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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
Book reviewed in this article:
Sudman, Seymour. Applied Sampling.
Rosander, A. C. Case Studies in Sample Design.
Linnik, Yu. V. Problems of Analytical Statistics.
Owen, D. B. (Ed.). On the History of Statistics and Probability.
Kashyap, R. L. and Rao, A. Ramachandra. Dynamic Stochastic Models from Empirical Data.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Pollard, A. H. A Service Course in Statistics.
Penǵ, K. C. The Design and Analysis of Scientijic Experiments.
Neyman, J. A Selection of Early Statistical Papers of J. Neyman.
Chiang, C. L. Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Biostatistics.
Jenkins, G. M., and Watts, D. G. Spectral Analysis and its Applications.
Harris, Bernard (Editor). Spectral Analysis of Time Serie. Proceedings of an Advanced Seminar conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, U.S. Army, and the Statistics Department at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 3–5, 1966.
Sarkadi, K., and Vincze, I. (Eds.). Studies in Mathematical Statistics: Theory and Applications.
Pearson, Karl (Ed.). Tables of the Incomplete Beta-Function (with a new Introduction by E. S. Pearson and N. L. Johnson).
Kendall, M. G., and Doiǵ, A. G. Bibliography of Statistical Literature: pre-1940 with supplements to the volumes for 1940-49 and 1950-58.
Albert, A. E., and Gardner, L. A., Jr. Stochastic Approximation and Nonlinear Regression.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
von Holstein, Carl-Axel S. Staël (Ed.). The Concept of Probability in Psychological Experiments.
Lainiotis, Demetrios, G. (Ed). Estimation Theory.
Karlin, S. and Taylor, H. M. A First Course in Stochastic Processes.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Anderson, T. W., Das Gupta, S., and Styan, G. P. H. A Bibliography of Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Dall'Aglio, Giorgio (Ed.). Studi di Probabilitá, Statistica e Ricerca Operativa in Onore di Giuseppe Pompilj . Tipografia Oderisi
Koosis, Donald J. Statistics
Sutcliffe, J.P. (Ed.) . Mathematics in the Social Sciences in Australia: an Australian Unesco Seminar
Gnedenko, B. W., and Kovalenko, I. N. Einfürhrung in die Bedienungstheorie
Gray, H. L., and Schucany, W. R. The Generalized Jacknife Statistic
Mitchell, G. H. Operational Research: techniques and Examples .
Bennett, J. H. (Ed.). Collected Papers of R. A. Fisher , Volume I.
Bhat, U. N. Elements of Applied Stochastic Processes .
Wonnacott, T. H., and Wonnacott, R. J. Introductory Statistics .
Federer, Walter T., and Balaam, Leslie N. Bibliography on Experiment and Treatment Design Pre-1968 .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Hájek, J., and Sidák, Z. Theory of Rank Tests.
Dynkin, E. B., and Yushkevich, A. A. Theorems and Problems on Markov Processes (Russian).
Chover, J. (Ed.). Markov Processes and Potential Theory. Proceedings of an Advanced Symposium conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, United States Army, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, May 1–3, 1967.
Murthy, M. N. Sampling Methods and Theory.
Sudman, S. Reducing the Cost of Surveys.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
1. Aitken, C. G. G. Statistics and the Evaluation of Evidence for Forensic Scientists, p. 155
2. Bartholomew, D. J. Uncertain Belief: Is it Rational to be a Christian?, p. 156
3. Conolly, B. and Vajda, S. A Mathematical Kaleidoscope: Applications in Industry, Business and Science, p. 157
4. Dorling, D. A New Social Atlas of Britain, p. 157
5. Fleming, M. C. and Nellis, J. G. International Statistics Sources: Subject Guide to Sources of International Comparative Statistics, vols 1, 2, p. 158
6. Gilks, W. R., Richardson, S. and Spiegelhalter, D. J. ( eds ) Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice, p. 158
7. Glasserman, P. and Yao, D. D. Monotone Structure in Discrete Event Systems, p. 159
8. Hernández-Lerna, O. and Lasserre, J. B. Discrete-time Controlled Markov Processes: Basic Optimality Criteria, p. 160
9. Marcoulides, G. A. and Schumacker, R. E. ( eds ) Advanced Structural Equation Modelling: Issues and Techniques, p. 161
10. Rao, C. R. and Toutenberg, H. Linear Models: Least Squares and Alternatives, p. 162
11. Smithers, G. Advanced Modular Mathematics: Pure Mathematics 1; Westover, G. Advanced Modular Mathematics: Statistics 1, p. 163
12. Wickens, T. D. The Geometry of Multivariate Statistics, p. 164  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Martingale Limit Theory and its Application . By P. Hall and C. C. Heyde.
