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The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and UN Women held a two-day training on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in Beijing on August 21-22, 2014. Organizers provided information about CEDAW to promote mainstreaming of gender awareness and the importance of implementing China's basic State policy of gender equality.  相似文献   

China's delegation to the United Nations, headed by Huang Qingyi, Vice-Chairperson of the National Working Committee on Children and Women under the State Council, attended a meeting of the UN Committee on the Elimination of  相似文献   

就业性别歧视的判断标准分为狭义的判断标准和广义的判断标准。在我国规制就业性别歧视的几部主要法律之中,对具体的就业性别歧视行为只规定了两种:一是法律直接规定的行为,即在劳动合同中规定限制女职工结婚、生育的内容的行为,二是可推定的行为,即擅自扩大法定的不适合女性劳动者的工种或者岗位范围的行为,而且这些对就业性别歧视行为的规定都是针对的直接歧视,对于现实中存在的大量的间接歧视未加重视和规制。  相似文献   

马小花 《现代交际》2010,(9):13-13,12
就业性别歧视作为一个法律问题,我国现有的法律制度在这一方面的规定明显不足,难以对被歧视者提供有效的救济和帮助。解决就业性别歧视,需要分析产生的原因,完善相关立法、健全救济机制、建立有效的监督体制。  相似文献   

就业歧视是对公民就业平等权的侵害,影响我国建设法治国家的进程。目前,就业歧视受到社会的广泛关注。我国的法律规制中存在没有统一立法、争议缺少专门的执法机构、司法救济机制不完善等问题,需要在制定统一的反就业歧视法、建立专门的就业权利平等保障机构、完善司法救济机制,可以尝试检察机关公益诉讼制度三管齐下,消除就业歧视,促进就业公平。  相似文献   

本文尝试用性别分析的工具,从文化的视角把身处社会结构和利益格局巨大变迁中的弱势群体女性作为研究对象.指出就业中存在性别不平等状况,揭露了性别不平等背后的制度性和结构性因素,分析了社会制度和结构中造成和影响性别不平等的文化机制,认为经济转轨时期社会文化的堕距是女性就业性别歧视的根源,提出构建先进的性别文化对解决性别歧视具有重要意义.  相似文献   

张鹏 《现代交际》2012,(9):34-35
从1999年开始,基于解决经济和就业问题而扩大普通高校本专科院校招生人数的教育改革政策逐见成效,我国高校招生规模逐年扩大,实现了高等教育阶段性飞跃。与此同时,每年数百万大学生就业难题成为人们关注的焦点,在大学生就业过程中遭遇就业歧视的例子屡见不鲜,而我国目前尚未出台相应的法律以保障大学生就业过程中的合法权益。针对大学生的就业歧视不仅违反了我国《劳动法》就业平等的原则性规定,而且严重损害社会的公平与正义,引起社会不稳定,对目前构建和谐社会带来危害。在当前形势下,消除对大学生就业歧视势在必行,然而消除就业歧视并非立即可以实现的,需要用人单位提供良好的就业环境,大学生提升维权意识,共同来维护公平的就业环境。更为重要的是,国家通过加强立法规制,从源头上彻底消除针对大学生的就业歧视。  相似文献   

对于应届毕业生来说,招聘方的“有工作经验”这一条。足以使他们与自己向往的工作“无缘牵手”。身高歧视,性别歧视,年龄歧视,乙肝歧视。各种各样的就业歧视已经让无数大学生就业无门,现在又来个“经验歧视”,这对大学毕业生就业无疑是雪上加霜。  相似文献   

在我们国家,无论是政府、妇女组织还是公民社会各种组织,应该拿出像反对家庭暴力一样的努力,甚至付出反家暴数倍的努力,反对一切形式的对妇女的暴力。  相似文献   

张寒梅 《职业时空》2008,4(4):115-116
2007全国共有普通高校毕业生495万人,比上年增加82万,增幅达19.9%,已超过当年新增就业岗位计划的50%以上,虽然国家采取各种措施,千方百计缓解高校毕业生就业问题,但高校毕业生就业形势依然严峻。而在就业竞争激烈的同时,女大学生在就业过程中还常常遭遇"性别歧视"。江苏省妇联针对本省《妇女权益保障法》实施十周年情况的专题调查也显示,有80%的女大学生在求职过程中遭遇性别歧视,有34.3%的女生有过多次被拒的经历。可见,"性别歧视"已成为女大学生求职过程中的首要障碍,很多德才兼备,学有所长的女大学生因此失去公平竞争和发展的机会。  相似文献   

