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黑龙江省第六届人民代表大会常务委员会第29次会议,听取并审议了省人民政府关于我省贯彻实施《民族区域自治法》情况的报告。会议认为,三年来我省认真贯彻实施了《民族区域自治法》,在保障少数民族的平等权利、正确处理国家和民族自治地方的关系,维护和发展各民族平等、团结、互助关系,发展少数民族地区的经济和文化建设事业等方面做了大量的工作,并取得了显著成绩。但也存在着一些问题,主要是有的地方对《民族区域自治法》的学习、宣传还不够深入普遍,对实施《民族区域自治法》的重要意义认识不足,对民族自治地方的自治权不够尊重,照顾民族自治地方的经济利益和按照民族特点办事不够,少数民族地区经济和文化建设还不适应形势发展的需要。为了推动《民族区域自治法》的全面贯彻实施,特作如下决议。  相似文献   

<正>多年来,我省各级政府和各个部门认真贯彻实施"一法两规定"(《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》、《国务院实施<中华人民共和国民族区域自治法>若干规定》、《湖南省实施<中华人民共和国民族区域自治法>的若干规定》),民族建政、民族法制建设、民族干部培养、民族自治地方的经济社会  相似文献   

《民族区域自治法》颁布实施20 年来,我厅按照《民族区域自治法》的有关条文规定,采取强有力的措施,大力发展民族地区水利事业,为我省民族地区经济发展提供了有力支撑。一、从依法行政的高度充分认识扶持发展民族地区水利事业的重要意义《民族区域自治法》第六十三条明确规的:“上级国家机关在投资、金额、税收等方面扶持民族自治地方改善农业、牧业、林业等生产条件和水利、交通、能源、通信等基础设施。《湖南省实施〈民族区域自治法〉若干规定》第八条规定:“上级国家机关要帮助民族自治地方发展水利水电事业。在符合规划要求的前提下,优…  相似文献   

问:《民族区域自治法》在处理国家统一领导和行使自治权方面,是怎样体现原则性和灵活性相结合的? 答:《民族区域自治法》在处理国家统一领导和行使自治权方面,作了许多原则规定,如“各民族自治地方都是中华人民共和国不可分离的部分”,“民族自治地方的自治机关必须维护国家的统一”;“民族自治地方的自治机关行使宪法第三章第五节规定的地方国家机关的职权,同时依照宪法和本法以及其他法律规定  相似文献   

湖北省民族宗教事务委员会兼职委员单位认真贯彻落实民族区域自治法新修改的《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》和《湖北省实施<中华人民共和国民族区域自治法>若干规定》加大了上级国家机关对发展民族自治地方所承担的责任,突出的特点就是要"加大投入、加快发展"。近几年来,省直有关部门特别是省民族宗教事务委员会兼职委员单位认真贯彻实施民族区域自治法,加大了对"一州两县"的帮扶力度.促进了民族地区经济和社会事业的全  相似文献   

本文认为 ,民族区域自治制度是解决我国国内民族问题的基本政治制度 ,也是保障西部大开发战略实施的重要制度。认真贯彻执行新修改的《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》 ,对实施西部大开发战略 ,加快西部地区各民族的繁荣进步具有重要意义。贯彻实施民族区域自治法的关键是用足、用活民族区域自治法赋予民族自治地方的自治权  相似文献   

田钒平 《民族研究》2015,(2):1-14,123
通过配套立法构建民族自治地方的自治机关与上级国家机关有效履行职责的法律约束和保障机制,是《民族区域自治法》得以实施的重要路径。但因《民族区域自治法》的一些不完善之处迄今仍未有效解决,使得相应的配套立法机制也成为一些学者批判并意欲否定的对象。由于立法者的实践经验和能力、民族自治地方经济社会发展状况、法定责任主体特性及履职方式等因素的制约,决定了通过配套立法实施《民族区域自治法》的客观必要性。配套立法主体在其职权范围内的立法活动,较好地解决了《民族区域自治法》的原则性、概括性规定的补充、细化和完善,促进了民族区域自治法律制度体系的发展。关于由全国人大及其常委会通过法律修改或解释替代现行配套立法制度的动议,是不妥当的。  相似文献   

