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This paper critically reviews the literature relating to the management of ethics within organizations and identifies, in line with other authors, a gap between theory and practice in the area. It highlights the role of management (both as an academic discipline and from a practitioner perspective) in bridging this gap and views managers, with their sense of individual ethical agency, as a key locus of ethics within organizations. The paper aims to address the theory–practice gap by surveying the business ethics literature in order to identify, draw together and integrate existing theory and research, with a particular emphasis upon models of ethical decision-making and their relationship to work values. Such an endeavour is necessary, not only because of the relative neglect of management practice by business ethics researchers, but also because of the current lack of integration in the field of business ethics itself. The paper outlines some of the main methodological challenges in the area and suggests how some of these may be overcome. Finally, it concludes with a number of suggestions as to how the theory–practice gap can be addressed through the development of a research agenda, based upon the previous work reviewed.  相似文献   

The integration of acquired or merging firms is a key driver of the success or failure of mergers and acquisitions (M&As). Over the last 30 years, a substantial body of research has addressed M&A integration, offering rich but widely dispersed insights into this phenomenon. This paper takes stock of the current knowledge, based on a review of articles published in scholarly journals. The review advances the conceptual understanding of the phenomenon by inductively developing an overarching framework for the M&A integration literature, where integration success is a function of context, structural and communication‐based interventions, which interact with collective sensemaking processes and negotiations among integration stakeholders. Based on this framework, a research agenda is suggested. I proposes that, in particular, the interaction between structural interventions and leadership warrants further study. Also, little is known about integration project management and integration team composition or the interaction between integration context and collective sensemaking processes. Finally, there is a shortage of research on temporal dynamics within integration projects. The review demonstrates that M&A scholars made substantial progress regarding our understanding of the M&A integration process, yet much remains to be done.  相似文献   

债务抵押债券(CDO)定价模型研究综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈田  秦学志 《管理学报》2008,5(4):616-624
作为近10年来发展最为迅速的信用衍生产品之一,CDO已在国外银行等金融机构的风险管理过程中得到了广泛的应用,美国近期次级贷款市场的不良表现致使CDO等金融衍生品的设计与定价受到更强烈的关注。系统介绍和比较分析了业界普遍采用的BET、Copula、因子Copula等CDO基本定价模型;简要回顾了当前理论界的研究热点——因子Copula模型和动态模型的研究进展;对未来可能的研究趋势作了展望。  相似文献   

Throughout the 1980s there has been continued interest in developing financial distress prediction models for both large and small firms. There has, however, been no survey of this literature directed towards assessing the uses and limitations of these models in a management context. The purpose of the paper is, therefore, to indicate the managerial uses and limitations associated with adopting financial distress prediction models. The paper achieves this end by considering in section two the current financial distress prediction techniques and their limitations. Section three examines the relevance of the predicted event (usually actual failure), the usefulness of multi-outcome models and the appropriateness of various sample selection methods. A review of the range and adequacy of the financial and non-financial information used to construct predictive models forms the basis of the fourth section and is followed in section five by a review of the validity of the claims made on behalf of their predictive accuracy. The following section examines the efficacy of other methods of predicting distress, and reviews the ‘man versus model’ literature concerning the relative abilities of unaided human decision-makers and statistical models. The final section offers conclusions and suggests where future work might be directed.  相似文献   

Evaluation studies of worksite stress management training (SMT) are reviewed and methodological considerations are offered regarding (1) program orientation, (2) experimental design, (3) worker participants, (4) outcome measures, and (5) duration of training effects and worker compliance. Suggestions for additional research include the need to (1) employ additional comparison groups in order to detect training-specific effects, (2) evaluate SMT in blue-collar settings, (3) expand the scope of outcome measures to include employee behaviors, and (4) assess long term effects of SMT and factors associated with worker maintenance of learned skills. It is concluded that SMT has value as a prevention activity in work settings but its use as a treatment strategy for troubled workers is not supported conceptually or empirically. Companies and practitioners are encouraged to view SMT not as an isolated activity but as one component of occupational health and safety activities. A holistic approach which incorporates stress management into company health and safety philosophies is viewed as the optimal strategy.  相似文献   

