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差序格局与中国文化的等级观   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
重新审视费孝通的“差序格局”概念,特别是其关于纵向的等级制度的探讨,有助于我们更加全面地认识中国社会和文化的特性以及本土社会理论的普世性意义。费孝通所讲的差序格局是个立体的结构,包含有纵向的刚性的等级化的“序”,也包含有横向的弹性的以自我为中心的“差”。多数学者都只看到“差”而忽略了“序”;这是有关差序格局的学术话语中的一个误区。差序格局的维系有赖于尊卑上下的等级差异的不断再生产,而这种再生产是通过伦理规范、资源配置、奖惩机制以及社会流动等社会文化制度实现的。差序格局否定人格平等的可能性,不承认权利义务之间的平衡,最终导致差序人格的产生并对中国文化有着决定性的影响。  相似文献   

中小企业是市场经济的组成元素,随着我国改革开放的深入.中小企业在经济中的重要性日益凸显。而很多企业却一味注重打造推销活动.而忽视了人际关系在企业的整体营销中的功能。针对这种现状,文中提出企业应以“差序格局”情理人际交往组合手段为载体.建立适应市场环境变化的人际关系营销和相应的各种营销策略,更好地提高中小企业市场营销效能。  相似文献   

陈占江 《社会学》2007,(4):13-20
差序格局与中国社会转型有着互相型构和消解的关系。在中国160余年的社会转型过程中,差序格局一直产生着各种各样的影响和作用。差序格局之于市场经济的健康发展、社会阶层的和谐构建和现代法治进程的顺利推进都有着较大的消极影响。同时,随着社会转型的深入,传统意义上的差序格局也在发生着某种程度的嬗变。  相似文献   

新时期中国社会主要矛盾转型后,大学生思想政治教育的主要矛盾,表现为大学生思想政治教育培养合格的社会主义事业建设者与可靠的社会主义事业接班人这个总目标,与大学生思想政治品质发展不充分、不平衡之间的矛盾。大学生思想政治教育需要从实际出发,充分重视学生发展过程中出现的两个"不充分"与一个"不平衡"等基本事实,发现并解决大学生经济生活发展的不充分所产生的思想观念问题、大学生精神生活发展不充分而形成的思想观念问题、大学生发展现状与个体发展期望之间的不平衡所引发的思想观念问题,构建新时期大学生思想政治教育的差序格局,从而为培养合格的社会主义事业建设者和可靠的社会主义事业接班人而努力。  相似文献   

费孝通先生在《乡土中国》一书中创造性地提出了"差序格局"这一概念,以概括中国传统农业社会的社会结构与人际关系特点。随着社会的变迁,"差序格局"依旧适用于现代社会,并衍生出地缘关系扩大化和利益关系核心化的新特征。针对某系医院事件,本文以"差序格局"为视角,从社会道德约束与法制治理两个方面对案例反映出的问题展开分析与思考,并发现在社会道德约束方面,存在着行业公约的缺失、道德底线受到利益关系冲击、"双重标准"导致道德失衡等问题;在法制治理方面,存在着社会成员法律维权意识薄弱、多数行业的法律规范不完善、有关身体健康等重要领域的法律惩罚较轻等问题。最后针对上述问题的解决,本文提出了建立行业公约、提高法律维权意识、完善行业相关法律规范等建议与策略。  相似文献   

"家""国"关联是理解"差序格局"宏观建构的关键,"家""国"之间"移孝作忠"的伦理设计并不能消解"化家为国"的潜在紧张性,直至宋代科举制的完全确立才标志着绅权与皇权相联结的"家""国"同构真正得以确立起来,但"移孝作忠"的伦理形式背后却是绅权依附于皇权的利益共享机制。其中,"家"之诸子均分制与"国"之嫡长子继承制表面上并不一致,实质上却对巩固皇权起到了关键性的作用,此中也正暗含了"外儒内法"的文化传统。  相似文献   

