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刘磊 《职业》2014,(28):53-55
他曾是身价千万的煤老板,却因煤资源枯竭财富大大缩水;在一次寻找商机的旅行中,他挖掘到有"绿色黄金"之称的山葵,随即承包了370多亩荒山进行种植;他独创的山葵花苔酸菜一经问世就大受欢迎,产品远销欧美日等国家和地区,  相似文献   

短短2年时间,在距离苍溪县城5公里的紫云工业园内,一片片荒山发生了翻天覆地的变化,山坡上"长"出了一座座现代化标准厂房,当地群众感慨道,这些厂房建得比种庄稼还快。作为川北山区的农业大县,苍溪要实现"民富县强",发展工业是其必由之路。面对山多平地少,人均耕地仅有1亩多的实际,仅靠土地供给指标远远不能满足项目建设的需要。难题如何破解?  相似文献   

宋殿儒 《老人世界》2014,(10):20-21
一 位于河南省洛宁县中河乡的麓山,曾是历史上著名的“麓桥驿”之战所在地,前些日子,听说麓山人造林场出现了一棵会治病的“神树”。说是哪位造林老人无论是头晕目眩、腹痛气滞,还是忧愁积心,只要去拥抱一下那棵大树,一切都会好起来。这棵大树真的能消愁除病吗?  相似文献   

TINA 《女性大世界》2004,(3):24-29
舞台是陈列美丽的橱窗,镜头前的范冰冰,新鲜形象充满了蝴蝶般飞翔、蜕变和渴望完美的激扬,也展出了一个富于变化的自己,这种变化是源自于自然的,是一种由内心而发的感悟。解读一个女人,可以有很多种方法。而昆虫的复眼,可以是冷静之外的另一种视角。  相似文献   

小雨 《公关世界》2008,(3):42-43
办公室里的万人迷就像一个苹果,鲜活,健康,自然,永远衣着光鲜地在不吝忽视的每个地方。她们总是精力充沛、光鲜轻松,面带微笑,用一切尽在掌握中的自信辐射着每一个同事,鲜亮形成的磁场,也总是将她带到目光聚集的地方。这些苹果女人容易被重用,容易被推到台前,是不可或缺的A角。与苹果女人形成鲜明对照的是另一群人——饼干女人。她们总是跟加班、自我虐待的办公室生存方式联系在一起,她们工作努力,但不修边幅。  相似文献   

刘晗 《职业》2012,(10):58-59
在北京南锣鼓巷。有一条被喻为“八零后的潘家园”的小街,小街上有一个小店,门前人流不断,熙熙攘攘,迎来送往的多半是慕名而来的游客,它的名字叫“创可贴8。”  相似文献   

“我喜欢的男人一定要男人味十足,那样才会让我觉得自己更女人,所以,我喜欢他的每一个细节都是绝对男人的。即使温柔的时候,即使体贴的时候,他都应该是“很男人”的那种表达方式。那么,在最初接触他的时候,我会先从男人的外在细节观察他的性格和品位,比如手表,那可是男人最容易暴露秘密的东西的,偏偏他们又都不愿意也不习惯去掩饰。”  相似文献   

2005年11月2日,一个收获的季节。庄严的人民大会堂,来自全国各地的环保NGO的代表汇集在这里,参加第六届“福特汽车环保杯”的颁奖。来自襄樊市的运建立女士走上了领奖台,领取了“环境教育一等奖”,台下响起了热烈的掌声。  相似文献   

她出生于江南水乡,却拥有北方人的大气爽快;她远嫁希腊,原准备在船运和石油的大宗贸易中一显身手,却在一次度假中巧遇希腊Folifollie全球CEO从而与饰品结缘;在名人汇集的舞会上,她是高贵典雅的“皇后”,连英国首相也会走过来与她握手交谈;她说,女人最大的投资是经历,她的两次“奇迹”般的经历,彻底改变了她的人生轨迹……  相似文献   

毅斌 《女性天地》2007,(10):11-13
一个被上海吉尼斯大世界总部认证为“最矮的女人”的女孩,长到16岁,身高却一直停留在1岁半时的65厘米。她虽然父母双亡,却幸运地碰到了千里之外的一位好医生,一位南京“妈妈”,两人结下了一段难以割舍的母女情缘。  相似文献   

Woman Conductor     
AFTER five months oftreatment for cancer, ZhengXiaoying picked up herbaton again in May 1998.  相似文献   

SHE has black hair,very beautiful eyes and a smile alwaysplaying on her lips,sixth-grade Pan Yong wrote in his diary.Hewas describing his teacher,Zhou Kefan,a young Hong Kong womanwho came to teach for half a year in the mainland’s southern remotemountains inhabited by the Yao people. A graduate of the preparatory course from Hong Kong LiBaochun United International Academy of Classical Learning,ZhouKefan has been a good scholar with an agreeable demeanor since shewas little.Just as she had decided to go to the United States to studyfurthe,a voluntary teaching position on the mainland made herchange her mind. A long-term help and support to the Nangang Primary School in  相似文献   

