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腐败对经济效率和经济增长产生两种相反的效应:润滑效应和摩擦效应。当制度缺陷导致政府管制不当时,腐败能够减小制度磨擦带来的效率损失,从某种程度上刺激经济增长。然而,腐败引导资源由生产性用途转向非生产性用途,造成社会资源的损耗,对政府公共支出、私人投资、国际直接投资、国际贸易、国际援助以及金融体系等造成不利影响,进而抑制经济增长,成为阻碍落后国家发展的绊脚石。  相似文献   

农村经济合作组织经营制度创新的深层障碍与现实途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兴办农村经济合作组织是中国当前农业经营体制的重大发展,是开拓中国特色农业现代化道路的重要组织载体.但在其发展中,特别是在经营制度上存在着内部产权不明晰、管理不规范、分配制度不够合理等诸多问题,影响农村经济合作组织的加快发展.农村经济组织经营制度存在问题,基于此,创新农村经济组织经营机制的现实途径提高认识,加强培训,明晰产权机制,强化治理机制构建激励机制,政府和法公优等.  相似文献   

国有企业产权制度的变革,涉及到中国的政治制度、法律制度、整体经济制度的创新和社会非正式制度(意识形态领域中的伦理、道德、价值等观念)的契换。只有社会整体制度机制的相互配合与谐调,才能实现社会制度体系的全面创新,以达到经济增长与社会稳定的最终目的。本着这样的社会目标与理论任务,笔者以对西方产权理论中关于国家与产权关系的观点和马克思关于商品经济社会中产权本质的界定为理论基础,探索产权制度与社会整体制度变革的途径与意义。一、国家扮演着决定产权界定、产权安排与变迁的角色产权界定是指明确产权运作的主体是谁…  相似文献   

经济增长理论生态要素的缺失及其重构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经济增长理论除古典经济学派以外,对生态环境要素的关注越来越少。尤其是现代主流经济学乃至于舍掉生态要素分析,其根源在于分析方法的线性化、要素分离的形而上学范式、研究视野的封闭系统论观点以及制度分析的代际产权观。因此必须以演化论方法重新整合包括制度、自然资本等要素在内的经济增长变量,以代际产权理念重构经济增长理论。  相似文献   

通过提出一个基于内生增长理论框架下的公共债务模型,并采用80个国家2001-2018年的数据,实证检验了在多因素交互作用下,公共债务率如何作用于生产性政府支出,进而对长期经济增长产生影响.研究发现公共支出对经济增长的影响机理不是一种简单关系,而是一种复杂的、非线性和异质性的交互关系.生产性支出对经济增长的影响不仅受到税负大小的影响,而且也受债务率的影响,这些因素会交叠在一起产生作用.面对新冠疫情冲击,建议政府在充分发挥公共债务积极作用的同时,严控债务增量和结构,警惕债务上升所引发的财政和金融风险.  相似文献   

作为社会资本核心因素的信任对经济绩效具有显著的影响,信任能够促进经济增长和提高生产效率。社会信任水平的高低,与其所处的制度环境密切相关。除法律、产权等正式制度外,非正式制度或规则中的信誉机制对增强信任起着非常重要的作用。而信誉机制激励效应的充分发挥,有赖于社会信用体系的有效运行。  相似文献   

由于政府偏好与利益集团的存在,产权制度的非中性在社会历史变迁初期往往是一种常态.与新自由主义宣扬"私有产权神话"的永恒作用,认为任何违背私有产权制度必定会损害社会效率、降低经济增长的观点不同,实际上产权制度的非中性在资本不充裕的社会阶段,对国民经济会起到积极的作用;而当社会资本达到相当的规模,从而存在资本过剩的情况下,就会产生产权中性的内在要求.根据这一基本思路,文章提出宏观产权制度理论假说,用以分析国民经济发展过程中政府介入产权的方式及其对国民经济增长的影响.  相似文献   

制度创新是振兴东北老工业基地的关键   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国经济持续快速的增长,充分地验证了制度在资源配置、明确产权以及加快技术创新等方面的重要作用;东北地区与沿海发达地区在所有制结构、政府行政管理体制、企业制度创新、制度变迁以及经济发展水平等方面存在着差异。振兴东北老工业基地的关键是制度创新。应从政府职能、推进国有经济的战略调整和国有企业战略重组、加快投融资体制改革等方面采取相应的对策。  相似文献   

