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“嵌入性”:两种取向及其分歧   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文辨析了波兰尼和格兰诺维特的嵌入性思想,指出他们在市场与社会关系问题上代表两种不同的学术取向:社会构件论的市场观与社会建构论的市场观。前者系市场的实体嵌入,未给隔离于社会的自主性市场留下任何可能性;后者系市场的形式嵌入,在一定程度上给市场保留了社会因素无法进入、依自身逻辑运作的硬核。批评者眼中波兰尼的"市场悖论"建基于市场的形式嵌入,而在波兰尼那里实无真正意义上的"脱嵌的市场"存在,这一悖论不过是由其分析技艺所造成的假象。格兰诺维特取向的经济社会学研究带回了经济学所缺失的"背景"分析,虽然更具分析力和解释力,但其针对经济学所试图做出的替代性解释却不够彻底。而波兰尼取向的经济社会学研究尽管可被赋予厚望,但也还面临着相当艰难的理论与实践困境。  相似文献   

为适应经济社会的转型发展和残疾人多层次的就业与康复需求,我国残疾人就业模式日益多元化。作为一种新兴的残疾人就业模式,工作整合型社会企业旨在为残疾人提供支持性就业,以促进残疾人的社会融合。作为一种新兴的组织类型,工作整合型社会企业兼具市场、社会与政府三重维度的混合价值取向,致力于运用市场机制解决残疾人所面临的社会问题。工作整合型社会企业在创新残疾人就业模式、促进残疾人社会融合、增加残疾人经济收入、提升残疾人康复服务等方面有着积极作用,但其发展仍处于初级阶段,在专业人员培养、商业运营能力、目标人群覆盖面、政策扶持及法律保障等方面面临不少挑战。整体而言,工作整合型社会企业及其倡导的支持性就业与"重康复、轻就业"的庇护性就业模式并非全然排斥,而是一种相辅相成、前后相继的共融关系,共同塑造我国残疾人就业的多元格局。  相似文献   

海外华商经营模式的社会学剖析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
作为移民及其后裔,华商在主流社会的缝隙中努力寻求自身发展空间,传统中国的社会组织与机能在异域特定的社会文化环境下得到延续和发展。家族(包括拟制家族)的凝聚力因外界的压力与共同经济利益的驱动而强化,企业通过不透明的封闭式经营而高效运作。源自祖籍国的血缘与地缘纽带,以其宽泛的弹性成为华侨华人社会有效的粘合剂,具有差序性特征的各种关系圈构成的商业网络为家族式企业经营提供了经济活动的便利舞台,人际信用以关系圈内有效的道德约束成为独特的商业机制,填补了不健全与无保障的法制真空。在内幕交易换取的政治保护伞下,华商以独有的经营方式谨慎而顽强地拓展着经济空间。在多种因素的共同作用下,这种带有强烈传统色彩的别具一格的经营模式在东南亚等地取得了成功,但现代化的自我改造仍是华商企业面临的日趋紧迫的重大课题  相似文献   

个体所处的劳动力市场结构会影响其社会态度,但这种影响依赖于复杂的结构基础。基于稳定工作者与不稳定工作者的信任分化现象,本研究对这一基础进行了探索。从结构约束视角出发,本研究发现,只有中等可能性从事不稳定工作的个体,其工作稳定性状态才会影响社会信任;具有较高地位的个体掌握了工作的选择权,“稳定—不稳定”分化反而不明显。从结构化视角出发,本研究认为,随着劳动力市场中工作稳定性结构逐渐形成,“稳定—不稳定”的信任差异也日趋明显。  相似文献   

叶志鹏  李朔严 《社会学研究》2023,(5):67-88+227-228
探究制度化政商关系的形成机理,能够为中国构建“亲”“清”新型政商关系提供可行路径。本文通过对M市的历史性分析发现,地区政商关系由庇护主义转向制度化是特定产业组织形态、地方科层体系及其精神气质相互形塑的结果。基于利益与信任机制的产业链合作网络和利益联盟赋能商业团体组织化参与政商互动,并助推地方政府进行自我限权、增强政企间的制度联结。制度化政商关系有赖于地区增长联盟的维系和地方科层体系精神气质的革新。  相似文献   

星座文化的个性分析语言具有重要教育价值。基于自我选择的人性观以及语言的意义,星座文化的价值不在于反映人的本来面目,而是给人提供自我建构的原料,这种价值的功能与传统的个性教育相似但又具有明显优势。作为大众文化,星座文化的商业思维与教化思路可以并行不悖;由于星座文化的价值属于意义范畴而非科学范畴,星座文化不能用伪科学来定论,“模糊”是对其的实用性态度。  相似文献   