For this roundtable discussion of Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Hochschild's anthology, Global Woman, the editors of SGS asked five psychoanalytic thinkers to comment on the collection. That highly important volume has as its theme the global transfer from the Third World to the First World of female labor forces that work in the sex trade or become mail-order brides, maids, nannies, and other kinds of caretakers. Ehrenreich and Hochschild then respond to the psychoanalytic essays. The introduction discusses some of the themes raised both in the book and in the responses. It highlights some of the places where a psychoanalytic and a sociological view complement each other and places where they might clash. The roundtable raises two important questions: what can psychoanalysis contribute to understanding the intrapsychic and interpersonal dislocations wrought by globalization; and what is globalization's effect on the practice of psychoanalysis?  相似文献   

Abstract Using both qualitative and quantitative data, this article analyzes farm parents' attitudes towards the trustworthiness, usefulness, and use of advice from farm safety experts. The article evaluates four different perspectives on trust in expert: the Validity of Knowledge perspective, the Salient Values Similarity perspective, the Diffusion of Innovation perspective, and the Local Knowledge perspective. Among other factors, the results show that negative attitudes towards experts are strongly influenced by attitudes towards the validity of scientific knowledge vs. farm experience. They also show that experts who are more involved in farm production have higher levels of trust and usefulness. While all of the perspectives receive some degree of support, the results suggest that local knowledge and culture are critical in shaping attitudes towards experts. Attitudes towards experts are shaped not solely by expert characteristics but by the meanings and significance they assume in specific socio‐cultural contexts.  相似文献   

Using data from a survey of local party officials, this study tests the hypothesis that the ambitions of women and men in the initial stage of recruitment are differentially influenced by socialization and party system context. The hypothesis that the ambitions of women more than of men and of Democrats more than of Republicans are related to socialization experiences is supported for the Democratic and Republican women but not for the men of the two parties. Patterns of socialization are found to vary by party and sex, although all activists are influenced by social ization across the life cycle; and all the ambitious are in earlier stages of the life cycle than the unambitious. The concept of countersocialization is introduced to explain the development of ambitious political women. Countrsocialization and politicization around gender-related issues in politics are not expected to restructure political conflict along a sexbased cleavage of the political elite. Rather, the political party context is expected to determine which ambitious women and men gain office and carry their concerns into the decision-making arenas.  相似文献   

关于发展家庭农场的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方志权 《科学发展》2013,(12):63-71
家庭农场与种养大户、农民合作社、农业产业化龙头企业都是农业经营主体,但这些经营主体功能不同、各有优势,它们是互补关系,而非取代关系。上海市松江区和吉林省延边州的家庭农场在我国具有典型意义。松江区、延边州为了避免在工业化、城镇化快速推进过程中,可能出现农业被边缘化、农地粗放经营等问题,探索发展了家庭农场。目前,各地发展家庭农场的积极性很高,但认识上还存在一些误区,这些认识如得不到及时澄清,可能使家庭农场培育偏离健康发展的轨道。  相似文献   

Farm Friends     

Intergenerational programs have proliferated in community and educational settings, yet research on their effects and impacts lags (Kaplan, 2002; Kuehne, 1998/99), and the benefits and learning that occur for participants are under-theorized (Abrams and Giles, 1999; Smith and Yeager, 1999). Similarly, insufficient research has been reported on the learning that takes place in environmental education programs. In this paper we focus on the relationship that developed between community elders and elementary school-aged children during the first year of an intergenerational environmental education project. Our goal is to better understand these experiences so we can sustain participation and develop programs rich in rewards for elders and children. We are particularly interested in the nature of intergenerational learning that occurs when children are brought together with community elders for environmental education that is integrated into a school program. Granville and Ellis (1999) propose that for a program to be defined as intergenerational, it must show a benefit and value for both generations and “demonstrate an improvement in the quality of life for both, and from that, an improvement in the quality of life for all” (p. 236). We concur with these criteria and designed a program linking community elders with farming backgrounds with one class of 18 grade-seven girls for the purpose of fostering environmental consciousness. In this paper we focus our attention on the learnings of participants in order to understand the mutuallearning that occurs in an intergenerational environmental program.  相似文献   


The feminist social work and related literature on abused women has focused on women's processes of empowerment but has overlooked the question of women's movement from individual survival to collective resistance. In this feminist qualitative study, I explore the processes through which survivors of abuse by male partners become involved in collective action for social change. Using story telling as a research method, I interviewed 11 women about the processes, factors, insights, and events that prompted them to act collectively to address violence against women. I found that women's movement from individual survival to collective action entails significant changes in consciousness and subjectivity. Women's processes of conscientization are complex, contradictory and often painful because they involve political and psychic dimensions of subjectivity, protracted struggles with contradictions and conflict, and resistance to knowledge that threatens to unsettle relatively stable notions of identity. I suggest that feminist social work theory and practice must take into account three interrelated elements of women's transformative journeys: the discursive and material conditions that facilitate women's movement to collective action; the social, material and psychic costs of women's growth; and the multifaceted and difficult nature of women's journey in recognizing and naming abuse, making sense of their experiences, and acting on this knowledge to work for change. I recommend that feminist social work practice with survivors recognize that survivors can and do contribute to social change, and develop new, more inclusive liberatory models of working with survivors of abuse.  相似文献   

THEY say that a woman's work is never done but I wonder how many women fulfill eight roles at the same time? My family is a special and somewhat unusual union. Five generations living together under one roof is rare anywhere but is very rare in Gongqing City, Jiangxi Province. As well as my vocation - Manager of the Gongqing Branch of the People's Insurance Company of China - I inhabit seven roles under that roof: wife, grand-  相似文献   

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