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姚中秋 《社会》2014,34(3):145-162
本文基于中国的历史经验和儒家理念,重新思考公共生活与公民概念。在西方,无论在历史中还是在理论中,公共生活的基本载体都是城邦,这是一个点状的政治共同体。不过,至少从尧舜开始,自觉的中国就呈现为超大规模的文明与政治共同体,由此也决定了中国的公共生活形态和公民身份与西方不同:中国存在着多中心、多层级的公共生活单元;所有人在不同层级上参与公共生活,多少都具有公民性;作为积极公民的古典君子或者儒家士君子的公民身份是多层次和可扩展的,是真正的国家公民。这一中国经验提醒我们,应该超越基于西方经验形成的关于公共生活和公民的地方性概念和理论,发展更为普遍的共同体、公共生活和公民理论。  相似文献   

公民意识是公民对政治生活领域公民身份及其权利义务的主观反映,其特性随着个体与共同体关系变迁而变迁:希腊城邦富有参与精神和公共责任意识,但缺乏独立自由观念;古罗马帝国消极服从、追求和平与稳定,但缺乏参与意识和公共美德;现代民族国家富有独立自主、自由、平等和权利意识,但沉迷于个人自由和疏于参与;全球化时代全球公民意识萌芽和发展,但目前依然以民族国家公民意识为主导意识.不同历史阶段公民意识所呈现出的变化和差异是公民身份制度变迁的主观体现,取决于人类物质生产水平和社会交往方式的变迁,是人类主体性发展的历史体现.  相似文献   

唐玉 《浙江学刊》2007,(6):140-143
公民身份是政治哲学中的一个基本问题,西方历史上共和主义传统与自由派传统基于不同的自由概念而凸显出了不同的公民观,贡斯当与伯林分别对此进行了"古代人的政治自由"与"现代人的个人自由"以及"积极自由"与"消极自由"的二分,这样公民身份问题也就在这种二分法的基本框架中得以展开。社群主义的崛起虽然实现了政治哲学中心向共同体和成员资格的转变,但同时也强化了公民身份的二元对峙。而晚近以来的"公民资格"理论是对自由主义的个人主义和社群主义的集体主义之间对立的一种超越,它把自由主义对正义的要求和共同体成员资格的要求整合到一起,也是对两种公民观的一种综合与超越。  相似文献   

马俊峰 《阅江学刊》2014,(5):101-106
生活世界开启了人类活动的空间,同样它以自身的整体性纠正着人类前行道路的偏差,它使得人们在社会之中建构的各种权利获得了合法性和合理性支撑,同样,它促使人们认识到,对共同体的忠诚是公民履行自己的义务和责任,人类必须对生活世界或者栖息之地有归属感和认同感,对自己生活的共同体应该负有责任感,正是这种责任促使人们产生一种生态公民身份,以便人们更好地处理人对自然关系,达到人与自然和谐相处。  相似文献   

郭台辉 《社会》2013,33(5):1-28
关键词:公民身份认同公民身份认同合法化构建的拒斥性的重新规划的  相似文献   

在现代政治中,民族共同体的想象总是和国家建构关联在一起。不同的精英主体有不同的共同体想象。不同的共同体想象,即关于民族不同的认知孕育不同的民族主义。精英主张的不同民族主义影响国家建构方式的选择。本文通过梳理既有文献指出,不同的精英在具体的社会政治环境中主张不同的民族主义,即排他性的族群民族主义和包容性的公民民族主义。在国家建构问题上,族群民族主义强调同一国家的成员必须具有共同的祖先;公民民族主义则强调包容,主张国家是所有公民的集体财产。  相似文献   

黑格尔所论述的国家是作为理念意义上的理想类型的国家,即国家是伦理普遍性和单一性的统一,是作为伦理共同体与公民这一伦理主体之间的统一,是具有伦理实体和伦理精神的伦理共同体.国家共同体是由国家公民组成的,公民是伦理主体,公民与国家之间的关系是伦理主体与伦理共同体之间的关系.黑格尔的公民与国家关系理论,对于当代中国现代国家理念的确立和国家制度的建设,对于公民意识教育和公民社会建设,对于提升公民对国家信任感和依赖感,促使公民自觉承担国家责任、履行法律义务等,具有重要的启迪意义和价值.  相似文献   

西方的公民身份研究在过去一二十年间出现了由政治—法律维度向文化维度转向的趋势。文化公民身份研究强调,仅仅把公民身份理解为政治—法律意义上的成员资格,就排斥了文化非主流群体,恰恰违背了公民身份的包容理念。但是,这种把各种文化群体整合进一个共同体中的努力势必会因群体的文化差异而导致冲突,因此,寻找超越所有文化之上的一种新的文化便成了文化公民身份理论家奋力努力的方向。理论家们建议,应该通过广义的教育,在公民中发展出一种以反思和沟通为根本的、开放性的公共领域和公共文化。文化公民身份探讨的最终目的在于通过一场基于教育的漫长革命,最终摈弃资本主义,建立伦理社会主义;以互联网等新媒体为特征的文化全球化浪潮给这场革命提供了条件和机会。文化公民身份理论的发展理念为新的认识和研究指明了一个重视公民主体性和人类关系的新方向。  相似文献   