《宪法》、《民族区域自治法》和《国务院实施〈中华人民共和国民族区域自治法〉若干规定》在法律条文中使用了大量无法通过法律解释予以明确的"程度性动词",这些"程度性动词"的使用,取决于民族区域自治权本质上是民族自治地方获得"国家"特殊照顾和优惠的权利这一"积极权利"的性质;民族区域自治的法律性文件在条文中使用"程度性动词",正是国家根据实际情况落实民族区域自治权的弹性需要。  相似文献   

民族区域自治法颁布实施5年来,取得了很大的成绩,但存在的问题也不少。各民族自治地方普遍反映强烈的是:按照民族区域自治法规定应由民族自治地方自主管理的事情,上级国家机关往往放权不够,统得过死。特别是一些上级业务主管部门的政策性文件,从一般情况考虑较多,照顾民族自治地方特殊性不够。“一刀切”现象严重。有些不适合民族自治地方实际情况的指示、决定,民族自治地方往往不能依法变通执行或停止执行。对民族区域自治法实施5年来存在的问题,党中央、全国人大常委会和国务院领导都十分重  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》(以下简称《民族区域自治法》)做为指导我国民族关系的基本法,对于维护民族团结、加快民族地区发展、保障民族自治制度发挥了十分重要的作用.《民族区域自治法》颁布实施20年来,总结过往经验、研究政策措施、共商民族地区发展大计,必将进一步推进我省民族地区经济社会发展.我委贯彻落实《民族区域自治法》的做法是:  相似文献   

民族自治地方对外贸易和边境贸易,是我国社会主义商品交换和商品流通在少数民族地区的特殊形式。民族自治地方开展对外贸易,具有得天独厚的地缘优势、人缘优势和政策与法律上的优势。民族自治地方具有开辟对外贸易口岸、开展边境贸易的自治权和享受国家优惠政策的贸易管理权。民族自治地方必须服从国家统一的贸易体制,改进和完善内部管理机制,依法严格管理对外贸易秩序,按照WTO要求尽快完善外贸法治建设。  相似文献   

李军 《民族学刊》2016,7(5):44-48,109-110
The legislative public participation in ethnic minority autonomous areas has its legal basis. The fifth regulation in the lifa fa ( The Leg-islative Law ) of China makes a general require-ment on public participation in legislation. In order to ensure the effective participation of the public in legislation, some ethnic minority autonomous re-gions have outlined some requirements on public comment, demonstration, and hearing during the legislative process through autonomous regulations. These ethnic minority autonomous areas are com-prised of both autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties. However, the breadth and depth of the public participation in legislation in ethnic minority auton-omous areas is inadequate, and a perfect mecha-nism of public participation in legislation in ethnic minority autonomous areas has yet to be formed. This is mainly reflected in the following aspects:1 ) The relevant laws of public participation in leg-islation have not been perfected;2 ) The enthusi-asm of public participation in legislation is not high;3) Legislative information is not fully open, and the feedback mechanism has not been perfec-ted;4 ) The limited approach for public participa-tion in legislation, and the lack of ethnic and re-gional characteristics. To improve the mechanism of public partici-pation in the legislation of ethnic minority autono-mous areas, we can start with the following:1 ) Improving the legal regulation of public participation in the legislation of ethnic minority
autonomous areas The state and the ethnic minority autonomous areas should develop operational laws of public participation, so as to provide a legal basis for the public’s participation. The ethnic minority autono-mous areas should fully integrate the actual situa-tion of the local ethnic people and create autono-mous regulations with local characteristics, protect public participation rights, and promote public participation in legislation in an orderly and effec-tive manner. 2 ) Improving the level of enthusiasm forpublic participation in ethnic minority autonomous areas From a subjective standpoint, correct ideas on public participation in legislation in ethnic minority autonomous areas should be cultivated. Firstly, the awareness of the public participation in legislation in ethnic minority autonomous areas should be pro-moted . Secondly the autonomous organ’s concept of legislation should be changed. From an objective point of view, on the one hand, we should vigor-ously promote the development of the economy in ethnic minority autonomous areas. On the other hand, we should make great efforts to promote the development of civil society. 3 ) Improving dissemination of information and feedback mechanisms for public participation in legislation of ethnic minority autonomous areas The dissemination of information publicity and feedback mechanism of the public participation in-ethnic minority autonomous areas should be estab-lished on the basis of two-way communication and
consultation between the autonomous organs and the population of all ethnic groups in ethnic minori-ty autonomous areas. Autonomous bodies fully dis-close all kinds of legislative information to the pub-lic, from whom the autonomous bodies obtain legis-lative views, through to the legislative information feedback to complete the legislative interaction be-tween the two sides. 4 ) Developing and expanding effective meth-ods of public participation in the legislation of eth-nic minority autonomous areas The effective methods of public participation in the legislation of ethnic minority autonomous ar-eas can be considered from two standpoints:The first is the endogenous mode of public participation in legislation. This means, according to its own objective conditions and actual needs, relying on the inner force of the autonomous bodies and the populations of all ethnic groups, the ethnic minori-ty autonomous areas can explore and innovate suit-able methods for the local legislation of public par-ticipation. The second is the exogenous mode of public participation in legislation. This means, in order to expand the public participation in the leg-
islation, ethnic minority autonomous areas learn, understand, and borrow some foreign public partic-ipation methods and techniques, making it a suit-able method for local public participation in legis-lation.  相似文献   

