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In this study, we used the weighted principal component method on the human development indicators to measure and analyzethe progress of human development in the world. The main principal component was employed to quantify the temporal changes of the human development of several selected countries by the proposed Z-test. The trends of the human development in the period of market transition in two large countries, China and Russia, were discussed in terms of the impact of public health as well as economic development. The association of the main principal component obtained from our study and the human development index reported by the United Nations Development Programme was estimated by the Spearmans rank correlation coefficient.  相似文献   

An Assessment of the Measurement Properties of the Human Development Index   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the more important determinants of the competitiveness of a nation is the quality of its human capital. The Human Development Index (HDI) is the most widely used yardstick of human development. It measures human development for all the countries of the world, through the use of three factors – longevity, knowledge and GDP measured in purchasing power. This paper evaluates HDI's contribution towards measuring the quality of the human capital component of a nation's competitiveness. Two primary issues under study are the HDI's information properties vis-a-vis its components and its measurement properties as an index. The primary conclusion of the study is that the HDI carries useful information about a country's current development, but not about the future level of development. Hence, further refinements in its construction as well as additional theoretical support as a quantitative measure are needed.  相似文献   

王谦 《当代中国人口》2008,25(6):11-14,34-36
健康是关系人民福祉与国家可持续发展的一个重要公共议题,也是中国人口发展战略的一个重要组成部分。健康永远是人的最基本需求之一,也是人实现全面发展的重要基础。全民健康水平在很大程度上决定着一个国家的人口素质,它既是人口发展的重要基础,也是一个国家经济社会政治文化发展的重要测度指标之一。健康不仅仅是生理问题,也是心理问题、精神问题、情感问题、生活习惯与行为方式问题;健康也不仅仅是个体问题,也是家庭问题、代际问题、社会问题;健康更不仅仅是单纯的医学问题,它与人口发展、社会管理、技术进步、  相似文献   

Mathematical models to study the dynamics of malaria continue to be developed and upgraded on the parasite component, which is the causative agent for malaria; on the human component that serves as a reservoir of infection for the blood feeding female mosquitoes; on the disease transmitting vector, the component mostly responsible for the movement of the parasite agent from one human to another; or on the life cycle of the malaria parasite as a pathogen both within the human and vector populations. The consideration of so-far neglected features can be beneficial for the control of malaria.  相似文献   

In 2010 the Human Development Index (HDI) was revised with several major changes. Many of its problems were tackled, although some drawbacks still persist. This paper proposes a multi-criteria approach to measure human development, propounding two innovations for the computation of the HDI: (1) the introduction of a double reference point scheme in the normalization; (2) an aggregation function which deals with the problem of substitutability between components. In particular, for each component of the HDI the value of each country is normalized by means of two reference values (aspiration and reservation values) by using an achievement scalarizing function that is piecewise linear. Aggregating the new normalized values, we calculate a range of indices with different degrees of substitutability: (1) a weak index that allows total substitutability; (2) a strong index that measures the state of the worst component and allows no substitutability; and (3) a mixed index that is a combination of the first two.  相似文献   

K M Zhang 《人口研究》1982,(3):23-5, 51
In the discussion of the population component and its relationship to social development, we have to note the close relationship between material reproduction and the reproduction of human beings themselves. The unity of these reproductions is a necessary condition for social existence and development. In the past, whenever there was a problem of overpopulation, the tragedy of wiping out large numbers of the population also took place. This kind of tragedy eventually solved the problem of overpopulation and brought back a normal condition for economic development. A cycle like this happened continuously in the past. Under a socialist system today, the situation has been very different. The method includes a conscious adjustment and planned birth control in order to curb the speed of the population growth. Generally speaking, production patterns determine the development of the population growth. Under a certain production pattern, the development of the population reproduction is also dominated by the consumption pattern. A change in the consumption pattern will definitely have a great impact on the birthrate. A comprehensive plan is needed for population growth, and population control should match economic development. In a longterm plan, the population growth plan should be based upon a strategy for economic development and the changes which took place in the process of population reproduction. In short-term plan, practical measures aare needed to control the population growth in order to achieve harmony between the population and the economy.  相似文献   

女性就业是女性发展的基本内容,是女性获得经济独立并赢得社会性别平等的重要渠道。城镇居民就业普遍存在职业性别隔离且在水平与垂直方向均有所表现,女性职业(行业)普遍收入偏低,大量女性沉淀在职级较低岗位。文章以第六次人口普查数据为基础,统计了成都市30个服务行业与30个制造行业女性劳动力占所在行业的比例和女性就业结构构成,结合成都市人力资源市场岗位供给与求职需求分析,提出女性就业创业引导方向。  相似文献   

人力资本配置问题的研究意义探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人力资本对经济发展的推动作用取决于人力资本的存量及有效配置 ,我国是一个人力资本存量相对匮乏的国家 ,实现人力资本的有效配置 ,提高人力资本的利用率尤为重要。本文综述了国内外对人力资本配置问题的研究现状 ,概括了人力资本的有效配置对我国的经济发展、就业、产业结构调整、区域均衡发展等的重要意义  相似文献   

20 experts at an ESCAP meeting discussed linking family planning programs to such development programs as rural health projects or maternal and child health projects. Linkages must occur to integrate specialized programs and between programs on central and local levels. The human needs in various areas determine the linkages that can be formed. Linkages which already exist can serve as models for future linkages. Barriers of authority in the bureaucracy must be broken down. Personnel to administer these linkages must be trained, and money to fund the linkages must be obtained. Studies should be done which evaluate such integration projects, how each of the component programs is affected, and how the processes in forming the linkages differ.  相似文献   

