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蔡建娜 《科学发展》2009,(5):99-104
本研究选取了义乌小商品市场中的女性经营户作为主要考察对象。在义乌小商品市场中,女性经营者占绝大多数,本研究主要关注在义乌小商品市场整个经营业态走向高级化和国际化的过程中,女性经营户这一群体的处境、面临的挑战与问题,以及她们如何应对等,主要的落脚点是女性经营户群体在市场化过程中的发展问题。研究结果发现,在义乌的案例中,市场化和国际化促进了女性经济地位的提高,但是传统的男权主义思想,在一定程度上对女性仍有限制。义乌政府的培训支持系统从设计上中性的,但是实际上女性对这个系统资源的利用程度比男性更加充分,使得这个政策实际上对女性经营户的发展起到了较好的支持作用。同时不可忽视,随着市场化和国际化过程的加速,相对于职业发展本身带来的对自身素质的挑战而言,女性的发展需求更多受制于她的职业发展要求与传统的社会角色与家庭角色的矛盾。这一性质仍然没有改变。  相似文献   

常见的情感困惑,不一样的情感体验。人性化的沟通,送你一片心灵绿荫。嫁到豪门,内心痛苦无比,我该如何寻找婚姻生活的快乐?倾诉:我是个受过良好教育且漂亮的女人,与丈夫结婚十多年了。自嫁到这个家庭开始,我就感到十分压抑。丈夫的祖辈父辈都是经商的,改革开放后经营房地产业,赚了许多钱。本来这是许多人所羡慕  相似文献   

关于上海松江区发展家庭农场的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
顾海英 《科学发展》2013,(12):56-62
上海松江区改革农村土地管理制度,规范农村承包地流转,创新农业经营主体,培育、发展家庭农场,取得了明显成效。松江家庭农场经营模式为上海乃至全国发展家庭农场提供的启示是:顺应形势发展,为家庭农场成长创造良好的外部环境;培养职业农民,为家庭农场发展提供坚实的人力保障;加强扶持服务,为家庭农场发展提供有力的政策支持。推广松江家庭农场模式,要注意把握好3方面的问题,即:家庭农场经营规模"度"的问题;土地如何"流转"的问题;政策措施"扶持"的问题。  相似文献   

新中国农村土地制度的变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石海 《老年人》2009,(1):40-41
在新中国成立至今的半个多世纪里,中国农村土地制度经历了三个不同历史阶段:从土地私有化到人民公社,再到家庭联产承包经营,实现了从封建地主土地所有制到农民土地所有制到集体所有、集体经营制度再到集体所有、家庭联产承包经营制的巨大转变。土地制度的变迁直接影响到农村经济和社会的发展。  相似文献   

创业型大学是知识经济时代的办学新思路,它的出现与发展需要特定的条件与环境。创业教育是义乌工商学院办学的一个亮点与特色,在创业教育上义乌工商学院已经有了一定的经验与基础。义乌城市成熟的商贸经济体制为义乌工商职业技术学院建设创业型大学提供了强有力的保障,是义乌工商学院建设创业型大学得天独厚的优势。  相似文献   

中国人经商的历史源远流长,其商业文化博大精深,在漫长的商业活动中逐渐培育出中国商人“秘而不宣”的经营谋略,归纳起来为“经商十诀”。  相似文献   

大学生网商的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互联网自兴起至今逐步影响着人们的生活,而网络经营、购物在日常生活中也开始日渐普及,高校学生利用电子商务开展经营活动,成为大学生网商,并逐渐形成高校校园的一个特殊创业群体。本次调研针对大学生网商相对活跃的浙江省高校开展,通过对大学生网商认知及行为的调查,分析在校大学生通过网络经商的利弊得失.探讨规范大学生网络经商行为的途径,提出通过网络经商有效促进大学生素质拓展和创新创业的对策。  相似文献   

12月3日,浙江省机电技师学院举行成立揭牌仪式,庆祝学校升格为技师学院。 办学36年来,浙江省机电技师学院以“厚德精技”为办学宗旨,坚持“做人教育”与“技能教学”并重的育人理念,以市场需求为导向,以职业能力为本位,以特色管理和品牌专业建设为引领,围绕“学会做人,注重技能,培育特色,发展内涵”的办学思想,专业设置上,主动与义乌产业转型对接,积极探索多元化的校企合作办学模式,以义乌国际化商贸名城为背景,开展与韩国、加拿大等国外优质的高职院校合作,培育具有国际化视野的高技能人才。  相似文献   

