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总体而言,大多数青少年不信仰宗教,且能正确解读党和国家的宗教政策.但一些青少年为舒解心理压力,受家人亲友或生活环境的熏陶,以及出于对宗教文化的崇拜等因素走进宗教殿堂.针对青少年信教状况,青少年工作者应提倡人文关怀,普及科普知识,增强青少年心理挫折的承受能力,寓教于乐,切实提高思想政治教育的针对性、实效性和吸引力.  相似文献   

宗教在美国思想政治教育中一直扮演着重要角色,它在塑造国民道德品行、培育民族精神和社会信仰、维护社会和政治稳定等诸多方面发挥着不可替代的作用。本文从宗教的基本内容入手,对宗教在美国思想政治教育中的作用、功能等内容作了基本论述。  相似文献   

有关大学生信仰问题的研究看似繁复,实则略显贫乏。在各种思潮泛滥的转型社会,作为"现实的人",大学生的信仰取向受到复杂意识形态的影响,正在变得愈发碎片化、风险化与多元化。但大学生"信仰的有无",显然不能以信仰宗教与否为简单的切分标准。信仰的确立离不开教育,目前,大学生信仰构建存在自由化倾向与规范化缺失的情况,确证信仰与教育关系的切入点——对高校的理想教育而言,遵循教育原则的针对性,明晰教育策略的有效性,增强信仰内涵的说服力是高等教育的真正着力点。  相似文献   

改革开放的发展,社会转型的进行,都促使乡土社会发生了变迁,带来变化的同时也在一定程度上逐渐消解着传统的乡土"共同体",而宗教的集体意识带给了信仰群众一种久违的归属感和确定性。从某种意义上说农村宗教信仰是对乡土社会共同体的另一种形式"重构",但同时宗教大力发展也对农村具有消极影响。本文通过查阅相关文献和实地调查,调查华北地区X村的宗教信仰情况,并从共同体逐渐缺失方向分析X村宗教发展的原因,进一步分析其存在的消极功能,最后针对农村的宗教管理提出相应的对策,促进农村宗教规范发展。  相似文献   

林芝鲁朗风景区因地处藏地,受藏族民众信仰的影响,其蕴含了深厚的宗教文化底蕴,主要体现在藏传佛教文化、苯教文化、民间宗教文化等方面。在该文化形态中,表现的是以藏传佛教文化为主流,其他宗教文化交流,融合,共存的现象,最具代表的文化符号有玛尼石,风马旗、龙王信仰等,从而为林芝鲁朗风景区塑造了丰富的宗教旅游资源。  相似文献   

吝毅 《现代交际》2011,(3):58-59
人们对于规则的认识和尊重程度决定了规则在社会中执行的力度和效果,也决定了社会正面价值实现的程度。中国社会对规则的认可度和依赖度都不高,呈现出形式上遵守规则而实质上不惟规则的观念。这不仅是中国封建残余思想的体现,也是传统文化根源的影响,同时在行为逻辑上也有深层的原因。笔者从中国社会规则观的现状入手,从历史文化渊源以及具体行为逻辑两方面进行剖析,以求理清当中的发展和关系链条,为更好地建设社会主义伦理文化和法律信仰尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

"信仰供给侧"概念是基于对习近平系列讲话的学习,结合对宗教社会科学研究前沿理论的梳理而提出来的。当前我国大学生宗教皈信已成新常态,且呈发展趋势。通过分析高校信仰供给市场的现状、马克思主义信仰教育中存在的问题及大学生宗教皈信的现实依据,可以认为大学生宗教皈依的根源主要在于高校信仰供给侧自身的缺陷,如何正视和超越宗教信仰对大学生的吸引力,是当下高校思想政治工作的一个新课题。  相似文献   

近些年中国的宗教发展迅速,许多民众选择信教,宗教的问题成为一个热门问题.本文通过对中国信仰状况的描述和对佛教与基督教中国化过程的分析,认为中国民众的宗教信仰存在世俗化的特点.这一信仰世俗化的特点是中国文化具有包容性、时代性和强大生命力的一个原因,也是中国文化特有的产物.  相似文献   

越来越多的大学生受到宗教文化热潮的影响,对宗教呈现出强烈的好奇心,又缺乏宗教教育的正面引导,没有真正领悟到宗教所包含的超越性和奉献精神,在宗教信仰上理性不足,仅当成是心理需要时的一剂安慰剂。蔡元培先生所提出的"以美育代宗教"是对审美、信仰价值追求和文化内涵的建构,以美育代替宗教对大学生开展理想境界教育,培养健康的情感意识,为他们寻求终极关怀,并获求实体观念,以此帮助他们建构一种有效的信仰机制和意义架构。  相似文献   

作为一场社会运动的"在家教育",起源于20世纪中后期的美国,并逐渐绵延至世界其他国家。近年来,中国大陆地区的"在家教育"主要有"私塾形态的古典教育"和"基于宗教原因的在家教育"两大类。宗教因素特别是基督教信仰在全球范围内的青少年在家教育中起着非常重要的推动作用。与教育世俗化之间的冲突,也使青少年"在家教育"的未来发展充满变数。  相似文献   

