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This research develops a Decent Work Questionnaire (DWQ) to measure workers’ perceptions of decent work. Current measurements of decent work are almost completely lacking at the individual worker level of analysis, and this study contributes to filling the gap. The authors designed their DWQ based on the substantive elements used by the ILO in its Decent Work Agenda, with the final 31‐item version of the DWQ yielding seven factors related to decent work. Showing good reliability coefficient values and good convergent and discriminant validity, this DWQ could open up new avenues for empirical studies on the concept of decent work.  相似文献   

Before the 1960s in Hong Kong, specialized vocational services for people with mental illness were very limited, and sheltered workshop seemed to be the only option for their future vocational placement at that time. As discussed in the literature, there are still many shortcomings of the sheltered workshop model, that brings us to the emergence of another community-based vocational service: Supported Employment. Unlike traditional vocational services, the concept of supported employment emphasizes the placing of the clients into integrated work environments and then providing on-going support and work-related skills training in the job post. Though supported employment services help many clients to sustain a job in the competitive market, many service barriers and problems still remain unsolved. These service barriers and problems will be discussed in this article, and suggestions will be made.  相似文献   

Social workers seeking licensure in most states must pass one of the four different written examinations developed by the American Association of State Social Work Boards (AASSWB). These examinations are claimed to be valid measures of professional social work knowledge and competence to practice. To test this claim, we administered the multiple-choice 50-item Advanced practice examination contained within the official AASSWB Advanced study guide to 42 first year MSW students. Weblanked out the actual question content, and asked the students to select the correct answers from among the four choices given. Chance would suggest that the average score should be about 25% correct (one out of four). In actualitythe students' scores averaged 37% correct, a statistically significant difference. These results challenge the content and discriminant validity of the AASSWB examination and call for further studies on the examinations' value.  相似文献   

Using data from 593 at-risk adolescents (12–17 years) this article reports on an examination of the psychometric properties of a reduced version of the Youth Services Survey (YSS), a youth self-report measure of service quality. The paper reports on the content validity, internal validity, reproducibility, floor and ceiling effects and responsiveness of the measure. The analysis supports the use of a 13-item version of the YSS as a valid and reliable measure of service quality. The YSS-13 is broadly consistent with “The Big Three” principles of PYD. Therefore the measure can be used to assist service providers in assessing the extent to which their service delivery aligns with these principles and to identify areas where service delivery can be strengthened.  相似文献   

This paper describes a workshop intended to promote greater understanding and future cooperation between health visitors, general practitioners and social workers. The workshop has been run for students on qualifying courses but its content and procedures are relevant for programmes for qualified workers. The paper outlines the aims and practice of the workshop and some of the issues arising from it.  相似文献   

The education system's responsibility for social workers to be is a central argument in the academic arena. The purpose of the article is to present an innovative perspective about social work education promoted for several years in the Catholic University in Milan. The education experience with students, social workers to be, gave life to a particular workshop ‘Social Work Orientation’ characterized by different and innovative activities. The experience presented focuses on relational principles such as empowerment, peer facilitation, involvement of service users, and facilitation, following the idea that teaching and learning could be a simultaneous process. Revealing is the experience of ‘service users as professors’, a meeting day in the university between students and service users, a sharing of life stories and relationships. The future social workers learn from the service users, accustoming themselves to considering the service users as people able to cope with their life situations even before enrichment with all the professional tools. The feedback collected about this experience (from students, service users, and professors) shows that the possibility to experiment from the beginning in this approach facilitates the students to become social workers oriented to empowerment and relational processes.  相似文献   

Macro practice focuses on community-level interventions, such as management, organizing, research, and policy advocacy. Despite social work's deep roots in this type of work, macro practice and macro practitioners often practice without support or connections with other macro practitioners, and are underrepresented in the profession. In 2006, a group of social workers, including academics and practitioners, formed the Association of Macro Practice Social Work (AMPSW). AMPSW works to strengthen the professional identity of macro practitioners, elevate the status of macro social workers, and address common concerns within the social work profession.  相似文献   


Social work faculty and practitioners have long argued the definition and parameters of the advanced generalist concept. This article explores the concept of generalist-advanced generalist in practice and in education and advances a paradigm for framing the Bachelor of Social Work-Master of Social Work educational continuum. It further argues that the generalist-advanced generalist continuum is particularly well suited to practice in small towns and rural areas. It further argues that the generalist-advanced generalist continuum is particularly well suited to practice in small towns and rural areas because it provides an educational strategy for preparing both entry level and advanced level social workers with the full range of skills needed for practice in these environmental contexts because content on advanced generalist practice is infused in all foundation, field instruction, and areas of specialty in the advanced curriculum.  相似文献   


