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农村留守儿童问题已作为一个公共议题进入到公众视野之中,但如何破解其面临的困境,营造一个有利于其健康成长的环境,仍是一个亟待探索的议题。在扩展临床视角下,社会工作既关注农村留守儿童的个性需求与群体性需求,也重视农村留守儿童与其所处环境之间的关联,从而在理论上为超越既有研究中个体观与家庭观、微观与宏观之间的"二元论争"提供了可能。扩展临床视角下的农村留守儿童服务可以从个体与近身环境、个体与宏观环境、群体与微观环境以及群体与宏观环境等层面促进农村留守儿童的健康成长和生活环境的友好化。  相似文献   

近年来,富士康跳楼、血汗工厂的案例不断出现在公众的视野,这与我国传统文化中对社会管理的疏忽与契约精神的薄弱是分不开的。传统的企业员工管理及康乐活动已经无法满足企业员工的需求。伴随着企业的发展,企业社会工作应运而生并不断发展。  相似文献   

随着我国经济转型,企业工人群体经历了代际交替,80后、90后的农村青年开始成为劳动力大军的主力.我们在一些社会调查中发现,虽然已成长为工人的主力,青年工人的工作和生活状况却出现了许多问题.社会各界对此已广泛关注,社会工作也介入其中,希求以专业服务来化解各种矛盾,引导青年工人正常工作、生活.如何挖掘他们的潜力,激发出他们内在的抗逆力,促进其适应城市生活和工厂生产'做好未来职业生涯规划,改善其工作和生活状况,是企业社会工作需要探索的一个重要内容.  相似文献   

文章主要呈现我在广东某劳动密集型代工企业的社会工作实习中,运用社会工作之小组工作的方法技巧进行行动研究的过程:为企业员工组织——员工福利会的成员开展能力建设达成增强福利会的凝聚力、提升成员责任意识等目的,是企业社会工作实践的一次探索与反思。  相似文献   

本文以中国经济和社会发展为背景,从我们在云南省一个名为绿寨的农村推动农村发展的实践中,试图超越宏观("基变社会工作")与微观("临床社会工作")社会工作的两极化论争,总结出一种优势视角下的农村社会工作实践模式。此模式以能力建设和资产建立为核心,强调如何利用社会工作的介入手法和策略,发掘农村当地社区和民众所拥有的资产和能力,从而使得当地社区和民众成为农村发展的真正主体。本文先介绍西方农村社会工作的发展状况,然后澄清农村社会工作的两种理论视角,最后将用我们在2007年开始推动的城乡合作的公平贸易项目作为例子,阐述优势视角下的农村社会工作背后的理念、立场及行动的实际操作。  相似文献   

社会工作机构的专业性水平关系着公众对社会工作专业权威的认同,社会工作机构的专业化发展有益于加深公众对社会工作的认同感。因此,医务社会工作机构发展常常要求走专业化道路。但与其相悖的是,医务社会工作机构的专业化进程却十分缓慢,且在实际的工作中又往往出现忽略专业问题的"无事件境"现象。本文拟从组织社会学的角度探讨出现该现象的本质原因,挖掘更深层次的问题,拓宽了以往社会工作机构研究的研究思路。  相似文献   

新文科建设背景和目前社会工作专业毕业生就业情况不理想的局面均需要社会工作专业人才培养的理念、手段、方法做出及时的回应和改变。基于OBE理念视角,文章以社会工作专业人才培养方案的制定对此予以回应。分析了社会工作人才培养引入OBE理念的可能性与重要实践价值;随后探讨了基于OBE理念视角社会工作培养方案制定应遵循“以生为本,成果导向,紧扣国家社会发展需要”“内外结合,发挥优势,凸显培养特色”的原则。采取“反向设计”的方法,步骤为首先“立德树人”定位人才培养的目标;第二“能力为本”夯实人才素养要求;第三紧扣行业发展需要和学校办学条件做好人才培养定位;第四紧扣素养要求构建课程体系;第五建章立制严把人才培养过程和质量。  相似文献   

为深入贯彻习近平总书记在学校思想政治理论课教师座谈会上提出的思政课教师思维要新的要求,从思维要新提出的背景意义及内涵进行深入研究,提出了三同式以案说法思政教学法,从教学方法的改善、学习方法的改进、考核方法的改良三个层面贯彻落实思维要新的具体举措,为改善思政教学改革提供有益的探索。  相似文献   

