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The Women Scientists' High-level Forum, organized by the Women Scientific and Technological Workers Committee, under the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), the China Women Scientific and Technological Workers Association, and the Yunnan Women's Federation, was held on May 23, 2014, in Kunming, capital of Southwest China's Yunnan Province. The forum was part of CAST's 16th annual meeting.  相似文献   

Song Visits Earthquake-stricken Yushu
Song Xiuyan, Vice- President and First Member of the Secretariat of the All- China Women's Federation (ACWF), visited earthquakestricken Yushu, a Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in northwestern China's Qinghai Province, on May 27.  相似文献   

Gillian Mellsop, UNICEF's Representative to China, visited a children's center in Yichang (a city in Central China's Hubei Province) on August 28, 2014. During her visit, Mellsop learned about the center's development and the services with the technical support of a project jointly by UNICEF and the All-China Women's Federation. The project has helped families learn about early childhood development, children's care and parenting skills.  相似文献   

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and China's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held, in Chengdu (capital of Southwest China's Sichuan Province) on May 8, a conference to demonstrate and promote achievements in developing the weaving industry to help women find work and/or start a business. Shen Yueyue, Vice- Chairperson of the NPC (National People's Congress) Standing Committee and ACWF President, spoke during the conference. Song Xiuyan, Vice- President and First Member of the Secretariat of ACWF, hosted the event.  相似文献   

The China Women's Business and Innovation Achievements Expo openedon June 18 in southeast China's Fujian Province. Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All- China Women's Federation (ACWF) Chen Zhili attended the opening ceremony. She proclaimed the Expo open.  相似文献   

A conference for officials of the Shanxi Women's Federation, and for editors and reporters from local media, was held by Shanxi Women's Federation in Taiyuan. capital of North China's Shanxi Province, on August 28. The conference was intended to help the officials (with responsibility for publicity), editors and reporters improve their communications skills.  相似文献   

Shen Yueyue, Vice-Chairperson of the NPC (National People's Congress) Standing Committee and President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) on February 11, 2014, chaired the symposium on work related to migrant women and children and left-behind women and children. The symposium was held in Nanchang, capital of East China's Jiangxi Province.  相似文献   

A team from the Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs (CIJA), under the Gansu Provincial People's Congress, visited Dingxi and Baiyin (cities in Gansu Province) on September 16, to monitor the cities' implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests. The team was headed by Wang Lan, Deputy Director of the Office of C1JA. Officials fiom Gansu Women's Federation accompanied the team.  相似文献   

Wuxue, a city in Central China's Hubei Province, sends teachers (from primary schools), volunteers and employees of Wuxue Women's Federation to primary schools to talk to girls about how to stay safe.  相似文献   

The Department for Women's Rights and Interests of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and the United Nations in China held, in Beijing on April 10- 11, the International Roundtable on the Family Violence Legislation in China.  相似文献   

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