《乡土中国》是论述中国乡土社会传统文化和社会治理结构的经典著作。将乡土社会的基本面貌概括为一种推己及人的社会秩序和伦理规范,一种不假思索的行为模式与文化传统和一种从容变动的社会演进与权力继替,着重介绍差序格局、礼治秩序的相关概念,并借助四种类型的权力划分理解不同的社会秩序及其变动状况。最后,将对书中论述的社会转型阶段出现的基本问题进行归纳和思考。  相似文献   

2018年3月,中共中央印发了《深化党和国家机构改革方案》,提出了组建中央广播电视总台。在这样的政策驱动下,传统媒体将面临新的竞争格局,必然要谋求新的出路。本文通过文献资料法、个案分析法对三大台合并的政策背景进行了研究分析。并探讨了合并后内容生产的变化,进而分析了传统媒体未来的竞争格局和发展方向。  相似文献   

生鲜市场关系到民生、城乡经济联系和就业等问题,孤立地研究某一类型的生鲜市场具有片面性,不利于理解整个城市的生鲜市场功能和全局管理。通过对昆明市主城区各种生鲜市场实地调查和问卷,运用ArcGIS空间叠加分析、核密度分析和统计分析等多种方法描述了该城市多元生鲜市场的空间格局的形成和演变,归纳不同生鲜市场的特征及其多元生鲜市场共存格局的原因,并对未来演变趋势进行分析,提出此消彼长的互动关联性对各主体所隐含的机遇和挑战,由此说明从地域视角开展的研究,能综合把握全局特征,以及各类型之间的彼此关联性,可弥补以往单一类型研究的不足,并对政府的相关决策进行讨论。  相似文献   

注意力竞争——基于参与观察与多案例的组织学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
练宏 《社会学研究》2016,(4):1-26,242
中国政府行为的一个特征是注意力的戴帽竞争而非直线竞争,即职能部门本可利用业务指导权开展工作,却选择借助党委政府的权威地位推动工作。本文通过近距离观察司法厅案例,对传统的多委托多任务理论进行带有中国色彩的改造性诠释和竞争性对话,提炼适用于分析戴帽竞争的多委托多任务框架。研究发现,在中国政府内部,多委托方的权威地位迥然有别,呈现三元差序格局。弱委托方单向依赖强势委托方,组内比较而非组间比较。多任务的激励强度首先取决于隶属委托方的权威地位,其次才是量化奖惩程度。这一结构总体内生了注意力的戴帽竞争行为。这种差序结构进一步衍生三个后果:(1)权威地位的马太效应;(2)制度创新竞赛;(3)人格化而非法治化的治理方式。总之,这一研究为理解中国政府运作提供了一个重要视角,并对传统的多委托多任务理论有所推进和拓展。  相似文献   

This note graphically illustrates the power of various poverty ordering conditions. Using the Kolm three-person simplex, we are able to show that (1) for a fixed poverty line the power may be increased as higher degrees of stochastic dominance are considered, (2) for a single but variable poverty line the power is reduced as the line increases, and (3) for a range of poverty lines the power of the third degree ordering condition may be reduced to that of the second degree if the lower bound poverty line is arbitrarily close to zero. Received: 9 September 1998/Accepted: 11 January 2000  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of “focal psychotherapy” as a form of psychoanalytic psychotherapy utilizing essentially the same conceptualization of the therapeutic process as long-term psychotherapy or psychoanalysis, mainly that the primary interventions are interpretive. Since in this treatment process a narrower sector of the psychopathology is reactivated than in long-term psychotherapy, the psychotherapy is restricted to the exploration and working through of a focal conflict precipitated by a recent event which has overwhelmed the patient's characterological defense mechanisms. The case report illustrates the applicability of focal psychotherapy to patients whose core pathology is understood to consist of deficits in the structure of the self rather than structural conflict.  相似文献   

我国房地产融资问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
房地产业是我国的支柱产业之一,其健康发展对国民经济的发展起着重要作用,加之房地产业是资金密集型行业,因此有效地解决该行业的融资问题是促进其健康发展的重要条件。本文从国内房地产业融资现状入手,分析当前单一融资模式形成的原因及影响,考察了国内外房地产业除银行贷款外的主要融资渠道:房地产信托、房地产产业基金、住房抵押贷款证券化的涵义和特征,并将三种融资方式进行对比,提出适合我国国情的阶段融资方案及政策建议。  相似文献   

