认同;(3)品牌定位应是简单明了且易于理解;(4)在提升消费者的品牌认同时,应基于消费者个性展开提升而非消费者的能力与意识;(5)在线社区消费者品牌认同提升过程中始终存在被竞争品牌攻击与反超的风险,品牌可能会流失已经夺取的心智资源;(6)即使品牌重启新的品牌定位战略,也无法全部挽回因竞争品牌反击而遭受的损失。本文在验证以往品牌认同与品牌定位理论相关结论同时,也获得了现有理论中未曾揭示的研究发现,为品牌开展有效品牌定位,扩大消费者心智份额,提升在线社区消费者品牌认同提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

独立再制造商IR的市场进入给品牌商带来了显著的竞争压力。品牌忠诚源于消费者对某个产品品牌的信任和特殊情感,在产品选择中具有明显的倾向性和排他性,进一步增加了品牌商市场策略的复杂性。针对这一现象,本文采用博弈论结合数值仿真研究了消费者具有品牌忠诚特性下的品牌商再制造市场策略问题。建立并求解了IR不进入且品牌商不再制造(n)、IR不进入且品牌商再制造(nR)、IR进入且品牌商不再制造(nr)、IR进入且品牌商再制造(nrR)四种市场模式,对模型结果进行了灵敏度分析,并探讨了各成员的模式偏好。研究表明:新产品价格、品牌再制品价格、一般再制品价格均与品牌忠诚度正相关;品牌忠诚度的提高一定增大品牌商的利润,但不一定会降低IR利润;当新产品制造成本较高时,品牌商的模式偏好始终为nR$\succ$nrR$\succ$n$\succ$nr,较低时模式偏好受到消费者品牌忠诚度的大小的影响;nr和nrR模式下,品牌忠诚度仅可能提高品牌消费者剩余,但会降低普通消费者剩余、总消费者剩余和社会总福利。  相似文献   

品牌敏感是消费者品牌行为研究方面的一个新课题,它反映了消费者在购买决策过程中对品牌的重视程度.同一产品类别不同品牌之间的质量差异和消费者的产品涉入程度被认为是品牌敏感的两类主要解释变量.本文利用结构方程模型进行的实证分析表明,品牌质量差异和消费者产品涉入程度总体上对品牌敏感起正向影响作用,但该作用因产品类别而异,因产品质量和产品涉入程度的维度而异.  相似文献   

刘英为  汪涛  聂春艳  张伟 《管理世界》2020,(1):88-104,228
本文基于中国品牌海外社交媒体广告的多案例研究,深入探讨了基于国家文化原型的品牌国际化传播策略,并检验了不同应用策略在不同情景下消费者反应的差异。研究表明:(1)国家文化原型资源可以根据文化层次和文化类属分为4种不同的组合方式,相应地,品牌文化原型应用策略也可分为工具性审美、差异化表现、目标消费者认同、全球共识意义获取四种类型;(2)东道国类型(文化距离近vs.远)、企业国际化发展阶段(初期vs.快速发展期)以及企业的传播诉求(产品vs.品牌)会对不同应用策略的传播效果产生影响。本研究不仅丰富了品牌国际化的研究成果,还可为新兴市场企业如何应用国家文化原型助力品牌的国际化传播提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

To deepen theoretical and practical understanding of consumers' perceptions of luxury brands, prior marketing literature has investigated the financial, functional, individual, and social dimensions of the luxury value construct. However, it has not considered the owners of luxury brands or detailed the moderated effects of luxury value on related attitudinal outcomes. To address this gap, this study draws on an existing second-order conceptualization of luxury value to introduce and empirically examine an extended conceptualization of the owner-based luxury value (OBLV) construct. The study draws on brand equity theory to offer a conceptual model of the attitudinal outcomes of OBLV in terms of brand loyalty, brand attachment, brand community behavior, and brand engagement. Using unique data from 452 actual owners of three luxury brands (Cartier, Louis Vuitton, and Prada), the authors confirm the predicted attitudinal outcomes of OBLV and reveal moderating effects of awareness of counterfeit existence. Their findings provide new insights and implications for luxury brand research and luxury brand managers. The research provides a richer understanding of OBLV and yields important managerial insights into how to influence luxury-seeking consumers' perceptions of, and attitudes to, luxury brands.  相似文献   

在营销实践中存在大量的仿洋和仿古品牌名称,因为品牌名称作为信息确实会影响消费者的认知和态度。基于信息加工的角度,本文探讨了消费者如何加工品牌名称等多重信息。通过实验研究发现品牌名称与产品功能诉求在互补型匹配时传播效果更好,而且其效果具有一般性。这一结果有助于在更抽象的信息加工层面理解仿洋和仿古品牌名称的应用效果,因而更好地调控消费者的反应。  相似文献   

品牌敏感:消费者品牌行为研究的一个新课题   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
品牌在消费者购买决策过程中所占据的地位反映了消费者对品牌的敏感程度。品牌敏感与品牌权益既有差别,也有联系。本文通过模型构建阐明了品牌敏感的概念并提出其解释因素,实地调查和假设验证留待下一步研究。  相似文献   

