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随着微博对中国社会的影响力日益增强,政务微博引起了我国各级政府的重视。通过分析我国政务微博的现状与问题,在借鉴国外经验的基础上,提出政务微博的相关建议:加强规范化管理,建立培训机制;提升微博的内容与功能,搭建政府与公众沟通的平台;凸显不同微博的特色,发挥整体联动优势;加强对微博运营商的合作与监管,重视账号安全管理,加强推广宣传,提升政务微博的影响力等。  相似文献   

政务微博的出现丰富了政治文化传播的方式,推动着政治社会化的进程,但网络社会的复杂性也给政务微博的建设提出了新的挑战。文章以政务微博为例,着眼于政治文化传播的新途径及其建设问题,在阐述政务微博的功能、特点及发展趋势的基础上,研究政务微博在政治文化传播中存在的问题,最后提出引导政务微博良性运行的对策和建议。  相似文献   

以邯郸市为例,通过分析得出,政务微博在内容上仍然是以政府宣传为主导,而且存在更新不及时、与网民沟通频率低等问题,但同时也可以看出政务微博具有主动性和原创性的特点。[1]因此,笔者认为政府应建立一个有效的政绩考核机制,把政务微博纳入政绩考核的一部分,同时也应充分利用好新媒体的特性来营造畅通有效的社会传播机制。  相似文献   

当今社会快速发展,微博已经成为了新媒体中的领军者,在现在信息化社会的地位举足轻重,政务微博更是微博中最受关注的一个类别。  相似文献   

张彦 《现代交际》2014,(10):79-80
政务微博是政府践行信息公开和开展微博问政的又一个信息平台,是运用网络技术处理政务的活动,是网络问政的一种表现形式。在实践过程中,政务微博发展呈现出"虚热"和"作秀"现象以及发展不平衡、专业化运营能力薄弱、内容失范,缺乏互动和反馈、信息发布技巧欠缺等问题,需要推进基础建设、加强制度保证、转变运作理念、提高服务意识、改进技巧、加强专业运营能力、融合媒体资源,强化媒体联动来实现政务微博的健康发展。  相似文献   

有人说,2011年是“政务微博”元年。这一年“政务微博”发展迅猛,根据腾讯微博官方统计,目前共有万余个政务机构以及公务员开通微博,遍布34个省级行政区划。其中,副厅及以上级别的机构和官员微博达266个,而在新浪微博,年初已通过实名认证的官员微博就已达1300个。无可质疑,我们正步入“微官”时代,官员们与普通网民一起,通过撬动微博这个微小杠杆,以无可阻挡之势改变了2011年的中国。  相似文献   

2012年,上海地铁第二运营有限公司发布的一条官方微博引发了广泛的网络论战。围绕"骚"与"扰"的问题,在政务微博的权威性与通俗性如何权衡、网络时代的社会公共服务管理应如何作为、权利的边界与自由的限度该如何界定、个性张扬与自由标榜中是否也存在着对他人人格与尊严的无视与冒犯、公序良俗与法律对社会秩序的维护起着怎样的作用等问题上所形成的话语盛宴,为我们提供了一个解读当下青年的社会情绪及价值取向的生动范本。  相似文献   

正"要平视、要简洁、要便民、要效率、要互动。"在"微聚政能量"政务微博交流座谈会上,重庆市委宣传部常务副部长、市政府新闻办主任周波一连说了办好政务微博的5个关键词。"二两小面,辣到通透!如此美味,何愁光盘?"这是著名作家苏芩于2014年5月24日在重庆发的一条微博。迄今为止,这条微博已经被阅读了  相似文献   

杨莉明  黄莹 《城市观察》2021,74(4):18-31,80
以粤港澳大湾区为研究对象,通过Python网络爬虫抓取了新浪微博平台上大湾区11个城市的政务微博账号于2017年至2020年所发布的、提及粤港澳大湾区的2101条微博,结合扎根理论,运用NVivo 11软件进行分析,提炼出政务微博建构湾区形象所使用的三大框架:硬实力、软实力、城际协同与紧密合作.这三个框架共同建构出粤港澳大湾区硬实力雄厚、交流合作频繁、城际协同发展的区域共同体形象.然而这些框架也存在比较局限、各自为政、表现形式单一的问题,导致湾区形象模糊空洞、不生动、缺乏整合性.通过分析造成这一现象的原因,为政务新媒体平台如何落实国家政策的宣传、做好区域形象传播提出了建议.  相似文献   

