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As often discussed in rational-choice literature, it is important to distinguish between so called low cost and high cost situations, if one wants to apply rational-choice models in order to explain social phenomena. But not only these two rather extreme and rare types of situations should be considered, but also the majority of real situations which are positioned somewhere between high and low cost situations. It is shown that in low cost situations a rational-choice explanation is not possible, whereas in high cost situations it would be possible. But it is not necessary, because a more parsimonious model (where the relatively relatively pretentious premise of maximization of utility does not have to be included) would lead to the same result. Only in the remaining types of situations rational-choice models are recommendable. These situations are characterized by opportunity costs that are unequal to zero but which are not distributed in favor of only one option. Therefore, it is appropriate to analyze in a first step the kind of situation in which the behavior under investigation occurs, and only then, in a second step, to develop an explanation model. This does not necessarily have to be a rational-choice model.  相似文献   

Following Boudon social disparities at educational transitions can be linked to primary and secondary effects of social origin. Whereas primary effects describe social differentials in scholastic performance, secondary effects represent social differences in educational choices that are independent of performance. We use four panel surveys of graduate cohorts that have obtained eligibility for higher education between 1983 and 1999, provided by the German Higher Education Information System (HIS). By applying counterfactual decomposition methods we estimate the relative importance of primary and secondary effects at the transition to tertiary education. Our results indicate that secondary effects are the main driving force in the creation of social disparities at the transition to tertiary education, accounting for more than 80% of the differential between service class and working class offspring. Particularly financial aspects connected to the choice of post-secondary alternatives, interest in academic work and the type of Abitur degree can explain these effects. Furthermore, even though we observe a small increase in social selectivities at the transition to higher education, the relative importance of primary and secondary effects does not change within our observation period.  相似文献   

Altogether, 2,196 students from 29 Austrian universities took part in an empirical investigation on learning and communication in e-learning courses. The students completed a questionnaire on their experiences in an actual e-learning course, on their perceived learning achievements, and their enjoyment of the course. Furthermore, they expressed their preferences for online or face-to-face communication. All in all, students were satisfied with their course. They did not prefer one communication setting over another. They preferred online-communication for the distribution of information but advocated face-to-face communication when joint learning and cooperation are important or when socio-emotional relations are to be developed. The results of the study advocate blended-learning designs and give recommendations for which communication purposes online and for which face-to-face settings are more adequate.  相似文献   

To date, research on teamwork and health is sparse. This accounts for teams with low-qualified workers in particular. In this paper a work psychological model for resource and stress management in teams and a study with teams of low-qualified workers are presented (N?=?265 in 33 teams). Results of multi-level analyses show, that team resources in the social work system and understaffing in teams as a team stressor have significant influence on collective coping and explain team differences. Further, team resources in the technical work system, i.e. the quality of teamwork design have significant influence on psychosomatic complaints. These influences go beyond the influences of socio-demographic variables and individual job stressors and job resources.  相似文献   

While concentrating on the rise of modern capitalism, Weber’s seminal studies have little to say about the impact of religions on contemporary economic development. The paper comments about recent approaches to find an answer to the questions Weber left open. If one disregards a priori constructions of culturalist and rational-choice-theories, these approaches end up again in restating the circular relationship between ideas and interests showed already by Weber, albeit clearly with a higher emphasis on interests. However, the author argues that it would be premature to interpret this result simply as a confirmation of Weber’s “disenchantment” thesis. Rather, it goes back to the transformation of the economy itself into an entity that preaches “values”, proclaims “visions” and in this sense develops an affinity to religious movements. The author deepens this view by referring to Marx’ and Polanyi’s interpretation of capitalism as a system of disembedded markets. The disembedding of markets gives rise to a historically new potential of social uncertainty which the actors need to cope with, thereby developing symbolisms showing striking affinities with religious forms. Nevertheless, the analogies between capitalism and religion are limited.  相似文献   

The influence of the social situation on the physical distance and, as measured by a questionnaire, emotional intimacy between participants was experimentally studied (N = 90) in a cooperative, a competitive, and a neutral social situation. Results indicate that the physical distance was greatest under neutral conditions. The cooperative condition produced the strongest feeling of intimacy. It is argued that the neutral condition is irrelevant to the participants’ behaviour and level of attention to other persons. Further, intimacy can only arise if an interaction is both positive and relevant. The correlation between physical and emotional distance turned out to be relatively small, in accordance with the range usually given for attitudebehaviour correlations.  相似文献   

Despite considerable inequalities, the long period of prosperity has led to an increase of wealth and assets in broad parts of the population. The article builds on the thesis that this “collective upgrading” is accompanied by a change of preferences concerning the role of the state and the market in matters of social security. On the basis of this assumption, we ask whether there is a relationship between home ownership and the receipt of a larger inheritance/gift on the one hand, and social policy preferences on the other hand. In order to answer this question, we analyze—based on the German Socio-Economic Panel—group-specific preferences of taking responsibility for financial security in old age in Germany in 2002 as well as their change between 1997 and 2002. Our results not only show that homeowners and homebuyers are more sceptical towards state solutions and more affine towards market solutions in 2002 than tenants, but also that in the course of time the former more strongly tend towards market solutions than the latter. The same is valid for the difference between heirs/donees and non-heirs/non-donees. Therefore, it can be concluded that the increase of wealth and the privatisation of retirement provision were an essential precondition for an increasing scepticism towards governmental redistribution ambitions.  相似文献   

This study examines gender specific differences in chat groups. It is assumed that men participate more in communication than women, that women will be perceived as less influential and will use different communication mechanisms to exert social influence. In addition, the effects of a coherence training for women will be evaluated. A 2 × 2 experimental design (topic, training) with gender as quasi-experimental variable was used to investigate 99 students in 33 triads discussing a career-choice dilemma via chat. Statistical analyses show that men participated more in the discussion and women were perceived as less influential independently from topic and training. Trained women communicated more coherently compared to untrained women. Analysis of communication mechanisms show that women differed from men in ways how to exert social influence. Practical implications as well as methodical limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

Altruistic reciprocity means the unconditional tendency of ego to return any experienced action, no matter if the receiver is the same person ego has received the action from or not. Altruistic reciprocity is one candidate for the explanation of cooperation in anonymous, complex societies. In order to fulfill this function, altruistic reciprocity must work also with costly actions that are not socially controlled and directed to an anonymous third party. However, the experimental evidence shows no altruistic reciprocity if it is costly and directed to a third party. It remains unclear if there is costly and directed altruistic reciprocity. Reciprocity as a catalyzer of cooperation seems to be restricted to two situations: 1) Situations with social control where reciprocity is operative by social norms and/or strategic considerations. 2) Anonymous situations where reciprocity is cost-free and directed to the donor. Therefore, reciprocity seems not suitable as a motivator for cooperation in real anonymous situations, e.g. in a second-order free-rider problem.  相似文献   

This article discusses the by the evolution genetically preformed behavior of human beings in group settings and the socially valued acting in small groups (a social representation) as naturally given and socially desirable. This is the individual behavior in groups which is automatically facilitated by evolution and culture. These guidelines known as normative influences are successful under specific tasks (selection advantage), other tasks with different aims than the reproduction success are hindered by the same internal facilitation leading to the well-known effects of losses of group performance. Against this natural behavior in groups (internal facilitation) group facilitation methods, which are task oriented, have to be developed (external facilitation) to avoid the losses and reach the expected advantages. Theoretical and practicable hints are given.  相似文献   

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