The Geometry of Random Fields . By Robert J. Adler. Chichester: John Wiley.
Finite Mixture Distriiutions . By B. S. Everitt and D. J. Hand
Time Series Models . By A. C. Harvey.
Statistics for Biologists . By D. J. Finney.
Intermediate Statistical Methods. By G. B. Wetherill.
Statistical Methods in Cancer Research. Vol. 1. The Analysis of Case-Control Studies. By N. E. Breslow and N. E. Day.
Sampling Methods for Censuses and Surveys. By Frank Yates, F.R.S. High Wycombe: Griffin.
Statistical Theory of Sampling Inspection by Atbniutes. By A. Hald.
Time Series Analysis. Edited by 0. D. Anderson and M. R. Perryman.
Bayesian Statistics. Proceedings of the First International Meeting held in Valencia (Spain), May 28 to June 2, 1979. Edited by J. M. Bernardo, M. H. De Groot, D. V. Lindley and A. F. M. Smith.
The Theory and Practice of Econometrics. By George G. Judge, WiUiam E. Griffths, R. Carter Hill and Tsoung-Chao Lee.
Social Measurement and Social Indicators: Issues of Policy and Theory. By Michael Carley.
Multiple Attriiute Decision Making. By Ching-Lai Hwang and Kwangsun Yoon. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. Springer-Verlag.
Characterization of Optimal Strategies in Dynamic Games. By L. P. J. Groenewegen.
Redundancy and Linear Programs. By J. Telgen.
Matrix Derivatives. By Gerald S. Rogers.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Fraser, D. A. S. The Structure of Inference.
Yeomans, K. A. Introducing Statistics.
Yeomans, K. A. Applied Statistics.
Menges, Professor Dr. Günter, with the assistance of Dipl.-Volkswirt Bernd Leiner. Bibliography of Statistical Decision Theory 1950–1967.
Japan: Statistical Yearbook, 1967.
Benjamin, Bernard. Demographic Analysis.
Bugg, D. D., Henderson, M. A., Holden, K., and Lund, P. J. Statistical Methods in the Social Sciences.
Riordan, John. Combinatorial Identities.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Smith, W. L., and Wilkinson, J. H. (Editors). Proceedings of the Symposium on Congestion Theory, held at the University of North Carolina 1964.
Rao, C. R. (Editor). Contributionns to Statistics
Kendall, M. G., and Doig, Alison G. Bibliography of Statistical Literature, 1940–1949 Oliver & Boyd.
Guttman, I., and Wilks, S. S. Introductory Engineering Statistios.
Brunk, H. D. An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics.
Wetherill, G. Barrie. Sequential Metho& in Statistics.
Neveu, J. Mathematical Foundations of the Calculus of Probability.
Skorokhod, A. V. Studies in the Theory of Random Processes.
Goodwin, Crawford D. W. Economic Enquiry in Australia.
Krickeberg, K. Probability Theory.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Cox, D. R. and Hinkley, D. V. Theoretical Statistics.
Goel, N. S. and Richter-Dyn, N. Stochastic Models in Biology.
Maistrov, I. Probability Theory: A Historical Sketch.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Robust Estimation and Testing. By R.G. Staudte and S.J. Sheather.
Survey Sampling Principles. By E.K. Foreman
Evaluation and Control of Measurements. By John Mandel.
Statistical Problem Solving. By Wendell E. Carr.
Computer-Interactive Data Analysis. By A.D. Lunn and D.R. McNeil.
Randomization and Monte Carlo Methods in Biology. By B.F.J. Manly.
Probability—The Mathematics of Uncertainty. By Dorian Feldman and Martin Fox.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Cox, D. R., and Lewis, P. A. W. The Statistical Analysis of Series of Events.
Rao, C. Radhakrishna. Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications.
Bennett, B. M., and Horst, C. Supplement to Tables for Testing Significance in a 2 × 2 Contingency Table.
Huitson, A. The Analysis of Variance.
Moran, P. A. P., and Smith, C. A. B. The Correlation between Relatives on the Supposition of Mendelian Inheritance.
Searle, S. R. Matrix Algebra for the Biological Sciences.
Feller, W. An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications.
Ashton, Winifred D. The Theory of Road Traffic Flow.
Kemeny, J. G., Snell, J. L., and Thompson, G. L. Introduction to Finite Mathematics.
Coale, A. J., and Demeny, P. Regional Model Life Tables and Stable Populations.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Sample Surveys Principles and Methods. By V. Barnett.