辛磊 《职业时空》2009,5(3):145-146
通过对高职院校“双师型”教师与企业知识型员工的工作以及激励因素进行对比,探讨不同领域知识型员工的激励区别.以对中国高职院校“双师型”教师这一特殊的知识型员工激励提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

在”发展农业”接连5年成为中央“1号文件”的核心内容后,2009年的“1号文件”继续锁定”三农”。这是中央从2004年以来连续六年聚焦”三农“问题。  相似文献   

社会组织是平衡政府福利责任与社会福利供给的重要中介。公共管理视角下的社会组织是指由公民自发组成,为实现成员的共同理想,按照其内部章程开展活动,以便实现组织的宗旨和目标的社会群体,其核心目标在于实现群体内部成员的需求。本文基于广东省社会组织发展现状进行分析,探讨了阻碍社会组织进一步发展的主要问题成因,并提出了关于加强社会建设,推动社会组织加快发展的若干对策建议。  相似文献   

偏差青少年对自我的清晰认识和定位,能够有效防止其偏差行为的发生。对偏差青少年的研究发现,偏差青少年的自我概念认同呈现家庭自我概念较低,同伴自我概念较高;学生自我概念较低;自我表现自我概念偏低等特征。基于社会联络理论的融和型青少年社会工作服务模式对于提升偏差青少年的自我概念具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

Mindfulness-based psychotherapies are increasingly found in the evidence-based practice realm of clinical social work. This paper provides an understanding of the concept of mindfulness as well as the research into the neurological and behavioral benefits of mindfulness skills training. Mindfulness skills training is explored as both the foundation of specific therapy protocols and as a method to foster clinician attention, affect regulation, attunement and empathy. Clinical case examples are provided to demonstrate the impact of mindfulness skills training on both clients and on the helping relationship.  相似文献   

杨林  贾绳之 《城市观察》2013,27(5):122-129
本文运用地理信息系统技术与产业比较集中系数的方法讨论分析了广东省产业结构空间数据以及产业布局的演变历程,总结出多个变化特点。最后结合当地实际情况、优势资源和政府政策等,提出了优化方案和调整建议。  相似文献   

The relationship of practice and research in social work has often been characterized as a ‘split’ in interests and in professional purposes. The same split also appears in social work education. This article examines several issues related to better integrating clinical practice and research in social work and in social work education. The article opens with a historical exploration of the origins of the social work profession as based in differences between practitioners and researchers. Second, differences in the purposes, professional cultures and professional organizations of clinical social workers and social work researchers are examined. Third, the processes and methods of clinical practice and research are systematically compared and contrasted. A chart outlining their similarities and differences is offered. The article closes with several recommendations to improve social work education in both areas that can lead to better integration of clinical practice and research in social work.  相似文献   


Social work has a history of treating the whole person in his/her environment, however, the effort to be scientific in our approach to clinical practice often has obscured our examination of the religious and spiritual beliefs and practices of our clients and in our own lives. Consequently, there has been very little guidance to date on how curriculum can help integrate the professional identities of MSW/MDiv students. An elective practice course, “The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Clinical Social Work” in our accredited graduate social work program provides a transitional space for this integration to occur through a guiding framework of psychodynamic, systems, and postmodern theories.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to describe the types of programs and mental health services former system youth with mental health histories would be inclined to engage in to manage their mental health difficulties, along with the factors that might hinder them from engaging in these services. A series of closed and open-ended questions on potential programs and services were asked, as part of a larger study. Participants were former system youth; specifically 18?C30?year olds who were diagnosed with a mood disorder and were involved with public mental health and social services (e.g., public welfare, child welfare, juvenile justice) during childhood. Responses to the open-ended questions were categorized and percentages are reported from the yes/no items. Eighty-three percent and 76% reported that they would be enticed to come to a support group and panel discussion on mood disorders, respectively, while only 46% reported that they would attend a family support group. Talking with others who have had similar experiences, material possessions and creative expression were the most common responses regarding what would entice them to get involved. Further, peer disrespect, transportation, and daycare were common barriers to potential participation. As the field continues to build knowledge on system-wide strategies to improve agency-based mental health care for transitioning youth and young adults, new evidence-based approaches may benefit from listening to the specific needs, preferences, and suggestions of these youth themselves.  相似文献   

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