Although UK legislation against age discrimination is required by December 2006, little is yet known about how ageism affects different age categories of employees, and the gender dimensions of ageism have also been neglected. Both issues were investigated by questionnaire survey, producing responses from over 1000 employees of a major UK financial services enterprise. The extent and manifestations of ageism were found to vary across age categories and by sex, and evidence of gendered ageism emerged. Reported examples of ageism were highest among younger and older age categories, but all age groups were affected to some degree. Across all ages, women were more likely than men to experience ageist attitudes concerning appearance or sexuality. To be effective, legislation will need to cater for the complex nature and patterns of age discrimination revealed, though the comparator problem and other complexities are such that important aspects of age prejudice, including gender dimensions, risk being overlooked.  相似文献   

Pairs of resumes, one for a 57-year-old and the other for a 32-year-old, were mailed to 775 large firms and employment agencies across the United States. Although the resumes presented equal qualifications, the older job seeker received a less favorable employer response 26.5% of times when a position appeared to be vacant. Vigorous enforcement of equal opportunity laws as well as initiatives to change employer attitudes are appropriate responses to such discrimination. The technique of employment testing, demonstrated in this research, can be useful in both efforts.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the issue of gender discrimination in Mexico, in light of NAFTA since passed in 1993. A model of transnational contention from social movement theories is modified and used to analyze the integration of actions by Mexican, US and Canadian women's and labor group's actions, as they fight for Mexican pregnant workers' rights. Data from interviews with labor leaders, female legislators, political parties and feminist NGOs in Mexico and tri-national government documents are processed in a typology of transnational contention, revealing a high degree of integrated transnational and domestic efforts-which I argue is the basis for a growing women's labor movement in the region.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of an exploratory study of a cross section of nonprofit human service organizations that examined whether and to what extent a glass ceiling exists for women in this sector. The findings substantiate the existence of the glass ceiling phenomenon among the agencies studied. Men are disproportionately represented in management, particularly upper‐level management, and they earn higher salaries than women at all hierarchical levels of the organization.  相似文献   

In this article, we outline the evidence demonstrating the pervasiveness of sex and race/ethnic workplace discrimination, paying particular attention to the areas of hiring, compensation, and evaluations and promotions. Key sociological explanations for why and how these forms of employment discrimination occur are also examined. Although discrimination is often considered as discrete acts that occur within employment arrangements, the existing research suggests the presence of an underlying set of processes and choices that accumulate over time. These processes have clear implications for how discrimination is understood and the ways in which such events compound over career trajectories. Based on our examination of this literature, we suggest areas for improved theorizing, measurement, and analysis.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent research on employment discrimination on the basis of sex, race, and ethnicity in US work establishments. Unlike blatant discrimination of the past, contemporary discrimination is typically more subtle, often unintentional, and develops in relationship to the social context in which it is embedded. Focusing on this covert and dynamic nature of discrimination, we review recent research that identifies factors at the individual, workplace, and societal level that contribute to variation in sex and race discrimination across employment contexts. At each level, we conceptually distinguish between factors that influence employers’ sex and race biases and factors that affect potential victims’ capacity to identify discriminatory experiences at work.  相似文献   

风险以及风险理财概念日益走进了现代人的生活,但许多人在理解"风险"概念时出现了歧义.<现代汉语词典>中将"风险"解释为"危险,遭受损失、伤害、不利或毁灭的可能性".而在1981年版的<辞源>和1989年版的<辞海>中,尚没有"风险"的释义.理财学中科学地进行了定义:风险是"对事件预期结果的不确定性".在鼓励探索、鼓励创新的当今时代,这种作中性理解的风险概念更符合时代精神.正确认识风险,合理地计量风险,和谐地决策风险是风险理财中的关键.  相似文献   

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