The concept of consumer “loyalty” (i.e., preference for a particular store or brand) is intriguing to marketing scholars and practitioners. Research in this area would be enhanced by the acceptance of an operational measure of consumer loyalty. Loyalty appears to be a tri-dimensional concept; per cent of budget, allocated to the store or brand, amount of switching, and number of alternatives explored have been used to measure loyalty. Consequently, the authors propose a “loyalty index” which combines these three measures. An empirical test of the proposed index showed that the index did discriminate among degrees of consumer loyalty, and was related to consumer psychological characteristics in a manner similar to that of the generally used single measures of consumer loyalty.  相似文献   

There is wide consensus that the brand experience literature (BEL) suffers from a deficit in conceptual works. This study argues that, for brand experience research to overcome its conceptual insipidity, it must re‐examine the core of its intellectual structure to rediscover what ‘an experience provided by brands’ truly implies. The purpose of this paper is to reconceptualize and present a future research framework for research into the concept of brand experience, by identifying both the core and peripheral sources of knowledge of the concept and its association with brand meaning. Through a bibliometric process covering 136 articles published between 2002 and 2018, resulting in a database of 2698 citations, this brand experience conceptual paper fills a critical research gap by providing the first full‐scale bibliometric study to date of the BEL, using a combination of high citation and co‐citation metrics. Based on this conceptual reorientation, a matrix for future development is presented, enabling the reader to visualize the scope and breadth of potential brand experience research horizons in areas relating to customer experience, consumer–brand relationship, online brand experience and sensory brand experience. The four approaches listed in the matrix – firm‐based, social constructionist, virtuality and embodiment – provide a roadmap for future brand experience research undertakings to explore the rich potential of experience evoked by brands.  相似文献   

国内消费者对本国品牌的态度及其改变的可能性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章的立论基础是消费者的态度决定着品牌的命运,而消费者对品牌产品的态度取决于其对产品的质量评价。文章首先对态度内涵进行了分析,说明为什么态度非常重要。然后通过假设提出、调查及假设检验,证实了在国内消费者的心目中跨国公司的产品质量确实优于国内的名牌产品,并通过海尔的例子证明了品牌国际化是改变国人对国内品牌态度的有效方法。其对政府和企业的政策意义是:必须大力推进品牌国际化,这才是有效应对跨国公司竞争的有力武器。  相似文献   

传统的关于供应链牛鞭效应的研究,仅关注供应链上游成员间(供应商、制造商或零售商)的协调运作,而忽略缺货发生后顾客缺货反应对供应链动态性的影响。本文利用高层级Petri-net对包含两个制造商、两个零售商的供应链系统进行建模与仿真,定量地研究不同的缺货强度下顾客缺货反应对两条相互竞争的供应链牛鞭效应的影响。研究结果表明,顾客缺货反应对缺货品牌及其竞争品牌的牛鞭效应均存在显著影响,但各种缺货反应对牛鞭效应的影响程度有所差异,且供应链中断强度(主要体现为发生缺货的品牌市场份额以及缺货持续时间)亦对牛鞭效应产生显著影响。我们建议不同产品类型(对应不同的顾客反应组合)的管理者根据品牌的市场占有率、缺货持续时间等因素对不同类型的顾客进行购买行为的引导,以缓解牛鞭效应并保持市场份额。  相似文献   

Numerous studies on the drivers of brand extension success found evidence that parent-brand characteristics and the fit between parent brand and transfer product are the main and most influential factors driving brand extension success. However, the ability of a brand to transfer its brand loyal customers from the parent to the extension category has been widely neglected. Brand loyalty can be regarded as a consequence of the underlying assumption of customers transferring their quality perceptions, their brand knowledge, and their experience with the brand from one category to the other. We find empirical evidence that consumers who are loyal to the brand in the leading (parent) product category show a higher probability to be loyal to that same brand in another (extension) category compared to those consumers who are not loyal in the leading category. Moreover, as the overall success of the extension includes positive retroactive effects of the extension product on the parent product or brand, the arising question is whether there are differences between extension product categories regarding their attachment to the parent category and their ability to stimulate brand loyal purchases in the parent category, i.e., speaking of ‘leader’ and ‘follower’ categories in terms of brand loyal purchase behavior. This might even hold true for the relationship of any two categories the brand competes.  相似文献   

In recent years, the luxury market has come to face important structural changes, such as the entry of new segments into the market and the use of the Internet as a sales channel. In this context, luxury brands must understand their young consumers' perception of social value while adapting to environmental changes. This study aims to validate an up-to-date model to determine the impact of perceived value of luxury brands on consumer behavior. To validate the model, we analyze attributes of luxury brands and the value assigned to those attributes. We collect the data from a survey (n = 225) and analyze the results with partial least squares-structural equation modeling. The results show that in our up-to-date model of perceived social value of luxury brands, the social component, as the only antecedent, has a major influence on consumer behavior; the results, however, fail to support our expectations of the impact of financial and functional brand perceptions. Furthermore, we find a relationship between overall luxury brand perception and behavioral and emotional outcomes for young consumers such that companies might consequently tailor their business strategies.  相似文献   