司法救济是保障权利的最后一道屏障.发展自主权是民族自治地方自治权行使能力或程序的集中体现,司法救济缺位制约民族自治地方发展自主权的落实.民族自治地方发展自主权需要司法救济,这既是中国实施西部大开发战略和加入WTO的迫切需要,也是维护自治权和建立健全社会主义法制的内在要求.  相似文献   

陈云霞 《民族学刊》2013,4(4):62-70,120-122
一直以来四川民族自治地方开展了具有一定广度和深度的非物质文化遗产保护工作,逐渐形成了国家、省、市(州)、县四级非物质文化遗产代表性名录保护体系。非物质文化遗产保护的"后申报时期",四川民族自治地方应力争实现民族自治地方文化资源与优势资源结合、民族文化资源带动经济发展方式的深刻转变,探索非物质文化遗产保护常态化、产业化、多元化、专业化、制度化的发展策略和制度支撑。  相似文献   

少数民族犯罪社会控制论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将犯罪社会控制分为国家本位与社会本位两种形态,认为我国的犯罪控制必将实现由国家本位向社会本位的转型:刑事政策需要调整、重视非刑法规范的功能、倡导社会而非政府主导。论文认为中国少数民族犯罪的社会控制必须适应这种转型,尊重民族政策、关注民族因素,并提出社会控制转型的若干对策。  相似文献   

自治区自治条例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族自治地方自治机关拥有法律规定的立法权。自治机关的立法权主要是制定和变动自治条例和单行条例的权力,自治条例是民族自治地方立法机关和政府行使自治权力的法律标志。自治机关制定自治条例是全面实施民族区域自治制度的需要,是自治机关行使自治权的根本体现。由于多方面原因,到目前为止我国5个自治区无一出台自治区自治条例。制定和出台自治区自治条例必须严格遵循法律规范、法定原则和法定程序,新修改的《民族区域自治法》和西部大开发战略的实施是促成自治区自治条例尽快出台的契机。  相似文献   

民族自治地方立法权问题研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国现行立法体制具有“一元二级多层”的特点。民族自治地方立法权是我国立法体制中的一个重要组成部分,本文阐述了民族自治地方立法权的主要内容,分析了民族自治地方立法权在我国立法体制中的地位,并提出了相应的完善意见。  相似文献   

