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基于上海市流动人口与本地居民的调查数据,文章采用探索性因子分析方法对流动人口的社会融入感和本地居民的社会接纳度的结构及现状进行了探讨。并采用多元回归模型进一步分析了个人特征、经济因素及社会作用对流动人口社会融入感、本地居民社会接纳度的影响方式及作用机制。研究结果显示:本地居民的主观接纳意愿对流动人口的社会融入感影响最为显著;社会地位较高的本地居民形成了对流动人口主观上排斥、客观上依赖的矛盾现象,社会地位较低的本地居民则相反;流动人口的自身素质、经济实力以及社会参与对其社会融入至关重要;另外,作为国际性大都市的上海存在着流动人口既想融入大城市,又融入困难的尴尬现象。流动人口的社会融合是双向的、互动的,也是漫长的、艰巨的,需要政府、本地居民以及流动人口自身的不断努力。  相似文献   

自1978年中国改革开放以来,城市劳动力需求剧增,人口流动政策逐渐放松。大量的农村劳动力抱着改善经济和生活条件的梦想流入城市打工。近三十年,流动人口规模迅速扩大,由1982年3000万激增到2005年的1.47亿。根据2000年人口普查的数据,女性流动人口规模已达到2001万,占流动人口总量(4242万人)的47.2%,大多数女性流动人口到工厂打工,因而派生出一个新的称谓——“打工妹”。  相似文献   

李雨潼 《人口学刊》2022,44(1):99-112
近年来,中国老年流动人口规模逐年增大,作为流动人口中的一个相对弱势的群体,他们的社会融入问题不仅关系自身的健康与生活质量,也关系区域经济社会的平稳发展。本文选用2017年“全国流动人口卫生计生动态监测调查”数据,从17万流动人口样本中筛选出6049份有效样本,从社会融入的意愿、客观社会融入程度和主观社会融入程度三个方面对老年流动人口社会融入现状进行分析,并实证分析其主要影响因素。我国绝大多数的老年流动人口对于现居住地具有强烈的社会融入意愿,社会融入意愿高于流动人口总体;老年流动人口的客观社会融入程度较低,明显低于流动人口总体;老年流动人口感受到的本地人排斥程度小于流动人口总体。老年流动人口的社会融入程度存在主客观差异,主观社会融入程度较高且高于流动人口总体。鼓励和引导老年流动人口多与人来往,尤其是多与同乡以外的人来往,引导本地居民以更开放和包容的心态对待老年流动人口,有效提高老年流动人口的社会融入程度。流入地政府部门应将老年流动人口相关问题纳入区域整体规划,分层次、分类型制定有针对性的政策与方案。相应职能部门应重视老年流动人口,打破区域壁垒、实现流入地与流出地之间各项服务对接,将老年流动人口纳入社区服务对象范畴。  相似文献   

上海市干1993年12月10日对全市流动人口进行了调查。本次共调查了分布在各区县的9万余户家庭及旅馆、水上等系统。本次调查对象是夕哈市、港、澳、台、国外与本市之间,市中心区、新市区及郊县之间,郊县与郊县之间的流动人口,不包括市中心区内部;新市区内部以及县内跨乡镇的流动人口,也不包括现役军人。根据本次调查资料,1993年12月10日,全市流入人口为281万人,流出人口为47万人.在全市流入人口中,来自外省市,港澳台和国外的为251万人,在全市流出人口中,去外省市、港澳台和国外的为17万人。按行政区域分,在全市流入人口中,市…  相似文献   

陈湘满  翟晓叶 《西北人口》2013,(6):106-110,116
2012年.国家人口计生委组织了第五次“流动人口动态监测调查”,在湖南省抽取的样本分布在长株潭等14个地市,本文以该样本数据为基础,选取流动人口融入意愿、对城市喜爱程度、对城市发展关注度、城市居民接纳态度等四个指标来衡量流动人口社会融合状况:运用OLS计量模型。对流动人口社会融合影响因素进行实证分析。结果表明:经济因素不再是影响流动人口社会融合的主要因素,流动人口年龄、受教育水平、社会公共政策等成为重要影响因素:女性比男性具有更高社会融合度;受教育水平越高、积极参加社区活动和城镇职工医疗保险的流动人口具有更高社会融合度。  相似文献   