周钟  熊焰  仲勇 《中国管理科学》2018,26(11):176-185
特色品牌的海外市场拓展依赖优质的顾客体验和高效的口碑传播,有限的海外市场资源条件下,如何选择品牌介入的渠道和目标顾客尤为关键。基于消费者购买行为和口碑传播理论,本文通过构建具有小世界特征的海外特定区域消费者网络,探讨了考虑渠道顾客体验的特色品牌购买意愿,分析了消费者个体间品牌口碑传播的影响因素与过程机制。使用Matlab建模与仿真方法,多情景设计的模拟实验结果显示,消费群体间口碑影响的差异程度越明显,特色品牌的口碑传播速度显著变缓、潜在消费者数量大幅减少,不同类别销售渠道在推动品牌口碑传播和吸引目标消费群体两个方面的作用呈分化趋势,此时应围绕具有影响力、联结紧密的消费者群体开展针对性营销。在消费者群体间差异显著的海外市场,设立实体直营渠道能迅速提升购买意愿,但在消费者规模较大且居住分散区域,尤其是规模少数群体占主导影响力时,适时借助网络渠道在消费者覆盖方面的优势,有助于发展更多具有较高购买意愿的潜在消费者。该研究对指导特色品牌的海外市场拓展,特别是面对海外多元消费群体的复杂社会背景,在初始消费群体选择和销售渠道设计方面具有理论支持与实践指导价值。  相似文献   

根据品牌资产、品牌关系和目标理论,本文从理论上阐释了价值作为品牌忠诚直接前置变量的作用,功能性、象征性价值对品牌忠诚的影响在实证研究中得到支持,而且这种影响存在非线性的特征.本研究进一步考察了性别差异和品牌差异对上述影响的调节作用,结果表明:(1)象征性价值对品牌忠诚的影响存在性别差异,其作用女性强于男性;(2)随着品牌差异的提高,功能性、象征性价值对品牌忠诚的影响增强.  相似文献   

Luxury, historically an exclusive, rare and elitist phenomenon, is changing. This is predominantly driven by technological developments, particularly social media, and the rising level of consumer empowerment in the marketplace. A maturing stream of research has emerged assessing the effects of social media platforms on luxury brands, offerings and consumers. However, there has been no comprehensive analysis of this extant literature synthesizing the current state of knowledge and postulating future research directions. This paper addresses this gap by utilizing a systematic literature review approach. A total of 115 articles were collected and analysed and five core themes were identified, examining (1) luxury brand strategy, (2) luxury brand social media communications, (3) luxury consumer attitudes and perceptions, (4) engagement and (5) social media's influence on brand performance-related outcomes. These themes are comprehensively explored to understand the myriad impacts of social media on luxury businesses before conceptualizing the themes as a holistic framework explaining social media's role within luxury. The framework developed highlights the fragmented yet progressive nature of research on the confluence of social media and luxury, and signals fruitful avenues for further inquiry. It is proposed that scholarly attention is directed towards multiple lines of inquiry, including social media's role in luxury brand construction online, social media's role in facilitating ‘moments of luxury’, younger consumers’ luxury consumption, as well as the integration of both future innovative technological developments and novel social media platforms within luxury branding.  相似文献   

刘新  杨伟文 《管理评论》2012,(8):96-106
通过对来自电子消费产品虚拟品牌社群的324个社群成员样本进行基于结构方程模型的数据分析,探讨了社群成员对虚拟品牌社群的认同(包含品牌认同和群体认同)影响品牌忠诚的作用机理,并考察了社群成员的参与程度的调节作用。研究结果显示,社群成员对虚拟品牌社群的认同通过社群意识和品牌承诺这两个变量,对品牌忠诚存在不同程度的影响,其中品牌认同通过品牌承诺对品牌忠诚产生间接影响,品牌认同对品牌忠诚的影响程度要大于群体认同对品牌忠诚的影响程度。另外社群成员的参与程度作为调节变量在品牌认同和社群意识之间以及群体认同和社群意识之间有调节效应。  相似文献   

Brand alliances represent a popular business strategy in many industries, because firms hope to evoke positive consumer evaluations of both the alliance’s product and the partner brands. However, extant research offers mixed findings regarding the effects of a brand alliance on its partner brands (i.e., spillover effects). In response, this study separates spillover effects into the effects of the alliance product on the partner brands (brand alliance effects) and the effects between partner brands (brand contrast effects), while also noting the potential moderating impact of perceived attitude- and product-based fit between partner brands on resulting spillover effects. Two experimental studies consistently reveal the existence of brand contrast effects; furthermore, the partner brand’s attitude-based fit reduces undesired brand contrast effects and positively moderates spillover effects in brand alliances, whereas product-based fit does not. Therefore, a third study identifies relevant drivers of partner brand’s attitude-based fit for different brand alliances (i.e., co-branding, ingredient branding, and joint advertising). The findings have notable implications for the design and management of brand alliances.  相似文献   

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