政府治理结构和中国经济增长关联性检验:1978-2006   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
学术界往往从要素贡献视角分析单要素对经济增长的决定性影响,忽视在特定环境和制度约束下,宏观经济体自适应性和内生性政府治理结构的作用效应.为了深化政府主导型经济治理结构绩效认识,根据中国1978-2006年经济时序数据检验政府治理和经济产出关联性的结果显示,政府主导型治理能够实现经济增长,政府治理与经济产出呈现倒U形关系,即中国宏观经济存在最优治理结构和制度安排,政府和市场相机治理能够实现经济增长效率.  相似文献   

在经济发展的早期阶段,由于市场的不完备性,一个具有较强自主性和较高国家能力的政府可以弥补市场缺失来促进经济发展.而且,有效的产权形式、经济组织和政府与企业之间的关系往往内生于市场的不完备性.但是,在一个阶段适宜的制度在下一个阶段有可能成为不适宜的制度.在经济发展到一定的程度、市场比较完备之后,政府与市场的作用也应该进行相应的调整,以促进经济进一步发展.  相似文献   

中国的制度变迁、阶级结构转型和收入不平等:1978-2005   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林宗弘  吴晓刚 《社会》2010,30(6):1-40
本文结合制度主义理论与新马克思主义的阶级分析方法,提出在中国社会分层研究中“把阶级带回来”的观点。根据户口制度、单位制度、干部身份制和私有产权等造成转型时期中国不平等的重要制度性因素,建立一个以对不同形式生产性资产的占有为基础的即新马克思主义取向的中国阶级分类方式,并在经验层面展示了其较之于其他分类法的优越性。研究认为,中国正在发生的制度转型对社会不平等秩序的重塑表现为不同形式的生产性资产,即劳动力、资本、组织、技术/权威等四种所有权作用的相对转变,从而导致阶级结构的转型和贫富差距的拉大。  相似文献   

The establishment of China's basic economic system provides theoretical confidence for the compatibility between socialism and market economy. However, the institutional change from planning system to market system lacks the support of Marxist theoretical confidence. This article holds that the ownership theory of Marxism on productive relations should not undertake this task. However, productive relations require the theoretical support. Since it researches on the exchange and cooperation relationship among people and their order, which are positively consistent with the research object of modem institutional economics. Thus, the creation of Marxist institutional economics, taking the theoretical support for productive relations as the example, can help build Marxist theoretical confidence for the institutional changes in China.  相似文献   

张陈健 《社会》2010,30(5):25-44
本文对企业行动者之间的权力关系、策略互动及其所嵌入的社会网络与制度环境提供了一个解释框架。文章运用组织决策学派的“权力”概念,对国有资产重组下的国有资产经营公司与民企联盟的结盟进行了分析。在 “嵌入性”概念的基础上,作者认为,作为结盟前提的权力嵌入于社会网络之中,并且嵌入于中国市场化改革与政体连续性的制度背景之中,因此给权力关系与结盟带来了不确定性。文章试图把“权力”带回企业结盟分析的中心,在理论上对格兰诺维特的社会网络嵌入与倪志伟的制度嵌入进行综合,提出应洞察行动者所嵌入的社会网络以及更为广泛的制度因素对企业行动者的影响。  相似文献   

邓小平制度经济理论可以归纳为七个方面:(1)制度是生产力发展的关键因素,制度的优越性在于它能更好地促进生产力的发展;(2)在各种制度中,产权制度的作用最重要;(3)中国的宏观制度变迁是个渐进的过程;(4)人是现实的人,具有机会主义倾向,制度可以抑制人的机会主义动机及行为;(5)意识形态是重要的非正式制度安排,它可以降低正式制度的运行成本;(6)中国制度改革的关键是下放权力;(7)稳定的环境是市场经济运行的最基本条件。邓小平的制度经济理论对我国的社会经济制度变迁指明了方向,提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to argue that the origins and formation of the welfare state should be reconsidered as an institutional process embedded in dialectical relations between given historical contingencies and institutional adaptations in response to welfare demands. Such relational processes can be categorized by the three isomorphic convergences of institutional adaptations to the welfare demands: national emergencies, economic challenges and political transitions. Existing accounts for the emergence of the welfare state – universalism, selectivity, and Marxism – are bracketed under a single heading of social control theory for two reasons: first, those three explanations commonly err in believing that an ideological intent is given as predetermined before actual analyses of social policy-making, thereby neglecting the process of institutional reforms; and second, the underlying implication of all three accounts ends in a common target of social policy – how to control welfare demands, and safeguard social stability. By comparing institutional adaptations with social control theory, the paper aims to explain and emphasize the methodological utilities and practical applicability of the institutional process approach in the studies of welfare development.  相似文献   

