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Doris E. Buss 《International Feminist Journal of Politics》2013,15(2):257-284
In recent years, organizations on the American Christian Right (CR) have become established actors at the United Nations, working to limit international agreement on developments seen as ‘anti-family’, such as women’s rights, population policy and abortion. At the same time, the Vatican has established itself as a strong voice opposing international law and policy on women’s rights. For both actors, women’s rights represent a direct challenge to the ‘natural family’ and hence a particular world vision premised on a sexual division of labour. While women’s rights is a central preoccupation for both actors, ‘homosexuality’ and the prospect of lesbian and gay rights and ‘gay marriage’ is also a recurrent theme, intricately connected to women’s rights. This article explores the relationship between women’s rights and homosexuality as drawn by these two actors. It asks why, in an international arena that offers little concrete recognition of, or protection for, lesbian and gay identities both the CR and Vatican are concerned about a presumed homosexual agenda. It also explores what role the debate about women’s rights plays in facilitating this ‘homosexual agenda’. In addressing these questions, this article seeks to explore, and raise further questions about international women’s rights as a language for international discussion about social relations. 相似文献
Mother's Art was established by Sichuan Women's Federation in October. The Mother's Art project is intended to spur development of the craft industry in Sichuan Province. Under the project, the women's federation provides financial assistance to underprivileged women, so they can acquire the skills needed to make crafts and, in turn, make money to care for their families. The project benefits women and children. Each woman who works in the province's craft industry, and each business that sells crafts made by the province's women, will join the project. 相似文献
“2X岁青春美丽,3X岁成熟魅力,到了4X岁,青春美丽和成熟魅力就全集于一身了。”要做到这样一个女人,智慧与美貌不可或缺,可是有多少女人在享受着爱情、追逐着成功的时候,却浑然不觉地透支着女人最重要的一项天赋——骨头的健康权力。她们有着不一样的年龄,与自已的骨头当然也有着不一样的故事…… 相似文献
"Social science affirms that a woman's place in society marks the level of civilization." -- Elizabeth Cady Stanton 相似文献
谢桂华 《社会观察(上海)》2011,(3):28-29
从社会学的角度看最高法院的司法解释三,要注意婚姻和家庭不是一个概念。家庭由血缘、姻缘和收养关系组成,婚姻关系是家庭关系的一种。不独中国,世界很多国家的婚姻家庭制度都遭受到很大的冲击,比如同性恋婚姻的合法性,单亲家庭和同居家庭的增多。中国的婚姻家庭制度也不例外。 相似文献
Last month, we looked at the role of a mentee, and how to best take advantage of mentorship opportunities to fuel growth and development. In this installment, 1 focus on the role of the mentor, and why it's such a valuable experience. 相似文献
家庭作为一个基本的社会单位,对人和社会的发展起着不可忽视的影响和作用。但由于每个国家的历史传统和社会文化背景不同,家庭文化也存在巨大的差异,本文对中美家庭文化中的家庭观念和家庭关系差异进行分析。了解中美家庭观念和家庭关系差异,有利于我们在家庭文化方面取长补短,促进社会和谐。 相似文献
性别角色社会化是人的社会化过程中一个十分重要的内容,性别角色的获得与发展,影响着所有的人际关系,对于男女双方婚姻家庭关系的选择与维持,性别角色社会化的作用更为突出。 相似文献
The research adopts Halliday's systemic-functional grammar tofunctions and distributions of transitivity processes occurring in the speech.analyze Obama's inaugural address. It aims to study theBy analyzing the data, we got that both material processand relational process take higher percentage expressing view of objective facts. Then it goes to mental process in the third positionexpressing the addresser's personal feelings and imaginations. Verbal process ranks the third and is the addresser's expressing histhoughts, views and actions. 相似文献
Tony,一名黑人孤身一人来到美国,然而他通过自己辛勤努力实现了自己拥有一座农场的梦想。他的成功是一个典型的美国梦。美国梦就是一种信念:人们相信通过辛勤努力就可以在美国实现梦想,取得成功。 相似文献
婚姻家庭和社会经济发展,是不可分割的。婚姻家庭总是存在于一定的社会,以社会经济发展为基础,并且接受社会各方面的影响;而社会经济发展,又依赖于生活在婚姻家庭中成员的素质和作用的发挥。两者相互依存,相互作用。 相似文献