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骆潇  潘靓 《职业》2009,(6):13-13
创业有很多项目可选,可苏大宝却玩起了很玄的“艺术”。现在,他是中国当代最具代表性的沙画表演艺术家,还一手创办了自己的文化公司。 有热情才有创新 2004年的一天,苏大宝偶然从网上看见了一段沙画表演的视频。表演者把沙子洒在带灯箱的画板上,用手在沙上勾勒图画,随着手指的挥洒,画板上呈现出千变万化的美妙图像,通过投影机投映到大屏幕上,给观众带来非常震撼的视觉体验。  相似文献   

骆潇  潘靓 《职业》2009,(16)
创业有很多项目可选,可苏大宝却玩起了很玄的"艺术".现在,他是中国当代最具代表性的沙画表演艺术家,还一手创办了自己的文化公司.  相似文献   

正富豪征婚是近来的热门话题,武汉市5万单身女性参加富豪征婚海选引起人们围观。而本文主人公却拒绝亿万富豪求婚,来到2013年7月的"非诚勿扰"节目上,想找一个能支持自己追求沙画艺术的男孩。这位身高1.72米、面容娇美的女嘉宾自创的沙画舞表演给观众留下了深刻的印象。这位女嘉宾曾经被一个亿万富豪疯狂追求,在开始谈婚论嫁时,富豪要求她做一个放弃工作、在家相夫教子的全职太太,而她却有着自己的理想,两人最后分道扬镳。孤身一人在深圳打拼的她,曾做过模特、模特经纪人,拍过广告、画过人体彩绘,后来自学沙画,成为中国首位女沙画师。她又将自己的舞蹈、绘画专长融于沙画中,运用3D技术与视频互动的概念,创作出3D水墨舞表演,在2011年博鳌论坛上为各国元首表演。她还教巨星刘德华、李冰冰等画沙画,并应邀在央视一年一度的元宵晚会上为全国亿万观众表演沙画舞。  相似文献   

26年,他扎根基层司法行政岗位,铁肩担道义,公平存心中,春风化雨,情满百姓,成功调处矛盾纠纷1730起,及时制止突发事件、群体性事件280起;26年,他想群众之所想,急群众之所急,为维护群众的权益,车舟劳顿,星夜兼程,足迹踏遍祖国的大江南北,为农民工挽回经济损失3000多万元;26年,他多次站在荣誉的领奖台,先后获得全国模范人民调解员、全省优秀共产党员等荣誉称号,荣记个人一等功1次、个人三等功2次,当地党委政府称之为和谐卫士,老百姓亲切地称呼他乡村判官……  相似文献   

我喜欢吃水果,尤其对柿子情有独钟.每年秋天,我总会买回整袋的柿子,整整齐齐摆放到阳台上,每天专门捡软的吃,那种又甜又软的感觉,真是美滋滋呀. 母亲家住平房,有一处小小的院落.那年春天,父亲去赶集,带回来了一棵柿子树苗,种在了墙角,母亲笑着说:"等这棵树结了柿子,让丫头吃个够."可是,第一年,这棵树只开花,根本没有结果.第二年,却又只结了一个果实,没等到成熟,就被风吹落了.  相似文献   

正他爱她,因为爱,所以有些紧张,还有担心。她在他眼里,是那么单纯,像一张白纸,一不小心,就会被一些思想、一些坏因素左右,会被污染。他喜欢带着她去应酬,自豪地向朋友和同事介绍她。那时,他一脸自豪。可是,如果她独自去参加一些聚会,或者没有告诉他一声,就自作主张外出,甚至不打电话,不告之行踪,回来,就会看到那  相似文献   

璐冰 《伴侣(A版)》2010,(7):26-27
正她轻轻地抚摸着我的头:亲爱的,你知道吗?如果爱一个人,就会在原地等待他,一直等待,哪怕,到地老,到天荒……是的,这是我的叶小猫,她还是那么好看,只不过,短发换成了长发,只不过,不是两条修长的腿站着等待我,而是坐在轮椅上,面容安静而美丽。  相似文献   

在外开会,和一个朋友同室居住,她很讲究:服装搭配,鞋帽搭配,浓淡妆搭配,发型手包搭配……夜起的时候,看到她的样子与白天差别甚大,仰面朝天,鼾声微起,轻微磨牙,嘴角边流着涎水,此大腿压着彼大腿,偶尔还放个屁……这个时候,是最经不起推敲的时候,也是最松弛的时候,虽然难看,但是真实。而且,不要人看——不要别人看,除了与自己同床共枕的  相似文献   

相亲归来,她忍不住对QQ群里的姐妹说,不行,那人似乎有点傻。她还记得,初次和那人见而,是个风和日丽的日子。按照家乡风俗,各自的亲友团,在介绍人安排下在一小餐馆见面,亲友团"群聊",她和他,被安排单独"私聊"。她硬着头皮,努力掩饰脸红的感觉,跟在那人身后,在隔壁房间坐下。太过陌生,空气里全是尴尬,她选择低头不语,对方问一句,她答一句,偷眼看表,才过了10分钟而已,怎么感觉像一个世纪那么漫长?  相似文献   

