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慧根 《老人天地》2010,(12):22-23
香山游成就一对"痴人" 1969年5月1日,北京香山脚下来了一群青年人,霍达和王为政就在其中。当时"文革"浪潮风起云涌,文化园地百花凋零,这些喜欢文学、艺术的青年对前途一片茫然,他们相约爬香山游玩,释放一下无处宣泄的愁闷。  相似文献   

今年是中央对口援藏20周年。20年来,.一批批来自内地的优秀人才,不畏高寒缺氧的自然环境和艰苦的工作生活条件,在雪域高原留下奋斗的足迹。这其中有一对夫妻格外引人注目,他们就是马新明、孙伶伶夫妇。在对口援藏历史上,这对夫妻创下了多个第一:第一对援藏夫妻。第一对博士,第一对北京大学校友、第一对海外访问学者、第一对两届援藏干部。  相似文献   

2000年 10月1日,大连美丽的奥林匹克广场,人声鼎沸,鼓乐齐鸣,伴随着庄重的婚礼进行曲,来自大连、上海、武汉、深圳等地的132对新人正在这里举行万人瞩目的中国千年姻缘婚庆大典。其中一对新人笑得尤为灿烂。谁能想到,他们竟然是一对曾经离异而今又复合的夫妻,他们离散聚合的过程充满着跌宕起伏的大悲大喜。  相似文献   

湖南株洲市有一对表兄弟从小学琴,具有良好的艺术潜质,梦想长大后成为优秀的音乐家,但贫寒的家境难以支撑他们的梦想。一个风雪夜,他们偶遇一位警察,警察叔叔决定帮助他们向梦想扬帆起航。三人还拉勾约定,永远保守这个秘密……。  相似文献   

来自法国的安娜伊思·马田和玛丽安·达奎在北京的三里屯创办了一家艺术工作室。这家工作室致力于鼓励人们学习艺术,并架起东西方文化交流的桥梁。  相似文献   

在北京城北的花院东路8号院,住着一对老夫妻。他们相扶相携、形影不离。男主人公名叫裴广坤,离休前是空院训练部政工教研室副师职教员:女主人公名叫刘泽英,退休前是首都师范大学的一名教师。闲暇时,他们或在院中散步,或在活动中心打球下棋,或在舞池中蹁跹共舞……  相似文献   

2011年春节期间,在中国人阖家团聚的大喜日子里,居住在郑州市红专路附近的人们,经常能看到一位英俊的中国小伙和一位头发花自的外国老汉喜气洋洋相伴出行的身影,那亲热劲儿俨然一对祖孙。其实大家都知道,这一老一少根本没有血缘关系,年轻小伙是地地道道的河南人,外国老汉则是来自英国的瑞士人,他们实际上是一对忘年交好朋友。  相似文献   

在北京的3D打印技术体验馆内,一对青年男女在体验3D打印。以往的打印出来的只是一张照片之类,而这一回,在仪器扫描过他们之后,3D打印机里出来的是这对青年男女的小人偶,栩栩如生。  相似文献   

在每一对即将步入婚礼殿堂的新人心中,他们的爱情都像优美的诗句,句句动人。25岁的张有云突发奇想,要为每一对新人记录他们爱情的点滴,为他们制作属于自己的爱情电影。一个小想法成就了大梦想,张有云不仅为每一对新人记录下了刻骨铭心的爱,还完成了创业梦想。  相似文献   

Alan和Celeste夫妇来自美国芝加哥。已经有了一对女儿的他们还想再要一个女孩儿。从一些收养了中国孩子的芝加哥人那里他们了解到中国拥有很完善的收养支持系统。于是,他们来到一家收养代理机构申请收养一个中国女孩。“中国政府非常仔细”,Celeste说,“整个过程需要几个月的时间。”申请递交上去后是相关文件的审核,不久以后,夫妇俩收到了来自贵州某福利院的一张女婴的照片。在把这个可爱的小姑娘抱到怀里之前,夫妇俩要做的就是耐心地等待数月。  相似文献   

How older adults reminisce about their lives to others depends in part on who is listening, and on the relationship that they and their listeners establish. To support this hypothesis, findings are presented from a narrative analysis of 12 lifestory interviews done by 3 interviewers (4 interviews each: 2 with males; 2 with females) with people 80 and older living in a largely rural area of Eastern Canada. The interviewers have distinctive listening styles and come from significantly different backgrounds. One is a man, and former minister, from the immediate region; another, a woman from a large European city; the third, a younger woman from an urban centre in Western Canada. The paper takes advantage of the opportunity inherent in having 3 interviewers rather than only 1 and compares patterns that characterized the various interviewer–interviewee interactions and the impact of such patterns on how interviewees talked about their lives. Speculations are offered concerning how different listeners might have elicited reminiscences on different themes or of different types from the same tellers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to study interprofessional collaboration in health and social care for older people and persons with disabilities from a care manager's perspective. The empirical data was collected at a workshop held during a national conference for care managers and through focus group interviews in two Swedish municipalities. The results showed that the care managers collaborated in different ways with many different professionals from different organisations. The care and discharge planning meetings emerged as the most typical situation where care managers collaborated with different health care professionals. Interprofessional collaboration was seen as a means for care managers to fulfil their assignment and carry out their work. The care manager role encompassed role strain, a relatively weak professional identity, and differences in professional status among those involved in interprofessional collaboration.  相似文献   