The authors surveyed 243 urban public university students who were born in the United States, China, and India to compare the health beliefs of the China-born, India-born, and US-born students. Although the China- and India-born students shared beliefs in many preventive and therapeutic practices of Western medicine with the US-born students, they retained some of their traditional health beliefs. This suggests that student health service clinicians should assess students' cultural beliefs and individualize healthcare for students from different countries.  相似文献   


The authors surveyed 243 urban public university students who were born in the United States, China, and India to compare the health beliefs of the China-born, India-born, and US-born students. Although the China- and India-born students shared beliefs in many preventive and therapeutic practices of Western medicine with the US-born students, they retained some of their traditional health beliefs. This suggests that student health service clinicians should assess students' cultural beliefs and individualize healthcare for students from different countries  相似文献   


Using a 1978 national Gallup poll, we test the hypothesis that social marginality is a predictor of belief in paranormal phenomena. Being female and not being married generally correlate as hypothesized with paranormal belief, but age, low education, being Black, and being unemployed generally do not. The marginality hypothesis has a questionable theoretical foundation and fails to predict a variety of beliefs consistently.  相似文献   

The gender paradox in mortality--where men die earlier than women despite having more socioeconomic resources--may be partly explained by men's lower levels of preventive health care. Stereotypical notions of masculinity reduce preventive health care; however, the relationship between masculinity, socioeconomic status (SES), and preventive health care is unknown. Using the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, the authors conduct a population-based assessment of masculinity beliefs and preventive health care, including whether these relationships vary by SES. The results show that men with strong masculinity beliefs are half as likely as men with more moderate masculinity beliefs to receive preventive care. Furthermore, in contrast to the well-established SES gradient in health, men with strong masculinity beliefs do not benefit from higher education and their probability of obtaining preventive health care decreases as their occupational status, wealth, and/or income increases. Masculinity may be a partial explanation for the paradox of men's lower life expectancy, despite their higher SES.  相似文献   

Belief in angels and their intervention in the material world is prevalent in the United States. Theoretically, the concept of folk religion offers an instructive lens into the popularity of these beliefs, which exist inside, outside, and across official religious doctrines, and are therefore able to transcend the boundaries of specific religious traditions by appealing to a diverse array of believers. Empirical analyses from a recent national survey support the application of the concept of folk religion, demonstrating that these beliefs are present in substantial proportions across disparate subgroups. Belief in angelic intervention is prevalent among conservative and “mainline” Protestants, Catholics, those with high levels of conventional religious practice, biblical literalists, and even those who strongly believe in “paranormal” phenomena such as Bigfoot and ESP. Belief in angels and claims of angelic protection provide compelling and flexible narratives, ready cognitive attributions, and emotional comfort. Consequently, these views have strong memetic appeal and are transposable into multifarious subcultures.  相似文献   

This study analyses lay understandings of health among Dai Lue, an ethnic minority in China, and how they are played out in help-seeking practices. Interviews and focus groups with sixty-three rural villagers in Xishuangbanna, southwest China revealed that health was largely interpreted as a social experience embedded in Dai Lue culture and ethnicity. Salient to this interpretation was family, community connectedness and Dai Lue ceremonies and festivals, as well as connections with a socio-political context. Ethnicity and ‘othering’ was an important thread running through their lay health beliefs, especially distinctions between Dai and Han. The health research, policy and practice implications of the findings are also discussed, and are likely to be applicable to other ethnic minorities in China.  相似文献   

Attitudes and beliefs of health care providers, in conjunction with a nonthreatening physical environment, are important components in establishing a constructive and supportive climate for care of overweight and obese students. Objective: The authors explored providers' attitudes about obesity and assessed the physical environment in a student health clinic to identify areas that may be detrimental to the care of overweight and obese students. Participants: Eighteen direct care providers participated in the project. Methods: The authors conducted focus groups with direct care providers and assessed their experiences and perceived challenges in working with overweight and obese students. The authors also conducted a walk-through assessment of the physical environment. Results: Direct care providers expressed discomfort in deciding how and when to discuss weight with students. The authors found that elements of the physical environment could present barriers to care for overweight and obese students. Conclusions: The authors make recommendations for improving the health care climate for overweight and obese students.  相似文献   


The present study draws on a large survey of 16,581 13- to 15-year-old girls representative of the school population in England and Wales to examine the power of family denominational affiliation to predict the adolescent world view. World view was illustrated by reference to nine areas: personal well-being, worries, counseling, school, social concern, religious beliefs, paranormal beliefs, sexual morality, and attitudes toward substances. Comparisons were made between those who claimed no religious affiliation and those who claimed affiliation as Anglicans, Roman Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, and Jehovah's Witnesses. The data demonstrated that each of these seven denominational groups offered a distinctive profile in areas of personal and social importance. These findings were interpreted as offering support for views advanced in Canada by Bibby, in Australia by Bouma, and in the United Kingdom by Fane regarding the continuing social significance of religious and denominational affiliation and as offering critique of the British Government's decision not to include denominational subdivision of the Christian category within the 2001 census conducted in England and Wales.  相似文献   

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