浙江省机电高级技工学校是一所省属全日制的国家级重点技工学校。学校以“厚德精技”为办学宗旨,以市场需求为导向,以职业能力为本位,以特色管理和品牌专业建设为引领,坚持“做人教育”与“技能教学”并重的育人理念,围绕“学会做人,注重技能,发展内涵,培育特色”办学思想,立足义乌,面向全省,积极探索多元化的校企合作办学模式,  相似文献   

正有文化、懂技术、善经营、会管理,在摸爬滚打中,胡盼盼成了一名新型职业农民。胡盼盼:盼盼家庭农场负责人荣誉:新型职业农民、农业职业经理人、合肥市先进个人、合肥市五一劳动奖章、合肥市"最美家庭"辞职返乡,摩拳擦掌跃跃欲试"以前,我也是一个爱穿高跟鞋的时尚妹子,可惜现在要整天奔波在农场的尘土中,现将挚爱低价  相似文献   

This article offers a different theorization of the commercial geographies and economic networks that connect China to the Middle East from those associated with the metaphor of the ‘Silk Road’. Many accounts of the recent and ongoing internationalization of the Chinese trade in small commodities through the well‐known market city of Yiwu describe the increasingly significant flows of commerce between China and the Middle East in these terms. In this article, I propose an alternative theoretical frame, arguing that the commercial geographies fashioned by Arab traders in Yiwu are, rather, formed through a dynamic relation of competition and cooperation between a series of distinct but overlapping Eurasian political geographies which have been in process from the 1970s onwards. Analysts have also often highlighted the Muslim and Arab ethnic nature of the transnational economic networks that connect Yiwu to markets across the Middle East. But rather than adopting a network governance approach, which sees these networks as embedded in a shared culture or ethnicity that furnishes the possibility of trust, I adopt a structural analysis approach in which traders act as brokers, moving and mediating between different geographies. I argue that they act strategically to keep several contexts in play at once because they are faced with an unforeseeable future and marginal citizenship rights.  相似文献   

The author intends both to describe a native credit institution in a peasant community and to analyse its overt and covert functions. The community fund, managed by the local authority (presidencia auxiliar) is theoretically available to all household heads who can show solvency (e.g., by pawning a piece of property, usually land). Apart from assisting peasants who face a shortage of cash, another overt function of the system is to finance, with the interests which are paid back on the loans, the functioning of the local administration. Because of the great economic discrepancies between peasants (50 per cent of them own no land, while 2.5 per cent own 30 per cent of the land) one real, although covert, function of the credit institution is to channel a substantial amount of cash to the local upper class (which has little access to banking facilities). Therefore it actually enhances their economic domination over the majority of villagers, which fact allows us to understand the strict control they have exerted over the management of the fund since its foundation, some 40 years ago.  相似文献   

目前义乌是全球规模最大的小商品集散中心,也是中东地区在中国设立的最大贸易基地。21世纪初,阿拉伯商会、阿拉伯商人俱乐部在义乌相继成立。阿拉伯商会组织致力于服务商会会员和帮助会员融入义乌社会的工作等。如何使在义乌的阿拉伯商会组织能够公开、合法地活动,是一个亟待解决的现实问题。  相似文献   

In order to compete in a financially sensitive health care system, family systems-based treatments must demonstrate effective clinical results as well as cost-effectiveness. Cost-effectiveness research can demonstrate to health care insurers and policy makers which treatments are viable options for implementation. The present literature review identified eight cost-effectiveness family-based substance abuse treatment studies. The results suggest that certain family-based treatments are cost-effective and warrant consideration for inclusion in health care delivery systems.  相似文献   

