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理想的道德教育是建立在生活世界的道德教育与科学世界的道德教育相统一的基础上的,然而现实的道德教育却使得科学世界与生活世界相隔离.要发挥道德教育的潜能就必须实现科学世界的道德言说与生活世界的道德实践相结合,使道德个体成就一种可能的幸福生活.  相似文献   

回归生活世界:对提升德育实效性的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方社会学家把“生活世界”理论引入教育中,认为对德育的提升有重要的影响。本文提出当德育脱离生活世界以后导致德育效果低下的事实,要想提高德育效果必须使德育回归生活世界,提出了德育回归生活世界的方法和建议。  相似文献   

郭建忠 《职业时空》2013,(6):112-114
在社会发生深刻变革的大环境下,传统的知识论和技术论的思想政治教育方式已日渐衰微,哲学中的“生活世界”话语也就渗入了思想政治教育领域,这就要求思想政治教育必须以新的方式来思考和关注学生的生活和教育问题。教育离不开入的生活世界,只有关注学生的生活世界,思想政治教育才能实现它的价值。  相似文献   

胡塞尔的现象学从严格科学开始,终结于生活世界.这一哲学理念的转变,不仅仅是他个人研究方式的转变,也反映了整个现象学运动的发展趋势.而且由于他的生活世界思想切中了现代社会的弊病,具有很大的启发意义,因此也影响了现代西方哲学发展的路径.  相似文献   

城市生活基于一定的空间展开,更宜在日常生活世界中加以观察与理解。民国时期,作为公共空间的公园的辟设,不仅开启了城市居民追求生活现代性的新征程,也成为集中展示日常生活的寓所。它吸引了市民、精英、商人、政府等多种力量的参与。而公园生活恰好体现了彼时城市生活中日常性与现代性这两个紧密相关的重要维度,即在公园这一公共日常生活空间中,一种现代性生活方式的体验与形成和现代生活观念的养成,并在此过程中不断塑造与诠释公园生活的日常性。  相似文献   

共苦易同甘难留意一下身边,有很多瑶瑶和林林,只不过在某个职场上,他们叫姚晨凌潇肃而已。瑶瑶家世普通,大学毕业时,幸得林林家人的帮助才进了这家大公司。因为爱情,大学刚毕业。他们便结了婚。北京的生活太残酷。好在有林林这样的眷侣良朋兼精神导师在身边,瑶瑶过得感恩又开心。  相似文献   

随着高等教育规模的迅速扩大,高校贫困生的数量和比例也在不断扩大,现行帮扶体系存在重物质帮扶轻精神关爱、缺乏差异化的个性心理关怀等问题。生活世界是人的生存真实场域,是与主体活动现实背景紧密相连的丰富多彩的相对于物质的世界。生活世界视域中的高校贫困生帮扶工作旨在走人贫困生的日常生活,贯彻精神帮扶为主物质帮扶为辅的帮杜原则,树立助人自助与育人相结合的帮扶目标,倡导全体总动员,构建强大的校园非正式的心理支持网络等策略,帮助其学会生存和生活。  相似文献   

李款 《现代妇女》2014,(2):101-101,112
心理健康教育本身置身于特定的生活世界中。然而,当下不少的研究者呼吁心理健康教育回归生活世界,这其中折射出了心理健康教育和生活世界在相互融合的过程中存在着一定程度的问题。本文通过探寻"心理健康教育回归什么样的生活世界,为什么要回归生活世界,怎样回归生活世界"的问题,以期对心理健康教育回归生活世界做一个理性的思考,澄清心理健康教育回归生活的本质和目的,并探寻适切的回归之路。  相似文献   

近一段时间,中国的一系列社会焦点事件成为世界热议的话题。在外媒眼中,中国人做事要名利双收;理财最好能一夜暴富;结婚要有现房现车;就连坐车也经常插队。  相似文献   

编辑同志:退休之后,事业脱身,心静闲达,适逢盛世,百姓生活丰富多彩。我们老年人老有所乐,能颐养天年。《老年世界》给我们一种精神的鼓舞,每一期总会有触动自己的文章。多年来,我已经养成了阅读《老年世界》的习惯,我还把自己喜欢的文章摘抄下来,集成一本。有时会遇到一些打动我的语句,我会念念不忘,越琢磨越觉得有理。  相似文献   

Writing Exile     

Atiq Rahimi accepted the invitation to present his keynote Ecrire l’exile at the 2018 international workshop ‘Refugees in Literature, Film, Art and Media: Perspective on the Past and Present’ in Liverpool. His speech, closing the event, was accompanied by its translation, ‘Writing Exile’, prepared by the organiser, Lida Amiri. In his keynote, Rahimi artistically contemplates the perilous route of refuge, and the implications for writers of a life in exile. In his brief but poignant essay, Rahimi traces his personal experience walking from Afghanistan to Pakistan.  相似文献   

This essay maps the cultural and political coordinates of Johnny Depp’s film performances during a period from 1998 onwards when he was largely, by choice, exiled in Europe. Focusing in particular upon work he did in France and in England, the essay unveils a complex transnational performativity. If, at times, Depp’s acting expresses the economic and cultural power of the US, in other places it contributes to the destabilizing of American and European identities alike and to the troubling of the category of the nation itself.  相似文献   

Refugees are individuals forced to flee from their homelands because of categorical persecution or because they are bystanders caught in the crossfire of war or civil strife. Such involuntary exile often leads to alienation in the most literal sense of the term. Whether expellees, escapees, or displaced persons, refugees share a common fate and, often, a common destiny: those who are dispossessed are dependent on others to provide care, succor, protection, and assistance. Yet responses to their plight are almost invariably highly selective, the quality of mercy being strained by considerations other than pure altruism. This paper, a commentary on the sociology of exile, attempts to convey the sense and significance of estrangement and responses to it in both historical and contemporary contexts. Early sections deal with concepts and concerns; later ones examine United States refugee policies and practices relating to exile, ethnicity, and the politics of rescue.Presidential address presented at the Eastern Sociological Society annual meeting, Arlington, Virginia, April 1992. Some parts of the address have appeared in different form in other publications by the author (see Rose, 1981, 1984, 1991).  相似文献   

Poverty is a well‐known short‐term outcome of migration in general and a long‐term outcome of forced migration in a global context. Surprisingly, this outcome appears among refugees in welfare states which provide various asylum and social policies facilitating integration. The article aims to explore the relationship between asylum and social policies and poverty among refugees. The research results are drawn from two studies conducted among refugees, NGOs, national and local administration representatives, and case workers in Poland between 2006 and 2014. The results show that asylum policy contributes to the material and symbolic hardship experienced by refugees, and social policy is ineffective in its prevention. If refugees are settled in regions with high levels of poverty, unemployment and ethnic‐based prejudices, then they experience and continue to live in poverty. In such a context, and due to its weaknesses in addressing discrimination, social policy cannot successfully integrate refugees.  相似文献   

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