The alleged polarization between the so-called red (Republican) and blue (Democratic) states during the presidential elections has been examined using only voter surveys. Focusing on the recent thirteen national elections from 1964 to 2012, we examine social, political, institutional, and policy indicators of the 50 American states to (1) gauge the extent to which national election results reflect significant policy and political differences between the red and blue states and (2) to assess the explanatory power of the dichotomous red–blue label relative to a continuous variable of “redness” or “blueness” by the percentage of votes received. We find substantial political and some moderate social differences between red and blue states but fewer institutional and policy differences than one would expect if there were actually deep divisions between the states. We find that the red–blue state distinction performs well when compared to the explanatory power of the more precise redness or blueness of a state.  相似文献   

胡安宁  周怡 《社会》2013,33(4):60-82
本文基于“市场”与“国家再分配”两种不同制度环境的讨论,利用中国综合社会调查2010年的数据,运用倾向值匹配方法处理潜在的选择性误差,考察了不同部门中个体的一般信任水平。结果显示,相比私有部门(外资企业和私营企业),在公共部门中工作的个体呈现了更高的一般信任水平。进一步的分析表明,政治参与水平和相对剥夺感作为中介于工作部门与一般信任水平之间的解释机制是显著的,在公共部门中工作的个体不仅在态度上对内在政治效能感有更高的认定,而且也能积极参与居委会社区的选举。这些特征极大提升了他们的一般信任水平。此外,公共部门中的个体在社会地位与经济地位上所持有的较低的相对剥夺感也有助于其建立更高的一般信任水平。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to contribute to the understanding of the institutional arrangements within which China's rural health facilities are embedded and of the contribution of policy to the creation of these arrangements. Information collected through field observations and in‐depth interviews with the managers, staff and patients of a township health centre indicates that with the gradual evolution of markets, encouraged by state policies, health care in rural China took on more of the characteristics of a commodity. In order to adapt to this change, the health centre and its employees are adjusting their behavioural norms and reconstructing an institutional network within which daily activities of simultaneously fulfilling public health responsibilities and pursuing economic gain are legitimized. This article focuses on the interwoven relationship between politics and markets at the micro level and examines the negotiations between stakeholders in constructing new institutional arrangements. It also describes how health sector managers are creating regulations to influence the performance of their facility. The article argues that while government policies play a crucial role in shaping the direction of development, institutional arrangements strongly influence the attempts by rural health organizations to implement them. It concludes that it is critical to take institutional factors into account in analyzing China's rural health‐care reforms.  相似文献   

This article sets out to give an overview of the most significant policy changes and developments influencing the development of social protection in Australia in the past decade. Rather than focussing on an assessment of gains and losses within the narrow confines of the state welfare system, it looks at what has happened to the broad configuration of policies which have come to constitute Australia's highly distinctive wage earners' welfare state. Overall, the conclusion is that the institutional forms and normative goals of the wage earner's welfare state have proved far more resilient and adaptable than critics have assumed likely, with targeting, award-based superannuation and women's welfare singled out as the most interesting areas in which Labor has contributed to the refurbishing of the established model.  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2022,44(6):1113-1127
This study investigates the extent to which political instability (PI), financial instability (FI), and environmental degradation undermine economic complexity (EC). EC is more predictive of future growth and development patterns and correlates with the increased ability to create and export a wide variety of sophisticated (high productivity) items. Using data from up to 56 BRI nations, I routinely obtain precise estimates of the negative effect of PI and FI on EC. Further, we examined the indirect effect of PI and FI through the channel of human capital (HC). These findings confirm the core premise that institutional stability largely influences economic complexity by encouraging creative entrepreneurship, HC accumulation, and allocating human resources to productive activities. Moreover, we examined the indirect effect of PI and FI through the channel of CO2 emissions. These findings support the idea that countries with stable institutions can reduce pollution and protect the environment. It could increase economic complexity while reducing environmental degradation. The main findings support the creation of a pro-development institutional framework that enhance environmental sustainability and reduces poverty by increasing economic complexity.  相似文献   

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