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Several procedures have been proposed for testing equality of ordered means. The best-known of these is the likelihood-ratio test introduced by Bartholomew, which possesses generally superior power characteristics to those of its competitors. Difficulties in implementing this test have led to the development of alternative approaches, such as tests based on single and multiple contrasts. Some recent approaches have utilized approximations to the polyhedral cone defining the restricted parameter space, including those of Akkerboom (circular cone) and Mudholkar & McDermott (orthant). This article proposes a class of tests based on an improved orthant approximation to the polyhedral cone. These tests may be viewed as generalizations of the orthogonal contrast test proposed by Mukerjee, Robertson & Wright. Studies of the power functions of several competing tests indicate that the generalized orthogonal contrast tests are effective alternatives to the likelihood-ratio test, especially when the latter is difficult to implement.  相似文献   

The problem of simultaneously estimating location parameters is addressed, where the vector of location parameters belongs to a polyhedral cone including simple order, tree order and positive orthant restrictions and so forth. This paper proposes modified estimators based on orthogonal transformations such as sign-change and permutation and proves that, in a multivariate location family, the modified estimators are minimax under quadratic loss. Shrinkage minimax estimators improving on the modified estimators are obtained for a restricted mean vector of spherically symmetric distribution. An application of sign-change transformation is also given in estimation of a bounded normal mean.  相似文献   


It is shown in this paper that a quasi order for the vectors in Rp is a cone induced if and only if the order is preservable under limits and under linear combinations with non-negative coefficients. For the mean vectors in MANOVA subject to the restriction of simple ordering, a pseudo restricted MLE is proposed. This estimator is a matrix projection onto a closed convex set inside the restricted domain. An algorithm for the pseudo restricted MLE is developed, that computes the matrix projections using only vector projections.  相似文献   

A statistical model is said to be an order‐restricted statistical model when its parameter takes its values in a closed convex cone C of the Euclidean space. In recent years, order‐restricted likelihood ratio tests and maximum likelihood estimators have been criticized on the grounds that they may violate a cone order monotonicity (COM) property, and hence reverse the cone order induced by C. The authors argue here that these reversals occur only in the case that C is an obtuse cone, and that in this case COM is an inappropriate requirement for likelihood‐based estimates and tests. They conclude that these procedures thus remain perfectly reasonable procedures for order‐restricted inference.  相似文献   

Suppose two independent observations are drawn from Pareto distributions with known shape parameters and an order restriction on the unknown location parameters. An isotonic regression estimator of the smaller location parameter dominates a preferred marginal estimator under squared error loss, but fails to dominate under stochastic domination. The results expressed herein advance the theory of order restricted inference.  相似文献   

Inferences for survival curves based on right censored continuous or grouped data are studied. Testing homogeneity with an ordered restricted alternative and testing the order restriction as the null hypothesis are considered. Under a proportional hazards model, the ordering on the survival curves corresponds to an ordering on the regression coefficients. Approximate likelihood methods are obtained by applying order restricted procedures to the estimates of the regression coefficients. Ordered analogues to the log rank test which are based on the score statistics are considered also. Chi-bar-squared distributions, which have been studied extensively, are shown to provide reasonable approximations to the null distributions of these tests statistics. Using Monte Carlo techniques, the powers of these two types of tests are compared with those that are available in the literature.  相似文献   

Inferences for survival curves based on right censored data are studied for situations in which it is believed that the treatments have survival times at least as large as the control or at least as small as the control. Testing homogeneity with the appropriate order restricted alternative and testing the order restriction as the null hypothesis are considered. Under a proportional hazards model, the ordering on the survival curves corresponds to an ordering on the regression coefficients. Approximate likelihood methods, which are obtained by applying order restricted procedures to the estimates of the regression coefficients, and ordered analogues to the log rank test, which are based on the score statistics, are considered. Mau's (1988) test, which does not require proportional hazards, is extended to this ordering on the survival curves. Using Monte Carlo techniques, the type I error rates are found to be close to the nominal level and the powers of these tests are compared. Other order restrictions on the survival curves are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Real data are rarely normally distributed. Nonetheless, regression analysis is routinely done under the assumption of normality. Such a practice generally results in invalid statistical inferences once normality is false.

This article shows how one could carry out corrected normal regression and gamma regression analysis, which provides asymptotically valid inferences without the knowledge of the true underlying distributions. No additional programming is necessary in order to implement the proposed novel regression method. Outputs provided by existing statistical software suffice.  相似文献   

We consider the linear regression model with an interval restriction imposed on the coefficients, and examine the sampling performance of a family of Stein interval restricted and pre-test estimators Tor the coefficient vector. The risk, under squared error loss, of these Stein-like estimators are derived, and the inadmissibility of the maximum likelihood interval restricted and pre-test estimators is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The Loss of Efficiency Estimating Linear Functions under Restrictions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article is motivated by the problem of estimating contrast in a one-way ANOVA model with restrictions in the parameter vector. We prove that when the restrictions are given by a tree order or a simple order the MLE of some contrast has greater MSE than the unrestricted estimator. A similar behaviour of the MLE is exhibited in a general restricted setting given by a multivariate normal distribution with mean vector constrained to belong to a circular cone. The approach we use focuses on the central direction of the cones. These directions appear to have the greater MSE when the dimension of the restricted cone is big enough.  相似文献   

Stochastic ordering of survival functions is a useful concept in many areas of statistics, especially in nonparametric and order restricted inferences. In this paper we introduce an algorithm to compute maximum likelihood estimates of survival functions where both upper and lower bounds are given. The algorithm allows censored survival data. In a simulation study, we found that the proposed estimates are more efficient than the unrestricted Kaplan-Meier product limit estimates both with and without censored observations.  相似文献   