在我国社会向市场经济转变的过程中,一个历史性的转变正在发生,那就是由传统的身份社会、级别社会向现代职业社会迈进。 在我国,新中国成立后,宪法明确规定“中华人民共和国公民在法律面前一律平等,任何公民享有宪法和法律规定的各种权利。同时,必须履行宪法和法律规定的义务。”因而从法律意义上讲,等级身份不复存在。然而,在我们的社会生活中,一些具有“非正式身份”的人依然活跃在社会的各个领域,享受着种种由国家政策规定的某些特殊权利,在实际上形成了不同的身份、等级群体。例如户籍身份、干群身份、固定工、临时工身份等。在以往相当长的一  相似文献   

公民身份的首要本质是“认同”与“公民德性”。公民德性的塑造与培养为我国当下生成法治秩序、保证公共安全提供根本性支撑,而个体认同与身份归属是公民德性建构的理论前设。其中,本体论前提是尊重个体道德地位与内在价值,故首先要维护公民自主性与个体自由的实现。这里,自主等同于个人自律,要求公民按照批判性评价及理性整合之后的价值、理想去行动;而人与人之间的相互依赖决定了重建社会团结关键在于复兴个人对他人和社会的责任感、修复公民对团体和社群的价值认同,但慈善与志愿仍限于公民自愿的选择,并且在认可公民不参与政治公共生活自由的同时,提倡和鼓励公民积极参与社区和公共审议;最后,个人自主预设了竞争性多元主义的正当性,这为宽容原则提供了论证依据,宽容是包含着尊重的一种肯定性的包容,其中尊重基本人权与合乎理性是宽容的基础和底线。公民德性的塑造需要在生活世界中完成,而共同体的形成和凝聚则需要社会信任和公民礼仪。  相似文献   

魏光启 《太平洋学报》2010,18(12):36-44
尽管中等国家的概念内涵存在争议,但是它们在国际社会中的地位、利益、共有观念和认同等使其成为塑造全球多边治理的重要力量。中等国家可根据不同情势,灵活选择个体主义、社会交往及制度主义方式中的一种或多种,旨在实现全球多边治理的系列目标和努力提升它们在国际舞台上的话语权和影响力。从现实层面来看,多边主义是中等国家在准确定位自身能力之后而形成的"利他"与"利己"彼此交错的优先选择,但这种选择面临着巨大的挑战。  相似文献   

Objective. How do individuals of Asian descent in the United States identify themselves in ethnic terms and why? The purpose of this research is to map the contours of ethnic self‐identities among Asian adults and explain their identity preferences in this immigrant community of color. Methods. We analyze a new and large‐scale survey that collected public opinion from randomly selected individuals of the six largest Asian American descents who resided in five major metropolitan areas in 2000–2001. Results. We find that two‐thirds of the respondents prefer to identify themselves in ethnic‐specific modes. Although only one in six respondents preferred to identify themselves as “Asian American,” close to six in ten respondents indicated acceptance to this panethnic term as part of their identification. Using multinomial regression analysis, we show that indicators of primordial ties and prior socialization, in addition to cultural, social, and political integration, are instrumental in structuring ethnic identity preferences among Asian Americans. Conclusions. Our results confirm ethnic identity as a fluid, malleable, and layered phenomenon that depends on context. Our findings also highlight the need for reconsideration and expansion of the extant conceptual frameworks on studying ethnic identity formation for a nonwhite, multiethnic, multilingual, and globally connected population.  相似文献   

跨文化交际中文化身份的心理认知   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王佳英 《学术交流》2006,(6):172-174
交际主体在跨文化交际中代表的是本民族文化,即文化身份不同。各民族文化既各具特色,又需要在多元文化共存的态势下谋求共同发展。根据跨文化心理学“人类心理统一性”的理论,交际主体在跨文化交际过程中有意识或无意识地遵循着同样的心路历程:文化身份认知、文化移情和文化整合。  相似文献   

To understand themselves as playing a social role, individuals must understand themselves to be contributing to a cooperative endeavor. Psychologically, the form of cooperation required is a specific type that only humans may possess, namely, one in which individuals form a joint or collective agency to pursue a common end. This begins ontogenetically not with the societal level but rather with more local collaboration between individuals. Participating in collaborative endeavors of this type leads young children, cognitively, to think in terms of different perspectives on a joint focus of attention - including ultimately an objective perspective - and to organize their experience in terms of a relational-thematic-narrative dimension. Socially, such participation leads young children to an understanding of self-other equivalence with mutual respect among collaborative partners and, ultimately, to a normative (i.e. moral) stance toward “we” in the community within which one is forming a moral role or identity. The dual-level structure of shared endeavors/realities with individual roles/perspectives is responsible for many aspects of the human species' most distinctive psychology.  相似文献   