此心安处是吾乡--流动人口身份认同的区域差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
身份认同是流动人口社会融合的重要组成部分,受客观社会环境和主观意愿等多方面因素的影响。利用2014年“流动人口社会融合及心理健康调查”数据,使用线性回归和二元逻辑斯蒂回归方法,分析当前制度区隔与结构排斥下流动人口身份认同的地区差异,文章发现,流动人口身份认同的现状较为复杂,呈现认同意愿“内部有别”与认同结果“人地一致”的特点,即“居留意愿”较低的城市中流动人口的“入籍意愿”较高,“融入于地”状况较好的城市中流动人口“本地人身份认同”度同样较高。从区域分割视角来看,除“入籍意愿”较高外,东部大城市流动人口的身份认同状况不容乐观。同时,受流动跨越行政距离的影响,省内流动人口具有较强的“内部优势”,其身份认同状况优于跨省而来的流动人口。  相似文献   

2007年底,广州市已登记纳入管理的外来人口近500万人。外来人口的流入,既为经济社会的发展提供了人力资源和智力支持,也给城市管理和人口计生工作带来巨大的挑战和压力。广州市根据流动人口的特点和变化发展趋势,着力推进流动人口计生服务管理工作“一基三化”(即:以流动人口管理平台为基础,实现流动人口计生工作的规范化、信息化、法制化)取得了明显成效。  相似文献   

近年来,江苏省南京市各级计生部门在市委、市政府的领导下,坚持以人为本的科学发展观和正确的政绩观,以社区建设为重心,明晰各级职责,创新融入机制,发挥协调职能,全面落实“属地管理、单位负责、居民自治、社区服务”的城市社区人口与计划生育管理机制,使全市流动人口计划生育管理与服务工作在城市社区综合治理中取得新进展,得到了有关部门和社会各界的肯定。一、适应形势,抓住契机,促进流动人口综合管理新体制的建立针对大规模的人口流入趋势,市委、市政府审时度势,制定了“适应城市改革发展新形势,探索建立流动人口综合管理新体制”的工作…  相似文献   

文章在相关文献的基础上,从社会融入现状评价和预期两大视角,具体包括现住城镇喜欢程度、关注程度、接纳程度、平等程度、幸福程度和意愿融入程度、户口迁入预期和长期居住预期等8个方面,构建能够反映流动人口城镇社会融入状况的信心指数.并将该指数用于2012年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据的分析研究,分别从总体状况以及不同省份、不同城市类型等角度,解析流动人口城镇社会融入信心水平.该指数的构建及应用能够为政府及相关行业发展提供可靠的信息支持,能够根据社会融入现状指数和预期指数提前预判流动人口未来的流动方向、社会融入趋势和程度等,为相关政策的制定与执行、城市社会发展规划提供依据.  相似文献   

随着城乡一体化步伐的加快,人口流动越来越频繁,流动人口数量越来越大,据不完全统计,广西壮族自治区桂林市目前共有流动人口47万,其中流入人口17万,流出人口30万。2010年以来,桂林市在建立和推广流出人口"协议式管理、亲情化服务"和流入人口"人来登记、人走注销"的旅店式管理服务模式的基础上,紧紧把握好本市被国家4部委确定为"创新流动人口服务管理体制,推进流动人口计划生育基本公共服务均等化试点城市"的契机,强化流动人口计划生育服务,流动人口计划生育基本公共服务均等化工作全面落实,全面促进了流动人口计划生育整体水平的提高。  相似文献   

