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2011年上海民生调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年上海整体民生状况较上年略有下降。通过调查分析发现,物价上涨、居民收入增长乏力、医疗费用负担及屡经报道的食品安全问题已明显影响了居民对现状的满意度,削弱了居民对未来生活进一步改善的信心。其中,物价上涨首次超过医疗费用负担成为2011年居民关注率最高的民生问题,物价稳定成为居民的首要诉求。据此,提出进一步改善上海民生状况的相应建议。  相似文献   

在世界经济复苏乏力、成本推动型通胀预期强化的大背景下,如何继续保持物价稳定,为结构调整和民生改善提供必要支撑,是上海转型发展过程中的重要议题。通过问卷调查发现,居民普遍感到2011年主副食品涨价幅度较大,给生活带来明显压力,同时对食品安全问题还有顾虑。政府稳定物价的各项政策措施也有待完善和巩固。鉴于此,本文提出进一步稳定物价的多项政策建议。  相似文献   

在当前全球城市竞争的背景下,宜居城市既是世界城市发展建设与价值提升的目标,也是我国构建“人类生命共同体”的重要落脚点。深圳作为国内高发展强度城市,系统性、结构性地了解居民的宜居满意度对指导深圳未来的宜居城市建设具有重要意义。本文以深圳居民宜居满意度调查问卷为基础,利用地理探测器分别从宜居因子和居民属性两个层面,分析了深圳市宜居满意度水平及其影响因素。研究结果表明:第一,居民对深圳宜居性总体感知差异明显,需求层次较低的生存发展因子题项解释力较高,高需求层次的环境适宜因子和服务供给因子题项解释力较低,说明深圳居民在高生活压力下呈现出需求层次倒置的现象;第二,宜居满意度在深圳不同居民群体中呈现出不同的特征。总体来看,非本地户籍、青年、居住年限短、民营企业员工、原特区外辖区、城中村、男性、低学历等居民群体对深圳市宜居满意度较低;第三,生存发展因子与居民的居住辖区、户籍属性交互后解释力增强最为明显。目前空间资源稀缺、人口持续流入和购房及生活成本居高不下为深圳的宜居城市建设带来了巨大的挑战,如能有效针对深圳原特区外辖区、非本地户籍居民的生存发展因子,特别是对住房条件方面进行改善,将最大效益提升深圳...  相似文献   

近年来,房价高企,CPI连续上扬,使物价问题成为人们普遍关注的焦点。有这样一位老人,默默地关注物价、关注民生近半个世纪,在耄耋之年著写了《中国物价史》等四部经济专著,填补了这方面理论研究的空白。  相似文献   

民生 中央出妙招稳物价五大措施惠及民生 今年以来,CPI一直高位运行,物价形势不容乐观。为了保障居民生活,中央推出收紧货币政策、增加市场供应、降低流通成本、强化市场监管、发放价格补贴等五项措施稳定物价,保障市场供应。目前,菜肉蛋价全面回调,CPI继续回落的预期不断增强。  相似文献   

公房是我国计划经济年代的产物,上海直管公房、售后公房在当前管理运营中存在诸多突出问题。公房管理涉及的内容非常宽泛,包括房屋买卖置换、租金费用收缴、邻里纠纷调解、违章搭建处理以及房屋的维修维护等,是改善居民工作与生活环境、提高居住水平的基础工作,也是城市建设和管理的重要内容。完善上海老旧公房管理与运营机制,应提高物业费收缴率,加强物业管理企业自身建设,健全公房服务收费机制,加强相关政策法规的执行力度,加大政府投入,完善业主大会自治机制等。  相似文献   

通过分析近十年城镇居民的消费性支出及收入情况发现,准公共产品支出渐渐成为居民生活的主要负担,加剧贫富差距的扩大,制约着城镇居民消费力的提升。  相似文献   

大型居住社区居民社区满意度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用2014年上海大型居住社区居民生活调查数据,文章采用多类别对数比率回归模型探讨影响大型居住社区居民社区满意度的重要因素。研究发现,职住距离、居住时间、受教育程度与居民社区满意度存在负相关关系;年龄、住房产权、住房类型对社区满意度具有显著影响。  相似文献   