正ID:14541714不加冰的可乐(辽宁大连)男,24岁,未婚,1.85米,大专,从事金融/证券/投资/保险业,月薪2000~5000元。择偶条件:年龄为18 ̄25岁之间,身高为1.60 ̄1.90米之间,未婚。ID:5035921贝克汉姆帅哥(北京朝阳)男,24岁,未婚,1.83米,本科,从事计算机/互联网/IT,月薪2000~5000元。择偶条件:年龄为21 ̄24岁之间,身高为1.68米 ̄2.00米之间,所在地区为北京,学历为大专以上,有照片。  相似文献   

北京绢人,从头到脚都采用了中国丝绸、娟纱,人物的脸型、服饰和动作表情,充分体现出中国风貌。由于人形的主要原料是彩娟,因此人们称其为“北京娟人”。这一颇具特色的传统手工艺已入选北京高级非物质文化遗产名录。  相似文献   


Art as a social engagement in the West can be dated back to the history of avant-garde art starting from the end of nineteenth century. Rooted in his own cultural background, Chinese artist Ai Weiwei’s socially engaged art project “Fairytale is more complex than the avant-garde strategy. The work Fairytale established a structure – “1=1,001”. That means on the one hand, the participants can be easily regarded everywhere in Kassel as 1,001 mobile works of art. All of them contribute to an entire work. In other words, the 1,001 people consist of one work. On the other hand, everyone is dealing with their personal issues independent of art. In this sense, the entire work can be divided into 1,001 personal experiences. This structure is based on three principles of Chinese philosophy Taoism – the duality between Yin and Yang, the dynamism between Yin and Yang, and the concept of “uselessness”. Positioning Fairytale within both Western theoretical as well as Chinese philosophical contexts, this essay is to analyze how Chinese philosophy shaped Ai’s strategy of social engagement and his cultural identity – Chineseness.  相似文献   

Papua New Guinea is renowned for its colourful and delightful primitive objects of art. This paper offers an alternative explanation of the role of primitive art on vernacular architecture. To understand this role clearly, the meaning and the functions of primitive art are, first, defined. The role played by primitive art among the Papua New Guinean societies is then explained. Finally, the paper suggests the need for a conscious integration of this art into other aspects of development in Papua New Guinea; contemporary architectural works being one of them.  相似文献   

This article shares key questions guiding our process of building interdisciplinary bridges between social work and art to contribute to social justice-oriented education. Through a focus on socially engaged art, we discuss the purpose and forms that these practices take and the role of the audience/participants when working for social change with communities. We then present a proposed course outline that brings social work and socially engaged art together. Our hope is that this discussion will guide others interested in working through interdisciplinary collaborations, as can be seen by the growing interest in the mix of art and social work in practice and education.  相似文献   

After thirty years of development in mainland China, public relations is suffering from a stigma because of its negative connotations, misconception and paradoxical perception among the general public, and development constraints. To overcome this stigmatization, a positive public relations theory that posits the positive functions of public relations in contemporary China is proposed by integrating the three public relations dimensions (i.e., communication, organization-public relationships, and ecological networks), the dialogic theory of public relations and the Chinese philosophical thinking of Yin and Yang. To achieve this, the paper first explains the cause of stigmatization in public relations. Second, it introduces the three dimensions of public relations as a profession and discipline. It then articulates how the dialogic theory of public relations and the Yin Yang philosophy contribute to the development of positive public relations. Lastly, it proposes the Taiji model of public relations and the underpinnings of positive public relations. It is important to note that positive public relations serves as a complement to, rather than a substitute for, existing theories of public relations.  相似文献   

太极拳是中国传统武术中的一种,它的每一个动作圆柔连贯,每一式都是绵绵不断,犹如太极图一样。这种融健身与修身养生于一本的运动蕴含着丰富的中国传统哲学思想和伦理观念。太极拳不仅仅是一种拳术,它更是一种文化,是力与美的艺术结合。  相似文献   

中车大连机车车辆有限公司被誉为“机车摇篮”。电焊高级工人技师于静在这座“机车摇篮”里工作近30年,丈夫杨波也是大连机车电焊岗位上的一名骨干。夫妻俩和女儿、于静的婆婆组成幸福美满的四口之家,每名成员都用真诚与善良诠释文明和谐家庭的“最美”内涵。  相似文献   

本文是针对杨舸和王广州的《户内人口匹配数据的误用与改进》所提出的商榷意见的回应。基于杨文对人口普查和抽样调查数据匹配所产生的选择性偏差的讨论分析以及数据再检验结果,作者对于调整数据偏差方法及其效果进行了详细分析和数据论证,其结论是:杨文提出的商榷意见没有得到数据分析的支持,同时,杨文所采用的调整偏差的方法也不能有效地估计和解决作者相关研究的选择性偏差问题。  相似文献   

杨冬凌是—位地地道道的农家女,她被人誉为“中国第—农村女诗人”,“史上最时尚农家女”,甚至有人称赞她是中国新型农村女性的一个代表。  相似文献   

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