2016年年底,北京市住建委微信公众号"安居北京"一则招聘事业编工作人员的微信广为天下所知,两天加粉一万.小编幽默风趣接地气的神回复迅速蹿红,成为政务新媒体中的火爆网红.北京市人民政府新闻办公室官方微博"北京发布"推送的北京老字号美食承载文化和智慧的微博,在短短的两天时间里,阅读量超过150万.这些只是政务新媒体发展新历程中的几朵浪花,这些漂亮的小浪花,让我们充分感受到了政务新媒体的春天来了.  相似文献   

This article examines one issue in how public relations students are socialized in their understanding of the value and power of social media in the practice of public relations. The public relations academic research about social media is explored, as well as the professional claims about the value of social media as a public relations tactic. The researchers conducted a content analysis of 1 year of Public Relations Tactics issues. The data are viewed through the theoretical frame of the socialization literature ( Jablin, 1987). The results suggest that claims of social media power far outweigh evidence of social media effectiveness as a communication tool. A disconnect exists between what authors of Public Relations Tactics pieces view as the potential for social media and the research findings about the effectiveness of social media. The final section of the article discusses the implications for public relations educators, professional associations, and practitioners as they consider social media tactics in public relations strategy.  相似文献   

This paper considers a possible match between public relations and social marketing. It positions interchanges between the two as the strongest and most desirable partnership possibility for public relations with any aspect of the overall field of marketing. Working from definitions of social marketing as a profession and academic discipline, it reviews approaches, including textbooks, from the two disciplines in order to compare and contrast their strengths and weaknesses, to examine their perceptions of each other, and to identify the opportunities and challenges that social marketing represents for public relations. The paper also looks at what social marketing might learn from public relations. It concludes that public relations should look at improving the relationship as a matter of urgency in order to augment professional practices; to open up employment opportunities in an expanding market for social marketing expertise; and to improve the social reputation of public relations.  相似文献   

Almost all empirical research reveals that social capital is a factor that enhances public goods, but scholars are divided into two strands of thought. According to the first strand, the enhancement of public goods does not need any network of social relations, while, according to the second, enhancement depends on the existence and good functioning of relational networks, to the point that it consists in the creation of social networks. Which one is right? In order to clarify the issue, one should ask: can a social relation have any added social value? If so, how can we conceive of the added social value of social relations, and how can we measure it? The author claims that the added social value of social relations can be observed in those processes through which social capital and public (relational) goods (re)generate or elide each other. These processes can be analyzed as morphogenetic cycles that work in temporal sequences and are not circular or recursive. By adopting this perspective, we can see and measure the added social value of social relations in primary and secondary networks, leading to the emergence of public goods. The relational approach can give abundant evidence as to how and why different public goods are produced and/or enhanced depending on the different added social value of the social relations that constitute them.  相似文献   

This study examined how Turkey uses social media as a tool for public diplomacy and how the state’s soft-power efforts have recently changed on the global stage. The researchers constructed a dataset of 2769 Twitter posts by the Turkish government’s most influential public diplomacy accounts. The analyses revealed that the focus of Turkey’s Twitter public diplomacy has become concentrated on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and is thematically focused on the political values embodied by the Turkish president. The findings suggest that public diplomacy remains to be the diplomacy of the government, not of the public, and social media is used as just another tool for propaganda, not as a means of engagement with foreign publics. Further, the findings indicate the emergence of a “new” cult of personality in public diplomacy and point out the instrumental role of social media in changing the dynamics of leader-follower relationship. The study contributes to public relations theory and practice by advancing the burgeoning public diplomacy scholarship at the intersection of social media and relational approaches.  相似文献   