The Malaysian Quality of Life Index (MQLI) released by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU), has led authors to search for alternative method of expressing this index. One of the limitations in MQLI computations is the failure to recognise unequal weights for each accounted component. This paper offers a new way of expressing the quality of life index using a mathematical modelling based on fuzzy sets theory and the proposed weights based on Maslow’s theory of hierarchical human needs. The indices of 11 components that were used to compute MQLI, again be gathered as a basis in expressing a new Malaysian Fuzzy Quality of Life Index (MFQLI). The new indices for each component yielded through a normalisation process prior weighting and aggregation to compose a new MFQLI. It was found that a fuzzy sets approach with the inclusion of weights based on human needs yielded a better index of quality of life than the MQLI.  相似文献   

人力资本投资:中国可持续发展的生长点   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
“可持续发展”这一概念最早出现于 1 980年 ,其中心问题是人 ,是人的发展。影响中国可持续发展的因素有二 :一是人口基数大 ,数量增长快 ,人口素质低 ;二是不合理的生产与消费模式。人力资本的自身特点决定了它正是中国现代经济社会可持续发展的生长点。要加快我国人力资本的投资 ,就要控制人口数量 ,提高人口质量 ,改革教育体制 ,增加教育投资 ,完善人力资本投资收益机制 ,建立人力资本投资市场  相似文献   

成都市人口分布与区域经济协调发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人口与经济之间的关系是一直是区域可持续发展的重要组成部分,研究成都市人口分布与区域经济发展是否协调,在促进成都市经济发展,及以成都市为中心向四周辐射的西部开发中有着重大意义。本文分圈层对成都市人口分布与区域经济发展进行研究。通过相关、多元逐步回归的统计方法对人口分布与经济发展的相关关系进行定量分析,通过地理联系率来衡量人口分布与经济发展在区域上的匹配程度.找出成都市圈层人口分布与区域经济发展之间存在的问题,提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国人类发展指标体系构建及各地人类发展水平比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在UNDP创建的HDI三个维度基础上,根据中国人类发展的特点,增加脱贫和公平维度,构建中国人类发展指数(CHDI),并运用中国各省区市2003、2005和2008年相关统计数据,计算出中国各省区市人类发展指数(CHDI)值,揭示各省区市人类发展水平现状,对各省区市人类发展水平、趋势进行判断;在此基础上,重点对中国各省区市人类发展水平进行聚类划分,为科学分析中国人类发展指数影响因子,揭示中国各省区市人类发展规律,制定正确的经济社会政策提供依据。  相似文献   

西方人力资本理论对我国经济增长的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方人力资本理论是发展经济学的一个最有代表性的成果。理论和实践都证明了在一国的经济增长和发展中人力资本是最重要的推动因素 ,是人力资本的缺乏而不是物质资本的缺乏阻碍了贫国赶上富国的进程。只有建立在人力资本增长基础上的经济增长才是有保证的经济增长。  相似文献   

In this exploratory study, we decompose population growth and decline into their constituent elements to examine how demographic change drives environmental change. Using the example of land development, the analysis integrates county-level measures of births, deaths, in-migration, and out-migration with data on built-up land area from the National Land Cover Database for the years 2001–2006 and then 2006–2011. Drawing from human ecology and environmental demography, we hypothesize that the components of population change will have asymmetric impacts on the construction of the built environment as a form of land development. Results from spatial error models, with a contemporaneous and a temporarily lagged dependent variable, show conditional support for these hypotheses. While each component of demographic change has a unique effect on the dependent variable, the rate at which births increase built-up land area is significantly greater than the rate at which deaths slow this process down.  相似文献   

知识经济时代我国的人力资源开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识经济作为一种崭新的经济形态,已引起世人的关注,而人力资源是经济增长及经济发展的决定性因素。知识经济和人力资源是密不可分的,分析我国人力资源的现状及趋势,并对人力资源开发提出相应的建议对策。  相似文献   

西部经济增长的人力资源开发战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗宁  任保平 《西北人口》2007,28(1):24-27,30
西部地区的经济发展需要充分开发当地的人力资源,人力资源开发应成为西部优先发展的战略目标。本文论述了人力资源开发与经济发展的关系,分析了西部地区人力资源现状和存在的问题,在此基础上提出了西部人力资源开发战略。  相似文献   

质量型人力资源与西部经济发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
质量型人力资源是现代经济发展的中心资源。西部经济持续、健康发展的关键是质量型人力资源开发。加快质量型人力资源开发是促进西部经济发展的战略性措施。  相似文献   

A measure of human development, which is not affected by some relevant drawbacks of the commonly utilized measures, is constructed. It is a function of several attributes associated with various factors — economic, social, environmental — and also includes non-homogeneous attributes. It is non-linear in its variables, so that it includes possible interactions among the attributes. Furthermore, it takes into account public opinion about human development through a well-defined procedure of assessment elicitation. The formulation of the human development function constituting the measure is described when considering just one attribute and then several attributes, and the difference between independence and dependence in assessment is shown. Such a procedure is applied to the measurement of human development in 9 countries of the EU, by using thirteen attributes related to the economic, social and environmental fields as well as to the quality of life.  相似文献   

人力资本理论的演进及对人力资源开发的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘文 《西北人口》2008,29(4):16-19
人力资本的内涵和特征是随着历史的发展而确立和延伸的。本文梳理了中外学者对“人力资本”的不同定义,分析了人力资本理论的发展及其概念的扩展,以及人力资本理论对人力资源开发理论和实践的指导作用。指出人力资源开发研究者应进一步在个人、组织、社区和国际水平上探索人力资本理论和人力资源开发的关系。  相似文献   

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