近几年来,民生新闻成为各大电视媒体最为普通的一种报道形式,也是老百姓最为关注最为喜爱的电视栏目.因为民生新闻节目关注的是人们的身边事,与平常百姓生活息息相关.充满了温情的人文关怀.民生电视新闻主要着眼点在于"国计民生"中的"民生"二字,是新闻宣传"贴近实际,贴近生活,贴近群众"的真实体现.其呈现特点是以平民的视角观察、记录和报道普通百姓的生活.民生新闻作为一个大众化、生活化的节目,如何提高节目的品质已经是一个值得广大电视新闻工作者关注的问题,文中结合自己的工作实践对这个问题进行探讨,并提出建议.  相似文献   

关注民生、重视民生、保障民生、改善民生是我们党全心全意为人民服务宗旨的要求。在叩晌和谐社会大门的中共十七大上,历经八十六年风雨的中国共产党绘蓝图、描愿景,切实解决有关民生的住房、医疗、教育等迫切问题,决定让普罗大众真正分享改革成果,迈向中国人的幸福生活。  相似文献   

Data on 7,632 households from the 1999 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey are used to examine household structure and living conditions in Nigeria. The study finds significant disadvantage in living conditions of single‐adult, female‐ and single‐adult, male‐headed households relative to two‐parent households. Extended households show no significant advantage in living conditions over two‐parent households if headed by women but are consistently advantaged if headed by men. Although extended households do not entirely wipe out the disadvantage of female headship on household living conditions, they show a significant mitigating potential. Efforts to understand and alleviate poverty in Nigeria may need to address simultaneously gender imbalances in access to livelihood opportunities and factors that foster nucleation of family structure into single‐adult households.  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, gender issues have been a critical partof community development in Laos. However, there has often confusion,based on misinformation, in the application of gender and women'sperspectives. This article analyzes three projects in the Bokeoprovince of Laos aimed at improving the living standards inrural communities by raising the status of women. The studyfound that the traditional village patriarchal system remainedintact and that the projects failed to improve both the statusof women and the community's livelihood. It found that successfulcommunity development projects must undertake a careful analysisof local conditions and consider whether a gender or women'sperspective should be applied.  相似文献   

Children and youth including those with impaired body function or structure, in under resourced areas, can be disadvantaged in terms of education and health care, and can experience social hardship. Within South Africa, personal, health and education support to individual children and their families in under-resourced areas is provided by care workers from the National Association of Child Care Workers. This organisation also provides training and support to their care workers to take on the role of Disability Facilitator, to extend their services to children with impaired body function or structure. This study established the views of Disability Facilitators about their work. Fourteen participants (aged 25–54 years) were individually interviewed at their own worksite. Two themes were identified from the data - Empowerment and Burden of responsibility.The theme of ‘Empowerment’ encapsulated how participants viewed disability more widely than as it relates to impaired body function and structure. Disability Facilitators empowered children and their families in a holistic way, and advocated within their community to address negative perceptions about disability. They supported the wellbeing and participation of children with disability within their local communities, and perceived their work as motivating and worthwhile. However, the second theme ‘Burden of responsibility’ encapsulated the challenges in feeling solely responsible for disability support in their community and in providing care and support for children living in dysfunctional families. They recommended all care workers receive training about disability issues to reduce the burden of responsibility on themselves. This study has demonstrated the worth of Disability Facilitators to address the challenges inherent in disabling environments. This approach to service provision offers useful insights that could be adapted into other countries and contexts.  相似文献   

The benefits of livelihoods thinking and approaches are widely recognised. This article focuses on an important gap in much of the conceptualization and application of ‘livelihood approaches’— a lack of emphasis on markets and their roles in livelihood development and poverty reduction. The omission is important, as it can lead to failure to identify and act on a wider range of market, institutional and technological opportunities and constraints. An alternative conceptualisation is proposed, with markets as one particular set of institutional mechanisms for co‐ordination and exchange in an economy. It is argued that more explicit attention to interactions between institutions, technology and assets in livelihood analysis may be valuable in conceptualising and managing programmes for livelihood development and poverty reduction.  相似文献   