王印传  崔欣 《城市》2019,(3):41-46
笔者从经济学视角探究省际中心城市经济职能向临近省份嵌入,提出了嵌入势差和嵌入性优势,探讨了双方收益分割。笔者把嵌入过程分为嵌入性优势形成阶段、嵌入阶段、脱嵌阶段和再嵌入阶段四个阶段,通过阶段的划分揭示了发达省份与邻近落后省份之间的一种经济联系。以北京企业嵌入天津和河北为例进行了较为深入的探讨,认为天津与北京的关系处于嵌入过程中的第四个阶段,河北与北京的关系处于嵌入过程的第二个阶段。  相似文献   

进入网络时代,青年受众的身份认同模式、互动创作模式、资本融合模式发生了一系列结构变动。基于福柯空间理论的视角来考察网络空间中趣缘社群的互动实践,可以发现,青年受众在缺乏身体实践的电子记忆中成长起来,他们将网络异托邦延伸为补偿性的空间系统,参与壁垒从技术型转变为话语型,商业权力与青年受众在持续博弈中发展为互为嵌入的关系。网络空间不再是青年逃避现实世界的"乌托邦",而成为他们自主选择的镜像现实和积极涉入的平行"异托邦"。  相似文献   

题目作者期号论文集体行动、搭便车理论与形式社会学方法赵鼎新(1)市场转型与下岗工人谢桂华(1)延续的社会主义文化传统———一起国有企业工人集体行动的个案分析佟新(1)实质民主与形式自由———对蔡元培民初教育思想的一种知识社会学解读熊春文(1)新发展主义与古典发展主义———中国模式与日本模式的比较分析高柏(1)民族志文本与“真实”叙事陈庆德郑宇(1)一座博物馆—庙宇建筑的民族志———论成为政治艺术的双名制高丙中(1)“铁姑娘”再思考———中国文化大革命期间的社会性别与劳动金一虹(1)社会学与文化自觉———学习费孝通“文化…  相似文献   

略论我国社会结构的转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、社会结构类型的两重划分 1.社会的功能结构 社会功能结构的基础是人们社会活动中的分工、交换关系,分工、交换关系不仅存在于物质生产领域,而且存在于精神生产和公共管理领域以及三者之间。社会功能结构的变化也就是社会组织结构与运行机制的变化。以此为依据,可以把人类社会的功能结构区分为以自然经济为基础的“传统”社会、以商品经济为基础的“现代”社会和以自由经济(产品经济的提法不科学)为基础的“未来”社会三大历史形态。以分工、交换关系为基础考察社会结构可以称为功能分析法。  相似文献   

Clientelism has predominantly been represented in the literature as an expression of backwardness and corruption with little attention being paid to the question of how clientelism has changed over the years. In contrast, this paper examines the particulars of state intervention in the agrarian economy with respect to clientelism and exposes the illogicality of contrasting patron‐client relationships with citizenship. The historical focus is on the ways in which, in the course of post‐dictatorship consolidation in rural Greece throughout the 1980s, the transformation of traditional brokerage‐based clientelism into the bureaucratic clientelism of the political parties actually enhanced the institutions and practices of ‘rural citizenship’. Comparative qualitative research on the driving force of agrarian change shows how Thessalian villagers made the transition from being socially excluded subjects to socially included clients in two lowland village communities and the role played by a dynamic state bureaucracy.  相似文献   

Clientelism may lead to the underprovision of services which are deemed suitable for decentralisation. Water distribution and drainage services, managed from a lower level of municipal authority, are liable to be affected by clientelism and consequent underprovision. Water quality, maintained from a higher municipal layer, is not likely to be affected by clientelism. Capture by politically influential and dominant social and religious groups is likely to take place for important services like water supply. The article suggests that awareness, measurability, importance and resource intensiveness of service are additional factors to be considered for assessing the suitability of a sector for decentralisation.  相似文献   

International norms of social, economic and political rights are presented as a means of transforming social relations in developing countries. Yet, when rights norms are introduced into domestic practice, they do not always produce liberal, democratic results. Instead, rights and local practices of clientelism mix. This article examines this political process in rural Peru. Alternatives to clientelism emerge when NGOs and international development agencies forge strategic and selective coalitions between urban middle‐class sectors and the rural poor. This calls for an explicit politics of advancing rights by any means necessary: accepting hybrid forms when inevitable, incorporating excluded groups when possible, and striking alliances that displace traditional elites.  相似文献   

