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工业化和城市化的发展吸纳了大量的农村剩余劳动力,农村的土地出现了相对剩余,规模性的土地流转成为一种必然的趋势,但在流转过程中仍存在着一定的阻力。近年,农民工返乡创业潮流的兴起,为加速土地流转提供了机会。毫无疑问,农民工是促进农村土地流转的重要力量之一,有效的土地流转对农村经济发展起着良好的推动作用。本文以安徽省为例,首先阐明农民工返乡创业对于加快农村土地流转的意义,然后对农村土地流转中的阻力进行分析,最后提出相应的对策,以供有关部门参考。  相似文献   

产权代理分析下的土地流转模式及经济绩效   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
土地流转,在我国目前主要是指农地的承包经营权流转,就是拥有农地承包经营权的农户将土地经营权(使用权)转让给其他农户或经济组织,也即保留承包权,转让使用权,是基于市场交换原则、通过土地使用权流转价格反映的特定经济行为。本文针对我国土地流转的现状,以对六省各县市的大量实地调研为基础,总结了三种土地流转模式:私人代理、政府代理和市场代理模式,并对各种模式下的土地代理绩效做出比较分析。针对在各种土地流转模式中存在的问题,本文认为只有靠明晰土地产权,结合合理高效的市场机制以及土地中介机构,同时配合国家提供便利的制度环境,土地流转才会不断在实践过程中,逐步适应现代农村经济的市场化发展要求。  相似文献   

我国的农村土地流转政策目前正在实施,本文以淄博市农村土地流转政策的实施为例,通过实际调查与走访,详细了解了淄博市农村土地流转政策实施的现状,针对如何做好土地流转工作提出几点建议,希望为土地流转政策在我国的实施提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

甘肃地处中国西部内陆,是农业占比重很大的省份之一,人均耕地超过全国平均水平,但自然环境差、土地贫瘠、农村土地分散、生产力水平低、土地利用率不高.这一特征在陇中黄土高原贫困山区表现得更为明显,这里的土地流转速度不是在加快而是处在停滞状态,这与农村经济发展的要求极不相适应.通过对陇中黄土高原贫困山村——吉山村土地流转情况的调查分析,认为贫困山区在土地流转的萌芽阶段,村级组织启动流转土地,要因地制宜引导并发展适合本地的产业,从提高农地效益着手,培育土地需求主体,使土地流转由买方市场向卖方市场转化,让农户有较高的流转收益,提高农户自觉流转土地的积极性,建立起与其经济发展水平相适应的、可持续发展的土地流转模式,提高土地流转活力,实现多方共赢.  相似文献   

在工业化、城市化步伐日趋加快的今天,如何同步加快土地流转,发展现代农业,已成为经济社会发展的当务之急.浙江省慈溪市,以建立全覆盖的土地流转中介组织为突破口,完善土地流转的政策激励机制,突破重重障碍,走出了一条政府推动、市场主导,规划先行、结合社保的新路子.  相似文献   

如何保障农民的土地权益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国在农地流转、土地征收以及集体建设用地流转等方面进行了一系列改革与创新,强化了对土地承包经营权的保护,提高了征地补偿标准,初步建立了失地农民的社会保障体系,通过集体建设用地流转保护了农民以土地权利参与工业化、城市化的利益,取得了明显成效.  相似文献   

农村土地承包经营权流转市场运行机制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以上海、山东、湖北等地的土地承包经营权流转先行试点地区为例,分别从法律法规和试点实践经验等层面研究探讨构建土地承包经营权流转市场运行机制的客观必然性,提出构建土地承包经营权流转市场运行机制的总体框架和运行机制,以促进农村土地承包经营权有序流转,加快形成农业适度规模经营。  相似文献   

为了解西藏民族地区农村土地流转状况,促进农村土地流转市场的健康发展,采用查阅文献资料、实地调研、问卷调查、召开座谈会相结合的方法在昌都地区进行了调查。调查结果表明:农村土地流转规模较小、层次较低;流转土地用途逐渐多样化;流转主体比较单一;缺乏专家学者推崇的股份合作方式;土地收益上涨较快;以及土地流转和利用地区发展不平衡。说明昌都地区农村土地流转还处于自发流转阶段,流转形式不规范,机制不健全以及对土地流转的认识不足等问题,地方政府应从建立、健全和完善土地流转市场体系,做好土地流转有关基础性工作,引导当地土地流转健康发展。  相似文献   