Social media has enhanced integration between marketing and public relations. As such, public relations professionals have had to adapt and grow their knowledge and skillsets to stay relevant and current throughout the evolution of the digital landscape (Gesualdi, 2019). One of the growing areas of focus for public relations professionals has been customer service skills online. This specialization, often referred to as social care or social customer service, has been promoted and discussed heavily in industry circles and publications, but not in academic research. This study focuses on the survey results from 396 employers exploring the social media skills they most prefer university graduates to possess when entering the workforce. The results indicate that public relations and customer service are the social media skills most sought after by employers of university graduates ahead of proficiency in areas such as social media content production, strategy development and analytics. The potential implications of these findings to the public relations profession are examined and future research is also discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines how the perceived locus of crisis cause, controllability, and adherence to social mission are associated with public attitude in the context of a social enterprise crisis and evaluates the differences between these variables under episodic and thematic frames of online articles. Using the crisis case of THINX in 2017 as a case study, a quantitative content analysis was performed on a sample of 503 comments under online articles. Hierarchical regression revealed that the locus of crisis cause and adherence to social mission were associated with public attitude, whereas controllability was not associated with public attitude when adherence to social mission was accounted for. Significant differences were found in the locus of crisis cause, controllability, adherence to social mission, and public attitude between episodic and thematic frames. This study provided a basis for the theoretical development of crisis communication in a social enterprise and the corresponding role for public relations.  相似文献   

上海社会组织的发展不仅需要创新模式,更需要突破传统体制机制的制约。上海需探索成立市级社会组织管理服务中心,建立社会组织管理服务的第三方评价制度;出台政府购买服务的指导目录,制定政府购买服务的办法,建立政府购买服务资金的增长机制;加大社会组织人才扶持力度,出台公益人才扶持政策,打造公益人才培训基地;制订免税扩围政策,如细化免税对象、扩大免税内容、简化免税审批流程;建立扶持社会组织发展的资金体系,如建立支持草根社会组织的扶持资金、支持企业设立公益基金、设立社会组织发展的公共资金专户;开展社会组织改革创新试点,建立国际社会组织集聚园区,开展服务于外来人口的社会组织综合创新试点,建立与国际对接的志愿者服务体系。  相似文献   

Abstract  The story of Class was ended. This is the end of the conceptualization of class as a historical and political agent, whereas stratification as a hierarchy for individual achievement still exists. The death of class means a liberation of social thoughts from the inclination to justify violence, oppression, or even genocide for the sake of history and justice. At the same time, however, it eliminates one major public framework on which we may formulate and think about public goods. Liberal egalitarian moral philosophies by Rawls, Dworkin or Sen have emerged just at around the time when the story of class was approaching an end. They substituted the old socialistic egalitarianism and were intended to establish a new public sphere of social stratification. However, Rawls' and Dworkin's theories are foundationalistic and timeless, and hence destined to failure. This paper presents a provisional scheme for public philosophy of social stratification, by which social stratification is ethically interrogated and given a chance to produce public values.  相似文献   

Authority figures may organize show trials featuring public confessions when they are faced with deep rooted contradictions within the social order and want to increase their legitimacy, delegitimize defendants, and justify increased social control in society. An analysis of the court report of the Moscow Show Trials found that these public confessions frame conflicts rooted in contradictions within the social order as acts of deviance that can be resolved with additional social control. The public confessions accomplished this using four main themes: establishing credibility, labeling the defendants as deviant, endorsing the power holder, and demonstrating closure.  相似文献   

Social media might represent the greatest social innovation/revolution in the history of communication, fundamentally altering how humans communicate, and the practice of public relations, journalism, advertising, marketing, and business. Dozens of theories and concepts including dialogue, engagement, identification, social presence, uses and gratifications, conversational human voice, and many others inform social media. However, what has commonly taken place in social media contexts and public relations has been the importation and application of other theories and concepts, rather than exploring and clarifying the unique features and capabilities of social media per se. This essay argues that social media represent a new communication paradigm, and this essay takes up the challenge of building social media theory for public relations by identifying features of social media that have emerged from existing research as fundamental to understanding social media, and eventually developing a theory(s) of social media for public relations.  相似文献   

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