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从高职基础课实践教学的内涵与定位,开展全方位、立体化的实践教学模式和建立科学的考评体系等三个方面探索了高职院校基础课实践教学的定位与有效模式。  相似文献   

从高职院校学生评价现状入手,在浙江广厦建设职业技术学院实施的“驾证式”考评模式的基础上,从知识、技能、素质方面分析学生评价实施框架,以及学院实施“驾证式”考评模式后所取得的教学改革成果。  相似文献   

文学欣赏课程是高职学生人文素质教育的重要载体。为了顺应高职技术教育不断改革创新的趋势,高职院校文学欣赏课程改革可以从教学理念符合规律、教学内容贴近现实、教学方法创新求变、考评机制合理多样四方面着手,切实提高文学欣赏课程的教学效果。  相似文献   

高职院校本身的特殊性决定了其把技术学习、知识传授和就业指导当作培养学生的重中之重,而对于德育教育就显得有名无实,不够重视。无论是在教育观念、教学内容上,还是在教育方法和考评方式上与普通本科院校之间都存在着一定的差距。新时期内,高职院校德育教育工作要想走出困境,激发活力,就应该积极转变观念,解放思想,实事求是,求真务实,从高职院校本身的客观实际出发,探索改革创新的新思路和新途径。  相似文献   

进行本次调研分析工作是为了更好地了解苏州高职学生的创业意向及现状,并在此基础上开展苏州高职学生创业指导工作。调研对苏州高职院校学生的创业认知、创业观以及创业环境需求进行了调查和分析,调研总结内容为江苏省教育科学"十二五"规划年度课题《新时期苏州地区高职院校学生创业路径探究》研究成果,期望对当今高职院校创业教育有一定的指导性作用。  相似文献   

对于高职院校的学生而言,高职院校图书馆是其获取知识认识世界的重要平台,在构建高职院校图书馆这一平台的过程中,高职院校中的文化建设、高职院校学生自身的知识体系建设与未来发展、我国相关教育政策的落实程度都会受到很大的影响。对于高职院校图书馆而言,通过合理科学的知识管理策略,能够对整个高职院校图书馆的运作体系加以完善。可见,知识管理策略是否得到了合理运用会直接关系到高职院校图书馆的建设质量。所以,就必须对高职院校图书馆的知识管理策略予以更多的重视。本文针对高职院校图书馆知识管理策略进行研究,首先分析了高职院校图书馆知识管理的概念,并论述了高职院校知识管理的内容,分析了高职院校图书馆应用知识管理的重要性,最后就如何完善高职院校图书馆知识管理的应用提出了一些策略。  相似文献   

在高职院校英语的教学过程中,听力教学一直是困扰师生的问题,如何科学地提高学生的听力水平是当前教学过程中面临的重要问题。本文对高职院校英语听力教学存在的问题进行了分析,并在分析高职院校英语听力教学局限性的基础上,提出了提高高职院校英语听力教学水平的对策。  相似文献   

高职院校领导干部的心理和谐是指学校的党委书记、副书记、委员、校长、副校长等领导干部个体内部的自我心理和谐和群体内部彼此之间的心理和谐。由于受到职业倦怠、党政不和、唯官唯上、派系林立等不良因素的影响,高职院校许多领导干部的心理长期处于不和谐状态。为了维护领导干部的心理健康,高职院校必须在全校范围内树立正确的职业价值观、建立科学的考评机制、优化领导班子结构、建立强大的社会支持系统并引进EAP心理健康教育模式。  相似文献   

刘红方 《公关世界》2023,(3):133-134
进入新时代以来,社会对于技术技能型人才在质和量两方面提出了更高的要求。高职院校承担着培养高质量技术技能人才的重任,其中,青年教师扮演着重要的角色。部分高职青年教师在师德师风上存在思想政治素质不高、立德树人使命感不强等情况。要通过建立立德树人一体化工作格局、建立健全师德培训、建立科学考评机制、建立健全监督机制,推动新时代高职青年教师师德师风培育取得实效,助力高职院校立德树人根本任务的完成。  相似文献   

刘阳 《职业》2015,(21)
加强电子商务专业学生的市场营销训练,增强他们的工作实践能力,已经成为现阶段高职院校电子商务专业教师们的共识。本文对现阶段我国高职院校电子商务专业学生进行市场营销实训工作存在的问题进行了深入剖析,试图从中找出提升高职院校电子商务专业市场营销实训工作效率的科学方法。  相似文献   

中职机电专业教学改革探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李莉 《职业时空》2012,(7):71-72,75
目前科技的飞速发展对中职毕业生提出了越来越高的要求,而学生的各方面素质却相对较差,学习积极性、主动性不高。以能力为本位进行中职机电专业课程体系改革是提高学生机电专业理论水平和动手操作能力的必然选择。根据机电专业岗位群的工作过程,分析了岗位能力要求,从而确定了本专业培养目标,设计了基于职业能力和项目化的学习情景,以求改革原有的课程设计理念,实现专业课程教育与工作任务与综合职业能力培养要求相统一的课程体系建设目标。  相似文献   