随着大量的青壮年农民工进入城市,农村出现了大量的剩余土地,土地流转也就应运而生。平原地区的土地流转进展得颇为顺利,如何让丘陵山区剩余土地顺利进入土地流转,并产生更大的效益?本文通过对荥阳市刘河镇的土地流转研究,提出了建设性的想法。  相似文献   

我国土地流转发展趋势的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐冠军 《职业时空》2010,6(7):156-158
通过调查发现,农民对于土地流转政策认同度较高,但在具体参与过程中,市场化程度明显不足,未来土地流转更容易走向分散化流转格局,集中化流转格局形成难度较大。  相似文献   

臧得顺 《社会学研究》2012,(1):78-105,244
本文以周雪光的"关系产权"为学术起点,基于产权研究的社会视角提出了"关系地权"的分析性概念,明确了其原则、层次和类型,尝试构建一个地权研究的分析框架,用以观察和分析当下中国乡村的地权制度与乡村社会结构的新变化,并用臧村的几个典型农地纠纷案例予以经验支持。研究发现,在以臧村为代表的村落中,"关系地权"的强力原则在地权配置实践中占据强势地位。在市场化、城市化日渐深入乡村共同体的背景下,一个围绕农地牟取私利的"谋地型乡村精英"逐渐形成。作为新时期乡村社会结构的实体要素之一,该群体的行为对当代中国以"家庭承包责任制"为主体、以"均等原则"为特征的地权分配方式起着严重的扭曲和变形作用。  相似文献   

詹水芳  齐峰 《科学发展》2014,(2):105-112
上海深化农村土地管理制度改革的思路是:通过有序流转承包农用地,促进农业规模经营、集中经营;通过归并、整理农民宅基地,促进农民集中居住;通过有序开发、规范利用农村集体建设土地,为农村第二、第三产业发展提供空间;通过完善征地补偿制度,确保农民利益。为此,上海要抓紧开展确权登记工作;培育新型经营主体,推动农业规模经营;加快宅基地归并和土地整理;完善农村集体建设用地流转收益分配制度;鼓励利用农村集体建设用地建设公租房;完善"征地留地""征地留房"等补偿安置方式。  相似文献   

上海要深化农村土地管理制度改革,在农村承包地流转方面:要加强引导,规范农村土地承包权流转;加强扶持,构建完整的政策制度体系;制定规则,形成机制保障。在农村集体建设用地流转方面:要真正实施国有土地与集体土地"同地、同价、同权";要正确处理集体建设用地节约、集约利用与增加农民财产性收入的关系;要制定郊区集体建设用地的各类标准,控制用地总量;要制定集体建设用地使用权流转的配套政策;要建立完善的农民社会保障体系,清除集体建设用地流转的障碍。在农村宅基地置换、退出方面:要建立农民宅基地分配、使用、置换、流转、收回政策体系;要采取限制措施,严控宅基地的新增趋势;要采取滚动发展模式,解决宅基地置换资金缺口大的问题。  相似文献   

Rural development and urban migration: can we keep them down on the farm?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study tests the hypothesis that rural development projects and programs reduce rural-urban migration. The author presents various factors in the social theories of migration, including those relating to origin and destination, intervening obstacles such as distance, and personal factors. 3 economic models of migration are the human capital or cost-benefit approach, the expected income model, and the intersectoral linkage model. Empirical studies of migration indicate that: 1) rural areas with high rates of out-migration tend to have high population densities or high ratios of labor to arable land, 2) distance inhibits migration, 3) rural-urban migration is positively correlated with family income level, and 4) selectivity differences in socioeconomic status between migrants and nonmigrants often are grouped into development packages which might include irrigation, new varieties of seed, subsidized credit, increased extension, and improved marketing arrangements. The migration impacts of some of these efforts are described: 1) land reform usually is expected to slow rural out-migration because it normally increases labor utilization in rural areas, but this is a limited effect, 2) migration effects of the Green Revolution technology are mainly in rural-rural migration, and 3) agricultural mechanization may stimulate rural-urban migration in the long run. Development of rural social services migh have various effects on rural-urban migration. Better rural education, which improves the chances of urban employment, will stimulate rural-urban migration, while successful rural family planning programs will have a negative effect in the long run as there will be reduced population pressure on arable land. Better rural health services might reduce the incentive for rural-urban migration as well. It is suggested that governments reconsider policies which rely on rural development to curb rural-urban migration and alleviate problems of urban poverty and underemployment.  相似文献   