Qualitative Sociology - Why, in the context of a rural Colombian mayoral election, do poor clients donate goods and services to political campaigns? The literature on clientelism describes it as a...  相似文献   

This article challenges the perception that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are immune from attributes commonly associated with political parties, such as clientelism. Through a case study of an NGO and a political party in semi-urban Argentina, this article demonstrates that despite associational differences with local political party network, these two associational networks produced similar social outcomes??such as, dependency, exclusivity, and paternalism??a phenomenon traced to the NGO??s and political parties?? similar structures and tactics. Contrary to the prevailing positive view of the NGO, held by scholars, the media, and development practitioners, it was guided by financial interests and a continual focus on locating external funding sources to facilitate its goals. Not surprisingly, the political party was dominated by politically oriented interests and an ever-present focus on obtaining votes. However, these seemingly different associations had a similar objective, i.e., the continual effort to obtain sources of support thus demonstrating how powerful structures can still dominate poor communities even when forms change.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the growing literature on the synergic production of civil society in newly democratized countries. State sponsorship can be effective when clientelism, as a form of social dominance, continues to frustrate purposive organization from below. Three elements are necessary for this scenario. First, a group of reform‐minded officials must be able to pursue an independent agenda that deviates from local elites. Second, reformers have to create new institutional avenues to channel resources downward by bypassing local politicians. Lastly, civil society organizations must be capable of effectively responding to the initiatives from above. I use Taiwan’s community movement to understand the logic and consequences of sponsoring civil society. State endorsement is critical to legitimatize community organizations’ presence in local politics. With a detailed analysis of a local case, the Qiaodou community movement, I argue that state sponsorship is critical for the growth of civil society organizations. Sponsored movement activism maintains its political independence by leveraging the incoherence in bureaucratic division of labor, and its professional expertise offers an advantageous bargaining position when facing officials.  相似文献   

Using data collected in Athens, Greece in the spring of 1977, an effort was made to test the relationship between several objective socioeconomic indicators and subjective class perceptions and political attitudes. Our main concern was the effect of subjective class awareness and consciousness on selected political issues (pro-Western foreign policy, civil liberties, and economic conservatism) and voting. Our findings show that class and socioeconomic variables tend to be stronger predictors of socio-political attitudes than are status indicators. In addition, subjective perceptions of class (particularly capitalist political influence and limited societal opportunity), father's politics, and age are major explanatory variables for political attitudes and the way people perceive national and international issues. Perception that the upper class benefits most from clientelism was related to voting and economic conservatism. Working-class consciousness was important in explaining voting in 1977. Our research strategy suggests that for the future we should broaden the study of class consciousness and awareness by viewing it as multidimensional and including measurements based on both closed- and open-ended questions.  相似文献   

文化、制度与结构:中国社会关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纪莺莺 《社会学研究》2012,(2):60-85,243
非正式关系渗透在政治和经济领域的正式组织和科层体系之中,被认为是中国社会关系的重要特征。本文梳理韦伯以来讨论中国社会关系的重要研究,归纳出四种讨论中国社会关系的不同路径:"特殊主义"和科层制、庇护主义、儒家社会理论与"关系",以及社会网络研究。这些路径在理论背景、研究主题和写作时间上各有特点,有些路径中还隐藏着不同程度的价值判断。梳理显示出三支讨论社会关系的脉络:侧重特定政治经济背景的制度视角、侧重伦理涵义的文化视角,以及社会网络分析所代表的结构视角。本文认为,应当将文化、制度与结构视角相结合,分析社会关系的结构特征与伦理内涵为转型社会的科层制建设以及制度变迁提供了怎样的基础。  相似文献   

Social entrepreneurship—a new business model that combines a social goal with a business mentality—is in a transitional phase, from a rough cowboy market to a more established market niche. This process results in two interconnected dilemmas for the social entrepreneur. First, how it can capture market share despite its role as an antagonist to current market values. Second, how it can prevent the loss of its own core values in the course of greater interaction with the incumbent regimes. Using a tool known from innovation sciences to analyse radical innovations, namely strategic niche management, and both survey data and interviews from actors in the Netherlands, this article shows that social entrepreneurs have an attitude that is still more in line with the cowboy market than with the new diplomatic role they are expected to take on. Subsequently, it provides recommendations on how to achieve this new attitude.  相似文献   

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