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Up till now, no study satisfactorily addressed the effect of social mobility on antagonistic attitudes toward ethnic minorities. In this contribution, we investigate the effect of educational and class intergenerational mobility on ethnic stereotypes, ethnic threat, and opposition to ethnic intermarriage by using diagonal mobility models. We test several hypotheses derived from ethnic competition theory and socialization theory with data from the Social and Cultural Developments in The Netherlands surveys (SOCON, waves 1995, 2000, and 2005) and The Netherlands Kinship and Panel Study (NKPS, wave 2002). We find that the relative influence of social origin and social destination depends on the specific origin and destination combination. If one moves to a more tolerant social destination position, the influence of the social origin position is negligible. If on the other hand, one is socially mobile to a less tolerant social position, the impact of the origin on antagonistic attitudes is substantial and may even exceed the impact of the destination category. This confirms our hypothesis that adaptation to more tolerant norms is easier than adaptation to less tolerant norms. We find only meagre evidence for the hypothesis that downward mobility leads to frustration and consequently to more antagonistic attitudes.  相似文献   

Care and respect are two sides of the same coin, yet very little is known about respect shown by younger women in relation to people aged 60 and older. This study sets out to explore what motivates young adult women to respect older people. Twenty-five post-graduate women from a tertiary education institution in South Africa participated in the Mmogo-method®, a projective visual data-collection method, to produce textual and visual data. These were analysed using sequential and visual analysis. Findings reported combinations of motivational types for respect of older people, on a continuum from extrinsic (socialised normative values) to intrinsic (personal choice and empathy), and from conditional to unconditional, namely: extrinsic/conditional; extrinsic/unconditional; self-motivated/conditional and self-motivated/unconditional. Respect as an impact on relational interactions between people is either constructive and encouraging or damaging and disparaging. Interpersonal risks are associated with motivation and this could affect future interactions and manifestations of intergenerational respect.  相似文献   

Family violence research has uncovered a positive relationship between parental violence and children's later involvement in intimate violence. In a similar vein, criminology's social control theory suggests that weak or absent parental controls are associated with a variety of delinquent acts. Little research, however, investigates the link between parental violence, parental controls, and dating violence. This article asks two research questions: How is inter-parental violence associated with parent-child attachments, monitoring, adolescent dating, attitudes toward violence, and dating violence? And second, are there independent and interactive effects of inter-parental violence, and parental controls on dating violence offending and attitudes towards violence? Dating violence offending is significantly associated with witnessed inter-parental violence, high dating frequency, and low parental monitoring. Attitudes towards violence are associated with witnessed inter-parental violence, lower parental attachment, and the interaction of witnessed inter-parental violence and parental attachment. The implications for role modeling and social control theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Play is an important part of life, not only during childhood but also into adulthood and later life. While scholars have emphasized the physical, social, psychological, and cognitive benefits of play for children, few researchers have explored the role of play in later life. One context in which aging adults find opportunities to play is with their grandchildren. This qualitative study employed visual and text analyses to explore the experience of intergenerational play from the perspectives of grandchildren and grandparents. Findings indicated that both groups of participants were motivated to engage in play together, negotiated constraints to experience play, and received various benefits from playing with their grandparent or grandchild. Recommendations are provided to assist professionals in programming for intergenerational play and for further exploration of the motivations, benefits, and constraints associated with intergenerational play.  相似文献   

Previous studies of parent–child reciprocity have focused either on the long term (generalized exchange over the life course) or on the short term (concurrent exchange in later life). The purpose of this research was to investigate the linkage between both temporal patterns of reciprocity within an integrative conceptual framework. We assessed whether long-term and short-term reciprocity operated as interdependent mechanisms that initially selected and subsequently relieved intergenerational caregiving relationships. We used data from the Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old study (AHEAD) provided by frail, single-living parents of at least two children (N = 1010 respondents comprising 3768 parent–child dyads). Fixed-effects conditional logit models estimated between-sibling differences in assistance provided to parents, measured by instrumental help (i.e., assistance with IADLs) and hands-on care (i.e., assistance with ADLs). Key predictors were two measures of financial transfers given to children referring to longer and shorter recall periods. Receiving earlier and current financial transfers increased adult children's propensity to support their parents in later life. The effect of earlier transfers pertained to help rather than care whereas the reverse was true for the effect of current transfers. We found no evidence for a linkage between long-term and short-term reciprocity. Overall, the results indicate that adult children might balance long-term support accounts relative to their siblings, suggesting an intra-generational orientation on equity.  相似文献   

From an intergenerational family perspective, geographical distance and proximity have been shown to affect interaction and the extent of help and support between generations. Geographical separation and nearness hence do not only influence the family per se, but might also concern the welfare state, not least in times of population ageing. This study concerns exchange and assistance between elderly parents living very close to an adult child, and is based on interviews with 14 elderly parents. The interviews revealed that help and support flowed in both directions between the close-living generations, but that from the perspective of the elderly some types of help were more acceptable than others to give and receive. Further, the interviews suggested that living close, albeit discussed as allowing extensive interaction and support, should not be understood as a sign of wanting or even accepting more extensive help from the close-living adult child.  相似文献   