This paper examines the current youth transition system in Poland focusing on the role of industry partnerships with vocational upper secondary schools. On the example of the aviation cluster in the south-eastern Poland, this paper assesses the strong industry-led partnership established in 2007 with local schools and authorities in delivery of aviation-specific programmes, and its impact of local youth transitions to labour market. In contrast to Poland's national trend towards weak cooperation between industry and the vocational education sector, three major dynamics regarding the aviation cluster's influence on vocational education are observable. The region benefits from: strong leadership from local industry in influencing the supply of particular skills by local vocational education and training (VET) schools and universities; a high level of willingness of local government authorities at the mayor's and municipality's offices to support the aviation cluster's influence on VET; and a free-market model of student choice influencing the practice of local VET schools and training centres. Such cooperation is valuable for businesses and local institutes of education. However, these processes affect the equal chances of successful school-to-work transitions for graduates stratified in different educational pathways, and successful transitions are still constrained by the structure of Poland's system, which is increasingly assuming ‘education logic’.  相似文献   

孙雷 《科学发展》2013,(9):86-92
土地承包经营权、宅基地使用权、集体收益分配权等,是法律赋予衣民的基本权利。上海在推进城市化进程中,注重维护好、实现好、发展好农民权益,做出了有益的探索。在推进城乡一体化过程中,上海应以改革的举措创新、完善农村集体产权制度,加强农民基本权益的物权化保障,真正让农民共享现代化和改革开放的成果。  相似文献   

许庆 《科学发展》2013,(2):24-27
在对我国城市化快速推进地区大样本抽样调查的基础上,通过分析失地农民的现状以及就业困难的原因,提出政府应该采取的措施:首先要提高对失地农民就业问题重要性的认识,采取相应的政策促进失地农民就业;其次要建立合理的征地补偿机制,使农民利益得到合理照顾;再次要加强培训,提高失地农民的素质,增强就业竞争力,拓宽就业渠道。同时,要完善就业保障制度,保障失地农民在就业收入、就业机会、社会保障、教育、户籍以及其他方面的权益。  相似文献   

This article discusses how violence between South Africans and Somali migrants plays out in different forms of spatial contestation, victimization and resistance during xenophobic attacks. It analyses Somalis’ entrepreneurial strategies and the implications for access and appropriation of social and economic spaces around Cape Town. The article attempts to connect Somali perceptions of xenophobia and South Africans’ claims of spatial entitlement to issues of spatial control, belonging and social inclusion in South Africa. It argues that by establishing businesses in urban spaces and townships, Somali migrants have managed to establish stronger bonds and a collective identity, which give them better control over these spaces. Although their business tactics have propelled spatial contestations in which they have become easy targets during xenophobic incursions, the clustering of businesses has also created Somali‐dominated localities around Cape Town, which facilitates rapid mobilization to respond to or to resist different forms of crime and violence.  相似文献   

赖涪林 《科学发展》2012,(10):30-41
我国市场经济发育不充分和食品产业的现代化发展程度不高,因此难以全面照搬经济发达国家的食品安全供应链管理模式。但供应链管理的核心是集成管理思想,在强调计划与合作,注重协调,强调通过社会责任(CSR)推进整体福利等方面与社会主义管理思想有相通之处。我国的社会主义经济成分涵盖了整个食品供应链的各个环节,应该在强化行政管理的同时,通过改革创新,让"菜篮子工程"演变成为符合供应链管理要求的网络系统;把国有企业打造成供应链管理的核心企业,更好地发挥它们在食品安全管理中的应有作用;依靠社会主义经济因素,强化整个食品产业供应链的利益平衡与激励机制。  相似文献   

In response to immense challenges facing children in out-of-home care in all parts of the world, there is a growing international trend towards the development of family-based placements for children in out-of-home care, away from large-scale institutions. This development of family-based care within a range of care options is recommended within the international Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children (the Guidelines), which were welcomed unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly in 2009. This paper offers an overview of these guidelines’ key principles, and considers the complexities that arise in efforts towards their implementation. Drawing on the literature, supported by research that informed Moving forward (the implementation handbook on the Guidelines) and illustrated by practice examples from across global regions, the authors examine three fundamental challenges in States’ efforts to implement the Guidelines’ ‘suitability’ principle, namely: de-institutionalising the care system; financing suitable family-based care and supporting the suitability of kinship care. The paper critically reflects on de-institutionalised systems and practices, and the cross-cultural assumptions about suitable foster and kinship care that emerge in efforts towards de-institutionalisation; it aims to spark new thinking on strategic ways in which alternative care is planned and delivered, to impact on future practice.  相似文献   

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