The unstable, even precarious labor conditions of many frontline service jobs in the United States should render them undesirable to upwardly mobile young workers. Yet for many, these types of jobs complement, rather than infringe upon, their broader lifestyles. Drawing on six years of ethnographic research in upscale Los Angeles restaurants, I show how front-of-the-house service workers navigate portfolio lives—sustained though shifting arrangements of labor and leisure that blur the boundaries between the two. I describe how these workers, who are mostly young, white, and college educated, leverage both personal resources and workplace structures to weave their restaurant jobs into their larger webs of activities. I close by discussing how the concept of portfolio lives extends theories of boundaryless work careers to the urban service economy, though these dynamic assemblages remain subject to class and race inequalities.


This paper explores how workers try to manage their emotions under conditions that doom them to fail. The workers in question—floor instructors at a sheltered workshop for people with developmental disabilities—were expected to infuse clients with positive feelings about work and to help transform them into committed workers. But structural conditions—boring, poorly paid assembly work and long gaps between contract jobs—forced them to obtain clients' compliance through coercive and confrontational emotion management techniques that contradicted their ideological beliefs. The floor instructors sought to peacefully increase their control over clients through “preventive emotion management” but most often they experienced a loss of control, leading some of them to experience “burnout.” This paper defines burnout as “occupational emotional deviance” that workers experience when they cannot manage their own and other's emotions according to organizational expectations.  相似文献   

A team building activity, the image exchange, was helpful to interdisciplinary teams in clarifying perceptions and opinions of participants about the roles of each discipline (child welfare, domestic violence, mental health, and substance abuse workers) at a five-day interdisciplinary training workshop. Discussion of team members’ perceptions and views provided opportunities to develop insights about misperceptions. Training in team development and role clarification provided a foundation for the development of effective interdisciplinary collaboration, which may improve interdisciplinary practice.Dr. Packard is an Associate Professor and Dr. Jones is a Professor in the School of Social Work at SDSU. At the time of writing, Ms. Nahrstedt was a Research Assistant in the School of Social Work at SDSU. This project was funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children, Youth, and Families.  相似文献   

This paper details a systematic literature review identifying problems in extant research relating to teachers' attitudes toward reporting child sexual abuse and offers a model for new attitude scale development and testing. Scale development comprised a five-phase process grounded in contemporary attitude theories, including (a) developing the initial item pool, (b) conducting a panel review, (c) refining the scale via an expert focus group, (d) building content validity through cognitive interviews, and (e) assessing internal consistency via field testing. The resulting 21-item scale displayed construct validity in preliminary testing. The scale may prove useful as a research tool, given the theoretical supposition that attitudes may be changed with time, context, experience, and education. Further investigation with a larger sample is warranted.  相似文献   

This article explores the new roles of frontline workers in Dutch local welfare agencies against the background of recent active welfare state reforms, with a specific focus on frontline workers involved in activating social assistance recipients. The results presented in the article come from case studies in four local welfare agencies. The article investigates how active welfare state reforms have influenced the room for discretion of frontline workers, how discretion is managed in local welfare agencies, and how frontline workers cope with discretion. The article argues that the discretion of activation by frontline workers has increased significantly. The research results show a clear though not unambiguous shift from a bureaucratic towards a more professional treatment of frontline workers, combined with attempts to introduce a more performance oriented style of management. However, given the low level of institutionalisation of the profession of activation work, activation frontline workers still seem to be professionals without a profession. This not only makes activation work a rather individual project, it also entails risks for clients for whom activation services may become unpredictable and lacking in transparency.  相似文献   

This article investigates the complex relationships between service workers and customers in both luxury and nonluxury retail settings. Though much of the sociological research on sales and service work concentrates on relatively low‐status positions, this research explores the importance of the service worker as expert and artisan. Using the concept of emotional labor introduced by Hochschild, this study examines whether emotional labor, in certain service and sales contexts, can be used to create and maintain relationships between employees and customers. This research suggests a more complete theoretical understanding of service work as well as practical policy implications applicable to such concerns as turnover and morale, training and orientation, and communication and supervisory strategies.  相似文献   

Activation work – the complex task of motivating, compelling and assisting marginalized citizens into labour market participation – pinpoints critical issues of discretion and accountability in the welfare state. Investigating accountability measures aimed at ensuring qualified discretionary judgements is therefore important. In this article, I discuss the reformed Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service and the accountability measures aimed at discretionary judgements of frontline workers. The conclusion is that, because activation tasks in the Norwegian frontline service imply professional discretion more than administrative discretion, structural measures aimed at restricting the discretionary space of frontline workers seem to have only limited impact. This is because the knowledge necessary to perform means – end judgements is insufficient. Rather, there seems to be a need for epistemic measures aimed at improving the knowledge base for professional discretionary reasoning.  相似文献   