X Ma 《人口研究》1988,(2):1-7
Under the auspices of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and UN funding, a study was undertaken to assess Chinese urban migration and urbanization. A 2% random sample was taken of 74 cities of varying densities (divided into 5 categories ranging from "especially large city" to "town") from 16 provinces. This encompassed 23,895 households, 1,643 collectives and 100,167 people. Major data include: 38% of the subjects had migrated at least once; 7.58% lived away from home for at least 1 year; 23.98% were temporarily away from home at the time of the study; 3.6% were at home. With the exception of the "especially large city," which absorbed 46.5% of urban migrants, more migrants entered "towns" than they did "large city." Migration to the "especially large city" fell from 56.6% in the 1950s to 32.5% between 1981-86, whereas migration into the other categories increased. For example, population movement into towns jumped from 12.3% in the 1950s to 28.6% in 1981-86. In all 5 categories, intra-province migration was larger than inter-province migration. Over half of the urban migrants moved from villages to towns. More men migrated to cities than women, but slightly more women than men migrated from villages to cities (due to marriage customs). 56.6% of migrants were between 15-30 years; 23.34% were workers; 21.54% were farmers. Reasons given for moving were many, but the most often cited was work related. Work related moves often meant that such migration was dictated, rather than voluntary. Also, social, economic and political upheavals directly affected the pattern of urban migration from 1949-86. Current government policy is to develop smaller cities and to limit the growth of already densely populated areas. Until cities can provide adequate housing, food and jobs for its inhabitants, governmental intervention in some areas will continue to be necessary.  相似文献   

Y Xiong 《人口研究》1988,(4):20-24
The paper analyzed data from a migration survey in 74 Chinese cities and towns in 1986. Several characteristics of the migrant population were found from the data analysis. The biggest proportion of migrants was in 20-24 age group. This age group sent 26.1% of the migrants to metro-cities, 27.6% to large cities, 25.1% to median sized cities, 22.4% to small cities, and 22.2% to towns. Migrants in the 15-29 age groups accounted for 50% of the migrants to different-sized cities and towns. Female migration is 4.2-15.4% lower than male. The proportion migrating because of marriage ranged between 84/7-92.5% to different-sized cities for females, which is much higher than for males. The level of education in the migrant population is higher than in the general population, as educational qualifications are important for job opportunities. Those with middle school and above education, make up the bulk of the migrants, and 30-40% of the migrant population to big cities increased their educational level after migrating. The currently and never married comprise, the majority of the migrant population, while the number of widowed and divorced is minimal (2 and 0.4%, respectively). Most of the widowed were 60 years old and migrated for subsistence to cities where their children lived. Among the unmarried migrants, female make up 1/3. Whereas among the married, there are more females than males.  相似文献   

段成荣  吕利丹  王宗萍  郭静 《南方人口》2013,28(4):44-55,80
文章利用2010年第六次全国人口普查数据,概括和分析全国流动儿童的人口学特征、迁移特征和受教育状况等关系流动儿童生存和发展的基本情况。流动儿童规模庞大、增长迅速、且分布高度集中,多数来自农村;跨省流动儿童约占三分之一;他们作为父母的随迁者已属于长期流动的人口;流动儿童的受教育状况有所好转,但情况依然不乐观.仍然有2.94%的义务教育阶段适龄流动儿童未按规定接受义务教育,流动儿童的学前教育和高中教育问题亟待解决。文章分析结论期望能为流动儿童各方面问题的解决提供基本的依据。  相似文献   

Temporary Migrants in Shanghai Households, 1984   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In China, temporary migration is defined as a change in place of residence without a concomitant change in household registration; such mobility therefore encompasses a more heterogeneous set of movements than is usually subsumed under this heading in other nations. Because of China's strict control of permanent migration to large cities, temporary migration has become an important strategy for adjusting to economic changes and to effecting family reunification. The Shanghai Temporary Migration Survey of 1984 focused on one segment of temporary migrants, the 58% living in the households of permanent residents. Multinomial logistic regression suggests the heightened probability that close relatives of the household heads come to Shanghai to visit or to live, and nonrelatives to work. Regression on current and expected duration shows that many intended to stay for a year or more, some for up to 20 years. Their presence in the city places added strains on infrastructure and raises questions about the continued efficacy of China's migration policies.  相似文献   