网络组织的知识管理研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络组织作为应对全球化、消费者偏好改变、技术进步与产品更新速度加快等问题而产生界于市场与企业之间的中介组织得到了理论界与实践界的关注,随研究的深入众多研究者对网络组织的知识管理这一领域投入了前所未有的关注.本文对现有的研究成果进行了梳理,从"能力"、"动机"及"机会"的角度分析了这一领域的研究思路,探讨了有待深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

组织学习模型简要评述——基于知识论视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
芮明杰  陈晓静 《管理学报》2006,3(6):745-753
组织学习模型研究是当前的一个研究热点,国内外学者纷纷从不同的角度对此展开研究。分别从“系统”视角、“技术过程”视角、“学习类型”视角和“社会过程”视角对已有的比较有代表性的国内外组织学习模型展开简要的评述,肯定它们的优点,指出它们的不足,以期为将来的研究提供一些思路。  相似文献   

In this historical review we chart the progress of intuition research over the past eight decades. We highlight the distinction between intuition research in management and intuition research in base disciplines and related fields, and offer a critical commentary on the ways in which the dynamic between these two historical threads has affected progress in the study of intuition in organizations. We conclude by identifying several promising new directions for intuition research, and offer a number of recommendations to intuition researchers in management which may help in taking this topic forward in ways that do not recapitulate previous errors, diversions or digressions.  相似文献   

Critical infrastructures provide society with services essential to its functioning, and extensive disruptions give rise to large societal consequences. Risk and vulnerability analyses of critical infrastructures generally focus narrowly on the infrastructure of interest and describe the consequences as nonsupplied commodities or the cost of unsupplied commodities; they rarely holistically consider the larger impact with respect to higher‐order consequences for the society. From a societal perspective, this narrow focus may lead to severe underestimation of the negative effects of infrastructure disruptions. To explore this theory, an integrated modeling approach, combining models of critical infrastructures and economic input–output models, is proposed and applied in a case study. In the case study, a representative model of the Swedish power transmission system and a regionalized economic input–output model are utilized. This enables exploration of how a narrow infrastructure or a more holistic societal consequence perspective affects vulnerability‐related mitigation decisions regarding critical infrastructures. Two decision contexts related to prioritization of different vulnerability‐reducing measures are considered—identifying critical components and adding system components to increase robustness. It is concluded that higher‐order societal consequences due to power supply disruptions can be up to twice as large as first‐order consequences, which in turn has a significant effect on the identification of which critical components are to be protected or strengthened and a smaller effect on the ranking of improvement measures in terms of adding system components to increase system redundancy.  相似文献   

针对研发(R&D)项目过程风险特征,重点研究和提出了解决研发(R&D)项目过程风险的"模糊-事件树-故障树"综合集成定量方法,并采用算术平均数方法和加权几何平均数方法修正了"模糊-事件树"与"模糊-故障树"综合集成问题。通过实证研究表明,该定量方法能够有效地解决研发项目过程风险实际问题。  相似文献   

This article selectively reviews gender and management research. A flavour of what it can be like to research in this area is offered alongside a more substantive account. The article maps the many strands of work potentially relevant to exploring gender and management. It covers aspects of the field such as its diversity, emerging development, potential marginality and increasing clarity of definition, and considers implications for researchers. The appropriate integration of gender awareness into mainstream theorizing, alongside its separate development, is advocated. Major themes and issues in gender and management research are summarized and briefly addressed. Dilemmas about seeking to promote change but needing to speak within current conventions of management and academia are noted.  相似文献   

Increasing levels of displacement and the need to integrate refugees in the workforce pose new challenges to organizations and societies. Extant research on refugee employment and workforce integration currently resides across various disconnected disciplines, posing a significant challenge for management scholars to contribute to timely and relevant solutions. In this paper, we endeavour to address this challenge by reviewing and synthesizing multidisciplinary literature on refugee employment and workforce integration. Using a relational framework, we organize our findings around three levels of analysis – institutional, organizational and individual – to outline the complexity of factors affecting refugees’ employment outcomes. Based on our analysis, we introduce and elaborate on the phenomenon of the canvas ceiling ? a systemic, multilevel barrier to refugee workforce integration and professional advancement. The primary contributions of this paper are twofold. First, we map and integrate the multidisciplinary findings on the challenges of refugee workforce integration. Second, we provide management scholarship with a future research agenda to address the knowledge gap identified in this review and advance practical developments in this domain.  相似文献   

