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LabourMarketDevelopmentProgramme¥//TheMinistryofLabourrecentlyannouncedatwo-yearProgramme(August,1994-August,1996)fortheImple...  相似文献   

ChineseLabourinRusiaAndrewN.KamEnskyThefirsttimeIwasinChinainNovember1993.theChineseRus-sianCooperationintheMutualUscofLabour...  相似文献   

ChinatoDevelopLabourMarketChinausedtopractisearigidplannedeconomysincethefoundingofthePeople'sRepublicin1949,andemploymentwas...  相似文献   

InternationalSeminaronLabourMigrationinRuralChina¥//AninternationalSeminarontheMigrationofRuralLabourersinChinawasheldinBeiji...  相似文献   

SurplusRuralLabourForceandItsWayOut¥//(China'slargesurplusrurallabourforcehasbecomeafocalissueinrecentyears.Inthispaper,Mr.Ch...  相似文献   

TideofMigrantLabourers:TransferofSurplusRuralLabourForce¥//NonationaslargeasChinahasexperiencedsuchagreatshiftfromruraltourba...  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - The article aims to analyse gender segregation in the labour market while comparing two national contexts in Europe and Latin America. Specifically, it will consider...  相似文献   

For the Norwegian economy, 2003–2013 was a period of large growth and big business cycle fluctuations. The aggregate uv-curve reflects this and shows a reduction in both the vacancy rate and the unemployment rate from 2003 to 2013, suggesting improved labour market matching over the period. The inclusion of Eastern European countries in the European Union in 2004 and 2007 caused an increasing influx of foreign job seekers. I quantify regional and occupational mismatch, and make a distinction between natives and immigrants. Indicators show no reduction in mismatch over time, which therefore cannot account for the increased labour market efficiency that the uv-curve suggests. However, ‘footloose’ immigrants seem to have adapted better than ‘rooted’ natives to the structure of labour demand in the regional dimension, and thus to have contributed to a lower level of mismatch than would have resulted without immigrants. In the occupational dimension immigrants made no significant difference. Levels and differences in employment and unemployment among and between immigrants and natives were not well explained by their education levels or types.  相似文献   

This article aims to gain a better understanding of the explanatory value of work ethic and traditional gender role values with regard to variation in female labour market supply. Although women’s labour market participation has increased dramatically over the past decades, it still lacks behind that of men. A high female participation rate is desirable for several reasons, for instance to cover rising costs due to the ageing of society. The existing literature has mostly focused on micro-economic and macro factors to explain differences between women in participation rate. However, more recently it has been argued that women’s values may also play an important role in women’s labour market decisions. Work ethic, expressing the moral duty to work in terms of paid employment, is argued to positively affect women’s labour supply. However, it is argued that it can have negative implications too if women who hold more traditional gender role values interpret work and work ethic in terms of housework or in terms of paid employment for men only. This exemplifies the need to study both values at the same time. We used longitudinal Dutch data (LISS panel, 2007–2010) and estimated both cross-sectional and longitudinal models. Both types of models revealed a similar pattern: work ethic is positively associated with women’s labour market participation, but only if we take into account women’s gender role values, which negatively relate to women’s labour market supply.  相似文献   

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