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中国书法的工具和材料基本上是由笔、墨、纸、砚演变而来的,人们通常把它们称为“文房四宝”,说它们是文人书房中必备的四件宝贝。中国古代文人或能书,或能画,或既能书又能画,是离不开这四件宝贝的。  相似文献   

除了在大剧院芭蕾舞剧中跳舞的演员外,在中国,你能见到的俄罗斯女孩并不多。2010年,去深圳和朋友打冰球时,一位俄罗斯女孩引起了我的注意,金色的头发,清秀的脸庞,一打听知道她叫奥莉嘉。当时奥莉嘉在场外休息区学写中国字,一半都写错了。  相似文献   

八岁,那该是孩子们躲在妈妈怀中撒娇的年龄,有一个女孩,却能一路歌唱着给家里换来柴米油盐;十五岁,很多孩子正处在青春期,有一个女孩却为了家里破烂的窑洞、刚背上书包的弟弟妹妹,  相似文献   

Hoda Alaa是一名在北京语言文化大学学习对外汉语教育的埃及留学生。她的梦想不仅是成为一名教授汉语的中国文化的老师,她还希望未来能鼓励学生发现和研究生活在地球村的好处,  相似文献   

我的老家在河北省阜城县。别人问我,你们那里有什么特色?我答不上来。就是一个普普通通的平原小城,能有什么特色。去年回乡,跟中学同学提起这事,他吃惊地说,咱们这里有特色啊,我明天带你领略—吓。  相似文献   

林言能感觉到安薇的紧张,从上车起她就沉默不语,脸色一点点变得苍白。下了车,她的手甚至在他的掌心里颤抖起来。在民政局iqD,安薇每走一步都步履沉重,仿佛奔赴刑场。林言有些心疼,搂着她的肩以示安慰。  相似文献   

黑白灰是OL的秋冬三原色,加之黑色在这两年秋冬的霸主地位:令一眼扫过去的衣橱竟然是沉闷而灰暗的。而早早弥漫开来的节日气氛却渴望那么一点点生动、快乐、明媚的气氛环绕。其实。大可不必出门狂购一番,只需掌握一点小技巧,便能在瞬问激活衣橱里的那些黑白灰。  相似文献   

年少时,曾漂洋过海,来到大海之南。初识南国,满眼都是新奇:街旁的绿椰,海畔的自沙,屋前的繁花。再回海口,已是六年后。在城里怀旧了一天后,朋友说带我去羊山一带看看石头村。在几经寻找之后,遇见了一个极为静谧的村庄:这里古木参天,林深人静,朴拙的民居在林木间静静地铺陈,家家屋后绿树浓荫。  相似文献   

想找个远离城市的地方,开三分地,盖一间房。总这么想着,总这样说着,偶尔也会在日记里写下些桃源般的想象:云涤荡,鸟飞翔,树婆娑,人悠闲……多年过去了,那依旧还是个想象。然而,当我在深山里见到华,才知道,这种想象原来真实存在。  相似文献   

哈萨克族被称为“马背上的民族”,他们保持着千年来游牧生活的传统,是世上搬家最勤的人。每年春秋两季转场时,哈萨克牧民挥舞着种的皮鞭,赶着成群牛羊等牲畜,踏步数百公里,长距离迁徙,场面十分壮观,前赴后继,连绵不断,像—幅幅流动的画面。  相似文献   

经过三年多的修缮,有570年历史的鲜鱼口胡同以“鲜鱼口老宇号美食街”的身份开街了。便宜坊烤鸭店、天兴居炒肝等很多老字号都在这条美食街上重新开业。新鲜鱼口用老北京的好滋味唤起人们心中抹不去的北京记忆。  相似文献   

This street participatory action research (Street PAR) study organized 15 residents to document street‐identified Black youth and adult's negative experiences with police in Wilmington, Delaware. Data were collected on mostly street‐identified Black men and women aged 18–35 in the forms of (1) 520 surveys, (2) 24 individual interviews, (3) four dual interviews, (4) three group interviews, and (5) extensive field observations. Forty‐two percent of survey participants reported being stopped by police in the last year. However, with the exception of being “stopped,” participants overall reported little negative contact with police at least within the past year. Chi‐square and ANOVA analyses suggest an interactional relationship exists between race, gender, and age on experiences with police. Younger Black men (18–21) were found to have the most negative contact with police. Analysis suggests a smaller, more hardened mostly male variant of the larger street community has had repeated contact with police. Qualitative analysis reveals at least two major themes: (1) disrespect and disdain for residents and (2) low motivation for working with police. Street PAR methodology was also found to be instrumental in working with local residents and the Wilmington Police Department to improve conditions between residents and police.  相似文献   