在经济社会转型、人口频繁流动的条件下,婚迁由乡到城的单向迁移转变成为城乡互动的双向流动。婚迁者留在城市还是回到乡村,要取决于多种条件。本研究通过测度跨省婚迁的性别比发现,自1990年来的20年间我国省际婚迁性别比下降近一半。全国省际婚迁性别比呈现城市-城镇-乡村两端大中间小的“微笑曲线”。在婚迁的空间选择上,男性以城市为主,女性则以乡村为主。进一步分析影响婚姻迁移的因素发现,经济变量中人均GDP对总婚迁和城市婚迁呈正向影响,城镇和乡村呈负向影响;居民收入和消费状况对婚姻迁移产生正向影响,但消费的城乡差别则对其产生负向影响;人口的城乡流动与迁移以及社会变量中各因素对跨省婚迁产生正向影响,而文化变量中的各因素则形成负向影响。  相似文献   

人口流动家庭化及其影响因素——以北京市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于2006年北京市1‰流动人口抽样调查,考察北京市流动人口的家庭模式及其流动家庭化的影响因素。调查结果显示,北京市流动人口的家庭化率已达到60%。流动人口家庭模式是以一对夫妻户和一对夫妻加孩子户为主的核心家庭为主导,以一代户和二代户为主。3/4的已婚流动人口携带了配偶,有孩子的流动人口中有一半携带了孩子,这些孩子中有近20%是在北京出生的。流动人口的平均家庭规模为2人,明显小于全国农村的平均家庭规模(3.4人)。流动人口的个人特征及在京居住地显著影响人口流动家庭化,同时还发现非经济因素成为比经济因素更为重要的人口流动家庭化影响因素。  相似文献   

李刚  肖莉 《西北人口》2010,31(6):5-9
近些年来,随着中国经济实力增强、移民者强烈的改变生活条件与生存环境的内在愿望以及其他原因,导致中国人口跨界转移改变了以往单向流动的格局,许多外籍移民涌入中国城市。虽然外籍移民的出现,会给中国城市带来一定的活力,但是由于这是一个新现象,因此,中国城市管理当局在管理外籍移民时存在着主观上认识不到位和管理制度不健全等方面的不足。为了解决这些不足,除了完善相关法律法规外,还应提高管理人员的综合素质,并采取趋同管理办法。  相似文献   

史晓浩  王毅杰 《南方人口》2010,25(2):32-41,31
与其父辈不同,流动儿童的城市社会交往遵循独特的运作逻辑。从其城市生活的社会情境出发,学校类型、家庭教育与社区结构,都会影响到流动儿童与城市社会的接触机会、交往过程.从而产生不同的交往后果。学校在流动儿童城市社会交往中扮演着格外重要的角色,流动儿童的学校类型不同,其城市社会交往的逻辑迥异。在不同的学校空间,流动儿童建构出了不同的交往文化。公办学校的流动儿童获得了更多与城市儿童及其家长接触的机会,他们与城里人的交往频率也更高,因而更有可能冲破身份制度的藩篱,从结构上实现与城市的社会融合。民工学校流动儿童则正在经历从“文化再生产”到“社会再生产”的过程。  相似文献   

The paper explores the impact of rural-to-urban migration on the social mobility of individuals, comparing rural-to-urban migrants with rural and urban natives. Using life history data from the 1983 Korean National Migration Survey, the authors examined the pattern of migrant adjustment by estimating the 1st difference form of the autoregressive equation. They found a disruptive effect of rural-to-urban migration that disappears gradually after migration. This study provides strong evidence that most rural-to-urban migrants successfully adapt to urban life through upward occupational mobility relative to both rural and urban natives. This finding sharply contrasts with previous studies on the urban informal sector, which emphasize selective rural-to-urban migration or the inability of migrating individuals to adapt to city life. Moreover, this study showed that a principle cause of the rapid expansion of Seoul is that migrants are more likely to be upwardly mobile when they are destined for Seoul rather than other cities.  相似文献   

Paydarfar AA 《Demography》1974,11(3):509-520
The migration pattern to Shiraz, a southern city of Iran, is not consistent with the general pattern observed in cities of the other developing nations. Migrants to Shiraz are largely from other cities, and they are more advanced educationally and socioeconomically and less traditional than native Shirazi. This study is based on 1,061 interview cases collected at random. The sample consists of 612 nonmigrants, 125 rural migrants and 324 urban migrants. These groups were compared on thirtyfour indices measuring various facets of the respondents' life-styles. The three groups differed statistically on most of the indices. Fatalism and possession of modern appliances were the most important factors differentiating the three groups.  相似文献   

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