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Two characterizations of the uniform distribution on a suitable compact space are proved. These characterizations are applied to a number of particular examples of which the most interesting is the following: if X , Y and Z are independent n-vectors whose components are independent and identically distributed within a vector, then the pairwise independence of the product moment correlation coefficients between X , Y and Z implies that these vectors are normally distributed.  相似文献   

Let X and Y be independent and identically distributed random variables having a continuous distribution function. We study new consistent tests for symmetry around a known median based on the fact that the distribution of X is symmetric around 0 if, and only if, |X| and |max(X,Y)| have the same distribution.  相似文献   

This paper provides a simulation study which compares three estimators for R = P(Y<X) when Y and X are two independent but not identically distributed Burr random variables. These estimators are the minimum variance unbiased, the maximum likelihood and Bayes estimators. Moreover, the sensitivity of Bayes estimator to the prior parameters is considered.  相似文献   

In sequential analysis it is often necessary to determine the distributions of √t Y t and/or √a Y t , where t is a stopping time of the form t = inf{ n ≥ 1 : n+Snn> a }, Y n is the sample mean of n independent and identically distributed random variables (iidrvs) Yi with mean zero and variance one, Sn is the partial sum of iidrvs Xi with mean zero and a positive finite variance, and { ξn } is a sequence of random variables that converges in distribution to a random variable ξ as n →∞ and ξn is independent of ( Xn+1, Yn+1), (Xn+2, Yn+2), . . . for all n ≥ 1. Anscombe's (1952) central limit theorem asserts that both √t Y t and √a Y t are asymptotically normal for large a , but a normal approximation is not accurate enough for many applications. Refined approximations are available only for a few special cases of the general setting above and are often very complex. This paper provides some simple Edgeworth approximations that are numerically satisfactory for the problems it considers.  相似文献   

The paper derives bounds on the distribution of the quadratic forms Z = y H( X Γ X H)−1 y and W = y H2 I + X Γ X H)−1 y , where the elements of the M × 1 vector y and the M × N matrix X are independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) complex zero mean Normal variables, Γ is some N × N diagonal matrix with positive diagonal elements, I , is the identity, σ2 is a constant and H denotes the Hermitian transpose. The bounds are convenient for numerical work and appear to be tight for small values of M . This work has applications in digital mobile radio for a specific channel where M antennas are used to receive a signal with N interferers. Some of these applications in radio communication systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Exact expressions for the cumulative distribution function of a random variable of the form ( α 1 X 1+ α 2 X 2)/ Y are given where X 1, X 2 and Y are independent chi-squared random variables. The expressions are applied to the detection of joint outliers and Hotelling's mis-specified T 2 distribution.  相似文献   

Cumulative distribution function of the variable Y=(U+c)/(Z/2ν)) is given. Here U and Z are independent random variables, U has the exponential distribution (1.1) with θ=0, σ=1, Z has the distribution χ2 (2ν) and c is a real quantity. The variable Y with U and Z given by (2.2) and (2.3) is used for inference about the parametric functions ?=θ?kσ of a two-parameter exponential distribution (1.1) with k or ? known. Special cases of ? or k are: the parameter θ, the Pth quantile Xp, the mean θ+σ and the value of the cumulative distribution function or of the reliability function at given point a. Also one-sided tolerance limits for a two-parameter exponential distribution can be derived from the distribution of the variable Y. The results are also applied to the Pareto distribution.  相似文献   

Recursion relations suitable for rapid computation are derived for the cumulative distribution of F′ = (X/m)/(Y/n) where X is χ2(λ, m) and Y is independently χ2(n). When n is even no complicated function evaluations are needed. For n odd, a special doubly noncentral t distribution is needed to start the computation. Series representations for this t distribution are given with rigorous bounds on truncation errors. Proper recursion techniques for numerical evaluation of the special functions are given.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Suppose that X 1 ,…,  X n is a sequence of independent random vectors, identically distributed as a d -dimensional random vector X . Let     be a parameter of interest and     be some nuisance parameter. The unknown, true parameters ( μ 0 , ν 0 ) are uniquely determined by the system of equations E { g ( X , μ 0 , ν 0 )} =   0 , where g  =  ( g 1 ,…, g p + q ) is a vector of p + q functions. In this paper we develop an empirical likelihood (EL) method to do inference for the parameter μ 0 . The results in this paper are valid under very mild conditions on the vector of criterion functions g . In particular, we do not require that g 1 ,…, g p + q are smooth in μ or ν . This offers the advantage that the criterion function may involve indicators, which are encountered when considering, e.g. differences of quantiles, copulas, ROC curves, to mention just a few examples. We prove the asymptotic limit of the empirical log-likelihood ratio, and carry out a small simulation study to test the performance of the proposed EL method for small samples.  相似文献   

Let Rj be the jth upper record value from an infinite sequence of independent identically distributed positive integer valued random variables. We show that their common distribution must have geometric tail if Rj+k?Rj and Rj are partially independent for some j≥1 and k≥1 or if E(Rj+2?Rj+1| Rj) is a constant. Three versions of partial independence, each of which provides a characterization of the geometric tail are presented.  相似文献   

The authors consider the problem of estimating the density g of independent and identically distributed variables XI, from a sample Z1,… Zn such that ZI = XI + σ? for i = 1,…, n, and E is noise independent of X, with σ? having a known distribution. They present a model selection procedure allowing one to construct an adaptive estimator of g and to find nonasymptotic risk bounds. The estimator achieves the minimax rate of convergence, in most cases where lower bounds are available. A simulation study gives an illustration of the good practical performance of the method.  相似文献   