Street art is public art; it’s accessible; it’s of the people; it’s an urban voice; it’s on public view; it’s on-the-street. Nonetheless, the World Wide Web has been party responsible for street art becoming both recognised and popular. As a result, this study is investigating how street art is represented on the open photo-sharing platform, Flickr. It is a social network site offering a large portfolio of photographs showing a wide range of images, which have been categorised and classified using ‘tags’. By using a visual content analysis based on theoretically determined categories to examine the uploaded photographs, this investigation will shed light on what a selection of Flickr users recognise as street art and how they record and index it.  相似文献   

小桥流水、粉墙瓦黛、悠悠小巷、鳞鳞石板、寞寞岸柳……典型的江南水乡画景呈现在眼前,这里是苏州最古老的街区——平江路。  相似文献   

"Children are travelers, newly arrived in a country ofwhich they know nothing." (John Locke) Street children represent a rapidly growing socio-educational challenge affecting both the developing and industrialized nations of the world. At risk for physical, emotional, social, and cognitive violation, these children are in need of interventions that appropriately address their needs in the context of their environment, and build upon the positive survival skills that they have developed as a result of street life. This paper explores the causes, and consequences of this growing phenomenon. It seeks to make known the global dimensions of the physical, social, mental and developmental health consequences of street life for the child. It offers possible occupational therapy intervention strategies and opportunities for working with street children which transition them from youth to mainstream adult and citizenship in the world.  相似文献   

This work proposes a design methodology using ergonomics and anthropometry concepts applied to traffic sign and street name sign projects. Initially, a literature revision on cognitive ergonomics and anthropometry is performed. Several authors and their design methodologies are analyzed and the aspects to be considered in projects of traffic and street name signs are selected and other specific aspects are proposed for the design methodology. A case study of the signs of "Street of Antiques" in Porto Alegre city is presented. To do that, interviews with the population are made to evaluate the current situation of signs. After that, a new sign proposal with virtual prototyping is done using the developed methodology. The results obtained with new interviews about the proposal show the user satisfaction and the importance of cognitive ergonomics to development of this type of urban furniture.  相似文献   

Street trees are an important part of urban vegetation due to their provisioning of different types of ecosystem services such as local climate regulation and contribution to aesthetical and recreational values. In order to provide these services, urban trees need to endure many stress factors not present in natural environments, such as the widespread use of impervious surfaces in the vicinity of street trees. However, few studies have evaluated the effect of this potential stress factor on urban tree growth. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate how ground surface permeability affects stem and current-year shoot growth of linden (Tilia europaea) street trees in Gothenburg, Sweden. We found that a small fraction of permeable ground surface in the vertically projected tree crown area caused lower stem growth and strongly suppressed current-year shoot growth. This finding can guide future city planning, demonstrating that the vitality of street trees is compromised when the permeable surface area in the vicinity of the tree is small.  相似文献   

This paper is based on ethnographic research conducted with migrant and Italian street vendors in Naples, southern Italy, in 2012. It tells the story of Via Bologna market which was nearly closed down by the City Hall at the time. Naples is a city where issues of poverty and unemployment pre‐date and have been exacerbated by manifold narratives of crisis now unfolding across Europe regarding the economy, political legitimacy, security and migration. Street markets have always been an important and visible economic survival strategy for both Neapolitans and migrants there. This article shows how the Via Bologna street vendors appropriated and adapted discourses about crisis to form their own cosmopolitan social movement that halted the closure of the market. It argues that, in the age of globalized migration, the multilingual nature of such collective action is central to understanding social struggles that must be organized between marginalized groups of people divided by race, religion, politics and legal status. This, frequently ambiguous, transcultural solidarity speaks back against a mainstream post‐racial discourse – often articulated by the Neapolitan street vendors at the market – that would reduce the complexity of such collective action to questions of poverty and class struggle.  相似文献   

This street participatory action research project explored the reflective schooling experiences of street identified Black men and women (ages 18–35) in two small low-income neighborhoods. Secondary analysis of survey (N = 520) and interview (N = 46) data examined: (1) How are attitudes toward schooling and teachers affected by race, gender and age?; and (2) How do students utilize a street-identity as a site of resilience inside schools? Overall, street-identified study participants held positive attitudes toward schooling, but generally performed poorly in schools and had negative experiences with educators. No significance was found as a function of gender and age regarding attitudes toward schooling and attitudes toward teachers. Also, interview results, across gender and age, suggest school-related structural challenges and poor teacher-student relationships contributed to severe conflict between students and teachers; and between students. Interviewees argued some Black students internalized a street identity or became disruptive and even engaged in school violence as a protective mechanism to endure hostile schooling environments. Moreover, Street PAR is discussed as a method and intervention to improve student performance and resolve concerns between students and educators.  相似文献   

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