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土地利用效益反映的是土地的利用是否体现了土地价值,是否适应土地规划、城市规划,是否保障居民的生活水平,是否兼顾经济发展、社会发展与生态平衡。本文通过对上海市各区县的土地利用经济效益、社会效益、环境效益进行定量分析,发现上海市土地利用的综合效益并不理想,土地利用效益的空间差异性较失。区位、土地利用结构、城市规划及功能定位等是影响土地利用效益高低及空间差异的主要因素,改善这些因素,是实现上海土地利用高效益的根本途径。  相似文献   

近日,国土资源部开展了开发区土地集约利用评价工作。人多地少是我国的基本国情,如何让土地利用由粗放型向集约型转变、由大手大脚用地向厉行节约用地转变、由宽松优惠供地向从严从紧供地转变、由约束性不强的管理向依法严格管理转变,这些问题都值得我们研究与重视。为此,本文利用商务部和国土资源部相关数据,对49个国家级经济技术开发区和5个享受国家级经济技术开发区政策的其他国家级工业园区在土地集约利用方面的情况进行比较。  相似文献   

葛晓虎 《经营管理者》2013,(30):372-372
随着监测工作的开展和防沙固沙工程的实施,遥感技术不但能够提供研究区沙漠化土地的信息,而且可以为沙漠化治理工程的实施提供科学的数据,为有关部门制定防沙固沙政策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

董莉莉 《经营管理者》2012,(9X):370-370
GIS技术支持下的土地利用遥感监测,是实现土地利用现状及土地利用变化高精度动态监测和预报的重要手段。同时,其监测结果为相关部门提供监测区内土地利用分布、面积与类型的逐年变化情况、植被变化情况等资料。通过监测掌握监测区土地利用面积、类型分布状况和面积变化。"3S"技术的应用,使土地利用快速调查与动态监测成为可能。  相似文献   

本文论述了人力资本价值的内涵,在比较当前人力资本价值衡量方法的基础上,设计了基于模糊模式识别的人力资本价值评价模型,该模型利用模糊模式识别方法首先对人力资本个体进行绩效评价,并根据评价结果间接的评价人力资本的价值,最后经模型仿真,验证了该方法的科学性与有效性.  相似文献   

熊甜 《决策与信息》2011,(2):174-174
城乡结合部是兼具城市和乡村地土地利用性质的城市与乡村地区的过渡地带。城市化过程是城乡结合部产生、维持和变化的根本原因。城乡结合部土地的合理利用是实现城市和农村社会、经济、生态效益和重要途径,符合城市化最终目标。  相似文献   

陈世权 《经营管理者》2009,(16):216-216
由于城郊结合部土地的特殊性,使得城郊结合部的土地利用与管理成为簿弱部位。本文首先分析了城郊结合部土地利用存在的问题,然后提出了城郊结合部的土地充分利用的对策,以促进土地的可持续发展。  相似文献   

基于分形市场假说的股价并不完全反映所有信息的观点,认为历史股价信息是不完备的群体型模糊信息,提出了线性信息分配条件下的信息守恒定理,建立了基于模糊信息分配理论的短期股价涨跌预测的模糊模式识别模型,通过对上证综合指数日线数据的短期预测,表明该模型具有能够动态捕捉股价短期分布特征、有效描述股价序列内蕴的短期非线性因果关系,进而具有较高的股价涨跌识别精度,并提出了金融市场收益率可能性分布的概念.  相似文献   

本文以罗田县为例,以二级地类为研究对象,通过对其1990-2005年16年间的动态变化分析,揭示了地类的变化特征。在土地利用变化的基础上,对其自然和社会经济驱动力进行分析。最后,在对土地利用变化及驱动力分析的基础上,对土地资源的可持续利用进行了政策方面的研究。  相似文献   