Most empirical work that examines the effects of stereotypes on targets considers only one of a target's many social identities. This study examined how individuals implicitly affectively orient themselves toward their social identities in situations in which one or another of these identities is relatively adaptive. An adaptive identity is one associated with stereotypes that predict desirable performance in a given context. One hundred and twenty-one Asian American females generated ethnicity- and gender-related memories in contexts in which their gender identity was relatively adaptive, their ethnic identity was relatively adaptive, or neither identity was relatively adaptive. Self-reported affect expressed in these memories was analyzed. In a context in which their ethnic identity was adaptive, participants generated more positive ethnicity-related memories than gender-related memories. In contrast, in a context in which their gender identity was adaptive, participants generated more positive gender-related memories than ethnicity-related memories. When neither identity was adaptive participants expressed similar affect toward both. Similar results were found when blind raters coded memory affect. Findings suggest that stereotypes and different social contexts do not simply result in targets' "identification" or "disidentification" along a single dimension of identity, but rather prompt a reorientation of implicit affect across their multiple identities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which two waves of Croatian migrants in Western Australia have constructed their ethnic/national identity following migration. These two waves – the first took place during the 1960s and the early 1970s and the second in the late 1980s/early 1990s – are considerably different in terms of their socio-economic background. The earlier wave came from rural areas of Croatia and can be described as typically working class, while the recent wave came from the cities and predominantly consists of professional people. Migrants from the 1960s wave express a strong identification with their place (village, town, island) of origin and form a rather close-knit ethnic ‘community of place’. There is a strong link between territory, ethnicity and identity in this group of migrants. Recent developments in Croatia (the war for independence) have helped to ‘enlarge’ this local-ethnic focus into an ‘imagined’ national identity. Ethno-national belonging and identification is not emphasised in the recent group of Croatian migrants. Their ‘Croatianness’ is secondary in the re-construction of their identity following migration. It is their professional identification that seems to be central in this process. They consider the Croatian ‘ethnic community’ to be irrelevant to their life in Australia and seek to integrate into the broader Australian community primarily through their professional work.  相似文献   

The paper discusses historical and emerging dimensions of citizenship within Aotearoa/New Zealand. Drawing on Turner's work, it explores the utility of Marshallian distinctions of civil, political and social citizenship. These evolutionary notions are seen as problematic, given the historical treatment of the Chinese community, and the abrogation of the Treaty of Waitangi with respect to European–Maori relationships. Ideas of the "worker citizen", "military citizen" and "parent citizen" are discussed in relation to historical foundations of entitlement and their contemporary challenges. Considerations include a shift to non-standard employment, reconceptualization of New Zealand's role as a Pacific nation, and demographic and value shifts. The non-governmental sector as a "fourth" route to entitlement is examined, including notions of community capacity-building with particular respect to Maori. The paper concludes with a commentary on current debates around the nature and shape of New Zealand nationality, identity and citizenship. Ecological debates include the use and guardianship of natural resources and the opposition of public opinion to genetic modification. Indigenous developments include the assertion of Treaty rights by Maori in relation to land, language and economic and social development. Cultural dimensions include the changing population structure as reflected in the growth of Pacific Island nations, Asian populations and the refugee community. The interplay of these ecological, indigenous and cultural dimensions will help define emergent citizenships for Aotearoa/New Zealand in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

大学生志愿者社区服务的实践与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生志愿者社区服务是目前社区精神文明建设的重要途径。这一活动的深入开展,无论对大学生自身综合素质的提高还是社区功能的开发和利用都将有着十分重要的意义。当然,要使大学生志愿者社区服务在实践中产生应有的效果,就必须在实践活动过程中进行不断的总结和反思,以促进大学生个人、学校、社区与社会四者的协调运作。  相似文献   

Projecting essence onto a social category means to think, talk, and act as if the category were a discrete natural kind and as if its members were all endowed with the same immutable attributes determined by the category's essence. Essentializing may happen implicitly or on purpose in representing ingroups and outgroups. We argue that essentializing is a versatile representational tool (a) that is used to create identity in groups with chosen membership in order to make the group appear as a unitary entity, (b) that outsiders often draw on a group's essentialist self-construal in their judgements about the groups, (c) that judgements about members of forced social categories are often informed by essentialist thinking that easily switches to discrimination and racism, and (d) that under certain historical and political conditions members of social categories and groups may contest their essentialized identity, such as parts of the feminist movement, or that they may attempt to reconstruct an essentialized identity, such as parts of the homosexual movement or the largely defunct European nobility. Besides explicit political and power interests, we see communication processes and language use as a tacit force driving essentialization of social categories.  相似文献   

Issues of identity and its development are of huge importance in transracial/ethnic adoptions. Theoretical approaches that relate to racial/ethnic identity development include Cross's racial, Phinney's ethnic identity development, Berry's acculturation model. This article examines these models and their relevance in understanding identity development of transracial/ethnic adolescent adoptees. Successful negotiation of one's racial/ethnic identity is crucial to the development of a functional self-concept and positive self-evaluations for transracial/ethnic adoptees. Practitioners need to be aware of the unique experiences of transracially adopted adolescents that shape racial/ethnic identity development and take an active approach in helping transracial adoptees build positive self-images of themselves.  相似文献   

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