How do volunteers interpret what their service means to them? Is it based on the values the program instills, or on their experiences before volunteering? To answer these questions, I investigate service interpretation in the AmeriCorps program, a US-based social service agency. I conduct 22 in-depth interviews with AmeriCorps members to highlight how they use their cultural capital—rooted in their raised-class background—to interact differently with those they serve and to interpret different benefits of AmeriCorps. I find members from lower-income backgrounds use their past as a form of cultural capital to connect with their service population. On the other hand, members from more privileged backgrounds see the program as beneficial in the context of future work, yet have more difficulty connecting with those they serve. I conclude that the cultural capital learned from different social classes fosters different service interpretations for AmeriCorps members.  相似文献   

Mixed methods research requires integration of qualitative and quantitative data. However, there is debate about how to define integration and what is required for integration to occur. This paper describes a mixed methods research project which revisits datasets from different eras, which were originally instigated for different purposes and had different theoretical frameworks. Using selected results about the relationship between teenagers’ vocational aspirations and adult occupations we show how the research topic and question integrated the projects within a constructivist theoretical position. We argue that reanalysing and comparing historical datasets can provide new insights into a topic even with minimal integration of the data. We recommend a broad definition of integration and reflexive research practice to encourage innovation and diversity in mixed methods research, particularly with regard to reanalysis of datasets from different eras.  相似文献   

家庭经济背景影响子女进入不同类型的高校,在收费较高的各类民办高校学生中,来自中、高收入家庭子女的比例较高。通过对大学新生的调查发现,不同家庭经济背景的学生对所读高校的满意度并无显著差异;与此同时,无关家庭经济背景,就业前景成为学生择校时的最重要影响因素。作为一种有目的性的社会行动,不同家庭经济背景子女的高校选择过程是个体主观理性选择的结果,是个体出于自身条件、资源的不同及需求和偏好的不同所作出的最符合自身利益的选择,具有充分的理性和实践逻辑。  相似文献   

Recent research finds that higher inequality reinforces a tendency to see inequality as legitimate, via beliefs about meritocracy. That pattern appears in a cross-sectional analysis—but it is seemingly evident also in a longitudinal analysis: an increase in inequality apparently leads to a stronger perception of a meritocratic process. I reconsider that finding here via an analysis that uses (1) a different set of countries, (2) a different time-period, and (3) different measures of inequality and beliefs about meritocracy. Using data from the European Social Survey on 17 countries from 2008 to 2016, I present results that are in tension with earlier research: an increase in inequality leads people to disagree more strongly with a core meritocratic principle—that is, the idea that large differences in incomes are needed to reward talents and effort.  相似文献   

Due to the changing cultural composition of the U.S., social workers are increasingly working with clients from different cultures. As a result of globalization, our schools of social work are training international students who return home to work in their native countries and take with them our theories and models of practice. It is essential that, as a profession, we address questions about the relevance of our models to work with clients from different cultures. This paper will use theoretical concepts from anthropology and data from field research with Suwanrang, a social worker in Northern Thailand to address these issues. The implications of the debate between universalist, relativist, and cultural pluralist perspectives within anthropology for psychodynamic, developmental models and social work treatment will be explored. The paper will focus on the ways the treatment relationship is shaped by and varies with culture  相似文献   

Evaluation of a group parenting programme in the Northern Territory of Australia showed significant differences in benefits for Aboriginal and non‐Aboriginal boys and girls. The analysis considers whether boys and girls from different cultural backgrounds present with different problems; whether parental expectations for boys and girls differ and whether the intervention activates different responses in different settings. Conclusions suggest that there is a need to closely examine the ‘cultural logic’ of interventions, the appropriateness of their assumptions about child development and hypothesised mechanisms of change in different settings.  相似文献   

For agricultural and rural development in Europe, multifunctionality is a leading concept that raises many questions. Care farming is a promising example of multifunctional agriculture that has so far received little attention. An issue that has not been examined thoroughly is the strategic mapping of different care farm organizations in this emerging field. The objective of this article is to develop a typology for care farms in the Netherlands and provide insight into the diversity of care farms. We have used different concepts from organization theory and information from regional organizations of care farmers to identify key dimensions and develop a typology of care farms. Key dimensions are the ratio between agriculture and care, the background of the initiators, and the degree of collaboration with formal care institutions. We found six main types of care farms with different identities, four of which were initiated by the farmers' families (mainly female partners). The other two types were started by new entrants in agriculture. On the basis of our findings, we confirmed, disputed, and supplemented insights to multifunctional farming literature. As a further contribution to that field, drawing from the organization theories underlying our typology, we have sought to understand how different types of care farms could emerge.  相似文献   

User involvement in therapy includes some form of feedback from the clients. The feedback guides the therapist and the clients toward a best possible result through a best possible therapy process. In recent years many different procedures for collecting feedback have been developed. In a previous study presented in this journal we explored the expectations therapists had before including the comprehensive clinical feedback procedure, Systemic Therapy Inventory of Change (STIC), in their clinical practices. Our aim with this present study is to explore couples' and family therapists’ experiences with STIC from the perspective of user involvement. We found that the term ‘using STIC’ represented many different variations both between therapists and between the families each therapist worked with. Likewise user involvement, combined with a feedback procedure like STIC, was also a many faceted area. We discuss how therapists’ experiences may relate to the different aspects of user involvement in therapy.  相似文献   

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