民族区域自治制度是中国政府根据中国的实际情况用特殊措施保护少数民族人权的一项基本政治制度.民族区域自治权是民族区域自治制度的重要内容,是中国少数民族人权的重要方面.自治机关自治权的完善和充分行使问题,是新时期完善和发展民族区域自治制度的核心问题.  相似文献   

"夷夏变迁"与明清"改土归流"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
明清两朝都实施了改土归流政策,但其结果却大相径庭,主要原因在于两代君主民族观的差异。明朝皇帝坚持儒家传统夷夏观,对"以夷治夷"的羁縻政策有着天然的依赖性,不可能对土司制度作出彻底的改革;而本身为少数民族的清朝皇帝,因不满儒家传统夷夏观中的民族歧视而对其进行了批判继承,把从唐代就开始萌芽的"华夷一体"的新民族观应用到实际的民族政策中,其结果就是土司制度在清代的基本结束。  相似文献   

许洪位 《民族学刊》2016,7(3):62-72,119-120
After 60 years of implementation, the ethnic regional autonomous policy has provided basic political support for promoting the common development and prosperity of all ethnic groups. Especially since the period of “Reform and Open-ing Up” began, the national preferential policies and support for ethnic minority areas gradually in-creased, and economic and social development in the ethnic minority areas clearly speeded up. Ac-cording to official statistics, after more than 30 years of “Reform and Opening Up”, the economic growth rate of China’s ethnic minority areas is high-er than the national average. However, at the same time , the economic and social development gap be-tween different ethnic groups has become more and more pronounced. The development of the ethnic groups has created a structure of multiple dispari-ties, which fundamentally restricts ethnic unity, as well as political and social stability in ethnic areas of China. This structure of multiple disparities re-flects the imbalances mainly in four aspects: 1 ) the ongoing large gap between the ethnic minority areas and Han Chinese regions remains; 2 ) the unequal economic and social development among the various ethnic minority people has expanded;3 ) the economic gap within the same ethnic minor-ity autonomous region has gradually become more pronounced;and, 4 ) the differences in develop-ment within the same ethnic group who live in vari-ous regions of China are also very obvious. The multiple inequalities of the economic and social development of China’s ethnic groups add more complexity to the ethnic problems of China. The disparity in economic and social development between different ethnic groups is not only an eco-nomic problem, but is also a significant political issue. Hence, promoting a balanced economic and social development among the various ethnic groups has a very obvious practical significance for main-taining ethnic unity, promoting national integra-tion, and maintaining national stability . Based on the discussion above, this article mainly explores which kind of ethnic policy can ef-fectively resolve the multiple disparities found with-in ethnic development and is beneficial for promo-ting the integration of the various ethnic groups in China? On the basis of summarizing and reviewing approaches found in earlier research, the author puts forward the following core ideas:1 ) The economic and social development differences of various ethnic groups have formed a pattern of multiple disparities in China, and it is no longer simply a gap between the Han and ethnic minorities. Since the implementation of the “Re-form and Opening Up” policy, the differentiation or disparity between China’s ethnic minorities has become more and more pronounced—this phenom-enon constitutes a new challenge to China’s ethnic unity and national unification. Therefore, we must adjust ethnic policy in order to solve the “true problem” or “new problem” concerning China’s ethnic problem. 2 ) The multi-faceted disparities found in the economic and social development among China’s ethnic minorities result from many factors, inclu-ding institutional, policy, historical, geographical, cultural, and psychological. Therefore, we must realize a diversity of ethnic policy, and build a comprehensive ethnic policy system. 3 ) For the purpose of realizing the integration and state construction of the ethnic groups, in ad-dition to implementing the current policy of differ-entiation, we must also ensure a “four balanced and coordinated development”. This includes a balance between the Han areas and ethnic minority areas, a balance among the various ethnic minori-ties themselves, a balance within the same ethnic minority areas, and a balance within the same eth-nic group who live in different areas. This requires the central government to strengthen a double dif-ferentiation and collaborative orientation of ethnic policies concerning the market, labor, resources, technology, and capital.  相似文献   

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