This paper reports on a six-year qualitative study of social workers’ perspectives on factors influencing decision-making in children and families social work in England. Data collected between 2010 and 2016 reflect frontline practice during a period of substantial change and reform in UK social work. This paper builds on an earlier analysis with data from all three stages of the study capturing the lived experiences of practitioners ranging from student social workers to qualified advanced practitioners in management roles. Data from 9 focus groups comprising 51 participants were analysed using grounded theory. Data analysis generated four representative categories: developing agency in the social work role; troubling emotions; transitions in the development of expertise and the impact of organisational cultures in children and families social work services. An emerging theoretical framework is presented. This identifies the significance of transitions and threshold concepts in the development of the social work professional from the role of students as ‘outside players looking in’ through to the expertise of qualified practitioners as ‘inside players’ within organisations. Recognising periods of liminality, transitional learning and uncertainties in developing decision-making expertise may be of significant benefit to social work education and the profession.  相似文献   


Work and family are two major institutions in society. Family has been considered as an important socializing agent for an individual's growth and development, while work provides the individual opportunities to develop a sense of identity and a self-image. For people with mental illness, work has been recognized as an important tool for facilitating psychiatric rehabilitation. In fact, the work experiences of those with mental illness have an effect on their family relationships, which may in turn affect their mental health. Using an intensive interview method, this article shows that work experiences from sheltered workshops have a significant impact on the family relationships of workers in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

This article explores both the process and outcomes of a seminar series on the concept of access for people with learning difficulties. The seminar topics chosen to foster dialogue across professional and disciplinary boundaries included access to information, education, employment, the law, health, leisure, community, past histories and future plans. The seminars brought together people with learning difficulties and their support workers, researchers and professionals, to examine the expert knowledge of people with learning difficulties in negotiating access, the role of practitioners in mediating access and the contribution of research to understanding access. The aim was to develop a rich, shared understanding of the concept of access for people with learning difficulties. However, a huge amount of ‘access work’ had to be done to achieve this. The article discusses that access work and proposes a multidimensional model of access and ways of promoting it.  相似文献   

We determined primary factors in allocating support for vocational opportunities and continuing job placement for clients with mental disabilities. The study analyzed 29 items regarding work attitudes and vocational skills for 70 clients as assessed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Rehabilitation Center for the Physically and Mentally Disabled. The evaluations were performed using the situational assessment approach with a 3-point support scale system assigned through observation of behavior. The results of these evaluations placed 35 clients in employment groups (A and B) and 35 clients in a sheltered workshop group (C). The data was analyzed by multivariate analysis. Predictions of success and functional differences among the groups were indicated by the data. Differences were found among the three groups in work attitudes and skills such as "self-direction" and "directions for social participation". Out of the 35 clients currently employed, 11 were recognized as needing ongoing assistance from supported employment offices. For the supported employment group (B), the major work attitudes and skills for which they required continuous services for maintaining stable jobs were 'emotional stability' and 'learning of working skills and accomplishment of work.' In a previous study, the major differences between the competitive employment group (A) and the sheltered workshop group (C) were in areas of 'responsibilities,' 'goals for life,' 'motivation for the work and understanding of contents for work,' and 'safety during work.' Our study supports these findings. In addition, transition from the sheltered workshop to supported employment required training to improve skills and support for 'responsibilities,' 'goals for life,' 'participation in leisure activities and community-based activities,' and 'preparation and cleaning for work.'  相似文献   

The role of supervisors to aid injured workers, access health care, and provide reasonable accommodation may prevent prolonged disability among workers reporting musculoskeletal pain. Although supervisor training has been a common element of broad-based ergonomic interventions to prevent injuries, the impact of supervisor training alone to improve injury response has not been studied. In a controlled design, 11 supervisors in an intervention group and 12 supervisors in a delayed intervention control group from the same plant were provided a 4-hour training workshop. The workshop emphasized communication skills and ergonomic accommodation for workers reporting injuries or health concerns. Workers' compensation claims data in the 7 months before and after the workshop showed a 47% reduction in new claims and an 18% reduction in active lost-time claims versus 27% and 7%, respectively, in the control group. Improving the response of frontline supervisors to employees' work-related health and safety concerns may produce sustainable reductions in injury claims and disability costs.  相似文献   

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