There is only limited educational and occupational advancement between first and second generation Germans (and Dutch) (aged 25‐34) in Australia. Second generation Germans (and Dutch) are also not performing as well as their Southern‐European counterparts, the Greeks and Italians. It is proposed that the convergence to Australian education values of the German second generation was precipitated by the German migrant parents’ desire to submerge into a different culture, by a high degree of out‐marriages, but also by the general acceptance of second generation Germans by the Australian host society. Some comparison is made to the educational achievements of children of ‘guest‐workers ‘ in Germany and to children of immigrants in Sweden.


In working with Māori to address family violence and the trauma that arises when it is occurring across generations, three elements are essential. The first is helping whānau (family members) to recognise and reconnect with the impact of the violence they are caught up in. The second is to do so in a way that contextualises this because it never involves and affects individuals alone. And third is to do so by being conscious of the whole of a person's being and being aware that the spiritual realm is the entry point. For 30 years, Fay Pouesi has been working with Māori whānau, initiating kaupapa (approaches) that include these three elements. This article details one kaupapa, known as Black Rain, which has been successfully helping men and women to break the cycles of intergenerational violence within their whānau since 2010. To do this, we will draw upon Fay's work and that of two colleagues who now work with her.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom and previous literature suggest that economic mobility is lower at the tails of the income distribution. However, the few studies that have estimated intergenerational income elasticity (IGE) at different points of the distribution in the U.S. were limited by small samples, arrived at disparate results, and had not estimated the trend of elasticity over time. Using the PSID database, a large sample of income observations in the 1980–2010 period for the U.S. is built, which allows us to obtain robust quantile estimates of the IGE both for the pooled sample and for each wave. For the pooled sample, the IGE shows a U-shaped relation with the income distribution, with higher values at the tails (0.64 at the tenth percentile and 0.48 at the ninety-fifth percentile) and a minimum value –highest mobility- of 0.38 at the seventieth percentile. The trend evolution of the IGE also varies across the income distribution: at the lower and mid quantiles, income mobility increased during the 80s and 90s but declined in the 00s, while for the higher quantiles it remained relatively stable along the whole period. Finally, the impact of education and race on mobility is evaluated. Both factors are found to be important and related to the position at the income distribution.  相似文献   

A debate over whether the 'service class' is a unitary middle class or is divided between professionals and managers remains unsettled. This qualitative mobility study seeks to elucidate mobility processes of how professional and managerial groups secure their advantages throughout their working lives and over generations. Using data on contemporary Hong Kong, this paper compares the career strategies and intergenerational mobility strategies of forty teachers and thirty managers. Despite employing somewhat different career strategies, managers do not seem less able than teachers to secure their advantages through their work lives. Using the same intergenerational mobility strategies, teachers and managers exploit economic, cultural, and social resources in a similar way for their children's education. So far as demographic stability over generations is concerned a unified service class is in the making.  相似文献   



Soziologische Theorie, Handlungstheorie, Methoden, Familiensoziologie, Sozialstrukturanalyse, Raumsoziologie, Stadtsoziologie, Ged?chtnissoziologie, Religionssoziologie  相似文献   

在黑龙江海伦市海兴镇,有一位"鹅司令"毕秀丽,她原本只是一名普通的农家妇女,近几年,她不仅靠养大鹅发家致富,而且把大鹅养殖做成了一个带动乡亲致富的产业,备受乡邻称赞.  相似文献   



Wissenssoziologie, Methoden, Soziologie des Lebensverlaufs, Exklusion, Sportsoziologie, Ged?chnisforschung, Soziologie der Gewalt, Europaforschung  相似文献   

母亲说,当护士刚把我们俩抱到她面前的时候,我第一个睁开了眼睛,顺手在他脸上轻轻挠了一把,还在襁褓里的他顿时疼得哇哇大哭.从那时开始,我们之间的争斗就没有停止过. 他比我早出生8分钟,我得叫他哥哥.不过,他天生体质就弱,发育得慢,和我在一起时总是受我欺负.小时候,我没少从他手里抢糖果吃.大家都说他的性格像爸爸,我像妈妈. 家里自从有了我们俩,就再没有一刻安宁的时候.从学会说话开始,我们不是在一起吵嘴,就是撸起袖子打架.  相似文献   

~~宝宝,老婆,喂@汤馨敏 @刷刷~~  相似文献   

2013年7月8日—14日,笔者有幸参加了厦门国家会计学院举办的"骨干教师能力提升培训班"学习。本文总结了这次学习的几点收获。  相似文献   

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