孙雷 《科学发展》2010,(4):58-63
上海最有基础最有条件按照“两个趋向”的要求,在统筹城乡发展、破除城乡二元结构方面先行先试。本文结合上海实际,提出统筹城乡发展是加快上海经济发展方式转变的客观需要,加快新城和城镇化建设是统筹城乡发展的重要途径,推进农村集体建设用地有偿使用和流转是统筹城乡发展的突破口,着力破除城乡二元结构是统筹城乡发展的根本要求,加强党对“三农”工作的领导是统筹城乡发展的组织保障。  相似文献   

李宝媛  武明伟  杨明  刘雅 《职业时空》2012,(2):128-129,134
土地整理和利用是新民居建设中的重要工作点,对新民居建设以及社会主义新农村建设的深入推进具有重要影响。通过对河北省廊坊市新民居建设中土地整理利用工作开展调查,分析当前现状及存在问题,探讨如何合理规划利用土地,切实推进新民居建设。  相似文献   

In this paper, processes of gentrification are assessed in relation to non-commercial farming: the production of agricultural commodities without the intent of earning a living. The author argues that due to the connection between residence and productive assets (particularly land) inherent in farming, agricultural gentrification represents a special case, distinct from rural and urban gentrification, where gentrification is possible from within the existing farm household. Pluriactivity of the farm household enables both economic capital accumulation and alterations in the cultural capital held. Similar to rural and urban gentrification processes, agricultural gentrification leads to landscape change. Both non-commercial farming and gentrification processes are found to have been encouraged by the state, through post-productivist polices and laws aimed at commercial agricultural producers. The author argues for further research on farmers as consumers of rural amenities, and raises questions about the environmental impacts of ‘non-commercial farming’ and the acquisition of farm land by the wealthy elite.  相似文献   

This paper has two interrelated aims. The first is to contribute to knowledge about rurality, gender and Indigeneity. This is undertaken by the first author, Bebe Ramzan, an Indigenous woman living in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands. Bebe shows similarities across rural and remote areas in Australia and details her knowledge and experience of home, rurality, rural communities, land and gender. The second aim of the paper is to examine issues surrounding the involvement of academic white women in Indigenous research. Writing from the position of feminist white women Barbara Pini and Lia Bryant reflect on theories of whiteness as cultural practice and in this paper contest representations of rurality in rural studies as white.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2005,21(3):297-312
The Dutch countryside forms the scene for pressing problems of management and allocation of land and water. These problems underscore the need for comprehensive rural policies. For that purpose, area-based rural policy has been initiated. This new policy is part of a larger policy shift, labelled in literature as ‘new rural governance’. Area-based rural policy co-ordinates the different interests of stakeholders and establishes consensus-based solutions. In this article we question this claim. We analyse the conflicts, rationalities and interests within a Dutch rural planning project. This project displays a power struggle in which actors try to (de)construct legitimacy. This observation contrasts sharply with the consensual rationality on which area-based policies are founded. Therefore, we conclude that a tension exists between ‘what should be done’ and ‘what is actually done’ in Dutch rural policy. Area-based policy does not guarantee the establishment of consensus among rural stakeholders. Therefore, Dutch area-based policies need to be contextualised to purposefully address spatial rural problems.  相似文献   

关于上海松江区发展家庭农场的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
顾海英 《科学发展》2013,(12):56-62
上海松江区改革农村土地管理制度,规范农村承包地流转,创新农业经营主体,培育、发展家庭农场,取得了明显成效。松江家庭农场经营模式为上海乃至全国发展家庭农场提供的启示是:顺应形势发展,为家庭农场成长创造良好的外部环境;培养职业农民,为家庭农场发展提供坚实的人力保障;加强扶持服务,为家庭农场发展提供有力的政策支持。推广松江家庭农场模式,要注意把握好3方面的问题,即:家庭农场经营规模"度"的问题;土地如何"流转"的问题;政策措施"扶持"的问题。  相似文献   

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