高职院校学生顶岗实习是一项新的教学环节,也是培养面向第一线需要的,实践能力强,具有良好职业道德的高技能、高素质人才的实践性教学环节。通过实践,取得了一些经验,为高职院校学生顶岗实习打下了基础。  相似文献   

在教育界,有研究型大学、应用型大学,有普通教育、职业教育,不同类型的教育形式形成了不同的教学方法。教学方法改革,就是科学解决教师、学生和教材三者之间的问题,实现教师的"教"和学生的"学"的协调统一。高职院校应探索符合职业教育特点的教育教学方法,以实现人才培养的目标。  相似文献   

This paper examines the current youth transition system in Poland focusing on the role of industry partnerships with vocational upper secondary schools. On the example of the aviation cluster in the south-eastern Poland, this paper assesses the strong industry-led partnership established in 2007 with local schools and authorities in delivery of aviation-specific programmes, and its impact of local youth transitions to labour market. In contrast to Poland's national trend towards weak cooperation between industry and the vocational education sector, three major dynamics regarding the aviation cluster's influence on vocational education are observable. The region benefits from: strong leadership from local industry in influencing the supply of particular skills by local vocational education and training (VET) schools and universities; a high level of willingness of local government authorities at the mayor's and municipality's offices to support the aviation cluster's influence on VET; and a free-market model of student choice influencing the practice of local VET schools and training centres. Such cooperation is valuable for businesses and local institutes of education. However, these processes affect the equal chances of successful school-to-work transitions for graduates stratified in different educational pathways, and successful transitions are still constrained by the structure of Poland's system, which is increasingly assuming ‘education logic’.  相似文献   

The authors examined perceptions of key social cognitive career theory (Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994) variables related to college‐going and science, technology, engineering, math, and medical (STEMM) careers in 10th and 11th graders (N = 892) attending 3 rural Appalachian high schools. The authors examined differences in perceptions related to gender, prospective 1st‐generation college student status, and the presence or absence of aspirations to pursue a STEMM career. Young women and young men scored similarly on all but 1 dependent variable, college‐going self‐efficacy (young women scored higher). Students who had STEMM career aspirations had higher scores on every measure than those who did not. Results suggest examining a 3rd prospective 1st‐generation college student status group—students who are unsure of their parents’ education level—as a distinct group in future research. By examining the college‐going and STEMM attitudes of rural Appalachian high school students, this study advances the literature and informs practitioners on reducing educational and vocational inequalities in this region.  相似文献   


Developing professional identity is a key aim of social work education. This paper argues that the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) – a holistic, capability approach to student assessment used in England’s social work education programmes – is ideally placed to promote the development of students’ professional identities. The paper discusses two research studies, each of which was stimulated by significant policy changes in England’s social work profession. The author draws out the implications of both studies for supporting social work students to develop their professional identities. It is concluded that the PCF is valued by practice educators as an assessment and teaching tool, while acknowledging that its future is uncertain due to the lack of continuity impacting on England’s social work profession. This paper is equally of relevance for social work educators outside the UK who may be developing and evaluating their assessment approaches and also for those experiencing the impact of rapid policy changes in their own countries.  相似文献   

中华民族历经数千年,孕育了内容丰富的优秀传统文化。中国优秀传统文化素来重视道德教育,关注个体身心修养,这一特性使中国优秀传统文化具备了强大的德育功能。作为我国当代高等教育的新形式,高等职业技术教育发展的时间还很短,在很多方面还处在不断摸索的阶段。针对高职院校的具体特点,积极探索新的德育工作思路,对高职学生的全面发展会大有裨益。本文对在高职院校中开展中国优秀传统文化教育进行了初步的研究探索,根据高职德育工作的要求以及高职学生的德育需求,将高职德育工作目标归纳为七个重点。针对这七个重点内容,就如何应用中国优秀传统文化更有效地开展德育工作分别进行了论述。在高职院校开展中国优秀传统文化教育还要注意对优秀传统文化的甄别,在教育方法上要注意与时俱进,将优秀的传统文化与现代科技方法结合起来,以取得更好的教育效果。  相似文献   

陈艳 《职业时空》2012,(2):52-55
将学生培养成应用型的高技能专业人才,是高职院校一直研究的课题和高职教育不断追求的目标。高职院校法律专业教育应该在准确把握学生实践能力的内涵,明确实践能力培养现实意义的基础上,深入分析我国目前高职院校法律专业学生实践能力培养存在的问题及原因,并提出可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

Graduate social work pedagogy is challenging to diverse faculty and students who work with diverse clients, often in international practice. We discuss the development, outcomes, and assessment of an assignment designed to stimulate students’ research on proverbs as cultural resources for practice and to promote attainment of six competencies related to diversity and social justice of the Council on Social Work Education’s Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards. We used procedures from grounded theory and Atlas.ti to analyze 40 student papers. More than 70% of papers reflected students’ mastery of three competencies, suggesting the assignment was insufficient to ensure attainment of all six competencies and signaling errors in the structure of the assignment and in the rubric. Ensuring students’ achievement of the competencies requires careful design and assessment of assignments and deliberate, structured assessment of the assignment outcomes.  相似文献   

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