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Dear Women of China,
I'm a Hindu and, as part of my religion, I'm a vegetarian. I want to study abroad in China next fall, but nay family and trouble finding vegetarian food to eat while I'm in China. Are they telling me the truth or are they just exaggcrating?  相似文献   

There can be comfort in having other people make decisions for us, even life altering ones. When we are unsure or afraid, it is not uncommon to turn to others-experts-to help us decide whatto do, wha! path to take. Perhaps we don't trust our own instincts or maybe we really don't know what to do in a specific situation. Rather than rely on our own self-knowledge, we seek outside advice. We want to defer the decision making to others, get an ironclad, black or white answer to questions that sometimes reside in a shade of gray. One time when I was at a dermatologist's office, she told me There are three things I want you to do: take an aspirin every day, use suntan lotion every time you go outside in the sun and wear a baseball hat if you are in the sun for a prolonged period of time.  相似文献   

I'm delighted to write a column in Women of China English Monthly. Here, 1'11 share interesting findings, key insightsand real stories from the work I've been doing with thousands of competent professional women in China -- and around Asia. Given that it's the start of the calendar year, I want to shave a powerful exercise -- on reflection, to set you up for success in the coming year, and beyond. To start, grab a journal, and answer the following questions: What do you think your colleagues would say about you? What have been your key successes during the past year? What are the best practices you used to achieve those successes'?  相似文献   

《我国家庭教育指导服务现状调查报告》发布 Initial findings are in and, based on the survey's results, the Chinese Government plans to play a greater role in the guidance of family education across the nation. The Chinese Family Education Guidance Service Report was released -- by officials from the China Family Education Society (CFES), the Department for Children of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), and the China National Children's Center (CNCC) during a news conference in Beijing, on September 15.  相似文献   

To promote the National Program for Children's Development (2011-2020), the Office of the National Working Committee on Children and Women (NWCCW) under the State Council, in cooperation with the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), implemented a five-year (2011- 2015) project to promote implementation of the program in the 20 counties, cities or districts in which the project was introduced. The purpose of the project is to help solve the problems children face in their lives, to promote children's development and to protect children's legal rights and interests.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,
I'm interested in your magazine, but there's no way for me to get copies of it where I live. I see that your website has an electronic version of the magazine, but it's only one issue, it's a few months old, it's difficult to read (because you have to wait for the pages to enlarge), and you have to click on the pages to flip them back to the table of contents or reload the whole page. It's extremely aggravating and not at all easy for readers to use.  相似文献   

The origin of reflexology, or the therapy of foot massage, dates back more than 2,000 years in China. A man's feet are called his second heart, so feet exert an important influence on a person's health.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China, Are there statistics, or studies, to which I can refer on the matter of women's land-use rights? Do women in rural areas manage/contract their own land?  相似文献   

When I visited Beijing, I was surprised to see a bus numbered "666" driving throughout the city. I found it very unnerving; "666" is usually the sign for the devil. I never thought I'd see it out in broad daylight, much less on a bus! I'm sure that the Chinese don't see it that way; otherwise, they would have never let that number show up anywhere.  相似文献   

Comfort Zone     
It's been a since I took hometown, tram drivers couple of years the bus in my Helsinki. The are notoriously unfriendly, but I have always thought it rather safe to approach a bus driver with a simpleenquiry about the fare. "Three euros" said the driver, without moving a single facial muscle, eyes firmly fixed on the surface of the asphalt.  相似文献   

In an effort to prod my students out of a momentary siege of lethargy or inertia, I tell them what my father told me over a half century ago, "You are never standingstill. You are either moving forward or going backwards." But is this in fact really true or just a glib saying to motivate a child or student, to hit the reset button during a moment of mental, emotional or physical inactivity'?  相似文献   

Mentorship is crucial to career growth; in addition to benefiting both those who mentor and those who are mentored (mentees), mentorship helps organizations retain talent, maintain employee engagement and improve business acumen. Given the importance of this topic, I'd like to use my next few columns to share some critical information. In this edition, I will focus on being a mentee, and how one can best take advantage of mentorship opportunities to foster his/her growth and development.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China I was glad to see your March issue focus on International Women's Day. It's an important event and I hope it will last 100 years more. As a man who supports women's rights and the chance at equal opportunities for all, I think the first step toward a gender-equal society is caring about the hardships women face. It's sad when I sometimes see friends of mine know about these issues, but are more interested in checking out sports. I hope International Women's Day continues to remind us, and urge us, to care about the female half of the human population.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China I have an international driver's permit. Will this allow me to drive in China or do 1 need a Chinese driver's license to drive'? If I need a driver's license, how do I get one?  相似文献   

“美丽中国爱心行”走进玉树 Led by Chen Xiaoxia, Secretary-General of the China Children and Teenagers' Foundation (CCTF), a group from the foundation's "Love Travel in China" project began a two-day visit to Yushu Tibetan Prefecture, in northwestern China's Qinghai Province, on September 24, 2013. The prefecture was rocked by a 7.1-magnitude earthquake on April 14, 2010.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,
I really enjoyed your article on how to be a happy, single Chinese woman on Valentine's Day. I'm not Chinese, but I still found the message in your article both encouraging and meaningful. It's great that you focused on emotional as well as physical health, and that you reminded people that being single on Valentine's Day can still be lots of fun.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China, I saw a post on your Weibo account, in which you reported that foreigners who intend to work as teachers in China may face a higher threshold, as employers nationwide will require teachers to have previous teaching experience. I worked as a trainer and head teacher. I wouldn't mind if new teachers did not have experience as long they were willing to learn, and as long as they loved the trade. I would never consider the race or place of origin, but only the teaching quality and proper language skills, of a potential teacher.  相似文献   

摩卡站 With the success of their two restaurants, Mosto and Modo Urban Deli, chef Daniel Urdaneta, from Venezuela, and co- owner Alex Molina, from Columbia, are now embarking on a new concept for their cuisine empire. Moka Bros opened last month in Nali Patio, Sanlitun, and the partners' concept is for the eatery to be a casual spot tbr urban diners to relax and have access to clean, healthy and affordable food.  相似文献   

The "Chinese Dream" has become deeply rooted in Chinese people's hearts because it involves China's prosperity and rejuvenation, and because it involves Chinese people's happiness. The dreams of Chinese women are not merely a part of the "Chinese Dream;" instead, the dreams make up a key foundation of the "Chinese Dream."  相似文献   

Beauty in the Fields
Situated on Zhegu Mountain, which has a thick forest and clear springs, Suomo Region, in Ma'erkang County, in Southwest China's Sichuan Province, is widely considered to be the home of beautiful women. A dozen Tibetan villages are situated in the quiet valleys, which are surrounded by green trees.  相似文献   

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