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夏季气候炎热,病菌繁殖生长快,影响身体健康的因素多。在此,我们愿为您推荐夏季生活的健康之选,为您平安度过炎夏助一臂之力。  相似文献   

夏季来临,各种与之有关的老年病也接踵而至,那么如何预防与应对呢?希望此文对您有所帮助与借鉴。  相似文献   

时值盛夏,您该怎样安排自己的日常生活?专业人士从中医角度特为您夏季养生支招。  相似文献   

现在,社会上敬老助老蔚然成风,老年人常常会受到许多照顾和优待。就说乘公共汽车吧,您一上车就会有年轻人让座:“老大爷(娘),您坐我这里吧!”如果大家没有注意到您,售票员也会为您热情张罗:“哪位年轻同志少坐会儿,给老年人让个座?”此时肯定有好几位年轻人争相为您让座。每每遇到这种情况,老年人如沐春风,油然而生感激之情,感谢的话脱口而出:“谢谢年轻人,给您添麻烦了!”  相似文献   

妈妈,又到了母亲节了,女儿为您献上一篮盛开的康乃馨。那红色娇艳、黄色俏丽、粉色妩媚的朵朵鲜花散发出的幽香,洋溢着女儿对您的深深爱意。 妈妈,勤俭一辈子的您也许会觉得女儿太奢侈了,可从您接过花篮时脸上流露出的欣喜看出,这篮康乃馨的确给您平淡的生活带来了亮色和生机。在艳丽多姿的鲜花映衬下,您那苍老、消瘦的面庞时时闪过喜悦之色,看着花篮,您不时念道:“真好!真漂亮!”  相似文献   

酷暑的脚步越来越近了,一些夏天的常见病也接踵而来。在炎热的夏季,我们该如何让自己远离疾病的侵扰呢?为解答这个问题,本刊特设夏季常见疾病抢先预报,提前预警,使您安然度过这个夏天。  相似文献   

唐铎 《华夏少年》2007,(4):89-90
我给您写这封信,是想表达对您的感谢之情,因为如果没有您教我,我也许还是一个作文不太好的学生呢!  相似文献   

夏日里太阳几乎天天都火辣辣,这是女孩子"秀"的季节,我们的身材当然要比天气更热辣!夏季瘦身,美食有道,减肥有招。本期我们为您推荐一些利于减肥的天然食物,让您越吃越苗条,越吃越美丽。  相似文献   

工作伊始的交际之道陈大明果您想在事业上有所建树的话,那么您一开始走上工作岗位,就应该学会如何交际。因为失礼常常会影响您的形象,甚至会毁了您的美好前程。那么,刚刚参加工作应如何与同事交际呢?用“您”称呼同事刚刚共事,您应用“您”称呼原来就在单位工作的老...  相似文献   

总是务实结合理论,总是掌声加上笑声,总能让您了解问题并解决问题,总能让您听了还想再听。非说教式的演讲,非言之无物的搞笑,句句都是经验之淡。让您在最短的时间摄取成功者的方法与经验,时时让您会心一笑,使听演讲成为一种至高无上的享受。  相似文献   

你想拥有一本为自己量身定制的图书吗?你想自己的结婚喜帖与众不同吗?你想把自己最喜欢的照片做成台历摆在桌上吗?没问题!别忘了,我们生活在定制时代,个性化印刷正在流行。  相似文献   

当看到街上来来往往的人手里拿着相同或相似教式的手机,你是否觉得有些单调乏味?当自己的手机不知不觉间挂上道道划痕,你可曾感到郁闷。甚至有些恼火?想"炫"一下自己的手机,让它变成只属于你的掌中宝吗?  相似文献   

The key factor of your business successful is the market your business, that is why it is vitally important to develop a solid, workable marketing plan. A marketing plan is a plan for using the marketing resources that you have to achieve your marketing objectives. Before the preparation of the marketing plan the entrepreneur will need to complete the industry analysis section of the business plan.  相似文献   

One of the motivations for voting is that one vote can make a difference. In a presidential election, the probability that your vote is decisive is equal to the probability that your state is necessary for an electoral college win, times the probability the vote in your state is tied in that event. We computed these probabilities a week before the 2008 presidential election, using state‐by‐state election forecasts based on the latest polls. The states where a single vote was most likely to matter are New Mexico, Virginia, New Hampshire, and Colorado, where your vote had an approximate 1 in 10 million chance of determining the national election outcome. On average, a voter in America had a 1 in 60 million chance of being decisive in the presidential election. (JEL H0)  相似文献   

春天是百花盛开的季节,可是你知道吗,百花不仅可以用来欣赏,而且还可以用来保健呢!民间有"常在花间走,活到九十九"的养生谚语。研究发现,从事园林工作的人往往很少得癌症,而且平均寿命比一般人长。  相似文献   

You're a health care provider, and your patient is interested in cannabis — perhaps for pain, for anxiety, for depression or even for trying to quit drinking or using drugs. You think it could help him or her. Or, rather, it might — you really have no idea, because you didn't learn about it in medical school (except that it's illegal and addictive), but you know it's now legal in your state and you want to know how to respond to your patient's request.  相似文献   


You could maintain incredulity toward metanarratives as much as you liked, but it wouldn't keep your feet on the ground. Not if you were an oilskin. If you were a fleece however, your feet may be on the ground, but your ideas may be in the air. Yet your problem wouldn't be how to resolve your differences - it would be how to recognise them.  相似文献   


I have written this paper with the intention of reading it out loud to you. As I was writing this paper, I imagined your skin, that soft outer membrane of your body. I imagined my tongue moving to shape my words, all the while carefully shifting my teeth out of the way. I imagined having these words thump under your skin and tremble your presence to the beat of our hearts. Because this paper was supposed to have you feel me and my people. And by “my people,” I truly mean everyone around me, including you. So, this paper is essentially about us, you and me. You know, I just had a feeling that you might know us, but you do not feel us. I just had a feeling that you have got to feel how we are. … Do you hear me? Because, only then, can we finally, start.  相似文献   

Be calm and decisive in all your actions. Threats are meant to intimidate and instill fear. Do not assume someone else will handle the situation. Report the threat immediately to your supervisors. Make a crime report to campus public safety officers and law enforcement officials in the appropriate jurisdiction. Follow up to determine the status of the investigation. Refer the student to campus and/or community mental health services. Document the student's behavior and threats. Don't spend time alone with students who exhibit warning signs that could result in violence. Arrange your office so you have easy access to an exit. Be sure that the desk and chair are not between you and the door. Save all written and electronic threats and provide them to law enforcement officials. There is a mechanism for determining the origin of e-mail threats. Obtain a restraining order if necessary.  相似文献   

It is hardly possible to go through a day without "stepping on someone's toes." By practicing the steps described in this article, you can strengthen your ability to engage in an apology process that is powerful and healing. Being truthful and courageous about your own part of a situation opens the door for others around you to do likewise. People will experience you as a person who has integrity. Receiving an apology from another person allows you to complete the process by forgiving.  相似文献   

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