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20世纪初,德国取代英、法成为世界的科学中心。在当时的德国,科学人才辈出,在物理、化学、数学等各个学科领域都硕果累累。科学的蓬勃兴起影响到了社会和国家的各个方面。在当时的德国有两个在物理学上做出了杰出贡献的人物,一个是勒纳德,另一个是斯塔克。  相似文献   

罗伯特·米尔是德国人,今年109岁。参加过第一次世界大战,也是德国仅存的一位参加过一战的老兵。据说,他也是目前德国最长寿的男人。  相似文献   

德国素以严谨的劳动法律体系、规范的劳资关系运作著称,多年来一直受到人们的高度关注。在国际金融危机背景下,德国的社会经济以及劳资关系遇到了什么挑战?德国劳资关系各界是如何应对危机的?针对这些问题,本刊记者近日采访了对德国劳动关系有深入研究并刚刚从德国考察归来的中国劳动关系学院教授郑桥。郑桥认为,应对国际金融危机——  相似文献   

谭萍 《老人天地》2013,(4):56-56
德国:餐桌浪费处罚最严德国是世界上处罚餐厅浪费最严的国家。在德国,无论自助餐还是点餐,都不能浪费,一旦发现有人浪费,任伺见证人都可向相关机构举报,工作人员会立即赶到,按规定罚款。从幼儿园起,德国孩烈门就会受到节俭就餐的教育,孩子们就餐时老师会按需分配食物,一次不能太多,有需要的孩子可再加。在家里,孩子若浪费食物,也会被处罚劳动。德国餐馆一般不设包间,甚至总理、部长也都在大庭广众之下用餐。德国高官宴请各国高官通常就在普通餐馆摆一张长桌,双方人员分宾主坐在条桌两边,用餐就在大庭广众之下,其他食客看得一清二楚。  相似文献   

德国是再生能源发展相当成功的国家,在太阳能热力技术领域处于世界领导地位。弗莱堡,位于德国西南境黑森林所在的巴登符腾堡州境内,有着欧洲太阳能之都与欧洲环境之都的美誉,也是世界上率先落实永续发展概念的城市之一。城市里有著名的研发单位、太阳能工厂以及落实永续发展与再生能源运用的建筑及社区。本文将以笔者游览德国弗莱堡之见闻,与大家分享德国的绿色建筑科技。  相似文献   

参观德国监狱是我多年的愿望。因为我从小就知道《在德国女牢中》这本书,而且书的作者胡兰畦阿姨1980年又在我们家住了好几天,天天听她讲历史,其中包括她的狱中生活。这就更加激起我想参观德国监狱的冲动。  相似文献   

德国经济界特别感兴趣的或许是,中国宣布将进一步防范创意剽窃——毕竟缺乏知识产权保护是在华德国企业的真实担忧。  相似文献   

二次世界大战后,作为战败国的德国在一片废墟上迅速崛起,其原因是多方面的。但首要的是因为重视全民职业素质,不断培养大批技术人才,才能出现战后的经济奇迹,可以说,大力发展职业教育,是德国战后崛起的秘密武器。今年1月,中国劳动出版社职业教育考察团对德国进行了为期半个月的访问,期间,先后访问了德国的地方劳工局、职业技术学校、职业介绍所、图书馆、职业教育教材出版社,参观了西门子公司的展览馆。作为考察团的一员,通过参观访问,笔者深感德国发展职业教育的许多经验值得我们学习借鉴。由于时差的关采,我们在飞机上度过…  相似文献   

郭龙 《老人世界》2013,(8):35-35
张柯是一家公司的销售,他们公司主要是代理德国公司的一款工业打印机。由于德国打印机质量比较好,再加上售后服务也很不错,因此张柯所在的公司生意一直很不错。可是让张柯没有想到的是,有一天却接到了德国代理公司的一封邮件:他们要求张柯所在的公司支付快递费200元人民币。张柯被这封邮件弄昏了,怎么会有200元的快递费呢,是不是德国人搞错了?德国公司一向以严谨著称,怎么可能会无缘无故要200元的快递费呢?  相似文献   

德国城市化率达到95%以上,是世界上城市化水平最高的国家之一。所到之处,没有一处公共设施损坏不能使用,没有一户住宅安装防盗门窗,没有一个人在公共场所大声喧闹。规划至每一寸土地德国是一个高度重视规划的国家。“不打无把握之仗”是其城市规划的生动写照。他们的城市规划覆盖了全国每一寸土地。德国实行的是联邦一州一地方政府三级规划  相似文献   

The German business system has been regarded as a particularly tightly coupled system, with embeddedness of even multinational companies (MNCs) in their home base as particularly deep. A study of the impact of companies' changing internationalization, if not globalization, strategies is therefore especially suited to test competing claims about their effects on the German business system. Are we experiencing an erosion of this system, an adaptation in a largely path‐dependent way, or even a greater specialization and stronger crystallization of the German business system? To investigate these questions, the paper examines a small number of German MNCs in their domestic and international context. More particularly, the work focuses on whether and how their emergent globalization activities affect the reproduction or erosion of the three institutional complexes which shape the factors of production: the financial system; the innovation system; and the industrial relations system. The paper concludes that a new type of transformation – hybridization – is emerging. It is regarded as a consequence of German companies' growing integration into a global economic system.  相似文献   