This paper considers the finite integral moments for the ratio, R = X/Y, where X and Y re correlated gamma distributed variables. An analytical and numerical comparison is given for two classes of underlying bivariate gamma distributions. It is shown that the two bivariate gamma structures provide indentical experessions for the mth unadjussted moment, E(Rm), if and only if either of the following conditions hold : 1) X and Y are uncorrelated of 2) m=1. A numerical evaluation is performed to determine the extent that the two methods differ whenever the variables are correlated  相似文献   

Abstract.  Let Ω be a space of densities with respect to some σ -finite measure μ and let Π be a prior distribution having support Ω with respect to some suitable topology. Conditional on f , let X n  = ( X 1 ,…, X n ) be an independent and identically distributed sample of size n from f . This paper introduces a Bayesian non-parametric criterion for sample size determination which is based on the integrated squared distance between posterior predictive densities. An expression for the sample size is obtained when the prior is a Dirichlet mixture of normal densities.  相似文献   

A random vector has a multivariate Pareto distribution if one of its univariate conditional distribution is Pareto and some of its marginals are identically distributed.A general method developed in the course of the proof of this result is applied also to characterize the multivariate Student (Cauchy) measure by one univariate Student conditional distribution.  相似文献   

The autoregressive Cauchy estimator uses the sign of the first lag as instrumental variable (IV); under independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) errors, the resulting IV t-type statistic is known to have a standard normal limiting distribution in the unit root case. With unconditional heteroskedasticity, the ordinary least squares (OLS) t statistic is affected in the unit root case; but the paper shows that, by using some nonlinear transformation behaving asymptotically like the sign as instrument, limiting normality of the IV t-type statistic is maintained when the series to be tested has no deterministic trends. Neither estimation of the so-called variance profile nor bootstrap procedures are required to this end. The Cauchy unit root test has power in the same 1/T neighborhoods as the usual unit root tests, also for a wide range of magnitudes for the initial value. It is furthermore shown to be competitive with other, bootstrap-based, robust tests. When the series exhibit a linear trend, however, the null distribution of the Cauchy test for a unit root becomes nonstandard, reminiscent of the Dickey-Fuller distribution. In this case, inference robust to nonstationary volatility is obtained via the wild bootstrap.  相似文献   

Suppose that the function f is of recursive type and the random variable X is normally distributed with mean μ and variance α2. We set C = f(x). Neyman & Scott (1960) and Hoyle (1968) gave the UMVU estimators for the mean E(C) and for the variance Var(C) from independent and identically distributed random variables X1,…, Xn(n ≧ 2) having a normal distribution with mean μ and variance σ2, respectively. Shimizu & Iwase (1981) gave the variance of the UMVU estimator for E(C). In this paper, the variance of the UMVU estimator for Var(C) is given.  相似文献   

Consider two (n ? r + 1)-out-of-n systems, one with independent and non-identically distributed components and another with independent and identically distributed components. When the lifetimes of components follow the proportional hazard rates model, we establish a necessary and sufficient condition for the usual stochastic order to hold between the lifetimes of these two systems. For the special case of r = 2, some generalized forms of this result to the hazard rate, dispersive and likelihood ratio orders are also obtained. Moreover, for the case when the lifetimes of components follow the proportional reversed hazard rates model, we derive some similar results for comparing the lifetimes of two systems . Applications of the established results to different situations are finally illustrated.  相似文献   

For the general linear model Y = X$sZ + e in which e has a singular dispersion matrix $sG2A, $sG > 0, where A is n x n and singular, Mitra [2] considers the problem of testing F$sZ, where F is a known q x q matrix and claims that the sum of squares (SS) due to hypothesis is not distributed (as a x2 variate with degrees of freedom (d. f.) equal to the rank of F) independent of the SS due to error, when a generalized inverse of A is chosen as (A + X'X). This claim does not hold if a pseudo-inverse of A is taken to be (A + X'X)+ where A+ denotes the unique Moore-Penrose inverse (MPI) of A.  相似文献   

This article considers the problem of finding the exact density of the r-content of the simplicial convex hull of r+1 independent points in Rn ” Consider r+1 independent and identically distributed points in a unit n–ball such that p of them are in the interior and r+l?p of them are on the surface of the unit n-ball., Consider the case when each point is type-1 beta distributed,, These points determine almost surely via their convex hull a unique r-simplex in Rn Ihe problem of getting the exact density of the r-content of this random r-simplex is transformed into a problem in multivariate statistical analysis connected with the distribution theory of test statistics., Thus various representations for the exact density are given in this article.  相似文献   

Let X1,…,X2n be independent and identically distributed copies of the non-negative integer valued random variable X distributed according to the unknown frequency function f(x). A total of 2n disjoint sequences of urns, each consisting of k urns, are given. Xj balls are placed in urn sequence j (1 ≤ j ≤ 2n). Each ball is placed in an urn of a given sequence with a certain known probability independently of the other balls. The variables X1,…,X2n are not observed; rather we observe whether certain pairs of urns are both empty or not. Our object is to estimate the mean μ of the number of balls X. Two different kinds of estimators of μ are investigated. One of the estimators studied is a method of moments type estimator while the other is motivated by the maximum likelihood principle. These estimators are compared on the basis of their asymptotic mean squared error as k tends to infinity. An application of these results to a problem in genetics involved with estimating codon substitution rates is discussed.  相似文献   

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