The Moken and Moklen are an indigenous population residing along the Andaman coast of Thailand. They have been represented, both in popular and academic discourse, as seafaring nomads living in traditional boats and small temporal coastal communities. The overwhelmingly precept of the existing literature about the Moken is one of vulnerability and of stemming the erosion of ‘authentic’ Moken cultural identities. Identification of Moken as being under threat transpired as a consequence of the 2004 Asian tsunami, in which many Moken were killed and the plight of others who had their houses and sources of livelihood destroyed was propelled onto an international stage. This paper critically discusses how Moken identities and associated discourses of vulnerability have been depicted in media and academic literature as fixed and traditional. We argue that such rigid identity narratives contrast sharply to the contemporary realities of the Moken identities as articulated by the Moken we interviewed.  相似文献   

This paper traces feminist studies in Japan on mass media texts and the audience's readings since the 1970s in the historical and social context, and reviews them from a perspective of gender identity construction. The four studies referred to examine differences in text readings by audience, and some also explore the audience's livelihood as a background. Methodologically, the studies qualitatively analyse populations consisting of people who have been identified as representative or typical of each audience, based on quantitative surveys. The readings made by audiences are defined by characteristics of Japanese society, historical background including media environment, and living situations. In the 1970s, home–oriented adult women found common values in television dramas and identified their way of living as "woman". The studies conducted after the 1980s, on hero shows for children and on girl–oriented novels, suggest that media experience, with some momentum towards promoting changes of gender roles, still function dominantly in reproducing the existing gender system through construction of gender–specific identities. In the current era, new studies and activities of media literacy have emerged in order to raise audiences' critical awareness of text readings.  相似文献   

王星 《社会学研究》2012,(2):20-34,242
城市基层社会的参与者分为生计型参与者和权责型参与者两类。在基层社会管理实践中,代表国家的权责型参与者与代表社会的生计型参与者内部均存在着利益分化。权责型参与者处于强势地位,可以在部门利益与公共利益之间自由切换;生计型参与者处于弱势地位,相互间的利益冲突却使"社区自治"陷入需要权责型参与者重新介入才能达成的尴尬境地。中国城市基层社会秩序建构中的"悖论事实"要求我们的理论研究必须转向——从规范理论走向实证理论。  相似文献   

In this article, I examine how human wellbeing is constructed transnationally. Whereas much attention has been paid to migrants based in the North, how the out‐migration of kin affects the construction of human wellbeing of those living ‘back home’ remains little understood. Existing literature has tended to focus on the impact of financial remittances but the broader psychosocial impacts affecting human wellbeing outcomes have received less attention. In this article I suggest that this gap might be filled by adopting a human wellbeing approach to deepen understanding of what Peru‐based immediate relatives and close friends regard as the benefits and challenges of this migration. By examining how human wellbeing is constructed across material, perceptual and relational domains, this approach offers greater holism in analysis. I also extend work on ‘social remittances’ by offering insights into the meanings that ensure that migration continues to be regarded in Peru as a livelihood improvement strategy worth pursuing.  相似文献   


The main objective of the paper is to critically examine and document the living conditions of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Marawi City. Forcibly displaced more than a year ago due to armed conflict, these IDPs managed to find their way to an unoccupied building in the outskirt of Iligan City, Lanao del Norte Province, Philippines. Results show their range of main concerns such as the supply of electricity and water, health services and medicines and more importantly, food. Disruptions on children’s schooling and most especially the discontinuation of their parents’ livelihood were also documented. The community is waiting for their “turn” to access better temporary shelters provided by the government. The study utilized key informant interview (KII) among 10 household heads (from among the 75 families living in the building). Their narratives reveal several coping strategies amidst insufficient government assistance and community feeling of isolation, the most glaring of those, is the dependency to social network, capitalizing on the social ties with relatives and friends for assistance. The IDPs admitted however that the same assistance is not enough. Additionally, the reduction of food consumption and selling of food relief packs remain unsustainable in coping with their destitute condition. Moreover, the article also touches on the consequence of their displacement context on socio-familial dynamics.  相似文献   

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