Does the social origin have a direct effect on the unequal recruitment of the German business elites? Or, does the social origin have an indirect effect on the unequal recruitment only, by means of the unequal participation in the educational system as suggested by the functionalist elite theory? This question is examined with special reference to the business elite. For the 6.500 engineers, jurists, and economists, who received a doctor’s degree in the years of 1955, 1965, 1975, and 1985, the correlation between social origin, educational career, and professional career is analyzed by multivariate methods. The chances of achieving an executive position are 50% higher for individuals with a service class I background and 100% higher for those individuals with an upper class background in contrast to individuals with working class and middle class background. Therefore, the functionalist view can be regarded as incorrect. On the contrary, it holds that social origin has a strong direct effect on the social selection of the elites. Consequently, the social opening of the German educational system did not result into a social opening of the recruitment practices of the business elite. Rather, the opposite is the case: Social selection increased for the 1975 and 1985 cohorts.  相似文献   

The article is based on interviews of board members of German companies as part of a study conducted by the Bertelsmann Foundation. It examines the question how the sole female members tried to make themselves influential in the team. To succeed in making top management teams more diverse it is not enough to appoint a woman to a Board of Directors. She will only stay and contribute meaningfully if she is respected and can be influential. Considering the homogenity and exclusivity of German Boards this is no easy task. Also considered are obstacles and supporting conditions of the organisational context.  相似文献   

Abstract In this article I build on the growing number of anthropological studies of businesses and explore the role that symbols play in the development of globalizing business networks. Transnational business people employ symbols not only to define boundaries between groups and develop collective solidarity but also to construct continuously changing networks between different social spaces and even, in the final analysis, between the concepts of global and local. The case study presented here focuses on the use of the symbols defining ‘German business style’ by the employees of a branch of a German bank in London as they interact with colleagues in the office, staff at their Frankfurt head office, and their clients and competitors. I conclude that, first, the use of symbols in social interaction is key to the negotiation of global and local spaces, and second, that, as the concepts of ‘global’ and ‘local’ spaces are themselves symbolic constructs, the drawing of distinctions between the two may be misleading.  相似文献   

The military strength of German National Socialism was based on the collaboration of large corporations with the Nazi state. Business provided capital, loans, taxes, managerial expertise and production for war industries. I elaborate four ideal‐typical modes of business collaboration. Each mode is illustrated by a case study of a German corporation that acquires an Austrian firm: Krupp (traditional mode); the Reichswerke state conglomerate (coercive); Deutsche Bank (managerial nationalist); and IG Farben (competitive investment mode). The first and the last modes occurred when the state was highly dependent on large businesses for the economic requisites of war. The acquired firms in the Austrian semiperiphery contributed to Nazi war mobilization, as they exploited labor and resources from the peripheral regions of southeastern Europe. Patterns of the state's resource dependency on business led to bargaining interactions between state and business, over time shaping the mix between state and private ownership of war industry.  相似文献   

张义琼是贵州省三都水族自治县一位土生土长的苗族妇女。经过多年潜p学习积累,她研发出了独一无二的蜡染不脱色技术,并申请了国家专利。她还创办了贵州亘蓝母图民族布艺蜡染开发有限公司,带动5000多户农民种植蓝靛,帮助周边妇女姐妹通过蜡染这一技之长,创造属于自己的幸福生活。  相似文献   


The mass migration from German‐speaking lands after 1933 has led to huge research projects, but the fate of the refugees in Britain has for long been neglected. The focus in this article on Wilhelm Sternfeld reveals that his career was exemplary. As a German refugee escaping to London, like so many others, by way of Prague, he became involved in many of the London refugee organizations. After 1945 he helped produce the first bio‐bibliography of exile literature. Exile Studies have been slow to start in Britain, but now Sternfeld's example is being followed at the London Research Centre for Exile Studies.  相似文献   

This study explains why the power of neoliberal business over the Mexican state increased during the last three decades of the twentieth century. It identifies three sources of increased neoliberal business power that occurred in conjunction with neoliberal reforms: (1) active mobilization by neoliberal business, (2) increased access to the state by neoliberal business, and (3) increased economic power of neoliberal business. It thereby contributes additional evidence that counters the view of Mexico’s state neoliberalizers as acting autonomously from business. It further outlines two conditions that were instrumental in bringing about the increased power of neoliberal business: the onset of economic crisis in the 1970s, and a shift in foreign capital preferences in Mexico. The analysis demonstrates how Mexico’s sources and conditions of business power differed from those in advanced industrial societies, and outlines why the Mexican case may be a good starting point for devising a historically-contingent theory of business power in the semiperiphery.
Leslie C. GatesEmail:

Leslie Gates   is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University. She recently published “The Business of Anti-Globalization Politics: Lessons from Venezuela’s 1998 Presidential Elections” (2006) in Research in Political Sociology. She is currently completing a study of the historical trends and sources of business power in Venezuela during the second half of the twentieth century. This study represents part of her broader interest in global economic processes and the politics of economic and labor policy in Latin America.  相似文献   

In the globalization discourse the relation between the change of companies as business organizations and the diagnosed overall globalization process often remains unclear. Three different analytic levels of this problem are distinguished: (1) the relation between globalization and company internationalization, (2) the relation between international companies as a whole and their internationally distributed units as sub-organizations and (3) the relation between the internationalization of companies and their overall change as companies. Based on the example of the German automobile industry three dominant research programs are revisited (international automobile research, sociology of organizations and management sociology on international companies) and the conceptual framework of company-(internationalization)profiles is presented. It is argued that the specific dynamics of the German Big Three Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes-Benz in the 1990s has to be interpreted as the coincidence of fundamental changes in headquarters, plants and the international division of labor between them.  相似文献   

和许多同龄的中国女生相比,程秧秧的生活或许更加绚丽多彩。在香港学习,去美国工作,成为网络上颇具人气的语言老师.同时也是介绍好莱坞最新资讯的周播电视节目《Hello!好莱坞》的当家主持:29岁的秧秧用自己的亲身经历证明——只要够努力,一定有收获!  相似文献   

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