This paper uses order restricted randomised design (ORRD) to create a judgment ranked blocking factor based on available subjective information in a small set of experimental units (EUs). The design then performs a carefully designed randomisation scheme with certain restriction to assign the treatment levels to EUs across these subjective judgment blocks. Such an assignment induces positive dependence among within-set units, and the restrictions on the randomisation translate this positive dependence into a variance reduction technique. We provide a unified theory to analyse the data sets collected from an ORRD. The analysis uses the general framework of rank regression methodology in linear models, with some modification to our randomisation scheme, to estimate regression parameter and to test general linear hypotheses. It is shown that the estimators and test statistics have limiting normal and chi-square distributions regardless the quality of ranking information. A simulation study shows that the asymptotic results remain valid even for relatively small sample sizes. The proposed tests are applied to a clinical trial data set.  相似文献   

In the linear regression model with elliptical errors, a shrinkage ridge estimator is proposed. In this regard, the restricted ridge regression estimator under sub-space restriction is improved by incorporating a general function which satisfies Taylor’s series expansion. Approximate quadratic risk function of the proposed shrinkage ridge estimator is evaluated in the elliptical regression model. A Monte Carlo simulation study and analysis based on a real data example are considered for performance analysis. It is evident from the numerical results that the shrinkage ridge estimator performs better than both unrestricted and restricted estimators in the multivariate t-regression model, for some specific cases.  相似文献   

We study methods to estimate regression and variance parameters for over-dispersed and correlated count data from highly stratified surveys. Our application involves counts of fish catches from stratified research surveys and we propose a novel model in fisheries science to address changes in survey protocols. A challenge with this model is the large number of nuisance parameters which leads to computational issues and biased statistical inferences. We use a computationally efficient profile generalized estimating equation method and compare it to marginal maximum likelihood (MLE) and restricted MLE (REML) methods. We use REML to address bias and inaccurate confidence intervals because of many nuisance parameters. The marginal MLE and REML approaches involve intractable integrals and we used a new R package that is designed for estimating complex nonlinear models that may include random effects. We conclude from simulation analyses that the REML method provides more reliable statistical inferences among the three methods we investigated.  相似文献   

In the competing risks problem an important role is played by the cumulative incidence function (CIF), whose value at time t is the probability of failure by time t for a particular type of failure in the presence of other risks. Its estimation and asymptotic distribution theory have been studied by many. In some cases there are reasons to believe that the CIFs due to two types of failure are order restricted. Several procedures have appeared in the literature for testing for such orders. In this paper we initiate the study of estimation of two CIFs subject to a type of stochastic ordering, both when there are just two causes of failure and when there are more than two causes of failure, treating those other than the two of interest as a censoring mechanism. We do not assume independence of the two types of failure of interest; however, these are assumed to be independent of the other causes in the censored case. Weak convergence results for the estimators have been derived. It is shown that when the order restriction is strict, the asymptotic distributions are the same as those for the empirical estimators without the order restriction. Thus we get the restricted estimators “free of charge”, at least in the asymptotic sense. When the two CIFs are equal, the asymptotic MSE is reduced by using the order restriction. For finite sample sizes simulations seem to indicate that the restricted estimators have uniformly smaller MSEs than the unrestricted ones in all cases.  相似文献   

The empirical likelihood method is proposed to construct the confidence regions for the difference in value between coefficients of two-sample linear regression model. Unlike existing empirical likelihood procedures for one-sample linear regression models, as the empirical likelihood ratio function is not concave, the usual maximum empirical likelihood estimation cannot be obtained directly. To overcome this problem, we propose to incorporate a natural and well-explained restriction into likelihood function and obtain a restricted empirical likelihood ratio statistic (RELR). It is shown that RELR has an asymptotic chi-squared distribution. Furthermore, to improve the coverage accuracy of the confidence regions, a Bartlett correction is applied. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by a simulation study.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider an estimation problem of the matrix of the regression coefficients in multivariate regression models with unknown change‐points. More precisely, we consider the case where the target parameter satisfies an uncertain linear restriction. Under general conditions, we propose a class of estimators that includes as special cases shrinkage estimators (SEs) and both the unrestricted and restricted estimator. We also derive a more general condition for the SEs to dominate the unrestricted estimator. To this end, we extend some results underlying the multidimensional version of the mixingale central limit theorem as well as some important identities for deriving the risk function of SEs. Finally, we present some simulation studies that corroborate the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

Using the marginal likelihood based on the signed ranks derived from matched pairs data, inferences are made for regression parameters. Both members of a given pair are subject to the same censoring time, while different pairs are subject to different censoring times. Censoring is independent of the response and on the right. Easily calculated logistic density scores are used to provide an approximate analysis so that inferences can be made about a regression parameter in the presence of a difference within the matched pairs. Inference for the survival times of matched skin grafts is considered.  相似文献   

Standard methods for analyzing binomial regression data rely on asymptotic inferences. Bayesian methods can be performed using simple computations, and they apply for any sample size. We provide a relatively complete discussion of Bayesian inferences for binomial regression with emphasis on inferences for the probability of “success.” Furthermore, we illustrate diagnostic tools, perform model selection among nonnested models, and examine the sensitivity of the Bayesian methods.  相似文献   

Stochastic ordering is a useful concept in order restricted inferences. In this paper, we propose a new estimation technique for the parameters in two multinomial populations under stochastic orderings when missing data are present. In comparison with traditional maximum likelihood estimation method, our new method can guarantee the uniqueness of the maximum of the likelihood function. Furthermore, it does not depend on the choice of initial values for the parameters in contrast to the EM algorithm. Finally, we give the asymptotic distributions of the likelihood ratio statistics based on the new estimation method.  相似文献   

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