Statistical Reasoning with Imprecise Probabilities , By Peter Walley.
Log-Linear Models. By Ronald Christensen.
Basic Statistics for Laboratories: A Primer for Laboratory Workers. By W.D. Kelley, T.A. Ratcliff, Jr. and C. Nenadic.
Truncated and Censored Samples: Theory and Applications. By A. Clifford Cohen.
Statistics in Plain English With Computer Applications. By Robert S. Schulman.
Essentials of Statistical Methods, in 41 Pages. By T.P. Hutchinson.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Nixon, J. W. Glossary of Terms in Official Statistics.
Deming, W. Edwards. Statistical Adjustmemt of Data.
Bloemena, A. R. Sampling from a Graph.
Patil, G. P., Kamat, A. R., and Wani, J. K. Certain Studies of the Logarithmic Series Distribution and Related Tables.
Lindley, D. B. Introduction to Probability and Statistics.
Brownlee, K. A. Statistical Theory arrd Methodology in Science and Engineering.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Kendall, M.G., and Moran, P.A.P. Geometrical Probability.
Palmer, George. A Guide to Australian Economic Statistics.
Finney, D. J., Latscha, R., Bennett, B. M., and Hsu, P. Tables for Testiny Significance in a 2 × 2 Contingency Table.
Otto, Edward. Nomogruphy. Translated by Janina Smolska.
David, H. A. The Method of Paired Comparisons.
Tauber, M. F. Resources of Australian Libraries.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Design and Analysis of Sequential Clinical Trials. By John Whitehead.
Some Large Deviation Results in Statistics. By A. D. M. Kester.
Survey Design and Analysis. By F. R. Jolliffe.
Statistical Inference Based on Ranks. By T. P. Hettmansperger.
Methodological Issues For Health Care Surveys. By Brenda G. Cox and Steven B. Cohen.
Probability Theory and Applications. By Enders A. Robinson.
Design and Analysis of Experiments. By Roger G. Petersen.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Common Errors in Statistics (and How to Avoid Them). 2d Edition Philip I. Good and James W. Hardin
Statistical thinking in busineess, 2nd Edition J Bobe E J A John, D Whitaker & D G Johnson
Mathematical Statistics with Applications. A S Kapadia, W Chan and L Moyé
The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics. 3rd Edition. B. S. Everitt
The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms. 6th edition Y. Dodge  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Clinical Trials . By D. Schwartz, R. Flamant and J. Lellouch
Survival Models and Data Analysis . By Regina C. Elandt-Johnson and Norman L. Johnson.
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes . By I. V. Basawa and B. L. S. Prakasa Rao.
Time Series: Data Analysis and Theory . (Expanded Edition). By David R. Brillinger.
Nonparametric Sequential Selection Procedures . By H. Biiringer, H. Martin and K.-H. Schriever.
Statistical Methods. (7th Edition) . By G. W. Snedecor and W. G. Cochran.
Statistical Analysis of Weather Modification Experiments . By Edward J. Wegman and Douglas J. DePriest.
Multicomponent Random Systems . Edited by R. L. Dobrushin and Ya. G. Sinai.
Proceedings of the Second Pragae Symposium on Asymptotic Statistics . Edited by Peter Mandl and Marie HuSkovi.
Jacob Wolfowitz: Selected Papers . Edited by J. Kiefer.
Introduction to Multivariate Analysis . By C. Chatfield and A. J. Collins.
Elements of Statistical Analysis . By Hans W. Gottinger.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Mendel, G. Experiments in Plant Hybridisation.
David, F. N., Kendall, M. G., and Barton, D. E. Symmetric Function and Allied Tables.
Van Berckel, J. A. Th. M., Brandt Corstius, H., Mokken, R. J., and Van Wijngaarden, A. Formal Properties of Newspaper Dutch.
Thorp, E. O. Elementary Probability.
Mode, E. B. Elements of Probability and Statistics.
Lee, A. M. Applied Queuing Theory.
Meyer, P. A. Probability and Potentials.
Eilon, S., Hall, R. I., and King, J. R. Exercises in Industrial Management.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Finite Algorithms in Optimization and Data Analysis. By M. R. Osborne.
DATA: A Collection of Problems from Many Fields for the Student and Research Worker. By D. F. Andrews and A. M. Herzberg.
Convergence of Stochastic Processes. By David Pollard.
Statistics for Toxicologists. By David S. Salsburg.
Statistical Inference in Linear Models. By Helga and Olaf Bunke
Introduction to Variance Estimation. By Kirk M. Wolter.  相似文献   

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