供应链集成的新思路:管理界面集成   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
管理界面作为管理集成的基本问题,可以表示供应链中结点企业间具体的联系方式。通过管理界面集成原理分析,提出了供应链管理界面集成的三种模式,不仅为供应链集成研究提供了新的思路,还为供应链管理的整体哲学思想增添了新的内涵。  相似文献   

干扰管理研究评述   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
对干扰管理的相关研究进行评述,概述干扰管理思想的形成及发展,分析干扰管理的两大类模型--网络图模型和数学模型,评述求解干扰管理模型的精确算法和启发式算法,并介绍干扰管理在航空、物流配送、供应链、机器调度及项目管理等问题中的应用,最后提出干扰管理的进一步研究方向.  相似文献   

现代集成和集成管理的基本思想是从泛系统的角度和高度,以要素的整合为基本手段和基本途径,通过结构、关系的优化,使系统功能呈现非线性增长或新功能涌现,进而达到增效的目的.其有效实施,首先需要企业战略管理理论的创新.集成管理战略及其策略支撑体系,由四个部分组成,即整合增效战略,协同旋进策略,虚拟策略,以及泛系统策略.它们相互依赖,互为因果,具有逻辑上的关联性,形成一个有机整体.  相似文献   

舆论和谐是社会和谐的重要条件,舆论管理是社会管理的必要内容。本文针对目前已有的舆论动力学模型,从数学、物理学和复杂性科学等研究视角细致地梳理和分析,使舆论的传播机理更具逻辑性和客观性。综述过程中发现这些研究存在研究内容相对孤立,研究结果较为抽象,和实际舆论事件联系不紧密等特点。因此,本文提出为更好的探索社会舆论形成、演化的机理及其规律,完善舆论的社会预警和预报功能,需要以多学科交叉为指导,以社会物理学理论为方法,以舆论可视化仿真平台为依托,对社会舆论整体过程进行系统建模与仿真。  相似文献   

Management system standards, also called meta‐standards, have been adopted by an increasing number of organizations across the world. Although these management system standards are based on the same type of management principles and institutional arrangements, the literature remains scattered, with diverse studies focused on specific standards and published in various journals. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the academic research on meta‐standards through an integrative review intended to shed light on the main conclusions and substantial advances made in this area. This integrative review focuses more specifically on the two main meta‐standards which have been adopted by more than 1.3 million organizations worldwide: ISO 14001 and ISO 9001. The paper contributes insights into the main streams of the literature and current knowledge gaps to be addressed in future research on the various issues related to meta‐standards: global governance, diffusion processes, motivations, benefits of adoption and impacts on performance, internalization, integration, consultancy and auditing.  相似文献   

Risk communication is fundamental in ensuring people are equipped with the knowledge needed to navigate varied risks. One generally well‐regarded framework for the development of such communications is the mental models approach to risk communication (MMARC). Developed during the 1990s, the MMARC has been applied to a range of health, technological, and environmental risks. However, as yet, we know of no attempt to collate and review articles that evaluated communications developed using the MMARC. This article took a first step at addressing this gap by conducting a scoping review that aimed to begin to explore the fidelity with which the approach has been applied, explore whether there appeared to be sufficient studies to warrant a future systematic review, and identify future research questions. Although the initial search found over 100 articles explicitly applying the MMARC, only 12 of these developed a risk‐related communication that was tested against a control (and thus included in the current review). All studies reported a positive effect of the MMARC versus control communication for at least some of the outcome measures (knowledge being the most prevalent). However, there was wide variation between studies including type of control, outcomes assessed, and only five studies reported adopting a randomized design. The review highlights both the need for greater fidelity in the way future studies operationalize the MMARC approach, and suggests that a full‐scale systematic review of the MMARC literature appears justified, especially given the possibility of a large gray literature in this area.  相似文献   

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