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伤残农民工:无法被赋权的群体   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
郑广怀 《社会学研究》2005,20(3):99-118
目前,针对农民工的各种法律和政策保护越来越完善,但与此同时,农民工,尤其是伤残农民工的处境却依然不利。本文认为造成伤残农民工权益保护制度悖论的原因在于伤残农民工的维权道路上存在着一个与赋权完全相反的剥权的过程。剥权主要表现为制度运作实践中形成的制度连接机制。本文主要分析了资本和地方权力体系在制度运作实践中形成的去合法性、增大维权成本、对制度的选择性利用和弱化社会支持四种制度连接机制。  相似文献   

【本刊讯】去年,海南省各级人社部门立案查处欠薪案件1638起,为3.1万多名农民工补发工资4亿多元。海南省人社部门主动加强与公、检、法等部门的联系,通过联动执法,加大力度打击涉嫌拒不支付劳动报酬的违法犯罪行为。海南省人社部门共向公安机关移送涉嫌拒不支付劳动报酬的犯罪案件19宗,涉及欠薪金额2087.44万元。  相似文献   

作为职业联赛以来的旗帜性人物,郝海东是足坛闻名的一尊大炮,屡屡发出惊人之语,在电视台做嘉宾时,被问到“中国足球是否真的存在欠薪现象”时,他瞪大了双眼表示,中国足球的欠薪现象不是存在不存在的问题,而是“太严重了”。他说:“有些中国球员的处境就像手拿一堆白条的农民工一样,他们往往踢了几个月甚至一年的球,却拿不到应得的薪水!”  相似文献   

周斌 《职业》2007,(4):34
作为职业联赛以来的旗帜性人物,郝海东是足坛闻名的一尊大炮,屡屡发出惊人之语.在电视台做嘉宾时被问到"中国足球是否真的存在欠薪现象"时,他瞪大了双眼表示,中国足球的欠薪现象不是存在不存在的问题,而是"太严重了".他说:"有些中国球员的处境就像手拿一堆白条的农民工一样,他们往往踢了几个月甚至一年的球,却拿不到应得的薪水!"  相似文献   

近年来,农民工为争取自己合法利益的抗争行为不断增长,他们或者采取体制内投诉的方式,或者采取体制外集体行动的方式,但也有相当一些农民工保持沉默。本文试图探讨是什么因素影响农民工在利益抗争方式上的选择。从整体上讲,农民工的相对剥夺感、对劳动法的认知水平、社会网络规模和企业集体宿舍制度对其利益抗争行为有影响。但是在投诉和集体行动的方式选择上,影响因素表现出差别,教育和网络对投诉有更显著的影响,企业集体宿舍制度对集体行动有更显著影响,但企业所有制对减少农民工在企业外部展开利益抗争,或者在引导农民工用体制内方式解决利益纠纷问题上没有显著性影响。加快劳工组织建设,降低利益诉求成本,推进劳资关系的制度化,是提高农民工利益博弈能力、增加利益抗争的理性化程度、将利益抗争行为纳入制度表达内的前提。  相似文献   

农民工医疗保险的支付方式是医疗保险体制改革的重点与难点.医疗消费的质和量主要由医疗服务提供方决定,而医疗保险机构对医疗服务提供方的控制又是通过选择合理的医疗费用支付方式实现的.因此,医疗保险支付方式便成了控制费用的关键.农民工医疗保险支付方式亟待调查研究.  相似文献   

刘梦琴  傅晨 《城市观察》2013,26(4):136-145
本文研究城市农民工的住房问题和改革政策。农民工住房问题的制度根源是城乡二元住房制度改革滞后。农民工住房问题主要表现为绝大多数农民工无力在城市购买住房以及住房质量和居住环境较差。住房问题对农民工市民化具有严重的负面影响,住房房租支出比重偏高削弱了农民工的经济收入,居住质量差阻碍了农民工思想观念和行为方式的市民化,居住边缘化造成严重的社会隔阂对立。本文分析了广东省农民工住房政策和实施情况,提出深化改革的建议。  相似文献   

我国50岁以上的“高龄”与“超龄”农民工达5600万。农民工“退休”后的养老困局是一个社会问题。此前,因欠薪、工作环境差等问题突出,养老困局未得到普遍重视,而随着农民工年龄的递增,第一代农民工“退休”后的养老问题将会日益凸显,而30年来农民工福利拖欠累积的问题,将在5年内集中爆发。  相似文献   

郑年栋 《城市》2007,(5):63-65
建筑业用工制度改革的目的在于建立能够满足弹性需求的劳务队伍.针对目前成建制劳务用工模式尚处于起步阶段的现状,现阶段劳务用工组织形式改革的重点应当是大力收编、改造非成建制劳务队伍,发展、壮大建筑劳务分包企业,推广建立成建制的劳务用工模式.  相似文献   

“农民工”:制度安排与身份认同   总被引:121,自引:0,他引:121  
本研究从“市民权”概念入手,探讨乡城迁移人员成为“非市民”的制度背景和身份建构机制。笔者认为对既有户籍制度的政府需要是户籍制度及“农民工”制度长期被维持的基本背景。而目前中央政府的放责放权与地方城市政府的自利自保倾向并不利于“农民工权益问题”的真正解决。与此同时,作为中国社会中的第三种身份,“农民工”的被建构和被广泛认同,既构成了现有“农民工”制度的合法性基础,也影响了乡城迁移者的权利意识和利益表达行动  相似文献   