对流程制造型企业而言,产品质量状态的监测精度直接影响了企业的生产与运营成本。面对流程工业的多变量监测要求和数据不均衡性,以往研究主要采取局部建模策略或多输出模型,存在特征选择偏差和分类精度不高的问题。对此,本文设计了一种结合SRFML特征选择和Lift学习策略的质量状态监测模型,通过共享不同目标之间的信息以期提升模型的监测效果。首先,根据ReliefF过滤机制,引入重采样赋权思想对工业特征的选择过程进行优化(SRFML);然后,将选择结果作为Lift学习框架的输入,通过类属属性学习方式重塑各待监测特性的特有关联属性;最后采用多个SVM分类器进行训练,得到各目标的质量状态结果。结果表明,本文构建的SRFML-Lift充分学习了原始特征的关键信息,与其他组合策略相比,对质量状态的监测效果更佳,可应用于流程工业的生产管理实践。  相似文献   

实时交通信息诱导下的出行模式及效益评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以往针对交通出行信息系统的研究主要集中在静态交通网络上,而很少研究实时出行信息诱导下驾驶员的动态行为反应.该文研究交通信息诱导下驾驶员的动态行为反应和交通网络上的非均衡交通演化,并在此基础上评价了出行信息系统的效益.首先建立了3种情况下的交通出行行为:正常交通情况下驾驶员的路径和出发时间选择行为;交通事故发生后驾驶员在...  相似文献   

This article assesses the quality and apparent use of regulatory analysis for economically significant regulations proposed by federal agencies in 2008. A nine-member research team used a six-point (0-5) scale to evaluate regulatory analyses according to criteria drawn from Executive Order 12866 and Office of Management and Budget Circular A-4. Principal findings include: (1) the average quality of regulatory analysis, though not high, is somewhat better than previous regulatory scorecards have shown; (2) quality varies widely; (3) biggest strengths are accessibility and clarity; (4) biggest weaknesses are analysis of the systemic problem and retrospective analysis; (5) budget or "transfer" regulations usually receive low-quality analysis; (6) a minority of the regulations contain evidence that the agency used the analysis in significant decisions; (7) quality of analysis is positively correlated with the apparent use of the analysis in regulatory decisions; and (8) greater diffusion of best practices could significantly improve the overall quality of regulatory analysis.  相似文献   

The use of indicators to assess the impacts of spatial planning policies has experienced a strong increase in the last decades, despite the difficulties to identify clear causality links in this discipline. The aim of this article is to critically reflect on the impacts of such a phenomenon on spatial planning policies and practices. In order to do so, it explores the issue of land take and how the European Community has set up a policy objective, based on an indicator, to try to tackle the phenomenon.  相似文献   

吴明华 《决策》2011,(2):38-40
一方面是更严格的土地管理问责制度,一方面是“十二五”更旺盛的用地需求,面对这样的“两难”困局。地方如何缓解双重压力?土地管理制度将何去何从?  相似文献   

基于资源风险的战略联盟结构模式选择   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
综合考虑各种资源的特性以及从风险产生的基础和决定风险的根本因素是公司投入的 资源的角度,提出将资源和风险整合,分析战略联盟的结构模式选择问题. 通过对资源、风险、 战略联盟的结构模式分类,建立了反映资源—风险—结构模式选择三者间关系的概念模型及 其相关的判断假说,并运用因子分析及结构方程的方法对所提出的假说进行验证. 研究结论认 为:资源、风险和战略联盟结构模式的选择偏好之间确实存在着紧密的联系. 公司管理者对战 略联盟结构模式选择偏好受到管理者对未来公司在战略联盟中风险的主观评价的影响,而公 司对战略联盟投入的资源是影响公司对风险主观评价的重要因素.  相似文献   