The assessment of malingering has predominantly been considered within the domains of neuropsychologists and psychiatrists, who use consistency of performance criteria similar to those used in functional capacity evaluations (FCE). The use of activity has traditionally been used in occupational therapy as an assessment and treatment modality with goals not always considered obvious and which could easily be used for diversional reasons. The appropriate use of activity adds an additional dimension to a layered approach of using multiple data sources and methods as recommended by FCE practitioners and neuropsychologists alike. The case illustration aims to explain the above using a layered model.  相似文献   

This paper considers the value of Hymesian ethnopoetics as a means of analysing everyday narrative in conditions of mobility and change. The paper offers an account of the development of ethnopoetics as a means to make visible and valorize narrative in the Native American oral tradition, and as a method of revealing culturally specific relations of form and meaning. Hymes’ ethnopoetic approach viewed narrative structure as a reflection of a cultural tradition of meaning‐making. Hymes’ analysis proposed that traditional narrative was a culturally shaped way of speaking, and analysis of narrative structure could reveal and recreate culture. His orientation rested on an assumption that the culture of a group was more or less stable and fixed. This paper adopts an approach to analysis based on ethnopoetics, representing everyday narrative dramatically, organized not only as lines and verses, but also as scenes and acts. Representation in scenes and acts makes visible the dynamic nature of the narrative. The paper asks whether Hymes’ ground‐breaking work on ethnopoetics still has currency and purchase in 21st‐century conditions of mobility, change, and unpredictability. Analysis of everyday narrative in a city market concludes that, notwithstanding the complexity of notions of ‘culture’ and ‘language’ in such conditions, ethnopoetics can be productively applied to everyday contexts for the analysis of narrative.  相似文献   

Twentieth century economists have made countless attempts to resolve the causes and cures of unemployment. However none have ventured to consider unemployment not as a social problem but as a market response to political and economic incentives. By treating unemployment as a labor market, where workers rationally select periods of joblessness and where special interest groups profit from unemployment, this paper develops a theoretically consistent model to explain the effects that policy and economic variables have on unemployment. Empirical results support this approach and the worker disincentive effects of UI compensation by estimating simultaneously a demand and supply for unemployment.  相似文献   

实施西部大开发,是党中央高瞻远瞩,统揽全局,审时度势,面向新世纪作出的重大战略决策.它对于扩大内需,推动国民经济持续增长,对于促进各地区经济平衡发展,对于加强民族团结,维护社会稳定和巩固边防,都具有十分重要的意义.这次西部大开发与以往不同,中央的指导思想是以市场为先、科技为要、人才为本、环境为重.国家在支持西部大开发时将进一步改进支持方式和支持机制,在发挥政府和市场两方面作用时,更多地通过政策引导,利用市场的力量,吸引国内外资金、技术和人才投入西部大开发.土地既是一种稀缺的自然资源,又是一种重要的生产要素.土地市场作为最基本的生产要素市场之一,在建立社会主义市场经济体系中占有重要的地位.因此,西部地区土地市场建设在实施西部大开发中具有非常重要的作用.土地市场建设到位了,可以很好地服务于西部大开发和促进西部大开发战略的实施,实现西部可持续发展.土地市场建设不到位,就会拖西部大开发的后腿.  相似文献   

The poor quality and quantity of data collected in tribal communities today reflects a lack of true community participation and commitment. This is especially problematic for evaluation studies, in which the needs and desires of the community should be the central focus. This challenge can be met by emphasizing indigenous methods and voice. The authors provide an illustration of how to do this.  相似文献   

This article investigates the stability properties of markets with backward-bending supply curves. Parameters are chosen so that the two classic models of price dynamics, the Walrasian model and the Marshallian model, give opposite predictions. The results are (1) market instability can be observed, and (2) in the backward-bending case stability is captured by the Walrasian model and the Marshallian model of dynamics is rejected. Previous experiments have demonstrated that the Marshallian model works in the forward-falling case. Thus, which theory of dynamics is appropriate for a market depends on the underlying reasons for demand and supply shapes.  相似文献   

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