In 1969 and 1972 Australia adopted a highly distinctive approach to equal pay. Its unusual characteristic lay in its incorporation in Australia's system of wage determination. This reform was advantageous to women in paid work but key ambiguities emerged as to how the right to equal pay would be claimed in areas of highly feminized work. In 1993 the right to equal pay was introduced in statute and conjoined to a test of sex discrimination, a construction that was ineffective, particularly in the context of a decentralizing wages system. State jurisdictions in Australia developed innovative responses to this impasse that were founded on the concept of undervaluation. These approaches addressed a persistent flaw in rights‐based approaches, the requirement for women to demonstrate they are the same as men to claim equality. These approaches, although currently proscribed, demonstrated that particular constructions of rights‐based discourses can be effective if connected to the underlying dynamics of gender pay inequity and grounded in the instruments of industry and minimum wage determination.  相似文献   

With the March 2010 passage of the health care reform law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the U.S Congress completely transformed the health care industry and fundamentally altered how hospitals will deliver and receive payment for care. The purpose of this article is to examine the provisions of the Affordable Care Act and its significance for behavioral healthcare. Key components of health care reform ( i.e., measuring and benchmarking quality patient care outcomes; payment reform; and the reorganization of the health care delivery system to ensure accountable, accessible, patient-centred, coordinated care) are reviewed with regard to their impact on behavioral health. The challenges, opportunities, and implications of health care reform are examined for the nursing field in general and psychiatric nursing practice specifically.  相似文献   

This article studies the payment of wages to castle slaves at Cape Coast Castle (in current-day Ghana) in the eighteenth century. A quantitative estimate shows that the wages paid to these slaves were considerably higher than subsistence costs. A large sample of wage payments is also used in order to analyse statistically the existing wage differentials among the slaves. The results indicate that a complex wage structure had been developed in order to incentivize the slaves to work and to foster loyalty towards the slaveholder.  相似文献   

上海文化体制改革在取得巨大成效的同时,也有自身的困境和难点,如文化建设目标不明确带来文化自信不足、文化观念上的束缚带来改革力度上的不足、计划经济时代的管理体制难以适应市场经济的发展等。当前文化体制改革突破口与对策,在于实施大部制、进一步理顺体制机制、建立新型宏观文化管理体制,以产权制度改革为重点建立现代企业法人制度和合格市场主体等一系列措施。  相似文献   

Labor relations in the Arizona construction industry provide an interesting and informative case study of what occurs when unions push costs beyond what the market will bear. The industry was highly unionized, even including the homebuilding sector, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when a series of strikes and major wage and benefit increases led one sector after another in the industry to turn to open-shop contractors. The construction unions and unionized contractors attempted to counter this move by agreeing to wage, benefit, and rule concessions, but the trend to open-shop work continued. Currently, the unions control only a small segment of the work with little prospect of improvement. Although special factors may have reduced union power more in the Arizona construction industry than nationally, developments in this state do indicate a probable decline in the national union share of work beyond what was found in the 1984 nationwide study. Professor Emeritus of Management; former Director, Industrial Research Unit and Chairman, Labor Relations Council. David O. Northrup processed the Dodge data and constructed the tables.  相似文献   

祝碧青 《职业时空》2012,(1):101-103
由于我国旅游高职教育起步比较晚,因而旅游高职专业建设还不可避免地存在着诸多问题,尤其是在专业课程体系的构建方面还须加大改革和建设的力度,重点是围绕旅游人才培养目标,积极地与行业企业合作开发课程,根据技术领域和职业岗位(群)的任职要求,参照相关的职业资格标准改革课程体系和教学内容,同时也要重视课程体系构建中的一些配套改革与建设。  相似文献   

In the Winter 1999 issue of the Journal of Labor Research (“Prevailing Wage Laws and Black Employment in the Construction Industry”), I reported a significant inverse relationship between the strength of states’ prevailing wage laws and the prospects for black employment in the construction industry. My conclusions are challenged by Azari-Rad and Philips in “ Race and Prevailing Wage Laws in the Construction Industry,” in this issue. This reply responds with new evidence reinforcing the previously asserted relationship: black employment ratios in construction are better in states that don’t have prevailing wage laws than in states that do, and they lessen as the strength of those laws increase. Furthermore, prevailing wage law repeal has apparently benefited black employment opportunities in the construction industries of the states where it has occurred.  相似文献   

上海首批服务业综合改革试点工作取得了显著成效,但也面临着困境。为了加快构筑以服务经济为主的产业结构、加快完善与国际接轨的服务经济制度,上海亟需在首批服务业综合改革试点工作的基础上,开展新一轮的服务业综合改革试点,实现"以点上的探索突破,带动面上的创新发展"。同时,为了深入推进服务业综合改革试点,上海需强化服务业综合改革试点工作的总体指导;建立全市层面的服务业综合改革的评价考核机制;完善服务业综合改革试点单位的申报和淘汰机制;对服务业综合改革试点单位给予权限下放或政策倾斜;总结服务业综合改革试点的创新经验,开展第二批试点工作。  相似文献   

推进城镇化健康发展须处理好:非农产业与人口集聚的关系;非农产业发展、人口集聚与城市基础设施建设的关系;人口集聚与公共服务提供的关系;城市化与生态环境的关系;城镇建设中规模、结构和质量的关系。实现城镇化的健康发展,关键是要在正确认识城镇化本质、内涵和基本要求的基础上深化改革,构筑有利于新型城镇化发展的体制机制,最主要的是推进4个方面的改革:规划制定、土地制度、户籍制度、城乡统一市场建设。  相似文献   

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