As a result of the legacy of the Cold War, the Departments of Energy and Defense are involved in massive cleanup and remediation projects. While health risk to humans and ecological receptors is perceived to be the basis for remediation, this assumption is rarely examined. In this article, we examine the role of risk and future land-use designations in cleanup decisions, using the Department of Energy's self-assessment of 36 sites. We then discuss the risk-related tools that might be required to address the cleanup challenge. Much of the current cleanup program is driven by compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations, presumably to protect human health and the environment. Compliance, however, is not synonymous with cleanup. Although some of these laws and regulations take risk into account, the lack of site-specific data on exposures and risk scenarios, and the lack of attention to future land use or end states, has often resulted in disconnects between risk and cleanup goals, risk and final end states, and cleanup levels and end state or subsequent land use. Partly, these disconnects result from the need for a range of technical, economic, sociological, and public policy tools to address the issues. A better transfer of information among and within Department of Energy facilities, operations offices, and DOE headquarters is required. Further, linking cleanup decisions and goals with the final end state involves a number of risk tradeoffs, including (1) ecological versus human health, (2) worker versus public health, (3) among competing contaminated areas, (4) among temporal patterns of cleanup, (5) among different ecological receptors (plants vs. animals, one animal vs. another), and (6) among the sites across the DOE complex. For the nation, balancing among risks is essential within sites and among Department of Energy sites, as well as among other remediation sites (such as those of Department of Defense and Superfund sites).  相似文献   

Relationships between risk perceptions, emotions, and stress are well-documented, as are interconnections between stress, emotion, and media use. During the early COVID-19 pandemic, the public responded psychologically to the threat posed by the pandemic, and frequently utilized media for information and entertainment. However, we lack a comprehensive picture of how perceived risk, emotion, stress, and media affected each other longitudinally during this time. Further, although response to the pandemic was highly politicized, research has yet to address how partisan affiliation moderated relationships between risk, emotion, stress, and media use over time. This three-wave (= 1021) panel study assessed the interplay of risk, emotion, stress, and media use for Americans with different political affiliations between March and May of 2020. Findings indicate that perceived risk, emotion, and stress at Time 1 predicted media use at Time 2, with predictors varying by type of media. Use of entertainment media and social/mobile media predicted later stress (Time 3), but news consumption did not. Later risk perceptions (Time 3) were not influenced by media use at Time 2. The predictors and consequences of different types of media use were notably different for Republicans and Democrats. In particular, risk perceptions predicted greater news use among Democrats but greater entertainment media use among Republicans. Moreover, social/mobile media use resulted in perceiving the risks of COVID-19 as less serious for Republicans while increasing stress over time for Democrats.  相似文献   


Urban transit operators, compared to other occupational groups, have higher rates of mortality and morbidity. A major risk factor is the highly stressful objective environment. This study used structural equation modelling to test a model hypothesizing that transit operators’ coping behaviours in responding to daily job hassles mediate the associations of work stress with burnout and substance use. The study sample consisted of 1231 transit operators who participated in the San Francisco MUNI Health and Safety Study. The results showed a direct and strong association between transit operators’ daily job stress and symptoms of occupational burnout even when a series of controls and coping behaviours were considered. In addition, use of “disengage-deny” and escapist strategies to cope with job stress was positively associated with burnout; the job stress–burnout association was partially mediated through such coping practices. Daily job stress was related to substance use only indirectly and mediated through burnout and use of “disengage-deny” and escapist coping strategies. “Disengage-deny” coping strategies might help reduce substance use whereas escapist coping strategies might increase such use. Overall, our findings suggest that coping behaviour may be an important correlate of transit operators’ ill health. Interventions enabling healthy coping behaviours may help reduce health risks for this occupational group.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,制造业完全能耗强度尽管总体呈下降趋势,但与发达国家相比,仍处于高位。本文考虑了制造业隐含能源消耗,基于投入产出法构建了制造业完全能耗强度测度公式,并基于WSR方法论构建了制造业完全能耗强度影响因素体系,运用SVAR模型探究1980-2016年各因素对制造业完全能耗强度的影响规律。结果表明,在短期内,企业规模、产业结构、能源价格、技术进步、FDI等对制造业完全能耗强度影响程度相对较大。企业平均规模与重工业占比、技术进步率上升,制造业完全能耗强度下降;而能源价格、FDI上升,制造业完全能耗强度上升。中长期内,企业规模、产权结构、能源价格、产业结构、技术进步等对制造业完全能耗强度影响程度相对较大。能源价格、国有企业占比、技术进步率上升,制造业完全能耗强度先降后升;企业平均规模、重工业占比上升,制造业完全能耗强度先升后降。适度扩大企业规模,合理调控能源价格,推进产权结构多元化等对降低制造业完全能耗强度贡献相对突出。  相似文献   

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